Promising Land of Magnificence

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Promising Land of Magnificence

By: Ernest Bryan Babano

Refinement. Artistry. Beauty. Sophistication. Delicate.

These are the words that somehow describe the ever lovely land of Mindanao, a home of
well-carved landscapes, vibrant blue waters and hospitable people. It is a land full of clandestine
treasures that will surely capture the heart and soul of every day tripper.

Maybe you have thought of a Mindanao that is full of hostility and warfare but actually
it’s not! This promising land is beyond beauty that no one would never ever expect of having, the
only land that comprises captivating group of people as well as exclusive vacation sights that
poisons you in delight.

Refinement. Let us start our wonderland adventure at the ever gorgeous Camiguin Island,
the home of the majestic volcanoes and pearl-like sandy beaches surrounding the little island.
The island will surely make you feel you’re in heaven through its one packed adventures and
picturesque views that no one could ever refuse.

Artistry. From being drowned by the splendid water splash, let us now climb at the sheer
elegant Dahilayan Adventure Park. A locale with a European inspired mountain vibe, world-
class adventure activities and scenic lookouts that would unleash your inner anxiety. But what’s
more amazing is that, the park is affordable and more than satisfying.

Beauty. When you visit Mindanao, of course you wouldn’t miss climbing the highest
mountain of the country, the ever beautiful Mount Apo. This tall mountain is believed to be well-
carved by the almighty which is a home to our mighty and brave Philippine Eagle. Not only that,
but the mountain is one of the precious landmarks that our country has.

Sophistication. One of the greatest treasures of our country is the Moro culture that
Mindanao instilled through the years. There would be no other words to describe but only
wealth, as the Moro culture in Mindanao is incomparable and prosperous.

Delicate. You wouldn’t like to miss the mouthwatering food that Mindanao could offer,
the nourishment of your heart and soul would be filled with its taste like no other. Pastel, Pintos,
Tagaktak, Bulad, Satti and Palitaw are some of the delicacies that slaughter us in delight.

These are some of the perfect hidden treasures that the land of promise could offer but
Mindanao is still covering its defined beauty that everyone will know sooner. Behind those
warfare that shed lots of blood, there would be still something that we can be proud of and that is
showcasing the Promising Land of Magnificence.

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