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Punto 3.

Maria: Good morning

Pedro: Welcome to the restaurant Buen gusto

Pedro: I have input, milk dessert with cream

Maria: Yes please, I want one

María: What's on the menu

Pedro: Shrimp cocktail and special Salmon egg or shrimp sauce

Maria: I want a shrimp cocktail with rice and fruit salad

Pedro: Perfect and for dessert

Maria: Give me a strawberry cake and an espresso thanks

Pedro: with pleasure.

María: Good morning

Maria: What do you have to drink?

Sara: Good morning, I have fruit juice in water or milk and hot drinks such as aromatic, milo or red.

Maria: Give me a blackberry juice in milk

Sara: I'm sorry, but there's no blackberry

Maria: Well, then you have a lemonade with ice

Sara: Something else

María: YES, please give me a chicken cake with scrambled eggs

Sara: With pleasure.

Maria: I also want a strawberry cake with cream to go and an oatmeal cookie

Sara: It's $ 20,000

Paso 4


You will answer this letter. Read it. Each student must answer this
letter. In your text please underline next topics: Should, simple past
tense, modal verbs of advice; should, ought to, had to, comparatives,
go+ing, recommendations, giving advice, paste events.

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