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Journal of Magnetic Resonance 233 (2013) 17–28

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Journal of Magnetic Resonance

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Updated methodology for nuclear magnetic resonance characterization

of shales
Kathryn E. Washburn a,⇑, Justin E. Birdwell b
Weatherford Laboratories, Houston, TX, USA
U.S. Geological Survey, Central Energy Resources Science Center, Denver, CO, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Unconventional petroleum resources, particularly in shales, are expected to play an increasingly impor-
Received 6 February 2013 tant role in the world’s energy portfolio in the coming years. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), partic-
Revised 19 April 2013 ularly at low-field, provides important information in the evaluation of shale resources. Most of the low-
Available online 4 May 2013
field NMR analyses performed on shale samples rely heavily on standard T1 and T2 measurements. We
present a new approach using solid echoes in the measurement of T1 and T1–T2 correlations that
Keywords: addresses some of the challenges encountered when making NMR measurements on shale samples com-
pared to conventional reservoir rocks. Combining these techniques with standard T1 and T2 measure-
Artificial maturation
Solid echo
ments provides a more complete assessment of the hydrogen-bearing constituents (e.g., bitumen,
Dipolar coupling kerogen, clay-bound water) in shale samples. These methods are applied to immature and pyrolyzed
oil shale samples to examine the solid and highly viscous organic phases present during the petroleum
generation process. The solid echo measurements produce additional signal in the oil shale samples com-
pared to the standard methodologies, indicating the presence of components undergoing homonuclear
dipolar coupling. The results presented here include the first low-field NMR measurements performed
on kerogen as well as detailed NMR analysis of highly viscous thermally generated bitumen present in
pyrolyzed oil shale.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction sourcing (i.e., the petroleum product has not migrated from an-
other location) or the reservoir rocks may have very low porosity
Until recently, the majority of petroleum production has come or permeability.
from what are often described as conventional resource reservoirs. Oil and gas present in unconventional shale systems account for
These petroleum systems contain three main components: source a significant portion of the world’s petroleum resources. However,
rock, reservoir rock, and trap [1]. The source rock contains organic tHHhe properties and behavior of these systems are still poorly
material called kerogen, which is converted to bitumen and then understood. The challenge of characterizing shales is amplified
oil and gas when subjected to the heat and pressure of burial dur- by the low permeability of the samples; the permeability of shale
ing catagenesis. The produced petroleum may be expelled from the is so low that traditional core analysis methods sometimes fail be-
source rock and then migrate due to buoyancy forces. A trap is a cause movement of even gases into the rock is difficult to achieve
combination of a low permeability rock in a configuration that al- [2]. This makes the non-invasive nature of NMR an appealing
lows oil to accumulate. If expelled hydrocarbons accumulate in method for investigating shales.
rocks with sufficient permeability and porosity, the formation is Shales are relatively unexplored via NMR compared to sand-
said to be reservoir quality. stones and carbonates. The reason for this is twofold. First, shales
The decline in new discoveries of conventional reservoirs cou- were not viewed as viable for production and, as such, commanded
pled with improved technologies for exploiting other types of for- less attention. Second, until very recently, low-field NMR equip-
mations has led to increased interest in resources described as ment, which the majority of NMR measurements made upon por-
‘‘unconventional’’. While there is disagreement as to the exact ous materials use, had neither the sensitivity to obtain results in a
definition of an unconventional reservoir, they are typically de- reasonable period of time nor the technical capability to measure
fined as reservoirs that do not meet one or more of the traditional very short relaxation times, which represent a significant propor-
reservoir requirements. For example, the resource may be self- tion of the hydrogen present in the samples. While some work
with cryoporometry has been performed on shales, the majority
⇑ Corresponding author. of the measurements have been standard longitudinal (T1) and
E-mail address: (K.E. Washburn). transverse (T2) relaxation experiments [3–5].

1090-7807/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
18 K.E. Washburn, J.E. Birdwell / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 233 (2013) 17–28

