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1: bits and pieces: unas cositas, pedazos

tackle: afrontar, abordar, entrada (futbol) trolley: carrito

derribar (rugby)
the spitting image: viva imagen
mugging: atraco
foremost: líder, al frente
affluent: rico
revenue: ingresos publicos
spotless: impecable
on and off: ininterrumpidamente
sprawling: en expanion (sprawl: tumbarse)
hit and miss: aleatorio, inestable
run down: en decadencia
peace and quiet: tranquilo
crumble: derrumbarse
long and short: en resumidas cuentas
filthy: sucio, asqueroso
sick and tired: harto de
deprived: desfavorecido, privado de
first and foremost: antes q nada
dull: aburrido, opaco, soso, mate, leve (dull
Willing: querer, wilful: caprichoso, terco
spring up: florecer, REBELARSE protest
Laid-back: despreocupado, no drama
crawl: reptar, ir lento
Slacker: holgazán
conspicuous: notorio, obvio
Cynic: noun, cynical: adjective.
slum; suburbio
Back down: recular
condemned: declarado en ruina
Lighten up: relajarse
downturn: recesión
Stride: zancada
gripped: agarrado
take in stride: tomarlo con calma
pour into (money): invertir
Go behind my back: actuar a las espaldas
divert: desviar, distraer
Retiring: reservado, callado
swap, intercmbiar
Get ahead: avanzar, adelantar
stall: puesto, compartimiento, urinario
Undermine: debilitar:
inward: hacia dentro, interno
Drag down: desmoralizar, arruinar (status)
outskirt: afueras
Put up: price (increase) levantar (a big
knock down: demolish
compelled: obligar
Go over his head: habalr con alguien mas
compelling: convincente, persuasivo important q el

harvesting: extraer (organs) Comes across: toparse, dar la impresión

deed: hazaña Take over: tomar el control , poder.

(apoderarse del baño)
loaf of bread
Be off: leave Elected by ballots, ballot: papeleta

Better off: mejor Petty crimes: delitos menores

Live to tell the tale: successfully deal Landslide: goleada, desprendimiento

despite a difficult situation.
Trigger: gatillo, desencadenar, cause to
Clash: enfrentamiento start ( elections)

Give away: donar Boost: encourage, mejorar (economy)

Set out/ set off; + presentar, exponer, Compound:, agravar

tener la intención de.
Strain on finances :bankrupt
Stroll: paseo
Take the mickey: burlarse
Gaze: mirar fijamente: stare
Overstatement: exageración
Glance: ojeada, vistazo
Lose face: quedar mal
Glimpse: vistazo, ojeada, destello
String: cuerda
Glare: resplandecer, mirada asesina
Pin: imperdible
Gasp: soplido, bocanada d aire
underpin: respaldar, apoyar algo
Sight: suspiro
Sitck in: introducir
Chuckles: laugh quietly
Wring out: escurrir
Creep: arrastrarse, asqueroso
Knee pad: rodillera
Giggle: reír
Elbow guard
Mumble: murmurar
Drill: taladrar
Mutter: murmurar
Ripped: rasgado
Indistinctly: confuso
Stain: mancha
Stagger: tambalearse, asombrar
Rinse: enjuagar
Stag: ciervo
Draughty: breezy, con Corrientes d aire
Poke fun: reírse d
Drought: sequía
Slot: puesto, ranura, tragaperras
Die a death: failed
Stance: postura
Never say die: never stop trying
Bury : enterrar
4: politics
Blokes: tíos
Not know where you stand: can’t pass
Allocates: asignar
judgement, don’t know enough
Cast: lanzar, reparto
A recipe for disaster: va a salir mal
Lobby: grupo de presión
Opinión polls: encuestas de opinión
Hollow: hueco, insignificante Stand-up comedy: monologos

Lay the fundations: TO PRODUCE THE stand up: true facts dar a conocer.
BASIS STRUCTURE FOR STH levantar, dejar plantado

Rip: rasgar rip up the contract Dreadful: terrible

Sweep: barrer sweep to power Array: variedad de

Stain his reputation Disarray: desorden

Rig: amañar Toss-up: cara o cruz

6: Tucked up: arropado

Be bored out of your mind: muerto del Retreat: retiro

Revolves around: gira en torno a, focus on
Crawl: go slow. Crawl into bed
Centres on: based on
Stitches: punto
Trace: buscar el origen: trace a tree family
In stitches: Laughing very hard until xxthC.

