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"When did the bees last send you an invoice for pollination?

" asks Pavan Sukhdev, a banker attempting

to integrate nature's value into our economic system.
If bees and other pollinators were to charge us for pollinating our crops, how much would the bill
come to, per year?
A) $275 million
B) $14 billion
C) $190 billion
D) $300 billion

The correct answer is C) $190 billion

Over the past 12 months NASA has added five missions to its orbiting Earth-observing fleet - the biggest
one-year increase in more than a decade. Which of the following missions was launched in the last
year (2014)?

A) Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM)

B) Ocean Surface Topography Mission (OSTM)
C) Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM)
D) Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE)

The correct answer is: A) Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM)

Cocoa grows best in shady, moist rainforests which is why climate change and deforestation pose such a
threat to chocolate supplies. Just two countries are responsible for over 70% of the world's cocoa
supply. Which are they?

A) Cote d’Ivoire and Brazil

B) Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana
C) Brazil and Malaysia
D) Costa Rica and Ghana

The correct answer is B) Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana. When you buy chocolate, be sure to support farmers
and the environment by purchasing Rainforest Alliance Certified products.

When Monsanto introduced pesticide resistant seeds ("Roundup Ready") in the 1990s, farmers weren't
prepared for the growth in "superweeds" that also developed resistance to the pesticide. Now,
superweeds are pervasive on American farms. How many acres of farmland have superweeds invaded in
the US?
A) 5 million acres
B) 25 million acres
C) 48 million acres
D) 60 million acres

The correct answer is D) 60 million acres. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, weed
species began evolving resistance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, in the United States
within five years of introduction. Fifty percent of U.S. farmers surveyed report glyphosate-resistant weed
infestations. In the Southeast, more than 90 percent of cotton and soybean farmers are affected.
What country consumes the most energy in the world?
Russia China the United States Canada

Correct answer: the United States

What is the leading source of energy in the United States?

Coal Oil Nuclear power Natural gas

Correct answer: China

What is the leading source of energy in the United States?

Coal Oil Nuclear power Natural gas

Correct answer: Oil

Which of the following sources of energy is NOT renewable?

Petroleum Hydropower Biomass Solar power

Correct answer: Petroleum

How much of the world's water is available for human use?

97% 23% 3% Less than 1%

Correct answer: Less than 1%

About how long does it take a Styrofoam cup to decompose?

10 years 2 months 400 years 150 years

Correct answer: 400 years

According to the World Health Organization, what is the most polluted city in the world?
Los Angeles, California Mexico City, Mexico New Dehli, India Shanghai, China

Correct answer: Mexico City, Mexico

What is the most common type of debris that litters our oceans?
Bags Plastic beverage bottles Cigarettes Food packaging

Correct answer: Cigarettes

Three Mile Island was the site of what disaster?

The worst nuclear explosion in the world The worst forest fires in U.S. history The
worst accident in U.S. nuclear-reactor history The worst oil spill in U.S. history

Correct answer: The worst accident in U.S. nuclear-reactor history

What is the most common type of trash thrown away by Americans?

Paper products and cardboard Metals Glass Plastics

Correct answer: Paper products and cardboard

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