While sandstone and carbonate reservoirs often remain difficult much as 70% by volume for some of the richest oil shales. This or-
to interpret via NMR, shales present many additional challenges ganic matter takes two forms, which are operationally defined by
when compared to conventional systems. Conventional reservoir their extractability with organic solvents. One form, kerogen, is a
rocks are generally considered to have above 10% porosity and per- geopolymer formed during diagenesis, a process in which organic
meabilities greater than 1 millidarcy (mD). Shales typically have matter from biological sources (bacteria, algae, plants) is altered
only a few percent porosity and nano or picodarcy permeabilities. by the heat and pressure of burial and compaction [1,8]. It has
This results in low signal-to-noise and samples require long run no fixed molecular structure and is insoluble in solvents like chlo-
times to obtain useful data. The pore sizes are also typically roform. Much work has been performed, both with solid state NMR
in the nanometer range, leading to very short relaxation times. In [9,10] and other techniques, to elucidate its different structural
addition, a significant amount of the porosity in shales resides characteristics. Kerogen may be hydrogen-rich or hydrogen-poor
in organic phases [6], giving rise to the possibility of homonuclear depending on its depositional origin and thermal maturity. Bitu-
dipolar coupling between fluids present and the organic matrix. In men is the other form of organic matter present in shales. Some
contrast, the majority of dipolar interactions in conventional reser- bitumen is present in source rocks before catagenesis and more
voirs arise from heteronuclear dipolar coupling between fluid mol- is generated as an intermediate phase during the transformation
ecules and paramagnetic impurities on the pore surface [7]. The of kerogen to oil and gas. Unlike kerogen, bitumen is soluble in
organic materials themselves may contain a significant quantity many organic solvents.
of hydrogen. While kerogen has proton relaxation times that are This study focuses on characterizing the solid organic matter in
too short to be measured by many NMR systems, bitumen has oil shales to test the T1-solid echo and T1–T2 solid echo correlation
relaxation times long enough to be measured by most NMR techniques. Oil shales have traditionally held a niche market in the
instruments. oil industry and, due to their name, are frequently confused with
For many of the shales, the T2 relaxation time constants are ex- oil-bearing shales. Shale reservoirs can be sorted into three main
tremely short and push the limits of technical capabilities of low- types depending on the nature of the resource present: (1) oil
field NMR equipment. In addition, due to the high number of shales (e.g., Eocene Green River Formation), (2) oil-bearing shales
hydrogen-bearing constituents present in shales, interpretation of (e.g., Devonian–Mississippian Bakken Formation) and (3) tight-
the shale system from a single type of measurement is challenging. gas shales (e.g., Mississippian Barnett Formation). Oil shales are
This has led to increased use of T1 measurements in shale charac- immature source rocks that have not been exposed to the neces-
terization. The reasoning behind this is that, while engineering sary temperature, pressure and time to convert kerogen to oil
equipment that can measure shorter T2 values is a significant chal- and gas. These resources require heating to high temperatures
lenge, physics dictates T1 relaxation must be longer than or equal (350–600 °C) in the absence of oxygen (e.g., retorting) to produce
to T2 and, as such, is potentially easier to measure. However, unex- liquid and gaseous petroleum products. In contrast, shales that
pectedly, the amount of signal measured from the T1 experiments have experienced high enough temperatures for sufficient periods
is often significantly less than what is determined by T2 experi- of time to produce liquid petroleum are referred to as oil-bearing
ments. This discrepancy comes from the methods used to acquire shales or tight-oil shales. Finally, at higher temperatures and long-
the T1 results and is discussed in more detail in subsequent sec- er heating times, the oil cracks further and the resource will con-
tions. As such, the basic T1 and T2 measurements are often inade- tain mostly gas. The transition between oil-bearing shale and
quate to confidently characterize these samples and new NMR tight-gas shale is not abrupt and there is a transition zone where
techniques are required to better understand and describe shale both resources are present in significant amounts.
samples. In an effort to better understand the oil generation process,
We present two new pulse sequences to address the added these natural oil-generating processes are mimicked in the labora-
challenges of NMR in shales, the T1-solid echo and the T1–T2 solid tory on oil shale samples through artificial maturation methods.
echo correlation. For this article, we apply these techniques to This allows controlled experimentation upon homogenous rock
characterize organic solids present in oil shales. While the NMR samples, avoiding the complications of variable mineralogy and or-
techniques described here do not reveal detailed chemical compo- ganic content that occur with samples of differing maturity from
sition information that other spectroscopic methods provide, the naturally-matured systems. Because these immature oil shale sam-
techniques can be used to identify hydrogen-bearing constituents ples contain no liquid hydrocarbons or free water, they are excel-
in complex organic-rich rocks and can be useful to quantify these lent test samples for our methodology on organic solids and
constituents. We expect that these new NMR pulse sequences semi-solids. While we expect differences in the NMR response
can be applied to characterize other unconventional resources such from organic matter in samples containing liquids in the pore
as tight-gas sands, oil-bearing shales, coalbed methane, gas space, experimentation on oil shales allows us to understand the
hydrates, and tar sands, but their treatment is beyond the scope relaxation behavior of the organic solids alone before moving onto
of this study. more complex systems.

2.2. NMR theory

2. Background
NMR has been used extensively to characterize porous materi-
2.1. Shale resources als [11–17]. In particular, NMR has been used by the petroleum
industry since shortly after its discovery to assess fluid-saturated
In many cases, the term shale is a misnomer in the geological porosity and pore size distributions [18,19]. The Carr–Purcell–Mei-
sense. The most common definition is that shales are clay-rich boom–Gill (CPMG) transverse relaxation measurement has been
rocks containing silt-sized particles of other minerals. However, the NMR standard for the oil industry. This measurement is fast,
in the context of the petroleum industry, the term shale gets used robust, and can be performed even under the demanding condi-
to describe any rock containing clay-sized to silt-sized particles. tions present in the borehole [20]. The resulting relaxation time
Some of these may be true argillaceous, clay-rich shales while distribution can be correlated with the distribution of pore sizes
many others are predominantly composed of fine-grained carbon- present in the system. When low-viscosity fluids are placed in a
ates or silt-sized silicate particles. Shales also may contain signifi- porous material, the effect on the measured T2 is described by
cant quantities of organic matter, ranging from trace amounts to as the equation [21]:
K.E. Washburn, J.E. Birdwell / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 233 (2013) 17–28 19