Mortified: avergonzado Stem from: originarse

Live up to the hype: no era todo lo Bueno q Set back: put off, a setback: contratiempo
se había esperado
Rooted in real life: se origin-ó en
In bits: extremelly upset
In floods of tears
Overturn/overthrow: derrocar
A bit of a scene: una escenita
Take over: tomar el control, adquiri
Do: a party (business)

Swarm: enjambre overtake: adelantar, rebasar

Tip of the iceberg/ tonge/the pen Plot: conspiración

Floods of tears/complains Take offence: ofenderse

Waxwork: figuras de cera Lapse: fallo, lapso

Off the beaten tracks: fuera de la zona Fight off: luchar contra
Misconduct: mala conducta
Hordes: multitudes,
Escalate: intensificar, escalar
hoarder: almacenador compulsivo
Stage: manipular, montar
Dip: cuesta
Stage a coup
All year round: todo el año
Inflict on: imponer, infligir
Puckish: travieso
Casuality: baja, victima, herida, urgencias
Cream tea: te con bollos
Clear the air: calmar los aires
Grip: agarrar, sujetar la situación armoury: arsenal d armas

Gripping: fascinante borne: cargado

Get our wires crossed: confundirse borne out: confirmado (facts, suspicions)
causado por
Let off steam: desahogarse
spite: rencor
It’s no use crying over spilt milk: llover
sobre mojado tumble: caerse

Twist my words: trasgiversar mis palabras somersault: voltereta/ handstand pino

Price war. Hit profits intake: ingesta, (aire)

All the big guns: important people plunge: caida, desmonorarse, zambullirse

Overlaid: cubierto de UNDER scrutiny: close examination

Ridge: cresta tighten: reforzar, endurecer

Manoeuvre: maniobra time frame: period de tiempo, transcurso

Join forces upward: hacia arriba

lay siege: asediar downward spiral, trend: hacia abajo

trace the plot feed into: alimentar-perpetuar

a debate rages scarp: chatarra, pelea, descartar

truce: tregua wreck: naufragio

amends: reparación Wrench: llave inglesa

make amends: hacer las paces Wrenching: desgarrador

compensation: indemnización
thin Edge of the wedge: principio de algo
shortage: escasez peor- wedge: calzo

UNIT 7: heap: montón de

Breakthrough: descubrimiento scribble: garabatear

Deploy: desplegar (troops) scrabble: escarbar

Devise: diseñar (a plan) pave the way for: pavimenta, haz mas facil

Diminished: disminuir slippery slope: cuesta resbaladiza, callejon

sin salida
Impaired: discapacitado, deteriorado,
deficiente estropeado(machine, inmune pull off: conseguir algo, pull off the trick!
system, hearing)
foreshadow: presagiar
Stack of cards, papers, books
vested interest: interés personal/particular
Underlying: subyaciente
eligible: idóneo, apto, con los requisitos
Undertake: comprometerse a
up to speed:, al tanto, enterado
speed up: ir mas rapido, acelerar Bridge the gap: reconcile/temporary
dissolve: disolverse
Butt in: entrometerse
defy the odds: desafiar los problemas
Hatch: salir del huevo
beat the odds: superar contra todo
pronostico Let out: liberar, sacar la costura, sonido

odd: impar, probabilidades, raro Pluck: desplumar, depilar eyebrows,

burning ambition: fuerte aspiracion,deseo Princers: pinzas, tweezers, pincitas

reprobate: depravado Puff up: hincharse

nonchalant: despreocupado, indiferente Swell: aumentar, crecer, genial (ironic)

sojourn: estancia, pasar una temporada Roam: deambular

phony: falso, plagiado Slender: delgado, escaso

restive: inquieto, uneasy Beat around the bush: irse por las ramas

saturnine: gloomy:triste, melancolico, Get into the swing of it: comenzar a

pesimista. disfrutar lo q haces

Economic: trade, industry, money, adj- swing balancearse, columpio

Economical: economico, barato, adj. Cursory: rapido

Drawback: downside: disadvantage Defy: desafiar

All sizzle no steak: mucho ruido y pocas Follow up: seguimiento, investigar,
nueces. Sizzle: chispas de cocinar continuar

