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Bukidnon State University

College of Education

Name: Sharonica S. Tumalas Score: _________________________

Group No of the Presenter: #1 Date: __________________________
Generations: ____________________________________

Reflection Journal in Teaching Profession

Journey in Basic Education Curricular Reforms: 1946 – 2019

Scoring Scheme:
5 points- The student elicits the correct ideas from the readings and reports, shows evidence of internalizing
these and consistently contributes additional thoughts to the Core idea.
4 points- The student not only elicits the correct ideas from the readings and reports but also shows evidence of
internalizing these.
3 points- the student is able to elicit the ideas and concepts from the readings and reports and shows correct
understanding of these.
2 point – The student is able to elicit the ideas and concepts from the readings and reports but shows erroneous
understanding of these.
2 point – The student is able to elicit limited ideas and concepts from the readings and reports and shows little
understanding of these.

Guide Questions to be answered:

1. What are the three things that were highlighted in the report? Provide brief explanation of each (5 points)
1. Commonwealth Act. No. 2. The continuous progression 3. The General Education
586 Education act. Of 1940 scheme (CPS) Curriculum (1946-1956)
This act provided for the revision of Refers to an educational perspective This curriculum aim to make
the public elementary education which permits the child to move up students prepare in a democratic
from 7 to 6 years. Fixing school the grade ladder at his own citizenship. It should give
entrance at the age of seven. The individual rate and pace of learning. instruction in basic knowledge,
national support of the mention It is instituted in 1971, it stated that develop basic skills and attitudes,
education above. According to this if the students cannot cope with the and inculcate ideals necessary for
act. Section 2. In order to meet the requirements they will closely to the promotion of basic solidarity,
increasing demand for public attend to by the teacher. So the and for the development of the
elementary instruction at the same teacher was the responsible for enlightened, patriotic, useful and
time comply with the constitutional students learning. The teacher will upright citizenry in a democracy.
mandate on public education, a choose the material to use for the From the statement above, it is
complete revision of the public students to achieve the goal. clearly that the students in this
elementary school system is Because they will be observed generation needs to cope with the
imperative. This revision of individually, the teachers can identify objectives given. Like basic skills and
educational system ensure that even who is improving and not in this year. attitude, students are more likely to
in the continuous increasing of study about the basic skills like
population of children, but they were reading by words for words.
going to make sure that students will
be useful after finishing the
elementary education.
2. What are the two things that you were amazed/ inspired / motivated? Provided brief explanation (10 points)
1. Real talk I was amazed by the revision of the 2. Another thing that amazed me was the
public elementary education from 7 to 6 statement of the CPS. It stated here that if
years. For me going to school with that 7 the students cannot cope on the
years makes me lazy in going to school. It requirements they will closely attend to by
doesn’t mean that going to school every day the teachers. So the teacher will maybe had
makes us smart, instead it makes people one by one with his/her students. And then
lazier because of many requirements. the teacher will have more attention to the
students whose we can say slow learner.

3. As a future teacher, how do see yourself if you are a teacher in these generations? (5 points)

As a future teacher, I see myself as a teacher in these generation as a good one. I am a fun of
teaching other people one by one if I know what the thing that they don’t know is. According to the
statement of the CPS if the students cannot cope on the requirements, teacher and student have a one
on one teaching. The teachers should know how to deal with that particular situation is.

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