21st Century TG 2nd Quarter

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SUBJECT 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the world

LESSONS NAME Enjoying Philippine Poetry

CONTENT The learner will be able to understand and appreciate literary texts in various genres
STANDARDS across national literature and cultures.

PERFORMANCE The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st
STANDARDS century Philippine literature from the regions through:
1.a written close analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in terms of form
and theme, with a description of its context derived from research;
2. critical paper that analyses literary texts in relation to the context of the reader and
the writer or a critical paper that interprets literary texts using any of the critical
approaches; and
3. an adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.

LEARNING Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary text and doing an
COMPETENCY adaptation of these require from the learners ability to.
1. Identify representative texts and authors from Asia, North America, Europe, Latin
America, and Africa.
2. Explain the texts in terms of literary elements, genres, and traditions
3. Situate the texts in the context of the region, nation, and the world
4. Appreciate the cultural and aesthetic diversity of literature of the world.
5. Compare and contrast the various 21st century literary genres and their elements,
structures, and traditions from across the globe
6. distinguish the literary uses of language from the non-literary and understand their
use as well as the formal features and conventions of literature
7. Identify the figures of speech and other literary techniques and devices in the text
8. Explain the biographical, linguistic, and sociocultural contexts and discuss how
they enhance the text’s meaning and the reader’s understanding.
9. Examine the relationship between text and context.
10. Understand literary meanings in context and the use of critical reading strategies.
11. Produce a creative representation of a literary text by applying multimedia skills
11.1 choose appropriate multimedia form of interpreting a literary text.
11.2 apply ICT skills in crafting an adaptation of a literary text
11.3 do self- and/or peer assessment of the creative adaptation of a literary text,
based on rationalized criteria, prior to presentation

SPECIFIC LEARNING The Learner will be able to:

OUTCOMES 1. Identify some of the outstanding poems in Philippine literature.
2. Analyze the texts’ theme, motifs, styles and techniques in depth.
3. Explain and report the encompassing themes and gain significant insights as to the
Filipino’s psyche and value system.
4. Connect learned insights to real life experience.
5. Cultivate a genuine love for and appreciation of the Philippine poetry.


The beauty of harmony truly creates lasting impacts to its readers. Mainly, poems
bear the richness of emotion, aspiration, and desires of the heart expressed by a
writer. Truly, poetry touches not only our minds and hearts but also uplifts and
deliberates our spirits.
This part celebrates the beauty of Philippine poetry for these texts genuinely exhibit
our identities, aspirations, and perceptions which serve as our foremost means as
we introduce our nation to the world.

The Flowering of Filipino Nationalism

MOTIVATION Task: Draw an image of anything that you think represents best the Filipino nation.
Provide a short explanation for choosing such image.

Exploring the Text

INSTRUCTION/ The Philippine National Anthem
DELIVERY Translated by Camilo Osias and M.A. Lane

Land of the morning

Child of the sun returning
With fervor burning,
Thee do our sour souls adore.
Land, dear and holy,
Cradle of noble heroes,
Ne’er shall invaders
Trample thy sacred shore.

Ever within thy skies

And thru thy clouds
And o’er thy hills and seas,
Do we behold the radiance,
Feel the throb of glorious liberty

Thy banner dear to all our hearts,

Its sun and stars alight,
O never shall its shining field,
Be dimmed by tyrant’s might.

Beautiful land of love, O lad of light,

In thine embrace, ‘tis rapture to lie
But it is glory ever when thou art wronged
For us thy sons to suffer and die.
Comprehending the Text
1. What tone/mood is best exhibited in the lines of the text?
PRACTICE 2. What do you think is his speaking in the lines of the text? Who is being
addressed in the poem?
3. How does the speaker describe the subject of the text? What specific descriptions
are provided?
4. Do you agree with how the speaker describes his motherland?
5. What idea is revealed by the last stanza of the text?
Express appreciation and consider literature as a vital part of our everyday lives.
What is literature?
SUBJECT 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the world

TOPIC/LESSONS Gender Inequalities

By Daryll Delgado

CONTENT The learner will be able to understand and appreciate literary texts in various genres
STANDARDS across national literature and cultures.

The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st

PERFORMANCE century Philippine literature from the regions through:
STANDARDS 1.a written close analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in terms of form
and theme, with a description of its context derived from research;
2. critical paper that analyses literary texts in relation to the context of the reader and
the writer or a critical paper that interprets literary texts using any of the critical
approaches; and
3. an adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.

Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary text and doing an
LEARNING adaptation of these require from the learners ability to.
COMPETENCY 1. Identify representative texts and authors from Asia, North America, Europe, Latin
America, and Africa.
2. Explain the texts in terms of literary elements, genres, and traditions
3. Situate the texts in the context of the region, nation, and the world
4. Appreciate the cultural and aesthetic diversity of literature of the world.
5. Compare and contrast the various 21st century literary genres and their elements,
structures, and traditions from across the globe
6. distinguish the literary uses of language from the non-literary and understand their
use as well as the formal features and conventions of literature
7. Identify the figures of speech and other literary techniques and devices in the text
8. Explain the biographical, linguistic, and sociocultural contexts and discuss how
they enhance the text’s meaning and the reader’s understanding.
9. Examine the relationship between text and context.
10. Understand literary meanings in context and the use of critical reading strategies.
11. Produce a creative representation of a literary text by applying multimedia skills
11.1 choose appropriate multimedia form of interpreting a literary text.
11.2 apply ICT skills in crafting an adaptation of a literary text
11.3 do self- and/or peer assessment of the creative adaptation of a literary text,
based on
rationalized criteria, prior to presentation

The Learners will be able to:

SPECIFIC LEARNING 1. Read the story silently.
OUTCOMES 2. Unlock the unfamiliar words.
3. Appreciate the authors’ purpose in writing the story.

AUGUST 13-15, 2019

INTRODUCTION Under the Philippine law, when a woman is guilty of adultery she commits a crime,
while for a man, the crime is not adultery but concubinage. In our country, there is
one set of laws for women, and another set of laws for men, which shows that laws
in the Philippines are patriarchal in nature, and seem to favour men over women.
This double standard is not only seen in our laws, but in the Philippine society as
well, where one set of rules seem s to prevail for women, while another set of rules
seems to prevail for men.
This short story explores the issue of infidelity and how it affects the family.
Although there is only one perspective found in this story, there seem to be different
perspectives about infidelity that can be picked up from the actions and words of the
other characters.

1. Why does it seem acceptable in the Philippine society for husbands to have
MOTIVATION affairs with other women?
2. Is it acceptable for women? Why or why not? What do you think or feel
about this?
3. Should this attitude be changed? Why or why not?

INSTRUCTION/ Read the story closely as it is carefully constructed to create a particular conclusion
DELIVERY at the end of the story.
A Note to the Story:
According to the playwright Anton Chekhov, “if in the first act you have hung a
pistol on the wall, then in the following one it should be fired. Otherwise don’t put it
there” This is in the principle of Chekhov’s gun, which means that if an important
object or detail is mentioned in the text, this should play a central role in the plot

PRACTICE 1. What is Prelude? Why is that the title of the story?
2. What does Nenita feel for her husband? Why do you think she feels that way?
3. What does her herbalista friend feel about Nenita’s husband?
4. Who was the man that died in the first paragraph?
5. How do you think he died? What clues in the text helped you to reach that
6. What is the importance of the dried purple leaves? Do you think that these
were used in the story? How?
7. Who killed the man? Explain your answer.
8. The story ends with the feeling of heat. What are the many meanings of heat
in the story?
9. Why is it ironic that the widow was married to a judge?
10. Do you think, with what happened that some kind of justice was served? Why
or why not?

ENRICHMENT The musical should be recorded and uploaded in YouTube. Invite other classes to
watch it on YouTube and comment, to give you additional feedback about how you
staged the musicals.

In a big group, adapt the story “Preludes” into musical. Pick existing songs to help
EVALUATION/ you move the plot for forward, and find the right people who can sing and act as
ASSIGNMENT Nenita, the herbalista, Nenita’s husband , and the widow. There you can either be
two big groups in the class.
The rubrics in grading the musical should be the following:
50% Adaptation of the short story: Displays an understanding of the elements of
fiction in the short story and successfully adapts them into a musical.
50% Stage Production: Includes the set, props, quality of singing, and acting.
SUBJECT 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the world
TOPIC/LESSONS Survival (The Safe House by Sandra Nicole Roldan)

CONTENT The learner will be able to understand and appreciate literary texts in various genres
STANDARDS across national literature and cultures.