Flunk: suspender Glut: exceso

huck: lanzar, tirar Overlap: superponerse, coincidir

Chuckle: reírse por lo bajo Recall: remember

Chucklehead: tonto Sweeping: barrido, extenso

Rash: sarpullido Unsettling: perturbador

8: Wake: después, velatorio

Barren: árido, esteril Flock; manada de birds, sheep goats

Warren: madriguera, laberinto Forage: buscar comida

Lush: exuberante, borracho, atractivo Gnaw: roer, masticar

Rolling: a (gentle) Slope: pendiente suave Range: cordillera, oscilar

Winding: serpenteante Cove: cala

Blunt: directo, cortante Gorge: cañón, garganta

River mouth:desembocadura
Wetland: pantano Workforce: población activa

Jagged: dentado Amount to: cantidad, suma total, acender

a, equivale a
Murky: turbia
Crèche: jardin de infancia
Hard-wire: inculcar
Haul: arrastrar, trasportar, redada, monton
Pushy: ambicioso, prepotente
, botín, arrestar
Neglect: abandono, descuido
Crack down ON: mano dura
Perk: beneficio, ventaja
launch a crackdown
Show/teach the ropes: enseñar como
Draw up ( a contract): redactar hacerel trabajo o la actividad

Eager: entusitasta, ansioso, currante Retain: quedarse

Invoice: factura Begs the question: generar pedir la

pregunta, tb evitarla
Liaise: cooperar
Pull your weight: hacer alguien su parte
Ominous: mal agüero
set the wheels in motion; start a process
Oversee: supervisar
pass on: reject
Take on: hacese cargo, contratar,
enfrentarse a get on the worng side: caer mal

Take up: hobby be called in sick: llama al trabajo para decir

q esta malo
Troubleshoot: resolver un prob
a bout of hiccups
Backside: trasero
bout: ataque de
Drain: drenar, desagüe, agotar
show round: mostrar (sitio nuevo)
Drift: a la deriva
let me get this straight: dejame entenderlo
Inherently: intrínsecamente
straightaway: inmediatamente
Lean: inclinarse, delgado,
sacked: redundant: dismissal:
Numb: entumecido, insesible, anestesiado
swingeing: severo
Mind-numbing: extremely boring
grant compassionate leave
Redundant: despedido
take early retirement
Lay off: echar, made redundant, pink
slip:finiquito took to a tribunal

Screw: atornillar, extorsionar, timar take voluntary redundancy

Slump: desplomarse, sentarse stationery: material papeleria

stationary: inmovil (bike)
Utterly: completely
drip: Suero, gotero cramped: apretado

drip irrigation spawn: engendrar

excruciating: dolor insoportable printouts: impresos

graft: injerto outbreak: brote, estallido

limb: extremidad passerby: transeunte

lump: bulto stepping up: incrementar

relapse: recaer get-together: juntarse, reunirse

scarring: cicatriz, scar shake-up: reforma, sacudida

swell: hinchazón, aumentar, upbringing: crianza

anchor: sujetar, anclar dropout: abandon, desertor

bout: episodio, ataque run-up( precegding period) vispera

clench: tensar, contraer, apretar cover-up: encubrimiento

clutch: aferrar write-off: siniestro, desastre

crouch: agacharse break-in: robo

dwell on: residir, preocuparse por add insult to injury: echar sale n la herida

flutter: aletear, wings, eyelids(parpados) bypass: circunvalación

grin: sonreir mucho turnover: ventas

pat: palmear, dar una palmada turn over: ganar, facturar

proponent: defensor walkout: huelga

shrug: shoulders walk out: irse

shudder: estremecerse nail: clavo, hit the nail on the head

stroke: derrame apoplejia, hachazo mix-up: confusion

clog: atascado (sink) admit to + ing, admit + noun

exacerbate: complicar he did not admit to not understanding

painstaking: meticuloso, cuidadoso miss deadlines

glitch: fallo técnico, problema rushed to the hospital: llevar de urgenica

patch: parche, área, mancha, whats the catch? Donde está la trampa?

