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Primary & Secondary
University of
Notre Dame
Australian Curriculum: Science (Year 2)
Sub-strands Content Descriptions Achievement Standard
• Living things grow, change and have offspring similar to themselves (ACSSU030). Science Understanding
Biological sciences
At Standard, students describe changes
Chemical sciences • Different materials can be combined for a particular purpose (ACSSU031). to materials and living things, and how
a push or a pull affects an object’s
• Earth’s resources are used in a variety of ways (ACSSU032). behaviour. They identify that certain
Earth and space
sciences materials and resources have different
• A push or a pull affects how an object moves or changes shape (ACSSU033). uses.
Physical sciences
• Science involves observing, asking questions about, and describing changes in, objects and Science as a Human Endeavour
Nature and
events (ACSHE034).
development of Students describe examples of where
science science is used in people’s daily lives.
• People use science in their daily lives, including when caring for their environment and living
Use and influence of Science Inquiry Skills
things (ACSHE035).
• Pose and respond to questions, and make predictions about familiar objects and events (ACSIS037). Students pose and respond to
Questioning and questions about their experiences and
predicting predict outcomes of investigations.
• Participate in guided investigations to explore and answer questions (ACSIS038). They use informal measurements to
Planning and
conducting • Use informal measurements to collect and record observations, using digital technologies as make and compare observations.
appropriate (ACSIS039). Students record and represent
observations and communicate ideas
• Use a range of methods to sort information, including drawings and provided tables and through
Processing and in a variety of ways.
analysing data and discussion, compare observations with predictions (ACSIS040).
• Compare observations with those of others (ACSIS041).
• Represent and communicate observations and ideas in a variety of ways (ACSIS042).

• Students have completed guided reading with texts on CONCEPT MAP
forces and motions (for example, ‘Forces and Motions’ by
Casey Rand).
• Whole class shared reading with the text, “Who Sank The
Boat?” Developing concepts of sinking and floating.
• Students consider and identify places in their
• Strong literacy links in this unit are evident through student
engagement with literature, communicating ideas and
environment where the force of pushes and pulls Maths
are evident (e.g. providing examples they find at • Students predict how heavy and light objects are
findings for different purposes and using a variety of forms
home, in their local park or around the school). and how this effects their ability to sink or float.
to present findings, draw conclusions and provide reasoning.
• Students identify places in their environment • Students record the time it takes for a paper
• Students develop scientific vocabulary related to the topic
where water is found and how it is used. This helicopter to land on the ground, recording
using a class words wall, responding to questions and
allows them to understand how objects are results in a table.
reflecting on investigation.
pushed and pulled through water, depending on • Summarise and present collected data.
• Students use spoken language as they participate in various
the context. • Compare predictions with observations.
class discussions, present findings and explanations to the
class and finish the unit with a presentation.

The Arts
Concept: Force -Push/Pull • If students choose to, they may use role playing
Term: 3 Weeks: 1-5 in their final presentation.
• Students have previously made fishing rod
magnets which are used in this unit to test which
Science / Technology & objects attract or repel a magnet.

• Research is conducted throughout this unit History
and students will present many of their • Students have previously researched and Health & Physical Education
findings and ideas using Book creator. created a profile on a famous Australian inventor • Students have participated in a round-robin
• Students will record data, draw conclusions, (Particularly Indigenous Australians- e.g. David series of Indigenous games and activities. See
video record and take photos of experiments Unaipon). Sport Australia website. They will also engage in
using their iPads. • Students studied old machines and how they a few games in this unit.
were used. • Students will be using their fine motor skills
• Students explore and manipulate a range of toys throughout all experiments, particularly as they
and objects (including Indigenous toys). manipulate and test the force applied to
different objects.
Unit Safety Considerations

ENGAGE Ensure correct behaviour when using toys (no hitting against anyone or themselves, no throwing etc), toys will be spread around in
accessible places and students will be reminded to be careful when walking around the classroom. Ensure chairs are safely pushed into the
desks and that the floor space is clear.

Closely monitor behaviour in the playground, ensure students understand the purpose for using the equipment in this lesson. Brief students
on safety and considerations- e.g. if another pair is using a piece of equipment wait your turn or try out a different piece of equipment.
Remind students not to push or pull each other and no running around the playground.