The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st

century Philippine literature from the regions through:
PERFORMANCE 1.a written close analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in terms of form
STANDARDS and theme, with a description of its context derived from research;
2. critical paper that analyses literary texts in relation to the context of the reader and
the writer or a critical paper that interprets literary texts using any of the critical
approaches; and
3. an adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.
Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary text and doing an
adaptation of these require from the learners ability to.
LEARNING 1. Identify representative texts and authors from Asia, North America, Europe, Latin
COMPETENCY America, and Africa.
2. Explain the texts in terms of literary elements, genres, and traditions
3. Situate the texts in the context of the region, nation, and the world
4. Appreciate the cultural and aesthetic diversity of literature of the world.
5. Compare and contrast the various 21st century literary genres and their elements,
structures, and traditions from across the globe
6. distinguish the literary uses of language from the non-literary and understand their
use as well as the formal features and conventions of literature
7. Identify the figures of speech and other literary techniques and devices in the text
8. Explain the biographical, linguistic, and sociocultural contexts and discuss how
they enhance the text’s meaning and the reader’s understanding.
9. Examine the relationship between text and context.
10. Understand literary meanings in context and the use of critical reading strategies.
11. Produce a creative representation of a literary text by applying multimedia skills
11.1 choose appropriate multimedia form of interpreting a literary text.
11.2 apply ICT skills in crafting an adaptation of a literary text
11.3 do self- and/or peer assessment of the creative adaptation of a literary text,
based on
rationalized criteria, prior to presentation

The Learners will be able to:

SPECIFIC LEARNING 1. Read the story silently.
OUTCOMES 2. Unlock the unfamiliar words.
3. Appreciate the authors’ purpose in writing the story.
4. Identify the figures of speech and other literary techniques and
devices in the text
5. Explain the biographical, linguistic, and sociocultural contexts and
discuss how they enhance the
text’s meaning and the reader’s understanding.


Look for two people who experienced martial law—one as an adult and one as a
child. Ask them how they felt about martial law, and whether it (and the revolution
INTRODUCTION afterward) had any effects on their lives. Create a Venn Diagram comparing and
contrasting their views about martial law, as seen below:

MOTIVATION 1. What are you willing to sacrifice for the good of the nation? Would you be
willing to die for your country?
2. If you had children, do you think your decision will still be the same? Why or
why not?
3. When parents decide to be part of a revolution, how do you think this would
affect their children? Explain your answer.

INSTRUCTION/ The story you are about to read is written from the perspective of a young girl, and
DELIVERY the sacrifices she and her family made to fight against the Marcos government. It
allows you to see how martial law was like for the people who fought against it.
Guide Questions:

PRACTICE 1. What is the dictionary meaning of “safe house”?

2. What is the double meaning of the title The safe house? Why do you think
this was used for the title?
3. Why did the narrator feel unsafe?
4. What makes you feel safe? Can you relate to the narrator? Why or why not?
5. Why did the man in the story have band aids instead of nails? What does this
imply about the visitors in the house?
6. Do you sympathize more with the visitors or the narrator? Why do you feel
this way?
7. Why did the mother leave? Do you understand this decision? Would you
have left as well? Why or Why not?
8. How does the narrator’s view of martial law differ from her father’s view?
Why does she have a different point of view?
9. What effect does reading this story have on you? How does it affect the way
you look at the martial law? What did you feel about it before you read the
10. Why was it necessary for the narrator to tell us that she locks the door against
the visitors nowadays? What does this symbolize? Do you agree with the
narrator? Why or why not?
Create a poster or illustration that would show the Facebook feed of the different
characters in the story from 1980 to the present day. If you can create an actual mock
ENRICHMENT up of the facebook feed on the Internet that would be even better. This will show
how much you understood the characters in the story and their relationships with
each other.

SUBJECT 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the world

TOPIC/ Poverty ( Lengua Para Diablo/ The Devil Ate My Words)

CONTENT The learner will be able to understand and appreciate literary texts in various genres
STANDARDS across national literature and cultures.
The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st
century Philippine literature from the regions through:
PERFORMANCE 1.a written close analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in terms of form
STANDARDS and theme, with a description of its context derived from research;
2. critical paper that analyses literary texts in relation to the context of the reader and
the writer or a critical paper that interprets literary texts using any of the critical
approaches; and
3. an adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.
Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary text and doing an
adaptation of these require from the learners ability to.
LEARNING 1. Identify representative texts and authors from Asia, North America, Europe, Latin
COMPETENCY America, and Africa.
2. Explain the texts in terms of literary elements, genres, and traditions
3. Situate the texts in the context of the region, nation, and the world
4. Appreciate the cultural and aesthetic diversity of literature of the world.
5. Compare and contrast the various 21st century literary genres and their elements,
structures, and traditions from across the globe
6. distinguish the literary uses of language from the non-literary and understand their
use as well as the formal features and conventions of literature
7. Identify the figures of speech and other literary techniques and devices in the text
8. Explain the biographical, linguistic, and sociocultural contexts and discuss how
they enhance the text’s meaning and the reader’s understanding.
9. Examine the relationship between text and context.
10. Understand literary meanings in context and the use of critical reading strategies.
11. Produce a creative representation of a literary text by applying multimedia skills
11.1 choose appropriate multimedia form of interpreting a literary text.
11.2 apply ICT skills in crafting an adaptation of a literary text
11.3 do self- and/or peer assessment of the creative adaptation of a literary text,
based on
rationalized criteria, prior to presentation