stem from: originarse, venir de Draw: empate, atracción

swell up: hncharse 11:

dental fillling: empaste, relleno Drop of a team

cramp: stomach: apreton, tiron Knock out: echar del torneo

Open game: cualquiera puede ganar Neck and neck: a la par, parejos, even

Man: encargarse de A pawn in the game: peon

Tight game: ajustado, high level Time on your hands, no busy

Evenly: equitativamemte, a partes iguales Sin bin: jaula, castigar, no mucho ,

Underdog: no favorito commmited a foul: unfair play

Trash_ basura, borracho Send off: echar futbol, tarjeta roja

Uphold: sostener, apoyar (decisión) Blow it: cagarla

Beat up: hurt Fix a match: bribe, amañar

Bluff: farol Get cramp: calambre

Counter: mostrador, ventanilla, encimera, Cram: apiñar, embutir

ficha del juego
Crammed: lleno
Hand out; distribuir
Clam: almeja
Fase up: hacia arriba, plantar cara a
Feel stiff: dolorido, cargado
Gang up: aliarse
Let off: deahogarse
Sideway: lateral, camino secundario, de
Steam: vapor,
Let off steam liberar estres
Shed: cobertizo, mudar la piel
Drag: arrastrar
Shuffle: mezclar
Down to: a causa de
Stake: apuesta, poste (estaca)
Shipshape: aseado, ordenado
High stakes game: risk a lot
Seeking Sanctuary (from the war): asilo,
Tease: burlarse, fastidiar
Tip over: volcar
Play safe: ir sobre seguro
Forge: falsificar firma, forjar
Hog: cerdo
Forage: buscar comida
Groundhog: marmota
Hurdle: valla, obstaculo
Give as good as she gets: pagar con la
Rear: atrás, parte d atrás, criar misma moneda

Below the belt: golpe bajo, cruel The lap of luxury: en abundancia

Blow your chance: lose a good opportunity Bite the bullet: enfrentarse al toro

Keep your cards close to your chest Doom and gloom: desastre

A level playing field: same opportunities Peer pressure: social pressure

Move the goalposts: change rules benefit Reserve the right: tener el derecho de
Love lost: no se pueden ver
Jump the gun: salir antes de yiempo, Rite of passage: rito de iniciacion
From scratch: de cero
Stop the rot: cortar de raiz, enderezar la
Belch: eructar
As dead as dodo (extinct bird)
As clear as mud: not clear
Double dog dare: a que no te atreves
Memory like a sieve(colador): no memory
Flee: huir
Avoid it like the plague
Sheltered: protegido, amparado, (refugio)
passed off (= took place, happened
That Notwithstanding: no obstante
started off: iniciarse
withstand: resistir
urge: necesidad, ansia
All the same though: a pesar de todo
consumed by/with: lleno de
Whether or not, even if: sin importar
set off: partir, iniciar viaje
Realm: campo, ambito, reino
start up: emprender, arrancar 8machine)
Likewise: similarly
build up: desarrollar, levanter, construer
Down to: due to: a result of
lit up (= became bright with pleasure or
On account of: as a result of
anticipation or excitement)
Cast doubt on stemmed from: was caused by
give rise: resulted in
Contend: competir, enfrentarse a
allegedly: presuntamente
Time goes by
earnest: serio
Pottery: baked clay
dop: doparse, prohibir?
Tile: azulejo
Asilo: refuge, asylum, sanctuary
Uprising: alzamiento
Santuario: templo: shrine, sanctuary
Whip up: batir, suscitar, imrpovisar
rule out: descartar
Bust: busto, fracaso, quiebra
contend: competir, lidiar con, afirmar
Clout: tortazo, influencia
Bring forward: adelantar
Dent: abollar, afectar, impactar
Bring about: provocar
Equalise: igualar
Bring up: sacar tema, criar, vomitar
Loot: botin, saquear
Bring out: enfatizar PUBLICAR
Push for: presionar
Throw up: vomitar
Bark is worse than his bite: perro q ladra no
muerde Throw out: tirar, rechazar

Lust for life, disfrutar lo máximo 13:

Bar: prohibir toll: peaje, perdidas, daños

Blast: explosion, una pasada death toll: total d victimas

Blow-: sth dissapoint happens ups: increase

Brink: borde pull out of: not take part in

To be in the clear: ser inocente go to the loo: ir al baño

Fuss: escándalo ,protesta slip out: escaparse

Hail:granizo upbeat: alegre

Hails: praises chase: persecucion, caza

Raid: redada if you life by the sword, you die by the

sword: sis as cosas malas para conseguir lo
Rally: mitin
q quieres, tendras resltados malos
Seize: agarrar por la fuerza
in for a penny, in for a pound: de perdidos
Slash: rajar al rio

Libel: calumnias, difamar When the going gets tough, the tough get
Loathe: hate
People in glass houses shouldn’t throw
Outright: completamente
stones. (no critiques por lo mismo que
Renowned: famoso, renombrado tienes tu)