Ensure a secure environment is created for students to work in and the water being used is not near any electricity or technology. Remind
students to be careful and responsible when placing their objects in the water. Reiterate to students about not running around and ensure
chairs are pushed into desks. Careful consideration when collecting and packing away equipment. Clear demonstrations provided to
students before they commence the experiment. Remind students on the safety of materials.

Remind students not to place magnets in or around their mouths, magnets should not be thrown and careful consideration when collecting
and packing away equipment. Clear demonstrations provided to students before they commence the experiment. Remind students on the
safety of materials.

Brief students on safety required before starting the games. Students will be dropping helicopters from standing on chairs, ensure someone
is holding the chair when they do this. Chairs are to be spread away from other groups (activity can be done outside and therefore
discussing the effect of wind would need to be taken into consideration). Remind students on the safety of materials e.g. scissors. Remind
students of safety in the classroom e.g. appropriate voice level and no running around.

Ensure students have clear access to walk around the classroom to collect materials for their presentations, make sure chairs are always
tucked in and students are considerate of those around them. Remind students on the safety of using technology.


TERM/WEEKS: 3, Week 2-5. YEAR LEVEL: 2 LEARNING AREA/TOPIC: Science/ Physical science

General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural Understanding
thinking Competence
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

K/ Underst as a Inquiry
LES anding Human Skills LESSON (what & how) EXPERIENCES QUESTIONS ES
Wk: A Scienc Represe Students will: Diagnostic 1. Ask students to look around the room and predict what 1. What can you see in
2 push e nt and 1. Demonstrate Anecdotal notes on: this picture? What is
1-2. or a involv commun they are doing today. Explain that we are learning about
forces of push • observations made on happening?
pull es icate the effect of forces when applied to an object.
affects observ observat and/or pull on the students as they 2. What is the object? Power point.
2. Present the power point. Ask key questions 1-3.
how ing, ions and a variety of manipulate the objects; 3. How can the object
an asking ideas in objects by • responses to key 3. Explain the terms, ‘push’ and ‘pull’ in relation to forces. Approximatel
change position or
object questi a variety 4. Invite students to manipulate the objects at the front of y 6-7 larger
moves ons of manipulating questions asked direction? How is it objects.
or about, ways (A them and throughout the lesson; the room. moved?
chang and CSIS04 discussing how • participation and 5. Invite students to suggest different ways to move toys 4. What is a push? What
es descri 2). Templates for
they reflect a discussions in pairs and and ask them to think of different words associated with is a pull?
shape bing the word wall.
(ACS chang push, pull or whole class; and the pushing and pulling motions. Begin developing a 5. What other forces can
SU03 es in, both. • identification of pushes word wall. move objects?
3). object 2. List a number and pulls in different 6. What items can you
s and 6. Develop a class KWL chart. On sticky notes students KWL Chart,
of items (using environments. think of that can be
events write what they know and want to know and any sticky notes
(ACS a Y-Chart) that pushed and pulled? and markers.
Class KWL and individual questions they have about forces. Think about questions
HE03 require a push Think about items
4). or pull (or Y-chart: 4-7 Enough toys
from around the house
both) force. • Determine students’ 7. Students (in pairs) explore how different toys are pushed for 1 per
or at school etc. student,
3. Describe how prior knowledge of and pulled. Discuss in timely intervals what happens to 7. What objects need a spread around
forces. Using the the objects as they are moved and how different forces the room
playground lot of or little force to
information to (including
equipment is can affect them. move them? Indigenous
moved by implement and explore
8. In science journals, students complete a y-chart (push, 8. What did you do to the toys).
labelling and scientific vocabulary
pull and both) listing the toys under the correct categories toy to make it move?
annotating and influence future Science
that they explored today and any other objects they use 9. Can you describe what Journals.
pictures or planning and
every day. Discuss questions 8-9. happens to an object
diagrams of the programming of this
when it is pushed and Clipboards
equipment. unit. and pencils.
when it is pulled?
• Determine any 9. Students in pairs explore the equipment in the school 10. What were some of
misconceptions and playground. Students draw pictures of equipment and the pushes and pull
reflect on future annotate them to describe how the equipment can be equipment found in
activities that will the playground?
moved by different forces.
address these. 11. What did you do to the
10. Discuss questions 10-13. Add new vocabulary to the
• Use to determine equipment to make it
word wall and new ideas to the KWL. Construct a class
students who will need move?
definition of push and pull. 12. How can different
extension throughout
the unit and those who 11. Introduce students to the design project for this unit: ‘My forces affect the
will require additional Delivery Boat’. Discuss briefly what is involved in the equipment in different
support or project and present students with the problem to think ways? (extension
differentiation. about. students)
13. If this equipment was
Feedback: Extension: (Olivia, Jacob and Rachael) placed in water or in
• Provide feedback during • Provide toys that are difficult to determine what type of force is
the air how would the
partner discussions and required to move them.
force applied to it
making sure students • Ask students to write their own definition of the terms in their science
journals. make it move and
are following directions. change? (extension).
• Respond to questions 12-13.
• Verbal/written feedback
provided by the teacher Support: (Ben, Christopher, Sarah and Katie)
in students’ science • Ensure suitable pairing. Pair with more capable students.
journals. • Provide large toys (Ben/Katie struggle with fine-motor skills).
• In the y-chart activity students can take some toys to their desks to
move around and help them decide if they are push/pull.
• Closely monitor Zac and Ben on the playground.