1 1 S Dc2 G2 T 2E intensity. Even with longer dead times, some coil ringing may be
¼ þ q2 þ ð1Þ measured and will manifest as a DC baseline in the measurement.
T 2 T 2Bulk V 12
In these samples, measuring the intensity with a spin echo, Fig. 1b,
where q2 is the surface relaxivity of the pore surface for T2, S is the allows the signal to be recovered and avoids issues associated with
pore surface area, V the volume of the pores, D is the diffusion coef- longer dead times, providing the desired results without artifacts.
ficient of the fluid, c is the gyromagnetic ratio, G is the magnetic Unfortunately, the spin echo only recovers magnetization lost
field gradient and TE is the echo spacing. In most measurements, a due to chemical shift anisotropy, underlying magnetic field inho-
short echo spacing is chosen to avoid the influence of diffusion mogeneity, and heteronuclear dipolar coupling. When homonu-
through internal gradients on the signal. The T1 response of low vis- clear dipolar coupling is present, this signal intensity will still be
cosity fluids in porous materials is similar, though unaffected by the lost in a T1 measurement.
presence of internal gradients. These issues are resolved by combining the inversion recovery
1 1 S measurement with a solid echo, Fig. 1c. Solid echoes have been
¼ þ q1 ð2Þ used to characterize a wide variety of samples ranging from rubber
T 1 T 1Bulk V
[25,26] to food stuffs [27,28] to hydrogels [29,30]. Some work has
where q1 is the surface relaxivity of the pore surface for T1. While been done to perform a single-shot T1 from a solid echo [31], but to
the presence of multiple fluid types can make interpretation more the authors’ knowledge, this is the first instance of an inversion
difficult, NMR techniques have been developed to take advantage recovery measured from a solid echo. For systems containing het-
of diffusivity differences between fluid types to separate out the sig- eronuclear and homonuclear dipolar coupling, the solid echo will
nals from different fluids [22]. refocus both types of couplings provided T 2  s. For low frequen-
In contrast, the organic solids present in shale samples will not cies, the contribution of chemical shift to T 2 can be neglected. Of
relax via the mechanisms described by Eqs. (1) and (2). Instead, the greater concern will be the homogeneity of the magnetic field,
high viscosity of the organic phases will cause interactions from re- the radiofrequency (rf) pulse, and the internal gradients present
stricted motion to dominate the relaxation processes. Because of in the sample. Therefore, the assumption T 2  s needs to be trea-
this, pore surface relaxivities [23] or internal gradients [24] from ted with caution. For samples containing hydrogen in both liquid
paramagnetic impurities in the sample will not influence the relax- and solid phases, it is recommended that the T 2 of the liquid com-
ation time of the organic matter. However, given the well-coupled ponents be estimated before applying these techniques. Addition-
states of the spins, the possibility of spin diffusion to paramagnetic ally, the optimal s length for producing a solid echo from spins
impurities in shale is a potential source of additional relaxation. undergoing homonuclear dipolar coupling relates to the strength
For T1 in organic solids, the relaxation times will be long be- of that coupling; stronger couplings need shorter s values. For sol-
cause the frequency of fluctuations in solids are inefficient at trans- ids, dipolar-coupling strength can be on the order of 10’s of kHz,
ferring energy to the environment while the T2 relaxation times and therefore, a short s is necessary to adequately recover their
will be shorter due to the strong intramolecular dipolar coupling contribution. This may impose a limit on the size of probe that
that quickly dephases the spins. This leads to problems when can be used, as the minimum possible s that can be achieved typ-
attempting to measure T1 in shales. The inversion recovery meth- ically increases with probe size. Similarly, rf homogeneity also
od, shown in Fig. 1a, is the most commonly used pulse sequence tends to decrease with increased probe size. These factors may lim-
for T1 measurement. Traditionally, the measurement is performed it the use of the technique on samples at pressures and tempera-
by applying a 180° pulse to invert the magnetization, followed by a tures relevant to in situ reservoir conditions, which often need
90° pulse to place the magnetization in the transverse plane fol- larger probes to accommodate the sample cell. Sample size may
lowed by signal acquisition by detecting the resulting free induc- also be restricted by the field homogeneity of the magnet. The rf
tion decay (FID). For analysis of most conventional samples, this and magnetic field requirements may also hinder the use of the
method of measuring T1 appears to be adequate. techniques downhole by NMR logging tools. In addition, the solid
However, because of dipolar coupling, many shale samples have echo only completely refocuses the homonuclear dipolar coupling
very short T 2 transverse magnetic relaxation times such that a sig- for isolated spin pairs. The more coupled a system is, the less effi-
nificant portion of the FID signal has decayed away during the dead cient the solid echo will be at refocusing the magnetization.
time of the receiver after the 90° pulse. Furthermore, damping is This change in methodology also naturally lends itself to exten-
present in most low-field systems to decrease the amount of ring- sion to a second dimension. Just as spin echoes can be combined to
ing in the coil after a pulse. This damping typically decreases the produce a CPMG train [32,33], solid echoes can be combined to
ringing such that it is a negligible contribution to the overall signal, produce a solid echo train, Fig. 1d. Several experiments were per-
but, in shales, the very low porosity can lead to signals that are formed to combine the T1 measurement with a solid echo train
comparable in intensity to the coil ringing. Therefore, longer dead to produce T1–T2 correlation data sets. Also, performing a solid
times may be needed to adequately damp the ringing when exam- echo train along with a regular CPMG could provide additional
ining these types of samples, leading to even further loss of signal information regarding the amount and nature of solids within a
sample. Polymer [34,35] and materials sciences [36,37] have uti-
lized this technique previously, but it has thus far not been applied
to geological samples.

