Assignment 1

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Assignment #1

Topic name
Measursment scales
Submitied by
Nayab ansar
Submitied to
Mam saima atif
Probability and statistics

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Measurement scales

maesurment scales
scales of
measurement refers to ways in which
variables are defined and categorized.
Each scales of measurement has
certain properties which in turn
determines the appropriateness for
use of certain statistical analyese.
The four sacles of measurement are
nominal, ordinal,interval, and ratio.

There are four scales of measurement.

Nominal scale
Ordinal scale
Interval scale
Ratio sacle
Ordinal scale:
Ordinal scale is
the 2nd level of measurement that
reports the ranking and ordering of
the data with out actually establishing
the degree of variation between
them.ordinal level of measurement is
the second of the four measurement

Ranking of high school
students 1st, 3rd,4th,………10th .A
student scoring 99by100 would be
first rank.
Interval scale :
The interval scales is
defined as quantitative measurement
sacle where the diffrance between
2variables is meangfull.
Interval sacle is 3rd level of

For example:
You have probably seen
the following scales used in research
levels,likelihood or want.
Nominal scale:
A nominal scale is
a maesurment scale in which numbers
server as “tags” or ”label” only, to
identify or calssify an object.
A nominal scale measurement
normally deals only with
Select the degree of the
discomfort of the disease

For example:
How would you describe your
behavioral pattern
A_ Ambivert
Ratio scales:
Ratio scale is a type of
variable measurement scale which is
quantitative in nature.
Ratio sacle allows any research to
compare the interval or diffrance.

For example:
What is your height in feet inches
less thsn five feet
5feet 1 inch_5feet 5inches

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