The Learners will be able to:

SPECIFIC LEARNING 1. Read the story silently.
OUTCOMES 2. Unlock the unfamiliar words.
3. Appreciate the authors’ purpose in writing the story.
4. Identify the figures of speech and other literary techniques and
devices in the text
5. Explain the biographical, linguistic, and sociocultural contexts
and discuss how they enhance
the text’s meaning and the reader’s understanding.

AUGUST 27-29, 2019

Have you ever eaten Lengua? Why or why not? If you were to describe who usually
INTRODUCTION eats Lengua, who would you be describing? Is the dish something alien to you? Find
a photograph and recipe of the dish on the internet. Place these on a piece of paper,
along with your commentary on the dish. You can answer the following questions.
1. Who usually eats lengua?
2. What does Lengua taste like? What does Lengua look like?
3. Is it common dish in the Philippines? What makes you say that?
4. Have you ever eaten Lengua? Would you like to try it or eat it again? Why or
why not?
1. Why so many Filipinos are poor?
MOTIVATION 2. When males lose their job in the Philippines, does it mean they lose their
3. Why are so many people numb to the fact that many Filipinos are starving?
How do you feel about beggars on the street? Why do you feel that way?
The story you are about to read concerns a father, and how he no longer feels like
he has power over his family and society. It shows you how unemployment can
INSTRUCTION/ affect people and their family members.

DELIVERY Lengua Para Diablo ( The DEVIL Ate My Words)

[Excerpt from Banana Hart Summer]
By Merlinda Bobis

Guide Questions:

PRACTICE 1. What does Lengua symbolize?

2. What did the father mean by the devil ate my words? What happened to him
that made him say that?
3. What does this tell us about Philippine society? Do you think this is still true
today? Explain.
4. Does the little girl understand what her father means? Why do you say so?
5. How does the girl misinterpret her father’s words?
6. In the end, when she is describing the Lengua, how do you think she feels?
Why does she feel this way?
7. Why is it necessary to talk about Spaniards, when this is a story that takes
place in the Philippines? What is their significance in the story?
8. What does the girl wish for in the end? Why does she wish for it?
9. What do you feel toward the little girl? What do you feel toward the father?
10. What do you think the story is trying to say?


EVALUATION/ Study for the next lesson

SUBJECT 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the world
TOPIC/LESSONS Reviewing the Forms and Genres of Literature
CONTENT The learner will be able to understand and appreciate literary texts in various genres
STANDARDS across national literature and cultures.

PERFORMANCE The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st
STANDARDS century Philippine literature from the regions through:
1.a written close analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in terms of form
and theme, with a description of its context derived from research;
2. critical paper that analyses literary texts in relation to the context of the reader and
the writer or a critical paper that interprets literary texts using any of the critical
approaches; and
3. an adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.
Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary text and doing an
adaptation of these require from the learners ability to.
LEARNING 1. Identify representative texts and authors from Asia, North America, Europe, Latin
COMPETENCY America, and Africa.
2. Explain the texts in terms of literary elements, genres, and traditions
3. Situate the texts in the context of the region, nation, and the world
4. Appreciate the cultural and aesthetic diversity of literature of the world.
5. Compare and contrast the various 21st century literary genres and their elements,
structures, and traditions from across the globe
6. distinguish the literary uses of language from the non-literary and understand their
use as well as the formal features and conventions of literature
7. Identify the figures of speech and other literary techniques and devices in the text
8. Explain the biographical, linguistic, and sociocultural contexts and discuss how
they enhance the text’s meaning and the reader’s understanding.
9. Examine the relationship between text and context.
10. Understand literary meanings in context and the use of critical reading strategies.
11. Produce a creative representation of a literary text by applying multimedia skills
11.1 choose appropriate multimedia form of interpreting a literary text.
11.2 apply ICT skills in crafting an adaptation of a literary text
11.3 do self- and/or peer assessment of the creative adaptation of a literary text,
based on
rationalized criteria, prior to presentation

SPECIFIC LEARNING The Learners will be able to:

1. Recall the various literary forms.
2. Determine the key characters of each literary.
3. Provide examples of texts for each form or type of literature.