3. Methods

The oil shale samples originated from the Eocene Green River
Formation and are rich in type I kerogen. Two different shales were
investigated, both from the Piceance Basin in northwestern Colo-
rado; Anvil Points Mine (APM) Mahogany zone oil shale and illitic
oil shale from the Garden Gulch Member (GGM) R1 zone. The APM
Fig. 1. (a) Standard inversion recovery, (b) inversion recovery with spin echo, shale is typical of Green River dolomitic marlstones. The GGM
(c) inversion recovery with solid echo, (d) inversion recovery with solid echo train. shale is from the deeper zones of the Green River Formation and
20 K.E. Washburn, J.E. Birdwell / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 233 (2013) 17–28

Fig. 2. (a) Standard inversion recovery and solid echo T1 measurements on decane,
Fig. 3. (a) Raw data from T1 measured via FID, spin echo, and solid echo on a GGM
(b) standard inversion recovery and solid echo T1 measurements on reservoir
sample heated for 264 h, (b) inverted data from T1 measured via FID, spin echo, and
sandstone, (c) standard inversion recovery and solid echo T1 measurements on the
solid echo on a GGM sample heated for 264 h.
Bakken Formation sample.

contains a significant amount of illite and illite–smectite rich layer Table 1

clays, approximately 30% as measured by XRD. Samples of the Simulated relaxation decays and inverted signal intensities.

Green River shales were crushed, sieved to 8 mesh and subjected T1 (ls) T2 (ls) Inverted signal intensity
to artificial maturation by pyrolysis using a laboratory process de- Simulation 1 1,000,000 50 1.062
signed to mimic in situ retorting of oil shale to convert kerogen to Simulation 2 500 50 1.009
oil and gas [38]. Crushing of the sample allows for homogenization Simulation 3 500 20 0.977
between sets; shales are extremely heterogeneous and obtaining Simulation 4 100,000 20 1.033

similar properties from even plugs taken right next to each other
is not assured. Aliquots (100 g) of the APM and GGM shales were
heated to 360 °C from 6 to 288 h. APM samples were heated for to determine T1 relaxation times using the FID and solid echo
6, 24, 72, and 288 h respectively, and samples of GGM were heated one-dimensional methods, and spin echo and solid echo trains
for 24, 72, 120, and 264 h. All samples were processed and stored for two dimensional T1–T2 correlations. Also, a conventional reser-
dry, however, no attempt was made to remove mineral-bound voir sandstone and a sample from the middle part of the Bakken
water in the raw or pyrolyzed shales. Due to the method used to Formation, which both had been cleaned and resaturated with syn-
artificially mature these samples, it is not expected that any appre- thetic formation brine, were used to test the response between T1
ciable quantity of liquid hydrocarbon or water remains in the pore measured using the standard inversion recovery and the solid echo
space of the pyrolyzed shales. method. While the pore sizes in the Bakken sample are small and
While we are interested in identifying and measuring organic the sample has low permeability, it is a clean carbonate with very
solids, several other types of sample measurements were taken little clay or organic matter and as such, was expected to have little
to provide verification and confidence in the NMR techniques. In signal contribution from homonuclear dipolar coupling. Naphtha-
order to verify the methods do not introduce artifacts in liquids, lene and low-density polyethylene (LDPE) beads were used as solid
NMR measurements were performed on a 5-mL aliquot of decane standards for evaluating the T1–T2 correlation technique responses
K.E. Washburn, J.E. Birdwell / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 233 (2013) 17–28 21

Fig. 4. (a) Simulated data 1, (b) simulated data 2, (c) simulated data 3, and (d) simulated data 4.