Staple: grapar, básico, alimento básico It takes all sorts to make a world. La gente
es diferente y tienes q aceptarlo
Sue: demandar
Sort: razas perros, tipos, tios,
Tabloid: smal newspaper
Too many cooks spoil the broth (caldo).si
Vicious: violento hay demasiado gente, no saldra bien
The grass is always greener on the other
Aftermath: consecuencia
Appeal for: pedir Don’t count your chickens before they
hatch (salir del caparzon)
Appeal to: atraer a
Base rate: salario basico
Hearing: vista, audiencia
Tear gas
Proceeds: ingresos, producido
Sham: farsa
Tack: chincheta, pegar
Urge: deseo, encourage, instar a alguien a
Dire: pésimo, extremo, urgente
Hand on hear: deicr lo que piensas
Draw: empate, sorteo, loteria
Line your own pockets: make yourself rich
in a dishonest way Float; emission de acciones

The lowest common denominator, la parte Root beer float: bebida

menos atractiva o inteligente de la gente Pitch: campo, tono, pujar por
pitch the bitch: complain Business angel: la q aporta financiocion o
upturn: mejora, incremento
Financial backing: apoyo financiero
asset: activos, acciones
Turnover: facturación, volumen, ventas
bail out: rajarse, rescatar, pagar la fianza
Be in the black: con saldo a favor
default: incumplimiento, no pagar
Be in the red: sin saldo
deregulation: liberalización
Rent: alquiler
feed off: nutrirse de
Overheads: gastos de todo, incluido alquilr
jeopardize: arriesgar, poner en peligro
Pick up: get better
lax: negligente, permisivo
Go under: bancarrota
prompt: rápido, provocar entrada(texto)
Hang in: survive
repayment: reembolso
Downturn: drop
scale: escama, báscula
Pitch for a contract: try to win it
shareholder: accionista
Plus ça change: nothing changes no matter
bottom line: final de cuentas, balance
what you do
bulk: al por mayor
Zeitgeist: espiritu del tiempo
contingency; azar, suerte, contingencia
Fai accompli: hecho consumado
Edge: borde, ventaja
Angst: angustia
Focus groups
A faux pas: error vergonzoso
Head start: ventaja
Kitsch: cursilada
Outsource; subcontratar
Counterfeit: falsificar
Retail: venta al por menor
Sales projections: focus group
Deal; foca, sellar/sello, sellar acuerdo
Scale back:achicarse
Spreadsheet: hoja de calculo
Outsource: subcontratar
Stake: inversión, apuesta
Increaser fourfold: cuatro veces
Be on the cards: q va a pasar (del tarot
Lobby: forzar, presionar
Daylight robbery: caro
Clash: no combinar
In light of this: in consideration
Get away with: librarse, llevar algo y q te
Make a killing; a lot of money rapido
quede bien
Venture capitalist: capital emprendedor
Lace: encaje, cordon
Return on investment: rentabilidad
Lapel: solapa,
Lining: forro Frayed: deshilachado

Pull off: quitarse, q te quede bien Split: rajado

Ribbon: cinta Spotted: lunares

Strap: tira, correa, cinturón Worn out: gastado

Bangle: bracelet Bangle: pulsera

Flared: campana Bushy: frondoso

Highlights: mechas Gelled: gomina

Low-cut: escotado Flares: acampanados

Pinstripe: de raya diplomática Flat: plano

Shades: sunglases Summery: veraniego

Shawl: chal Sturdy: robusto, dificiles de romper

Spiked: de pinchos
Wane: decline
Tartan: tela escocesa
Endorsement: aprobación, apoyo
Wedges: calzo, cuñas
Doctor: falsificar, alterar, modificar
Frown on: desapobrar
Revealing clothes
Gown: bata, toga, vestido largo, vestido de
boda Loud: chillon

Beads: abalorios Knee-length

Sturdy: robusto On daily basis: diariamentr

Strapless: sin tirantes On+ ing: on answering the phone, : when

Slinky: elegante Fattening; que engorda

Gabby: parlanchin Heightened: intensificado

Bootcut: vaquero recto Overgeneralisaton:

Seam: costura Widening; creciente, ensanchando

Linen: lino Demystified; desmitificar

Flowery Disheartening: descorazonador,

desalentador: discouraging
Checked: a cuadros
Heartening; esperanzador;: encouraging
Zipped: cremallera
Head up: liderar
Tartan: escoces
Table a bid: poner sobre la mesa
Paisley: cachemir
Floor (vb) : anonadar
Ripped: roturas
Pencil: tomar nota?
Shoulder: asumir See a law repealed