SEPTEMBER 2-5, 2019

Literature’s aesthetic value and sense can be manifested and exhibited in various
forms. Thus, the creative expression of man’s inner thoughts, feelings, aspirations,
INTRODUCTION and conditions may be shaped and established primarily with the use of language.
However, artistry, in the expression of these maybe in different forms. Language, as
it is being used for the creation of literary texts, is so flexible in which it can give
shape to prevailing ideas and emotions.

In this lesson, it is necessary to review the forms of literature including their specific
types and salient characteristics.
Task 1: Decode each item by simply referring to the letter table hereunder. To break
the codes, just look for the opposite letter of the codes, just look for the opposite
MOTIVATION letter of the code to form the target word.
1. Y-V-G-R-E-N-G-H-E-R
2. C-B-R-G-E-L
3. S-B-E-M
4. C-E-B-F-R
5. T-R-A-E-R

Task2: Here are some titles of literary works. Are you familiar of them? Predict and
identify to which type or genre do each literary work belongs. Choose the letter of
your answer from the pool of options below.

1. Richard Cory- Edwin Arlington Robinson

2. Iliad and Odyssey-Homer
3. How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife-Manuel Arguilla
4. El Filibusterismo-Jose Rizal
5. Romeo and Juliet-William Shakespeare
6. What is an Educated Filipino? Francisco Benitez
7. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland- Lewis Carol
8. New Yorker in Tondo- Marcelino Agana, Jr.
9. Things Fall Apart-Chinua Achebe
10. Biag ni Lam-ang (Anonymous)
INSTRUCTION/ Creative and imaginative expression as exhibited in a literary work can be
established and framed in various forms. Each form differs in terms of features and
DELIVERY conventions. Thus, the way how language is utilized to create a certain pattern or
style is an indicator of a certain form of literature that one may consider. Though
forms maybe different but the attempt to showcase a significant human experience is
known to be evident in all forms of literature.
Literature has two major forms- prose and poetry. These two major forms of
literature have distinct and peculiar features which are truly noticeable. Their unique
features can be best exemplified by how the work is shaped and framed.


SUBJECT 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the world


CONTENT The learner will be able to understand and appreciate the elements and context of the
STANDARDS 21st century Philippine Literature from the regions

The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st

century Philippine literature from the regions through:
STANDARDS 1.a written close analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in terms of form
and theme, with a description of its context derived from research and

2.an adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.

Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary text and doing an
adaptation of these require from the learners ability to.
LEARNING 1.Identufy the geographic, linguistic, and ethnic dimensions of Philippine literary
COMPETENCY history fron pre colonial to the contemporary
2. Identify representative texts and authors from each region (e.g. engage in oral
history research with focus on key personalities from the students’
3. Value the contributions of local writers to the development of regional literary
4. Appreciate the contributions of the canonical Filipino writers to the development
of national literature
5. differentiate/compare and contrast the various 21st century literary genres and the
ones from the earlier genres/periods citing their elements, structures and traditions
6. Infer literary meaning from literal language based on usage
7. Analyze the figures of speech and other literally techniques and devices in the
8. Explain the literary, biographical, linguistic, and sociocultural contexts and
discuss how they enhance the text’s meaning and enrich the reader’s understanding
9. Situate the text in the context of the region and the nation.
10. Explain the relationship of context with the text’s meaning
11. Produce a creative representation of a literary text by applying multimedia skill
11.1 choose an appropriate multimedia format in interpreting a literary text
11.2 apply ICT skills in crafting an adaptation of literary text.
11.3 do self and/or pre-assessment of the creative adaptation of a literary text,
based on rationalized criteria, prior to presentation.

SPECIFIC LEARNING The Learner will be able to:

OUTCOME 1. Describe the key features of fiction.
2. Discuss the various forms of fictional work
3. Note and explain the nature of the specific elements of fiction.

SEPTEMBER 9-12, 2019
SUBJECT 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the world


CONTENT The learner will be able to understand and appreciate the elements and context of the
STANDARDS 21st century Philippine Literature from the regions
The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st
century Philippine literature from the regions through:
STANDARDS 1.a written close analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in terms of form
and theme, with a description of its context derived from research and

2.an adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.

Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary text and doing an
adaptation of these require from the learners ability to.
LEARNING 1.Identufy the geographic, linguistic, and ethnic dimensions of Philippine literary
COMPETENCY history fron pre colonial to the contemporary
2. Identify representative texts and authors from each region (e.g. engage in oral
history research with focus on key personalities from the students’
3. Value the contributions of local writers to the development of regional literary
4. Appreciate the contributions of the canonical Filipino writers to the development
of national literature
5. differentiate/compare and contrast the various 21st century literary genres and the
ones from the earlier genres/periods citing their elements, structures and traditions
6. Infer literary meaning from literal language based on usage
7. Analyze the figures of speech and other literally techniques and devices in the
8. Explain the literary, biographical, linguistic, and sociocultural contexts and
discuss how they enhance the text’s meaning and enrich the reader’s understanding
9. Situate the text in the context of the region and the nation.
10. Explain the relationship of context with the text’s meaning
11. Produce a creative representation of a literary text by applying multimedia skill
11.1 choose an appropriate multimedia format in interpreting a literary text
11.2 apply ICT skills in crafting an adaptation of literary text.
11.3 do self and/or pre-assessment of the creative adaptation of a literary text,
based on rationalized criteria, prior to presentation.

SPECIFIC LEARNING The Learners will be able to:

1. Explain the nature and salient features of drama as a form of literature and
2. Discuss the various forms and conventions of drama.
3. Note the different composites of drama.

SEPTEMBER 16-19, 2019

Drama has some significant similarities to fiction. It is mainly the art of depicting or
portraying potential or imagined events and experiences. Mainly, drama is best
INTRODUCTION celebrated in theatres as scenes and situations are presented and actors deliver lines
on stage before an audience. As one reads the story, it is necessary to imagine the
scene and the characters as they speak their lines which can help the reader to have a
view of the entire scenario and events related to the flow of the story.
Form several groups with at least 5 members. From the options below, select 1
situation which the group wants to portray in a short role play which will not exceed
MOTIVATION to 5 minutes. Consider the instructions below:

1. Imagine the situation and identify an interesting event which must be

highlighted in your performance.
2. Decide on how the situation starts, develops, and ends.
3. Assign characters and roles.
4. Internalize the scene and roles assigned.
5. Prepare a mental script.
1. A typical scene in the classroom
2. A usual event that transpires in the market
3. The daily experience of jeepney commuters
4. Household situation
5. A common scene in a typical community
Discuss about the following:

INSTRUCTION/ 1. What is drama?

2. What are some important definitions of drama?
DELIVERY 3. What are the essential features of drama?
4. What are the genres of drama?
5. What are the elements of drama?

Analyze the following statements and write YES if you agree and NO if you feel that
the statement expresses a false idea.
1. Drama is interpretation of life, not real life.
2. A play tells a story.
3. A play is exempted to changes and improvements.
4. Conflict is force versus force.
5. Plays always have a single theme.

Keep on Learning:
Search for the definitions of the following terms used in drama.
1. Act
2. Catharsis
ENRICHMENT 3. Dramatis Personae
4. Dues ex machine
5. Hamartia


SUBJECT 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the world


CONTENT The learner will be able to understand and appreciate the elements and context of the
STANDARDS 21st century Philippine Literature from the regions
The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st
century Philippine literature from the regions through:
STANDARDS 1.a written close analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in terms of form
and theme, with a description of its context derived from research and

2.an adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.

Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary text and doing an
adaptation of these require from the learners ability to.
LEARNING 1.Identufy the geographic, linguistic, and ethnic dimensions of Philippine literary
COMPETENCY history fron pre colonial to the contemporary
2. Identify representative texts and authors from each region (e.g. engage in oral
history research with focus on key personalities from the students’
3. Value the contributions of local writers to the development of regional literary
4. Appreciate the contributions of the canonical Filipino writers to the development
of national literature
5. differentiate/compare and contrast the various 21st century literary genres and the
ones from the earlier genres/periods citing their elements, structures and traditions
6. Infer literary meaning from literal language based on usage
7. Analyze the figures of speech and other literally techniques and devices in the
8. Explain the literary, biographical, linguistic, and sociocultural contexts and
discuss how they enhance the text’s meaning and enrich the reader’s understanding
9. Situate the text in the context of the region and the nation.
10. Explain the relationship of context with the text’s meaning
11. Produce a creative representation of a literary text by applying multimedia skill
11.1 choose an appropriate multimedia format in interpreting a literary text
11.2 apply ICT skills in crafting an adaptation of literary text.
11.3 do self and/or pre-assessment of the creative adaptation of a literary text,
based on rationalized criteria, prior to presentation.

SPECIFIC LEARNING The Learners will be able to:

1. Read the poem silently.
2. Unlock the unfamiliar words.
3. Appreciate the message of the poem.

SEPTEMBER 23-26, 2019


INTRODUCTION Fill in the blanks in the worksheet below about Australia.

What you know about What you do not know What you want to know
Australia about Australia about Australia


MOTIVATION 1. Do you think Filipinos suffer from racism?

