How To Deal With Sabotaging Collegue

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Do you have a colleague who tries to sabotage you and your work?

In addition to
setting very clear boundaries, it is important to establish a game plan moving forward
to secure your reputation and position.

First Things First

The best way to deal with this type of coworker is to reduce or minimize all in-person,
phone, and online interaction. If possible, request to work with other colleagues on
group projects. Take lunch and coffee breaks with others present. Lock your
computer and file cabinet when away from your desk. And, avoid any non-work
related outings with this individual.

Establish a Game Plan

When you do interact, keep track of those communications by creating an electronic

paper trail. For instance, if you send an email, copy your boss or another team
member so that you have proof of the dialogue. If you come up with an idea and are
afraid that your coworker will take credit for it, let your boss know that it was your
idea by including her in the email chain. Creative language will help you to save face
and demonstrate a team-first approach. For instance, “Pam, per the Boss’ directive, I
look forward to working with you on this project. As we discussed, my idea is to [xyz].
Boss, I’m copying you here to ensure we’re on the same page. I’m glad that we are
moving forward with my suggested design.”

Secure Your Reputation

No one likes a complainer. Still, it is vital to speak up and to serve as your own biggest
advocate. Bring evidence when speaking up to your boss or HR. Strive to remain
constructive in your comments. Consider language like, “I want to be as productive as
possible. It is difficult for me to meet daily goals when Pam [xyz].”

Take the High Road

Remember that it is possible for both of you to succeed without stepping on one
another. Lead by example. Be alert and polite while protecting yourself and your
reputation. When possible, take emotion out of the situation. Steer clear of drama so
that you may spend more time focusing on your personal and professional objectives.
Remember that bullies often move to a new target when they do not receive a desired

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