Nudge: codazo The case was dismissed on the grounds of…

Stroke my hair: acariciar Hazard: riesgo

Trip up: tropezar Menace: amenaza

16: At your peril

Liability: responsibility Fraught danger

Lawsuit: sue Menace to society

Non-compilance: incumplimiento Grave threat to national society

Grounds: justificacion, base, grounds for Health hazard

divorce: reasons for suing or rejecting a
Odds: posibilidades
Be set to: sth likely to happen
Set precedent: marcar precedents
In all likelihood
Case dismissed: rejected

Repeal legislation: derogar la ley

Bang: estallido, golpe: whacked

Came to: volver en sí, regain consciousness

Profusely: abundantemente

Pouring: servir, derramarse,

Tear off: arrancar: ripped

Pass out.: faint

Gash: cut, deep, tajo, cuchillada

Cut open: abrir, dissect

Sneak off: escabullirse

Bash: golpear

Stumble: tropezar

Hold liable

Was Awarded 2 euros in damages

Sued the paper for libel(difamar

Was overturned on appeal
Anything goes: all things are accepted, no
Filed lawsuit against
boundaries to behaviour
Admitted negligence pay compensation
Bustling: atestado, a reventar
Set a precedent
Buy in bulk: a granel Catch up: ponerse al dia con, alcanzar,
Crude: rude
Get on: deal with a situation successfully
Get around: travel
Go for sth: sold for that amount
Get away from it all
Go with: suit
Get to know sb sth
Harassment: acoso, incordio
Get together: meet, arranged it before
Live up to: estar a la altura, igualar
Go through sth
Look down on: sb is less important that you
Graze: raspar
Part with sth: deshacerse
Huddle: apilarse, charlar
Pour: servir, derramarse, fluir
Larder: despensa
(stuck) in a rut: atascado en la rutina
Mark (an anniversary): commemorate
Set foot in: go to a place
Mingle: mix
Settle down: start living (partners)
Musty: rancio
Single-handed: no help of anyone else
Pop over: go to X
Take the world by storm: be suddenly
Rub: frotar /Rub off: contagiarse/fregar
Scatter: dispersarse, esparcir
Take up: start doing a particular activity
Scratch: arañar, rascar, rayar
Scratch beneath the surface: look further
Ask sb out: inviter a salir (romantic)
that what is obvious
Awkward: torpe (clumsy)
Shed: cobertizo
Brand (v): encasillar
Shriek: chillido
Bait: anzuelo
Sprinkle: drop small pieces
Bridge the gap: connect two things to make
Stale: old, not fresh
the difference smaller
Stench: hedor
Brighten up: despejarse, embellecer,
Thrive: desarrollarse, grow healthily/ animarse
Thriving: próspero, floreciente
Call the shots: dirigir el cotarro
Thrilling: emocionante
Deliver the goods: cumplir lo esperado
Turn out: ocurrir turn up: llegar a
Demean: menospreciar
Downward spiral: caer en picado
Antagonise: contrariar
Edgy: nervous
Call in: visit short time
Emasculate. Hummillar, castrar
Catch on: entender, ponerse d moda
Embrace: acoger Cue: pista, señal (clue)

Hog the limelight: acaparar el Elapse: transcurrir, pasar

Geared towards: estar dirigido a
Limelight: public attention
Give sb a ring: llamar
Hound: sabueso, acosar, perseguir (harass)
Hold the line: esperar (teléfono)
In the running: con oportunidades de ganar
Pond: estanque
Intrude: inmicuirse, entrometerse
Recall: remember
Lay into sb: atacar
Sumptuous: suntuoso, lujoso
Lighthearted: humorous, not serious
Take on: (responsibilities) hacerse cargo,
My lips are sealed: sellados enfrentarse, employ,

Oath: juramento 5:

Over the top: desmesurado Caretaker: portero, conserje

Over the hill: para el arrastre Come to terms with: llegar a un acuerdo

Over the hills and far away: en la distancia In compliance with: cumplir ordines

Pick on sb: acosar, meterse con Distress: angustia

Roll up your sleeves: prepararse para el Doting: cariñoso

trabajo duro
Enclosed: cerrado
Skelletons in the cupboard: embarrasing
Flick through sth: mirar rapido las pags
Get sth off the ground: arranca, despega
Smitten: embelesado, enamorado
Give out: dar (calor, luz), repartir algo, no
Snap: reprentino
resistir, fallar, agotarse
Stem from: originarse
Lead sb to believe: sth incorrect
Take the biscuit/cake: llevarse la palma, ser
No wonder: not surprising
el colmo
Overlook: pasar por alto, ignorar
Tease: burlar, molestar, provocar
Prompt: rápido, provocar to…
Test the water: tantear el terreno
Puzzle over: try to solve sth thinking
Then and there: en el acto, enseguida,
Reclaim: recuperar, reciclar
Tapering: estrechado
Rule out: descartar
Up to the mark: dentro de lo esperable
scruffy: desaliñado
shatter: destrozarse, shatterproof
Albeit: although
sideline: banda (futbol)
Co-opt: nombrar (a member)
snuggle: acurrucarse Put sb on hold: wait telf

speak your mind Put sb through: pasar con la persona telf.

split second: instante Repetetive strain injury: leson por esfuerzo

make straight for: ir a un sitio inmediat
Ring off: end telf.
swarm with: enjambre, multitud
Straightaway: enseguida
tight-knit: muy unido
Turnaround: giro radical
underdone: poco hecha (comida)
Utterly: completely
an unearthly hour: hora no conveniente
7: be up to no good: en nada bueno
What’s the catch? cual es el truco?
Blag: embaucar
Windscreen: parabrisas (washer)
break (a story): in news, en primicia
Break up: cortarse (teléfono)
Collapsible: plegable
Breakthrough: acance, descubrimiento
Drive sth home: hacer entender
Be cut off: stop telephone technical
problems Fall into sth: empezar a hacer x sin tener la
Entangle: enredar Disentangle
Get into sth: interesarse por, engancharse
Dislodged: sacar, quitar
Induction: ingreso, iniciacion
Drawn-out: eterno, interminable
Kitchen hand: ayudante de cocina
Dump: vertedero, dejar a alguien
(relationship) Niche: encasillar, trabajo apropiado para x

To and fro: de un lado a otro Nine-to-five: office timetables

Fill sb in: poner al dia Office junior: subordinado

Get through: comuncarse telf, superar Refuse collector: recolector basura

(dustman) basurero
Go off sb/sth: stop looking
Run-of-the-mill: común y corriente
Hang on, esperar- up: end telephone
Shine through: notarse, brillar a traves
Invigorating: tonificante, estimulante
Shoot off: ir a un sitio directamente y
Needless to say: ni que decir tiene
Off the hook: liberarse, libre de culpa
Shelf stacker: reponedor
(poner el telefono mal y no suena)
Stockbroker: corredor de bolsa
Pass sb over: pasar a otra persona telf.
Plunge into sth: tirarse de cabeza, hacer x
Bank on: contar con, rely, bet
con entusiasmo
Bar: prohibir (prep. I hate vegetables bar carrots)
Protracted: extendido, largo
Biro: bolígrafo: ballpoint Treadmill: cinta, rutina

Bleep: pitido Treat yourself: Hacerte un regalo

Cast your eye over sth: recorrer con la vista Trivial: insignificante, banal, trivial

Courting: cortejo Vain: vanisodo, superficial

Dashboard: panel de instrumentos, 9:

Beacon: faro
Disposable: desechable
Cash a check: cobrar un cheque
Engrossing: atractivo
Cool off: refrescarse, tranquilizarse
Eye of the needle
Confines: restringir, confines, limites
Tyre: llanta
Cripple: lisiar, mutilar, perjudicar
Flat out: a full
Default: por defecto, incumplimiento
Gearbox: caja de cambios (legally)

Hackneyed: estereotipado Feel all at sea: confused

Hackney: taxi ingles, popularizar Foot the bill: pagar por algo

Hiccup: hipo Get your fingers burnt: pagar las

Hideous: espantoso
Go up in smoke: calcinarse, quedar en nada
Ill-conceived: mal paneado
Insofar as: si acaso, si es que
Let down: decepcionar, desinflar
Languish: languidecer
Be no mean feat: great achievement
Light dawns: algo se conoce o es obvio
At short notice: a short time before sth happens
Long-winded: palabreria
Hand in your notice: decirle al jefe te vas
después d un periodo d tiempo Momentous: crucial

