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Date :

1. Nos. of total Jail inmates.

2. Nos. o f Jail inmates (Convicted) Male & Female.

3. Nos. of Jail inmates (Under-trial) Male & Female.

4. Nos. of Jail inmates (Life-convicted) Male & Female

5. Whether mentally ill and handicap prisoners ? if any (Yes/No). Give details

6. Whether over crowded ? .......(Yes/No).

7. If yes, the reason behind.

8. If overcrowded what arrangement are being made o f Prisoner’s

safekeeping ?

9. Nos. of Jail staff.

10. Is this staff adequate ? (Yes/No)

11. W hether National Human Right Commission or Assam Human Righ

Commission has visited the Jail ? (Yes/No)

12. If yes, give details and provide recommendation given by them

13. Allotted amount o f money for modernization o f Jail from state or Centra

Govt, with date.

14. Nos. o f Bathroom and Latrines for Jail inmates.

15. Is there any school for Jail inmates ? (Yes/No)

16. Nos. o f prisoners getting education through different mode.

17. Whether provided Vocational Training ? (Yes/No) Mention it.

18. Whether Medical facilities provided to prisoner in time ? (Yes/No)

19. Whether provided Ambulance facilities in the Jail, to take prisoner to

Assam Medical College Hospital, if seriously fall ill ? (Yes/No)

20. Whether Medical Officer visit the jail regularly ? (Yes/No)

21. Why most o f the inmate suffer from T.B. ?

22. Whether provided Yoga and meditation class ? (Yes/No)

23. Amount schedule for per day meal for each jail inmate.

24. Amount paid to the prisoners for his work (per day).

25. Whether provided T.V./Recreation facilities/books, newspapers etc. to jail

inmates ? (Yes/No).

26. W hether provided communication, contact with family members and

authorized persons to jail inmate ? (Yes/No).

27. Whether provided access to law, free legal aid to all poor indigent

prisoners (under-trial)?

28. Whether adolescents are segregated from adult in prisons ? (Yes/No)

29. Whether under-trials prisoners, kept separate from convicted prisoners 0


30. Is scientific basis o f segregation o f offenders as on the basis o f Age, Sex.

seriousness o f offences and health ? (Yes/No).

31. Whether women prisoners are allowed to keep their child (below 6 years)

with them ? If any (Yes/No).

32. Whether Civil prisoners are separated from other prisoners? (Yes/No)

33. Whether Dist. Magistrate visit Jail, as it is the General duty o f the District

Magistrate to visit district Jail at least once in every month ? (Yes/No)

34. Whether commission of Division/Inspector General o f Police/Director of Health

Services/District Magistrate/District and Senior Judge officially ever visit the

Jail ? (Yes/No).

35. Is there sitting o f special court in prison ? (Jail Adalat) (Yes/No)

36. Any Human Right awareness campaign in Jail premises by Human Right

Commission or NGOs ?

37. Any type o f strike from Prisoner side in Jail against Jail authority? (Yes


38. Any Grievances registered from Prisoners to Jail authority? (Yes/No)

39. Any Comment regarding jail (Yes/No).

40. View about custodial deaths.


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