on solid organic matter phases comparable to those in Green River experimental tolerances. The measurements upon the cleaned,
Formation kerogen. brine-saturated reservoir rocks, Fig. 2b and c, yielded similar re-
NMR measurements were performed using a 2-MHz Magritek sults, with minor differences that were most significant at short-
Rock core analyzer using a 35-mm probe optimized for shale re- relaxation times. The sandstone produced 5% higher signal inten-
sults. For the NMR measurements, the crushed samples were sity from the solid echo measurement than the T1 measured from
placed in 1-in. diameter test tubes, which were filled to a height a spin echo. The sandstone is known to contain approximately 3–
of 2 in. This corresponds to the maximum sample volume for the 8% clay, so the results are consistent with expected behavior. While
probe. One-dimensional results were inverted using a Butler Reed normal T1 and T2 measurements can measure clay-bound water, it
Dawson inversion [39]. Two-dimensional results were inverted is not surprising that additional relaxation might occur due to homo-
using a maximum-entropy method [40]. All echoes were per- nuclear dipolar coupling from restricted motion of water in the clay.
formed with a 30 ls s value, the minimum value possible with this In addition, conventional reservoirs often contain tiny amounts of
equipment. To evaluate the response of the two-dimensional organic matter which could lead to the additional signal observed.
inversion at very short relaxation times, a set of T1–T2 simulated The Bakken Formation sample showed consistent results be-
relaxation measurements using these parameters were created tween the methods with approximately 2% difference in signal
and then inverted. Measurements of the FID were performed with intensity. While the core sample is tight, with a permeability less
20 ls damping. Repetition time for all measurements was per- than one millidarcy and very small pore sizes, there was only a
formed with a 5-s wait time, except the naphthalene, which had small difference between the results for the different T1 methods.
a 20-s wait time. These results provide confidence that the solid echo measurement
In addition to NMR, samples also underwent Rock Eval pro- does not introduce unusual artifacts into the measurement on
grammed pyrolysis [8,38] in prior studies. This approach was used samples without significant homonuclear dipolar coupling. Note,
to estimate the amount of kerogen and bitumen present in the raw as s duration is increased, discrepancy between the solid echo
and pyrolyzed oil shales and the results of these experiments have measurements and the other techniques may arise.
been previously published [38]. The three different T1 methodologies were repeated multiple
times (n = 4) for several samples to determine average error values
for each pulse sequence. The results from a sample of the GGM
4. Results shale which had undergone artificial maturation at 360 °C for
264 h are presented in Fig. 3a. Sixty-four scans were performed
4.1. One-dimensional measurements for each T1 point for all measurements. Receiver gain was kept con-
stant throughout all measurements.
The T1 measurements on decane yielded nearly identical results The ideal T1 measurement produces a clean s-shaped curve on a
for both the inversion recovery and solid echo pulse sequences, log scale, starting at a negative value, progressing through zero,
Fig. 2a. There was only a 0.8% difference in the integrated signal and ending at a positive value similar to the initial negative inten-
intensity between the two methods. This is within expected sity. While the standard inversion recovery measurement showed
22 K.E. Washburn, J.E. Birdwell / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 233 (2013) 17–28

Fig. 5. (a) T1–T2 correlation measurement on decane using a spin echo train, (b) T1–T2 correlation measurement on decane using a solid echo train, (c) T1–T2 correlation
measurement on naphthalene using a spin echo train, (d) T1–T2 correlation measurement on naphthalene using a solid echo train, (e) T1–T2 correlation measurement on LDPE
beads using a spin echo train, (f) T1–T2 correlation measurement on LDPE beads using a solid echo train.

the poorest repeatability, overall repeatability was good for all the very short T1 values. However, it could be that the lost signal
three methods. The average standard deviation for the signal from is undergoing a significant number of homonuclear interactions
the T1 FID measurement was 0.59 nV, whereas the average stan- such that the solid echo is not as effective at recovering that signal
dard deviation for the T1 experiments using the spin echo and solid as it is for more isolated spin pairs. Measurements made on other
echo methods were 0.44 nV and 0.46 nV, respectively. The T1 mea- samples showed similar behavior between the three pulse
sured from the FID was of poor quality, as the signal never crossed sequences.
into the negative and showed significant baseline offset despite the The inverted results, Fig. 3b, show distinct differences between
long damping times used. The T1 measured from a spin echo the measurement methods. When corrected for baseline offset, the
showed more of the classic s-shape expected for T1 experiments. measurement from the inversion recovery produced results similar
The T1 measured using the solid echo method produced more sig- in shape to the other two methods, but the intensity was signifi-
nal than the spin echo measurement, indicating some signal loss cantly lower than what was generated by the echo methods,
due to homonuclear dipolar coupling. While the solid echo pro- approximately 45% less than the T1 from the spin echo measure-
duced more signal than the spin echo, the measured negative val- ment and 56% less than the solid echo T1. The solid echo measure-
ues at short times were not equivalent to the positive values ment showed additional signal intensity at lower T1 times. The
measured at long times, indicating the measurement was still total signal intensity from the solid echo was approximately 22%
not fully capturing the signal at short times. We speculate that greater than that of the T1 spin echo measurement. The spin echo
measurement at an even shorter s may improve determination of T1 results at short time consists of two peaks between 0.1 ms
K.E. Washburn, J.E. Birdwell / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 233 (2013) 17–28 23

Fig. 6. Anvil point mine spin echo T1–T2 correlation, (a) raw shale, (b) 360 °C 6-h ISS, (c) 360 °C 24-h ISS, (d) 360 °C 72-h ISS, and (e) 360 °C 288-h ISS.