LES Science Science as Science LESSON (what & how) EXPERIENCES QUESTIONS ES
Underst a Human Inquiry
anding Endeavou Skills OBJECTIVE EXPLORE
Wk A Science Participate Students will: Formative 1. Reflect on key questions 1-2. Create a list to display around the 1. What is the Butcher paper
2: 2 push involves in guided 1. Identify the Anecdotal notes on: effect of motion and markers.
-3. or a observin investigati room of the different techniques for moving objects.
places in their • student participation on an object?
pull g, ons to 2. Introduce ‘sinking’ and ‘floating’ and discuss questions 3-4. Whiteboard
affects asking explore environment and engagement in 2. How can we
Brainstorm responses on the board.
how question and where water the experiment and move objects in
an s about, answer is found (by class discussions; 3. In groups of 3 or 4 students construct a list of the different Paper and
different ways?
object and questions places they can find water and how the water is used in each pens or mini
moves describi (ACSIS03 writing a list) • student responses to whiteboards
or ng 8). and explain key questions; and and markers.
chang changes how water is • places identified environment (the group with the most listed places will receive 2 3. What are the
es in, Represent used in each different ways
where water is found dojo points each).
shape objects and
(ACS and communic environment. and how it is used. 4. Students share with the class. Groups provide hints and clues on we use water?
SU03 events ( ate 2. Test a variety how the water is being used and the class must guess the 4. How are these
3). ACSHE observatio of objects to Checklist: techniques Who Sank the
034). ns and • Correctly identifies environment. Boat- By
determine different? Are
ideas in a objects that sink or 5. Read the text and discuss questions 5-6. Pamela Allen.
variety of whether they they similar in
float. 6. Model the below experiment and the recording of information
ways (AC sink or float any way? Measuring
SIS042). in water and in the table. 5. What is jug, water
Rating Scale (2 separate 7. In groups of 4 students test a range of items to determine container,
compare their columns assessing the happening in the empty tub,
Use a
range of predictions below): whether they sink or float (see Sink/Float Guide for more text? and a range of
methods with • 1-5 based on the details). 6. What makes items to sink
to sort and float (e.g.
observations. level of explanation 8. Compare predictions with observations. Students (individually) objects float or
informatio balls, play
n, 3. Explain how and examples write a short response on how their predictions compared to the sink? dough, coins,
including and what provided in their results from the investigation. paper clips).
drawings makes Ask the following Name tags for
short responses, as 9. Students create a mind map with their group reflecting lesson
and group roles
objects sink they compare their questions to the
provided objective 3. Students will be provided with books, information
tables and or float, by predictions with groups in step 7.
sheets and iPads to research information about water and Sink/float
through creating a their test results. 7. What is
discussion objects that float/sink. table to fill
mind map in • 1-5 on the level of happening to this
out. Science
, compare 10. Students share with another group and then tell the class two
groups. detailed provided on object? Why is it journals.
ns with mind maps. interesting facts they discovered on that groups mind map. sinking/floating?
prediction 11. Add new words to the word wall. 8. What makes it 43 paper and
s (ACSIS0 markers for
anecdotal notes are sink/float?
40). mind map,
Extension: (Olivia, Jacob and Rachael) 9. What are some
recorded). iPad and
• As an extension to the table students write short responses and similarities/differ books for
1=Low and 5= Excellent
annotated pictures to explain their experiment, what they discovered ences between research.
and how they discovered it. objects that sink
Work Sample:
• Use an iPad and books provided to research information and devise a and float?
• The worksheet is
research questions based on the topic. 10. How could you
used for the
students’ end of change this
Support: (Ben, Christopher, Sarah and Katie)
object to make it
term portfolio along • Indirectly pair students that are struggling with those who are more
with their short sink/ float?
responses comparing • Use pictures or symbols in their columns.
predictions with • Teacher will provide clear instructions and assist in measuring out the
observations. water.