2. Do you think Filipinos are ever racist? Can they be racist against fellow
Filipinos, such as Chinese Filipinos or the Aetas?
3. Why is racism a problem? Has racism disappeared from society?

INSTRUCTION/ Read the poem entitled “Cronulla Beach” by Wendell Capili

Guide Questions:

PRACTICE 1. What is the importance of the poem’s setting?

2. Why is it ironic that the beach used to be an aboriginal landscape?
3. What does it mean that there are generations who want to keep themselves
pure and sterile? What does this say about immigration issues in Australia?

Compile a scrapbook made up of news clippings of the problems of the Filipinos

abroad. Try to collect at least 5 news clippings –these should be from reliable
sources. On the last page of your scrapbook, write an essay about what you think it
would be like for Filipinos to live and work abroad, and how this is different from
ENRICHMENT what you used to think.


SUBJECT 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the world


NAME (Excerpt from Leche)
by R. Zamora Linmark
CONTENT The learner will be able to understand and appreciate the elements and context
STANDARDS of the 21st century Philippine Literature from the regions

The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st

century Philippine literature from the regions through:
STANDARDS 1.a written close analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in terms of
form and theme, with a description of its context derived from research and

2. an adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.

LEARNING Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary text and doing an
COMPETENCY adaptation of these require from the learners ability to.
1.Identufy the geographic, linguistic, and ethnic dimensions of Philippine
literary history fron pre colonial to the contemporary
2. Identify representative texts and authors from each region (e.g. engage in
oral history research with focus on key personalities from the students’
3. Value the contributions of local writers to the development of regional
literary traditions.
4. Appreciate the contributions of the canonical Filipino writers to the
development of national literature
5. differentiate/compare and contrast the various 21st century literary genres
and the ones from the earlier genres/periods citing their elements, structures
and traditions
6. Infer literary meaning from literal language based on usage
7. Analyze the figures of speech and other literally techniques and devices in
the text.
8. Explain the literary, biographical, linguistic, and sociocultural contexts and
discuss how they enhance the text’s meaning and enrich the reader’s
9. Situate the text in the context of the region and the nation.
10. Explain the relationship of context with the text’s meaning
11. Produce a creative representation of a literary text by applying multimedia
11.1 choose an appropriate multimedia format in interpreting a literary
11.2 apply ICT skills in crafting an adaptation of literary text.
11.3 do self and/or pre-assessment of the creative adaptation of a literary
text, based on rationalized criteria, prior to presentation.

The Learners will be able to:

1. Read the story silently.
SPECIFIC LEARNING 2. Unlock the unfamiliar words.
OUTCOMES 3. Appreciate the authors’ purpose in writing the story.
4. Identify the figures of speech and other literary techniques and devices
in the text
5. Explain the biographical, linguistic, and sociocultural contexts and
discuss how they enhance the text’s meaning and the reader’s understanding.
OCTOBER 01-03, 2019
Millions of Filipinos have left the Philippines in order to look for greener
INTRODUCTION pastures abroad. It is startling to discover that the biggest segment of Asian –
Americans in the United States is composed of Filipino-Americans. There are
also Filipinos going as far as the Middle East and Australia, working as
healthcare workers, teachers, entertainers, accountants, engineers, electricians,
mechanics, chefs and domestic helpers. This trend will continue on into the
future, unless there are better job opportunities here in the country. This reality
has been called the Philippine diaspora, and comes with societal consequences.

MOTIVATION 1. Do you think that you will live or work outside of the Philippines
someday? Why or Why not?
2. Why do so many Filipinos leave the Philippines? What do you think are
their strongest reasons for leaving?
3. Would you call migration a problem or a solution? Explain your

INSTRUCTION/DELIV Read the story silently entitled “Turban Legend” by R. Zamora Linmark on
ERY page 37 (21st Century Literature book)


PRACTICE 1. Why do Filipinos love balikbayan boxes?

2. What do you think the boxes symbolize? Why do they seem to be more
important than their contents?
3. When the narrator notes the Filipino-ness of the balikbayan boxes, what
does he feel toward his fellow Filipinos?
4. What does the airport symbolize?
5. What do you is the real message behind the anecdote or the “turban
6. Do you think that Filipinos who live or work abroad suffer
homesickness? Explain your answer.
7. The author’s luggage is Louie Vuitton. How does that help characterize
the narrator?
8. Do you think that when Filipinos are abroad, they are proud of being a
Filipino? Why or why not?
9. The title “turban legend” is a play on words on the phrase “urban
legend”. What does urban legend mean? Why was it changed to turban
10. What is the significance of the story?