and 100 ms. The solid echo T1 results appear to consist of three inverted intensity compared to simulated intensity and had no dis-
overlapping peaks. To gain better resolution of the spectra, we tortion of the peak locations. The results add confidence to the
introduced a second dimension to correlate the T1–T2 relaxation resulting short relaxation times seen in the experimental results.
behavior. Experimental validation measurements were also performed for
the two-dimensional data sets. The T1–T2 correlation results for
4.2. Two-dimensional measurements decane, Fig. 5a, showed only minor differences between the two
pulse sequences. The peak location was unchanged and intensity
The stability of the two-dimensional inverse Laplace transform differences between the two measurements were less than 1%. This
at short relaxation times is often a concern. To test its behavior, gives us confidence that the two-dimensional T1–T2 solid echo
simulated decays were produced with relaxation times reflecting measurement also does not introduce artifacts compared to the
those seen in the real measurements. Relaxation values are shown spin echo method in systems not containing significant homonu-
in Table 1. The intensity of each of the decays was set to one to al- clear dipolar coupling.
low for ease of comparison between the simulations. The resulting The naphthalene T1–T2 correlations, Fig. 5c, produced a strong
integrated intensities from the inverted results are also shown in signal at very short T2 and long T1 times characteristic of solid sam-
Table 1. The inverted results of simulated decays reproduced the ples [41]. Notably, the T1 was longer than any other measured T1 in
relaxation times remarkably well, Fig. 4, despite the T2 times being our sample set. We believe this may arise from ring-stacking of the
below the echo spacing of the measurement. For simulated sam- naphthalene molecules, leading to a more rigid structure than the
ples 3 and 4, the peaks had a tendency to hug the boundary. Sim- other measured systems. In addition, an unexpected peak appeared
ulations for T2 values above 60 ls had 1% or less deviation in at longer T2 times. This was attributed to naphthalene sublimating
24 K.E. Washburn, J.E. Birdwell / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 233 (2013) 17–28

Fig. 7. Anvil point mine solid echo T1–T2 correlation, (a) raw shale, (b) 360 °C 6-h ISS, (c) 360 °C 24-h ISS, (d) 360 °C 72-h ISS, (e) 360 °C 288-h ISS.

during the measurement process. The resulting signal intensity

Table 2 from the solid echo was approximately three times the signal
Anvil point mahogany total integrated signal intensity comparison between spin echo intensity of the spin echo. However, precise comparison was hin-
and solid echo measurements. dered by the effects of sublimation.
Raw 6h 24 h 72 h 288 h The LDPE beads, Fig. 5e, produced a stable T1–T2 correlation re-
sult. We speculate the multiple peaks arise from chains of differing
Spin echo 5.10 13.90 11.64 9.42 1.84
Solid echo 11.79 15.81 12.32 11.81 2.48 lengths or from different structural domains, such as branched
chains or semi-crystalline structures. FTIR analysis of the material
indicated oxidation of the surface layers in the form of ester bands
(not shown). The signal intensity from the solid echo was nearly
twice that of the spin echo measurement. While both samples dis-
Table 3 play the anticipated long T1 and short T2 behavior of solids, we be-
Anvil point mahogany solid echo peak intensity measurements as a function of
lieve the LDPE beads to be a better analogue for most oil shale
maturation time.
kerogens than naphthalene. These results also provide confidence
Raw 6h 24 h 72 h 288 h in the veracity of the short T2 values we observe in the results
Peak A 5.07 2.51 1.58 1.34 0.47 for the oil shale samples.
Peak B 3.31 5.39 3.83 1.69 0.54 The results for the oil shale samples from a standard spin
Peak C 0.00 6.08 4.65 3.10 0.38 echo T1–T2 correlation provide significant improvement for
Peak D 0.00 0.39 1.03 3.80 0.19
interpretation of hydrogen-bearing constituents compared to the
K.E. Washburn, J.E. Birdwell / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 233 (2013) 17–28 25

Fig. 8. Garden Gulch Member spin echo T1–T2 correlation, (a) raw shale, (b) 360 °C 24-h ISS, (c) 360 °C 72-h ISS, (d) 360 °C 120-h ISS, and (e) 360 °C 264-h ISS.