SON Science Science as Science OBJECTIVE EXPLAIN
Underst a Human Inquiry
anding Endeavou Skills
Wk A Partici Students will: Formative 1. Discuss questions 1-3. Combine answers to form a 1. What is a force? KWL chart.
3: 4 push pate in 1. Experiment (in Anecdotal notes on: 2. Can we see forces?
or a guided definition of force (place on KWL chart).
groups) with • student participation and 3. How do we use forces?
pull investi 2. Briefly discuss what has been learnt thus far, clarify
affects gation magnets (using engagement in the 4. What makes things fall
misconceptions and questions.
how s to a fishing rod experiment and class to the ground?
an explor magnet) to discussions; and 3. Ask questions 4-6. Introduce the concept of gravity
5. What will happen when
object e and and explore questions 7-8 (think/pair/share). Form a Feather and
moves answe identify objects • student responses to key I drop this feather? bouncy ball.
or r that attract or questions. class definition (place on KWL chart). What about this bouncy
chang questi repel. 4. Teacher demonstrates a magnet attracting an object ball?
es ons (A Rating Scale (using 3 separate
2. Compare and repelling an object. Discuss questions 9-11. 6. What keeps us from
shape CSIS0 columns, assessing the below): 1 box per
(ACS 38). objects that 5. In groups of 4-5 students use the fishing rod magnets floating up into space? group with
1. Conclusions made on
SU03 repel or attract (made in art) to find items (in the box provided) that 7. Can we see gravity? objects
3). Repre objects that attracted and inside
the magnet by attract or repel. Boxes can move around the classroom 8. What is gravity?
sent repelled – how well was Fishing rode
annotating 9. How can we describe
and this information if time permits, for more experimenting. magnets.
comm pictures and what happens when a
communicated using the 6. Students predict which items attract and which repel
unicat writing magnet pulls on an Science
e diagrams, pictures and with the magnet. Communicate findings in science journals.
sentences to object? Or cannot pull
observ words (= low and 5= journals by drawing diagrams of their experiment,
ations explain why on an object?
excellent). labelling and annotating the drawings and writing a
and they attract or 10. Does the object need to
ideas 2. Explanations and examples short summary on the following points:
repel. be of a particular
in a used were appropriately
3. Draw o List the objects which attracted, and weight? Why/ why not?
linked to the experiment
y of conclusions which repelled. 11. How do you know?
findings (1= low and 5=
ways ( from their o Why did some objects attract, and others
ACSI experiments by excellent). Guiding questions for
S042). repel? What does this mean?
listing items 3. Clearly stated whether their student feedback:
predictions matched the o How did your predictions compare to the 1. What do your results
that attracted
outcomes of the experiment test results? tell you about force and
and repelled
the magnet and (1= low and 5= excellent). o Write at least 1 interesting thing you have gravity?
learnt today. 2. Why was your
stating whether
Feedback (written in science 7. One person from each group reports which items were prediction for this object
journals next to students work incorrect?
predictions completed today- see guiding attracted to the magnet and which items repelled.
3. What have you learnt
were accurate questions): 8. Record any new information on the KWL chart.
about this object?
or inaccurate. • Teacher will write
questions to the students Extension: (Olivia, Jacob and Rachael)

