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Nama : Azmila Shofa Azza Maula

No : 05


Forgive Me!
Today is the start of the odd semester. Sinta lightly steps toward class. The white ashes in
their uniforms look brilliant in the morning sun. Class 1 yesterday, as usual, Sinta's report
card was satisfying. Ranking one more. What his parents say every new semester always
ring in his ears.
"You are our only daughter. Therefore never let us down. "
"I don't want you to let your guard down, there are lots of people out there who want the
position you are in right now."
"Mama and dad became what they are today because of our very hard struggle. You want to
be like us right? To be respected, have expertise, be respected, and earn a great income?
Study and study is the key. Don't let other things bother you and make you weak. "
Sinta sometimes feels tired and bored with all that must be lived.
This tutoring course is that, occasionally I want to take my eyes off for a while to see the
world. Beautiful teenage world. But he always convinced himself that all that was just a
desire he did not deserve. He did not want to make his parents disappointed. He did not
want to make his parents' pride fade when there was a family gathering.
Noisy morning. Everyone is happy. Talking to each other about the vacation they went
through two weeks ago, including Gita Sinta's seatmate, who is now joking with Andre and
Raisa. Only Sinta sat quietly staring at the cheerful faces of her friends and then scratched
them on the sheet of her notebook.
Then that moment arrived. The moment when his eyes were fixed on the face of
someone who had just come with Mr. Ikhwan.
"Children, introduce, this is Sandra, your new friend. I hope you can become good friends
for Sandra, okay? "
Mr.Ikhwan's words were greeted with cheers from his male friends. Meanwhile the girls
whisper to each other with their seatmates. Sandra sat right in front of Sinta with Reni. Lila,
Reni's classmate, moved to school this semester following her parents who had to go to
work outside the island.
Sinta glanced at Gita, who was very enthusiastic about Sandra's existence, and for some
reason it upset her.
Sinta looked at the beautiful painting on the sheet of book that opened before her. The
library is always the place when the break time comes.
"Hey, did you bring a pen or not, can I borrow it?" A sweet voice sounded in Sinta's ear, but
it didn't make her eyes move from the page she was absorbing.
"Sinta? Bring a pen or pencil maybe? "
Sinta turned to the origin of the voice. He was stunned by someone who had just spoken
to him.
"Oh yes, here." Sinta took a 2B pencil in her shirt pocket.
"What are you reading?"
Without saying a word, Sinta shifted the book before her. Sandra smiled.
"Uh, you know, at noon in the Serambi Gallery there will be an exhibition of paintings by
this artist. We can meet with the artists and talk, isn't it cool? ”Sandra shifted the book back.
"I want to go there, but everyone I invite is not interested. How about you? Aren't you very
excited about going there? ”Sinta was very happy with Sandra's invitation, this artist is her
favorite who always gives her lots of inspiration, but in her head has piled up a list of events
today that she never missed.
"Sorry, I have lessons." Sinta answered flatly.
"Hmm, what time do you take your tutor?"
"3 o'clock, but before I was there ..." Before Sinta could finish his sentence, Sandra spoke
"Well, this is a suitable name, how about we go there first, the porch is located behind your
tutoring place right?"
Sinta nodded.
"So, how is it? one pedal two islands exceeded right? Imagine you can meet the person plus
admire the paintings and some of the installations directly, rather than just looking here
from a book. "
Sinta paused, also true what Sandra said
Maybe it wouldn't be a problem if he skipped a one-time meeting at his Traditional Dance
Les, he thought.
Sinta then looked at Sandra and finally nodded with certainty.
After school, the two of them went to Serambi to watch a painting exhibition. They had
fun, especially since Sinta had never felt what her friends had felt before. Moreover, he can
meet with his favorite painter and a little chat with him. It became an unforgettable
experience by Sinta. Unfortunately when he was at the exhibition he kept thinking that his
parents would know what he was doing there.
It was true that what was thought of Sinta, had not had time to rest her mother called her
"You have disappointed Mom, your friend will only disturb your concentration. Making
friends with just anyone can only mess up your head. "
Sinta was silent, bowing her head deep. It turned out that Mama saw that she was with
Sandra out of the Porch Gallery this afternoon and that made her angry.
"Sinta, you already have a schedule that you must follow. Why did you break it. We have
paid dearly for your dance class. "
Sinta silent.
"You know, what Mama and Papa do to you is for your own good. For the sake of your
future. So you can do many things, be the best. And not easily subverted. "
Sinta snorted.
I don't want to be a superhuman; I just want to be myself
Since his mother spoke loudly to him, Sinta always avoided Sandra, and made the girl
Sinta only talks as needed, when Sandra asks her to talk.
One year has passed well by Sinta. Her UN score is the highest in school. How proud of
his parents. Instead of feeling happy, Sinta is actually sad because at this time what she
hopes for has run aground in the hands of her own parents. Sinta looked at the college
entrance registration form with a torn heart.
"Hey, haven't we talked for a long time?"
Sinta was surprised, Sandra smiled
At first he thought of leaving the place, but he undo it. He convinced himself that this might
be his last meeting with the girl because soon they would be leaving this school to continue
their education to a higher level.
"Congratulations, as always, you are indeed invincible."
Sinta smiled.
"Thank you, congratulations to you too."
Side glanced at the paper in Sinta's hand.
"What is the plan to choose? Art?"
Sinta shook her head.
Sinta shook her head again.
"Oh, yes? Turns out I guessed wrong? "
"You're not guessing wrong. If I may choose, I really want to enter one of the majors. "
"So why not?"
Sinta shrugged her shoulders.
Sandra looked at his friend's depressed face.
"Parents' desires, huh?"
Sinta nodded.
"You don't say what you want?"
"It's useless, I have no right to have desires. Some say children are assets. And assets cannot
develop on their own without the intervention of the owner of the asset. "
Sandra bit her lip.
"Hey, cheer up. Even though it feels heavy, your parents surely know that all of this is the
best for you. "
Sinta just smiled.

Sinta bows her head deeply. While his mother threw a very disappointed disappointment
to her father. Angered, annoyed, disappointed they took it off right then and there. Her ears
until it is made hot. Sinta knows that this is her fault because she has disappointed her
parents. Sinta takes the college entrance test without any interest in studying in the direction
her parents choose. Actually, the problem was easy for him, but who knows what was in his
mind at that time so he inhabited circles that were not supposed to be spheres.
"Sinta, from tomorrow there will be a private teacher for you. You don't want to disappoint
mom and dad again next year, right? "
Sinta nodded weakly.
"Now enter the room. You are punished. That's what you deserve now. "
Sinta enters her room. His heart hurts so much.
God. I am tired. Forgive me.

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