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Camden Richardson

8806 Norway Ct
Charlotte, NC, 28269
October 9, 2018

Dear Mr. Alburger

Hello! My name is Camden Richardson and this year the topic of my Pride Paper will be on
Meteorology or the study of weather. The reason I picked this was that ever since I was a child
I've loved weather the whole thing. How it works, what it does, and what I can do with it. So I
started to look into becoming a Meteorologist.

In my paper, I will delve into the inner workings of Meteorology including explaining some
major fields of study, the impact of Meteorology on the World, and the life of a Storm Chaser
among other job options available for a meteorologist. I hope to learn about what it takes to
become a meteorologist and thrive in the community along with special jobs I could possibly go
into. Including learning about the work they do at Mt. Washington Observatory

I don’t have a mentor yet but I plan on spending a week during the summer at the extreme
weather station on the top of Mount Washington. My Product has yet to be decided but I plan on
documenting weather patterns from of the mountain and comparing them to on top of the

I have read Pine Lake’s ethics guide and understand that plagiarism, either intentional or
unintentional, will result in a zero on my paper.


Camden Richardson

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