one-dimensional case. The signal is observed to be far from T1–T2 pairs, the differences in intensity between the spin echo and solid
parity, indicating that it is generated from highly viscous or solid echo may yield information regarding the chemical structure of the
components. This agrees with previously published characteriza- components. Further work is necessary to correlate these relaxa-
tion of these samples from programmed pyrolysis; while a small tion times to spectroscopic data for more definitive identification.
amount of bitumen is present in the raw shale samples, the major- Peak I shifts to slightly longer T2 times, while Peak II T2 relaxation
ity of the hydrogen resides in solid kerogen [38]. Based on the re- times become longer by two orders of magnitude. This indicates
sults, we are confident that the resulting signal is from kerogen. To the majority of relaxation of Peak II comes from homonuclear dipo-
the authors’ knowledge, this is the first low-field NMR measure- lar coupling. The largest signal intensity increase comes from the
ment of kerogen-associated hydrogen. However, it is likely that addition of the third peak with a very short T2 time. This peak is
only a portion of the overall kerogen signal is being observed; it attributed to portions of the kerogen undergoing significant homo-
is anticipated that there exists still more signal at T2 relaxation nuclear interactions such that the T2 is not measurable during a
times not currently accessible due to present equipment standard spin echo T1–T2 correlation.
limitations. Comparison of total signal intensities for the two types of mea-
The solid echo T1–T2 correlation for the raw APM shale, Fig. 7a, surements for the APM samples are shown in Table 2. For the raw
shows several differences from the spin echo T1–T2 correlation sample, the vast majority of the signal corresponds to relaxation
measurement, Fig. 6a. The signal intensity of the solid echo T1–T2 times well away from the T1–T2 parity line. As the samples undergo
measurement is twice that of the spin echo T1–T2. Peaks I and II artificial maturation, the kerogen decomposes into bitumen,
gain approximately 50% and 35% in signal intensity respectively. Figs. 6b and c and 7b and c. The bitumen is viscous, but more li-
Because the solid echo is most efficient at refocusing isolated spin quid-like than kerogen and the transformation is reflected in the
26 K.E. Washburn, J.E. Birdwell / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 233 (2013) 17–28

Fig. 9. Garden Gulch Member solid echo T1–T2 correlation, (a) raw shale, (b) 360 °C 24-h ISS, (c) 360 °C 72-h ISS, (d) 360 °C 120-h ISS, (e) 360 °C 264-h ISS.

Table 4
Garden Gulch Member total signal intensity comparison between spin echo and solid
the T1–T2 parity line. Seventy-two hours represents peak bitumen
echo measurements.
generation under these conditions for this sample [38]. The expul-
Raw 24 h 72 h 120 h 264 h sion of oil and gas leads to loss of hydrogen from the system. This is
Spin echo 17.76 14.67 12.39 9.24 8.77 reflected in the reduced overall intensity determined by both types
Solid echo 24.33 19.99 13.16 10.40 9.68 of T1–T2 correlation experiments. At longer heating times, much of
the bitumen has partially cracked to yield oil and gas [38], leading
to an increase in bitumen viscosity, as reflected in the T1–T2 corre-
Table 5 lation times, Figs. 6e and 7e. After seventy-two hours maturation,
Garden Gulch Member solid echo peak intensity measurements as a function of the T2 peak shifts to shorter times, indicating an increase in the
maturation time. stiffness of the material.
Raw 24 h 72 h 120 h 264 h Comparing the total signal intensity between the solid and spin
Peak A 6.26 1.44 0.91 0.74 0.88
echo measurements, the greatest difference between measure-
Peak B 4.75 5.05 2.55 1.73 2.33 ments is seen in the raw sample results. There, most of the hydro-
Peak C 0.00 6.68 3.62 2.49 2.71 gen resides in the solid phase. As the samples are thermally
Peak D 0.00 3.51 3.04 1.87 0.47 matured and increasing amounts of bitumen are produced, the dif-
Peak E 8.72 2.09 1.68 1.81 1.37
ference in intensity between the two measurements decreases. Fi-
nally, as the less viscous bitumen is cracked and chars, leaving
peak locations in the plots. With longer heating times, Figs. 6d and behind a stiffer, more solid organic phase, the ratio between the so-
7d, the signal shifts to longer T2 relaxation times and approaches lid echo and spin echo signal intensity increases. This suggests that
K.E. Washburn, J.E. Birdwell / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 233 (2013) 17–28 27

