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Asian Parliamentary

1. General Introduction to the format

General features of the format, namely the Teams and Speaking Order, Timing, Points of
Information and Reply Speeches
2. Roles of Speakers - the First Speaker or the Prime Minister

The 3 main responsibilities, to Define and Set-Up the Debate, to Present the Team Position and
Case and to Make 1 or 2 Arguments.
3. Roles of Speakers - the First Speaker in Opposition or the Leader of Opposition

This speaker should Respond to the Definition and Set-up, Present the Opposition Case and
Position, Rebut the PM's Case and Make 1 or 2 Arguments
4. Roles of Speakers - the Second Speakers in both teams, or the Deputies

Deputy speakers must defend their Team Case, Attack the Case of their Opponents and Make 1
or 2 new arguments
5. Roles of Speakers - the Third Speakers in both teams, or the Whips

Whip speakers should briefly summarize their team's case, summarize and prioritize the most
important issues in the debate, and then rebut and analyze those issues
6. Roles of Speakers - the Final speakers, or the Replies

Replies tell every what the debate is about, summarize the position of both teams and then
compare those positions and tell you why their team wins!

British Parliamentary Debate Format

Two speakers represent each of the four teams and each speaker gives a speech of seven minutes.
The following chart describes the basic format and time limits. As you will see from the chart,
each speaker is given a unique title.

Speaker Time
Prime Minister 7 minutes
1st speaker for 1st proposition:
Leader of Opposition 7 minutes
1st speaker for 1st opposition:
Speaker Time
Deputy Prime Minister 7 minutes
2nd speaker for 1st proposition:
Deputy Leader of Opposition 7 minutes
2nd speaker for 1st opposition:
Member of Government 7 minutes
1st speaker for 2nd proposition:
Member of Opposition 7 minutes
1st speaker for 2nd opposition:
Government Whip 7 minutes
2nd speaker for 2nd proposition:
Opposition Whip 7 minutes
2nd speaker for 2nd opposition:

Speaker Responsibilities for British Parliamentary Debate

Speaker Speaker Responsibilities

Prime Minister Defines and interprets the motion
1st speaker for 1st proposition: Develops the case for the proposition
Leader of Opposition Accepts the definition of the motion
1st speaker for 1st opposition: Refutes the case of the 1st proposition
Constructs one or more arguments against the Prime
Minister’s interpretation of the motion.
Deputy Prime Minister Refutes the case of the 1st opposition
2nd speaker for 1st proposition: Rebuilds the case of the 1st proposition
May add new arguments to the case of the 1st proposition
Deputy Leader of Opposition Continues refutation of case of 1st proposition
2nd speaker for 1st opposition: Rebuilds arguments of the 1st opposition
May add new arguments to the case of the 1st opposition
Member of Government Defends the general direction and case of the 1st
1st speaker for 2nd proposition: proposition
Continues refutation of 1st opposition team
Develops a new argument that is different from but
consistent with the case of the 1st proposition (sometimes
called an extension).
Member of Opposition Defends the general direction taken by the 1st opposition.
1st speaker for 2nd opposition: Continues general refutation of 1st proposition case
Speaker Speaker Responsibilities
Provides more specific refutation of 2nd opposition
Provides new opposition arguments
Government Whip Summarizes the entire debate from the point of view of
2nd speaker for 2nd proposition: the proposition, defending the general view point of both
proposition teams with a special eye toward the case of
the 2nd proposition
Does not provide new arguments.
Opposition Whip Summarizes the entire debate from the point of view of
2nd speaker for 2nd opposition: the opposition, defending the general view point of both
opposition teams with a special eye toward the case of
the 2nd opposition
Does not provide new arguments.

Format of Debate - Oxford-Oregon Type

Three Speakers from each side

First Affirmative - Constructive Speech

First Negative - Interpellation of the first affirmative Speaker
First Negative - Constructive Speech
First Affirmative - Interpellation of the first negative speaker
Second Affirmative - Constructive Speech
Second Negative - Interpellation of the second affirmative
Second Negative - Constructive
Second Affirmative - Interpellation of the second negative
Third Affirmative - Constructive Speech
Third Negative - Interpellation of the third affirmative
Third Negative - Constructive Speech
Third Affirmative - Interpellation of the third negative

Rebuttal of the Team Captain of the Negative Side

Rebuttal of the Team Captain of the Affirmative Side


Constructive Speech: Minimum of five (5) and maximum of seven (7) minutes
Interpellation: Five (5) minutes
Rebuttal Speech: Three (3) minutes

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