based on their conclusions • Use iPads to research why magnets attract and repel, 4. Why do you think this
to encourage higher order object attracts a iPads.
provide examples of everyday. Report back to the class.
thinking and personal magnet?
reflection. Support: (Ben, Christopher, Sarah and Katie) 5. What is this object
• Students will be asked • Provide larger objects. made of that tells you it
during the week to answer • Group students with those who are more competent. will attract/repel a
these questions during a 1:1 • Suggest using a table to list the items that repelled and that magnet?
conference with the teacher attracted.
- anecdotal notes of • Encourage students to talk to another peer to the teacher
responses to be recorded. about why the objects attracted/repelled before writing it
down. au/ec/viewi
• Students can complete this scootle interactive activity to ng/L1120/in
develop their understanding of push and pull. dex.html

SON Science Science as Science OBJECTIVE ELABORATE
Underst a Human Inquiry
anding Endeavou Skills
Wk A Science Participate Students will: Summative 1. Discuss and play organised Traditional Indigenous 1. What causes https://www
3- push involves in guided 1. Recognise Science journals and annotated work helicopter to .sportaus.go
4: or a observin investigati Games that imitate push and pull movements.
how push and samples: spin?
5-6 pull g, ons to
• Use work that has been 2. In science journals, students divide their page into 2-4 a?queries_le
affects asking explore pull forces 2. How does a arning_band
how question and are applied in completed in journals for this boxes. In each box students describe a game/action and s_query_pos
helicopter fall?
an s about, answer Indigenous unit to assess student how it used push, pull or both motions/forces. Students 3. What will ted=1&quer
object and questions achievement and provide should use drawings (in addition to writing) to ies_learning
moves describi (ACSIS03 games and happen when I _bands_que
or ng 8). describe them reflection for students. demonstrate how the force was applied in the game, let go of my ry%5B0%5
chang changes by writing • Provide feedback to students on with arrows and labels. helicopter? D=Years+K
es in, Use descriptions their annotated diagrams and +-
shape objects informal 3. Show the class the pre-made helicopter and present (Write up +3&queries
and using descriptions of push and pull prediction on
(ACS and measurem questions 1-4, asking students to tell you anything they _game_cate
SU03 events ( ents to arrows and used in Indigenous games. the board). gory_query
3). ACSHE collect
know about helicopters or any questions they about _posted=1&
labels to draw Address one improvement on the 4. What is pulling
034). and record students’ work and use the helicopters. queries_ga
evidence of the helicopter me_categor
ns, the force sample in the end of term 4. Release the helicopter, record the time it took to land on down? y_query=&s
using digit being used in portfolio. the ground and discuss. 5. How long will earch_page_
al the game. 704748_sub
it take for the mit_button=
Rubric (helicopter testing):
es as helicopter to Search