the ratio of intensities between the two measurements can poten- samples, even after 264 h of maturation. This agrees with previ-
tially be used as an indicator of component stiffness. ously observed behavior in clay-rich source rocks [43], which are
Both the spin echo and solid echo T1–T2 correlation measure- known to retain more generated petroleum products than samples
ments allow for qualitative observation of the artificial maturation with lower clay content. Alternatively, some of this additional sig-
process, but the solid echo T1–T2 correlation produces results with nal could arise from remaining water in the clay.
more stable peak configurations between the different pyrolysis These results indicate that comparison of measurements made
times, making interpretation easier. We divide the signal into four between standard spin echo techniques and the new solid echo
main peaks, A, B, C, and D, labeled in Fig. 7d, and integrated the techniques presented can potentially be used to help identify and
intensity of each peak. It should be noted that peaks may, but characterize highly viscous and solid organic components in shale
not necessarily, belong to separate constituents in a sample. In- systems. However, we anticipate that for shale samples containing
verse Laplace inversion methods have a tendency to ‘‘pearl’’, where both significant quantities of organic matter and low viscosity liq-
a continuous distribution is broken into separate peaks. This arti- uids, such as oil and water, the NMR response will be more compli-
fact can be useful, acting to histogram intensity in the correlation cated than a simple summation of the relaxations from the solid
spectrum, but needs to be kept in mind in terms of the physical and liquid components. Significant interplay between solids and
interpretation of the results. Signal intensities, shown in Table 3, liquids may occur due to mechanisms such as spin diffusion,
were normalized for sample weight, number of scans, and receiver homonuclear dipolar coupling between the organic solids and
gain. The peak at very short T2 time, peak A, which we speculate petroleum, and increased petroleum residence time on organic
belongs to kerogen, consistently decreases as the shales are ex- pore surfaces. The solid–liquid behavior may not be a one-way
posed to pyrolysis conditions for longer periods of time. The inten- interaction of the matrix influencing the liquid relaxation times
sity of peaks B, C, and D first increased and then decreased with like in conventional hydrocarbon resources; the liquids may also
increased heating time. The change in intensity is in general agree- influence the relaxation behavior of the organic solids in the pore
ment with the previously published measurements of kerogen and matrix for shales. New methods of artificial maturation have been
bitumen content of these samples from bulk-analysis and pro- developed for core plugs under confinement, better imitating the
grammed pyrolysis [38]. Kerogen content is at a maximum for maturation processes in situ and allowing the samples to retain
raw shales and consistently decreases with increased maturation. some of the produced petroleum. Research using spin and solid
Bitumen content is low in the raw shale, increases significantly echo techniques on both natural oil-bearing shales as well as arti-
upon heating, and begins to decrease at 72 h under ISS conditions. ficially matured core plugs are underway to better understand
The GGM raw shale results, Figs. 8a and 9a, show similar relax- these dynamics.
ation time distributions as the APM raw shale, with the exception
of an additional intense peak at approximately T2 = 104 s and
5. Conclusions
T1 = 103 s. This peak may arise from water molecules trapped in
empty potassium sites between the layers of illite.
Shale samples show significant deviation in behavior from the
Like the APM shale, while the spin echo T1–T2 correlation al-
standard interpretation of conventional fluid-saturated reservoir
lowed for a qualitative interpretation, the results from the GGM
rocks where relaxation time is correlated with pore size and sur-
shale using the T1–T2 solid echo correlation show a more consis-
face relaxation is dominated by heteronuclear dipolar interactions
tent, stable peak configuration throughout the artificial maturation
with paramagnetic impurities. While there still remains significant
process. Given the more complicated signal configuration, confi-
work to be done to better understand the NMR response from the
dently determining the relationship between the spin and solid
broad range of shales, improved instrumentation and the addition
echo T1–T2 peaks for the GGM shale is more challenging than for
of solid echo-based techniques provide another tool for identifying
the APM shale. However, it appears the peak attributed to water
and studying different constituents in shale samples. By perform-
associated with illite (Peak E) shows less increase in intensity be-
ing experiments using both the standard spin echo and solid echo
tween the spin and solid echo measurements, from 15% to 20%,
techniques, it appears possible to obtain more complete informa-
than the portions of the signal attributed to organic matter, which
tion on the hydrogen-bearing constituents present in shales. With
showed nearly a 50% increase. Changes in the intensity of different
a short s, the response from low viscosity liquids appears to be un-
peaks between spin and solid echo experiments could help identify
changed between the spin and solid echo experiments while signif-
sample constituents, though more extensive testing in conjunction
icant differences are seen in samples containing highly viscous and
with other geochemical analyses is required.
solid organic matter. The ratio of intensities between the two mea-
Unlike the APM shale, which displayed an initial increase in to-
surements could provide structural information on sample constit-
tal signal intensity during pyrolysis, the GGM shale shows a de-
uents. Measuring the NMR response for a range of solid echo
crease in total intensity throughout, Table 4. This difference is
spacings may also yield additional useful information. Results sug-
attributed to the high concentration of illite in the GGM shale
gest that for samples containing a significant amount of bitumen or
(approximately 30 wt.%). While the components of the signal from
kerogen that measurement of T1 alone will be insufficient, particu-
bitumen initially increased, Table 5, again reflecting that the com-
larly using the inversion recovery measured from an FID, and a two
plete kerogen signal is not being measured, the large peak from il-
dimensional experiment provides more information for system
lite decreases with increased heating time. This intensity decrease
interpretation. Although this study focused on oil shales, the
displays an asymptotic behavior; there is a significant decrease in
techniques applied have a wider range of potential applications,
intensity upon initial heating and slower decreases at longer heat-
particularly to geologic samples related to other unconventional
ing times. This is consistent with results of other researchers, who
petroleum resources.
showed that heating illite to temperatures above 250 °C was suffi-
cient to start removing the interlayer water [42]. For the two GGM
samples that underwent pyrolysis for longer periods of time, (120 Acknowledgments
and 264 h), we see a similar shift to shorter T2 relaxation times as
the corresponding APM sample (288 h). Bitumen content has de- The authors thank Michael Lewan, Tim Ruble, and Dick Drozd
creased significantly in the 120- and 264-h GGM samples as much for helpful discussion on general issues related to shales, Andrew
of the bitumen has been cracked to oil and gas. The GGM samples Coy and Christopher Laughrey for manuscript review, Alan
contained a significantly greater signal compared to the APM Burnham for the Garden Gulch samples; Lauren Burcaw for LaTeX
28 K.E. Washburn, J.E. Birdwell / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 233 (2013) 17–28

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