Put on: poner algo (switch on) ponerse, Put your money where your mouth is:
pretender (a particular feeling not real) probar, demostrar
producir, dar un servicio a alguien,
Quicksand: arenas movedizas
Ravishing: encantador
Reputedly: presuntamente
Ice rink: pista de hielo
Shed light on: echar luz sobre
On that score: sobre lo q se ha mencionado
Swelter: sofocarte
Be tied up: estar liado, atado
Stick: soportar a alguien
Token of appreciation: regado de
Stow: almacenar
apreciación (simbólico)
Suction pad: ventosa
Tranquilise: sedar
Thread: hilo
10: reassure. tranquilizar

in arrears: pendiente de pago push hard: peresiona

attain: conseguir keep youself to yourself: no hablar mucho

otra gente
barrister: abogado
pull your weight: hacer el mismo trabajo q
bear left/right: girar
bear fruit: dar fruto
stick to: ceñirse a
behead: decapitar
by and large: in general
do your bit: poner su granito de arena
narrow down: reducir
blizzard: ventisca
now and again: de vee n cuando
boastful: fanfarrón
butt into; interrumpir conv
draw a crowd: atraer multitudes
mince: carne picada, moler /
draw a pension
mince your words: mide tus palabras
glower: mirada amenazadora
blunt: directo, desafilado
haul: arrastrar
beating about the bush: andar con rodeos
hit the high notes: llegar a las notas mas
edgeways: costado
can’t get a word in edgeways: no poder
hitherto: hasta la fecha
kow-tow: arrastrarse
hoof: pezuña / Hooves, caballo
liable: ser responsable
horn: cuerno, claxon
long-standing: larga duración
scales: balanza, escamas
presume: suponer
claw: garra, pinza
resounding: resonante, estridente
hump: jorona
spending power: poder adquisitivo
feelers: antena
go through a rough patch: mala
ibex: cabra montesa
hawk: alcon
come down. Ser esencial, reducirse a
hawker: vendedor ambulante
spark my interest
mole: topo, verruga, lunar
be on speaking terms
tunnel: excavar
see eye to eye: agree
blend into: confundirse en (background)
on first name terms, tutearse
gnaws: masticar, roer
get on sbs nerves, annoy
bark: corteza
put people at ease: tranquilizar
puff up: hincharse make for: head for: go in the direction of

leap out: salir dla nada drop off: dejar a alguien en x sitio con un
snatches: arrancar
gut: panza, agallas
snitch: soplon
gut feeling: corazonada
stitch: punto
bust a gut: reir mucho
lets out a squeal: chillido
spur on: encourage
have had for heights;
To be comfortable in very high places; to no tear apart: despedazar, desvastar
t beafraid of heights
outrage: furia
sooner: preferer
outrageous: indignante
high-powered: muy capaz
scorching: abrasador, sofocante
sliy: rendija, raja
hype: bombo publicitario
draw upon: recurrir
urge: persuade
thorn: espina
stark: bare, escueto, harsh, duro
shrub: arbusto
binge: atracon, borrachera
dwindle: reducirse
peer: mirar con concentracion
interbreed: cruzarse con?
curfew: toque de queda
Crackdown: medidas severas
stutter: tartamudear
are up: hacer hobby
quiff: tupé
bring out: sacar CD
quirky: weird
come out: publicar
hail: granizo, parar(taxi)
put sb up: acoger en casa
ravage: asolar, devastar
go for sth: decantarse, atack perro,
venderse por x number plate: matricula

do with: need enrollment: matricula curso (to register)

make off,: robar, huir honourable distinction: matricula de honor

bring up: poner sobr elamesa, criar windscreen: parabrisas

get hold of: conseguir, coger sweep sb off their feet: to make someone
become suddenly in love with you
brush up my Spanish: repasar
buy st out: comprar una parte d x para que
pull in: stop by the side of the road in a car todo te pertenezca a ti
run over: atropellar crash course: intensive course
see off: decir adios (station, airport) three years on: three years later
follow up: investigar, seguir,consulta

get across: explain idea

be on the lookout for: estar atento

draw up: create a plan

put out: extinguir

The first of its kind

A team is headed

Technology limitations




Rehearsed: practicado

To drive changed

Were it not for: si no fuera por

consultancy: consultoria

consultan: consultor

compilance: cumplimiento, conformidad

out of their wits

cease to baffle




crave: to crave fear


score on

to fade with age

which is where we come in

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