appropriat 2. Test how • Students use scientific language 5. Present the problem to students: “If we changed the size land on the (suitable
e (ACSIS long it takes ground? games for
to describe the effect of changing or shape of the wings, would the falling time of the
039). year 2).
for a paper wings on the helicopter has on its helicopter change? Why? 6. How is it
Compare helicopters to fall time. moving? Planning
6. Review gravity and what causes helicopters to spin.
observatio reach the • Accurate planning notes. 7. What pushes sheet.
ns with 7. Students receive a planning sheet and begin filling it
those of
ground after • Compares and explains how their against the
others (A being predictions are similar or out as a class. Discuss fair tests and how we are going wings? How do journals and
CSIS041). released from different to the results. to change our helicopters and record the time they take you know? table
to reach the ground once let go. template.
a specified • Identify and suggest the effect of 8. Have you seen
and level. variables tested. 8. Carry out the helicopter experiment (see ‘Helicopter examples of Groups
communic 3. Compare the • Describe the effect of push and testing Guide’ for more information) and remind this in other need: 1x
ate falling time machines or helicopter
pull on their object. students to take photos and videos throughout. template per
of different • Correctly and appropriately objects?
ns and 9. Use questions 5-9 to guide student inquiry. student, 1x
ideas in a helicopters communicates and records data. 9. Why does the iPad per
variety of and use book 10. Continue working on the planning sheet. helicopter with student, a
ways (AC
creator to Skills to be assessed: 11. Students record and upload results, images, videos and bigger wings few paper
SIS042). clips,
communicate • Participation in guided writing to their book creator (see ‘Helicopter testing fall scissors and
these findings investigations and the level of Guide’ for more details and ‘Assessment Rubric’ for slower/quicker a stopwatch.
and the reasoning and explanation more details of expectations). than with
provided to answer questions. smaller wings? iPads –
effects of 12. Lead a discussion on how this experiment is similar or using book
changing the • Use of digital technologies to creator.
different to previous experiments, adding new
shape or record observations and collect
vocabulary to the word wall.
direction has necessary data.
on the fall • Quality of information displayed Extension: (Olivia, Jacob and Rachael)
time. in a range of graphic organisers • Circle the wings, drop upside down or change the cylinder
to reflect what they have carried shape/size.
out and learnt as a result. • Explain the link to gravity (this can be presented in video
• Ability to compare observations recordings showing physical examples).
with others. • Research facts that support questions 8 and 9 and display
findings in their book creator.
• In feedback probe students with Support: (Ben, Christopher, Sarah and Katie)
questions for their own • Group strategically.
opportunity to assess their • Cut helicopter wings, add paper clips to the wings and
learning and skill development. different folds on the wings.
• Questions should elicit reflection • Provide prompts for drawing conclusions e.g.
and response (for example, o I changed the ______ on my helicopter.

exploring alternatives, seeking o I kept the _________ the same.
explanations and clarifying o I observed _________.
meaning). o I discovered _______.

SON Science Science as Science OBJECTIVE EVALUATE
Underst a Human Inquiry
anding Endeavou Skills
Wk A Science Represe Students will: Summative 1. Students are invited to demonstrate movements or act out 1. What are ‘Push’ ‘Pull’,
4- push involves nt and 1. Recognise Peer Evaluations: some new ‘Both’ signs.
5: or a observin commun objects that require push, pull or both forces. Students move
movements/obj Guided questions to be things you
7-8. pull g, icate
provided. to the left side of the room if they think it is push, right side
affects asking observat ects that have have learnt Flash cards.
how question ions and applied to them • How they felt about another for pull and the back of the room for both.
about push,
an s about, ideas in a push, pull or pairs’ presentation – what 2. Provide each student with a flash card. On one side allow a KWL chart
object and a variety they found interesting, an few minutes for students to write a question about anything and word
moves describi of both, by magnets, wall.
moving to the improvement and one thing in relation to the unit. Each student asks their questions to
or ng ways (A sinking or
chang changes CSIS04 correct side of they learnt from the pair’s
the class. On the other side, students write their own floating?
es in, 2). the classroom. presentation.
shape objects definition of push and pull. Answers may be recorded in 2. Can you tell
(ACS and 2. Define push KWL chart or displayed on a wall in the classroom. me one
SU03 events ( and pull (by Guided questions to be Indigenous
3. Look at final understandings and ask students to fill out
writing the provided. game that
034). sticky notes on what they have learnt – discuss (talk about
definition on a • How they feel about the relies on
flash card) and
misconceptions that have been changed). Review the word
unit in relation to their own pushing
formulate a knowledge and skill wall and KWL chart. Reflect on key questions. forces? One
question in development. 4. Students are paired and instructed to create a short on pulling? Materials for
relation to what • How they would apply presentation on what they have learnt and how they will use 3. What are posters, iPads,
they have what they have learnt in what they have learnt in their everyday lives. Students can some equipment.
learnt from the their everyday life. choose whether they want to role play items/actions and the examples of
unit (written on forces that affect them, create a poster or use book creator to pushing and
a flash card). Rubric for presentations/unit of pulling that
work: present their information. Presentations should demonstrate
3. Create a you
presentation (in • Identifies, describes and their understanding of how pushing and pulling effects the
pairs) to analyses the effects of movement or direction of objects/actions and how they will
every day?
explain and pushes and pulls on objects use this knowledge in their everyday lives or where forces
Peer and self-
provide (changing shapes, are evident in day-day activities. Presentations are recorded evaluations
examples and and uploaded to the parent forum.