This can be made into a school-wide activity, with each class picking one stand
up comedian each. One way to structure the competition is to think of themes
ENRICHMENT that will highlight funny things in the society while exercising critical thinking
as well. For example, there are comedians on Youtube who crack jokes about
being Middle Eastern and widespread discrimination and misconceptions that
they encounter every day.

SUBJECT 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the world
NAME Identity (Waiting by Ron Darvin)
CONTENT The learner will be able to understand and appreciate the elements and context
STANDARDS of the 21st century Philippine Literature from the regions

PERFORMANCE The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st
STANDARDS century Philippine literature from the regions through:

1.a written close analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in terms of
form and theme, with a description of its context derived from research and

2.an adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.

LEARNING Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary text and doing an
COMPETENCY adaptation of these require from the learners ability to.
1.Identufy the geographic, linguistic, and ethnic dimensions of Philippine
literary history from pre colonial to the contemporary
2. Identify representative texts and authors from each region (e.g. engage in
oral history research with focus on key personalities from the students’
3. Value the contributions of local writers to the development of regional
literary traditions.
4. Appreciate the contributions of the canonical Filipino writers to the
development of national literature
5. differentiate/compare and contrast the various 21st century literary genres
and the ones from the earlier genres/periods citing their elements, structures
and traditions
6. Infer literary meaning from literal language based on usage
7. Analyze the figures of speech and other literally techniques and devices in
the text.
8. Explain the literary, biographical, linguistic, and sociocultural contexts and
discuss how they enhance the text’s meaning and enrich the reader’s
9. Situate the text in the context of the region and the nation.
10. Explain the relationship of context with the text’s meaning
11. Produce a creative representation of a literary text by applying multimedia
11.1 choose an appropriate multimedia format in interpreting a literary
11.2 apply ICT skills in crafting an adaptation of literary text.
11.3 do self and/or pre-assessment of the creative adaptation of a literary
text, based on rationalized criteria, prior to presentation.

The Learners will be able to:

1. Read the story silently.
SPECIFIC LEARNING 2. Unlock the unfamiliar words.
OUTCOMES 3. Appreciate the authors’ purpose in writing the story.
4. Identify the figures of speech and other literary techniques and devices
in the text
5. Explain the biographical, linguistic, and sociocultural contexts and
discuss how they enhance the text’s meaning and the reader’s understanding.

OCTOBER 07-10, 2019

According to the Blas F. Ople Policy Center and Training Institute, “There is
no let-up in the number of Filipino women leaving to work abroad as domestic
INTRODUCTION workers. Based on the records of the Philippine Overseas Employment
Administration, the deployment of Filipino domestic workers abroad is
increasing year- to- year. For the first time, newly hired household service
workers (HSWs) breached the 100,000 mark conditions are harsh especially for
non skilled women workers.”

Many women who become domestic workers abroad had different jobs when
they were in the Philippines. Some of them were teachers in public schools,
which is why many of them are underemployed overseas. There are engineers
and accountants that become cashiers and baggers when they go to another
country. This is the unfortunate reality for many Filipinos who decide to work

The play you are about to read was staged at the University of British
Columbia. A series of monologues, it tells us about the experiences of Isabel,
an Overseas Filipino worker who works and lives in Canada with her son,
Miguel. It touches on issues that involve the Philippine diaspora and its effects
on the family.
1. How does the Philippine diaspora affect the families involved?
MOTIVATION 2. Do you think modern technology has given u enough that family
members who live in different countries can still maintain close family
ties? Why or why not?
3. What kind of life do you think Filipino overseas workers have?
INSTRUCTION/ Read the story entitled “Waiting” by Ron Darvin on page 41-47.
1. What did you feel after reading the story? Why did you feel that way?
PRACTICE 2. The title of the play is “waiting,” what are they waiting for? Why is this
3. There is a juxtaposition of tuna salad with all of the other Filipino
dishes. Why? What does this mean?
4. Were you surprised at the kind of food Miguel had to eat once he got to
Canada? Why? How is this different from your expectations?
5. How do you feel toward Roberto? Why did Roberto do what he did?
6. After saying “Sakripisyo,” why does Isabel say, “Blessed are the poor
for thiers is the kingdom of heaven”? What is it about this particular
scene that is uniquely Filipino?
7. In the play, a Canadian woman tells her daughter, this is why you have
to study hard, my love. Because otherwise you’ll end up just like her.”
What does this mean? What does this reveal about how some Canadians
feel about Filipinos?
8. How do you feel toward Miguel? Why do you feel that way?
9. Why is Miguel being difficult? Is it just because he’s a teenager?
Explain your answer.
10. What does Miguel want? Can Isabel ever give it to him? Why or Why



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