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Ben was a person who don’t likes socializing. He always locked up in his room and spent all his
time with his computer. He’s not interested to do outdoor activities such as camping, fishing and
playing football with friend. His mother was worried about his personality because it can be dangerous
for him because he’s likes to meet stranger in online rather than in reality. Stranger on the internet
can’t fully trusted because they can be who they wanted.

Everything was fine until one day in the evening, Ben found interesting article on the internet
about accessing dark web. Dark web is the deepest layer of the internet that need specific way to
access it. Pornography, hitman, murder, secret government’s document and drugs can be found in the
dark web. Ben was interested with it and try to access it immediately. After several attempts, he
succeeds access the dark web. He tried to explore the dark web but he can’t find anything interesting.
Suddenly, he saw a unique link that look like this “livestream4free.onion.asd292?”. He clicked on it
and it redirected him into a main page of live stream.

Suddenly, he received a chat from the stranger on the website. The stranger asked him “are
you new in here?”. Ben replied the chat and they had a normal conversation. Then, the stranger gave
him a link that redirected Ben to the live stream. He shocked. He could saw a woman were tied up and
tortured in the live stream. He left the live stream immediately but the live stream pop up again and
he can’t close it. He can’t control his computer anymore. He made a choice to switch off the computer.
After a few days, he received the message on his phone from unknown number. Ben was shocked
because he received the message from the stranger that he met in the dark web. The stranger forced
him to turn on his computer and open the link given by the stranger.

When he on the live stream, he saw a woman that familiar with him. Then, he realized that
the woman was her mother. He tried to chat with the stranger but he couldn’t. The live stream
continues and he could saw his mother was tortured slowly in the live stream. Ben tried to call the
police but the stranger blackmail him if he called the police his life will in danger too. Ben couldn’t do
anything unless watching the live stream to the end. Ben’s body shivering and he felt regret. He should
not try to access the dark web and obsessed with computer too much. He should realized the bad
affect of this. After a few hours, he heard someone entering his house and laughing. His body shivering
and his face was pale. He tried to find a place to hide in his room. Then, he decided to hide in the
closet silently. After a few minutes, he could saw someone enter his room and at the same time he
could see the person in the live stream was said his name and laughed at him.

Ben knew that the person who entered his house was working with the stranger in the live
stream. Suddenly, the live stream cam changed to his webcam. Everyone was watching what was
happening to him. He could saw that there was a knife in the stranger’s hand from inside the closet.
Out of the blue, the stranger opened the closet and stabbed Ben continuously. Ben awake from his
sleep and his body was cold. His heart beats fast. He checked his phone and he saw the same article
in his dream he was reading before he fell asleep. He realized that he needs to change his life. He
needs to go socializing and threw away his obsessed with the computer. He knew when he changed
his life he will live a better life and things will never be the same again.

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