descriptions of directions, movements and 5. Students complete peer evaluations (each pair will assess
their stopping). another pair) and self-evaluations.
understanding • Examines, explains and
on the push and explores different strengths Extension: (Olivia, Jacob and Rachael)
pull unit. of objects on land, in water • Extend students in presentations with the detail they provide and in
Students and through air. undertaking their own guided research.
should relate to • Demonstrates and explains
everyday uses. Support: (Ben, Christopher, Sarah and Katie)
the different ways people
• A clear structure for presentations is provided to all students.
use pushes and pulls in
• Scaffolding and assistance are provided to students during the
their lives.
creating stages of the presentations.
• Presentation skills (oral
• Rubric is not based solely on literacy activities but on the
presentation itself, collated work samples and
• Overall engagement and
participation in the unit.
• Students can be creative in the way they present their information.
• Materials used and how
well they were used.

Engage Lesson: KWL Chart Template


Explore Lesson: Sink/Float Guide and Table Template

Guide (experiment may be completed outside):

1. Students are allocated groups and briefed on the individual roles (2 material managers
(collects and returns materials) and 2 reporters (reports back to the class)). All
members conduct the experiment.
2. Materials to be collected: tubs, water containers, measuring cups and a box full of
objects (each group has different objects).
3. Students complete the first column of their table individually.
4. Students use the measuring jug to fill their tubs with the water and continue to test
which objects sink and which float.
5. All members fill out their table as they are carrying out the experiment.
6. Complete the last column individually and then report findings to the class.


Objects My Prediction Sink or Float? Explain why you think the object sunk or floated
(Sink or float)
Paper Clip
Piece of
Small ball

Elaborate Lesson: Helicopter Experiment Guide, Planning Sheet and Table Template

Helicopter Testing Guide Helicopter Planning Sheet

1. Group students (4-5 members) and provide each Question to be investigated What are you measuring?
group with appropriate resources. Each member in
the group changes their helicopters wings in a
different way (e.g. cuts them, adds paper clips,
makes circles with them etc), thinking about how it
will compare to the teacher’s helicopter.
What will you change? What will you keep the same?
2. The teacher shows students how to make the
3. Students use the planning sheet to assist them with
their experiment and reflections.
4. It is important that students release their helicopters
form the same height- the teacher will mark the What are your predictions? Materials/Equipment
dropping level on the walls around the classroom at
each testing station.
5. Students time how long it takes for the helicopters
to reach the ground (3 tests and the average will be
calculated with explicit modelling and teacher
assistance). In book creator students will record and
upload results. They will create annotated images Respond to the following using Book Creator:
with arrows to reflect the direction of force. In
1. How did your predictions compare to the results?
addition, they will write descriptions to explain
2. What did you discover/observe?
how their helicopters fell differently (faster/slower) 3. Which helicopter was the fastest to land? Why do you think
to other group members and compared to the that?
teacher’s helicopter that was unchanged. Students 4. Which helicopter was the slowest to land? Why do you think
comparing their predictions with observations. that?
5. Was the test fair? What would you change if you did the test

Group Changed My Prediction Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Average

Members Variable (seconds) (seconds) (seconds) (seconds) (seconds)
Dom Circled wings.

Jess Made the wings

square shaped.
Pia Made wings
Jake Added 2 paper
clips to each
Miss L Wings did not


Allen, P. (1988). Who sank the boat? Australia: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd.

Australian Academy of Science. (2012). Push- pull. Year 2. Physical sciences. Retrieved from


Connell, T. (2017, July 10). How to Build a Boat: 25 Designs and Experiments for Kids [Blog post]. Retrieved from


School Curriculum and Standards Authority (2014). Cross curriculum priorities. Retrieved from


School Curriculum and Standards Authority. (2014). Science v8.1. Retrieved from


Skamp, K., & Preston, C. M. (2017). Teaching primary science constructively (6th ed.). South Melbourne, Australia: Cengage Learning Australia.

SportAus. (n.d.). Yulunga Traditional Indigenous Games. Retrieved from



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