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Kami, (8 25.6 2 adits ni din, Aref Dred HADITH BETWEEN RELIGION AND CULTURE By : Prof. DR. KH. Ali Mustafa Yaqub Al-Imam Muslim (d. 262 H) in his book Sahih Muslim narrated the hadith from the prophet Muhammad 4% that he said: AE NSB pa ce i SS al LAL gly 9 | hd Si Oe eats SS lI 8 WLS hy Se iat Stal Hy If I order you anything of your religion in another narration, anything of revelation, you must take it. And if I order you anything of my opinion, I'm only a mankind. According to this noble hadith al-Imam Muslim, also the commentator of Sahih Muslim book al-Imam al-Nawawi (d. 676H) said that the obligation of anything narrated of the prophet Muhammad x42. Only that related to shariah or religion of Islam, and anything that no related to shariah or religion everyone of Muslim is free for taking it or no. The islamic teaching was devided generally into three parts: 1. Agidah (belief) 2. Tbadah (worship) 3. Mu’amalah (relation among the mankind) ‘Anything related to aqidah and ibadah everyone muslim must take it from the prophet Muhammad Alxéz, and it is not allowed for everyone muslim to make agidah and ibadah from himselves. There is no innovation in aqidah and ibadah. Anything which is not related to aqidah and ibadah named mu’amalah. And according to the islamic law idigiom (al-qaidah al- Sighiyyah) the ulama said: posal cle Calall do Le Y} 4aby! Alateall pi de! Originally in mu’amalah is allowed unless if there is dalil of haram (not allowed). In agidah like believe in one God and the characters of God, believe in all anything unseen like the angles, the character of paradise and hell, the day of judgement, and so on, everyone muslim must take this teaching from Islamic religion that it’s sources are from the holy book of al- Quran and the noble of Hadith from the Prophet Muhammad yt. Anything belief which is contradictory with the islamic teaching of Aqidah will be rejected, also in ibadah (worship) everyone muslim is obligated to take it from the prophet Muhammad #42. Teaching any ibadah (worship) which is not resourced from the teaching of the Prophet Muhammad 22 will be Tejected. Allah will not receive any agidah and ibadah that are not resourced from the prophet Muhammad 442. So everyon muslim must know the difference between religion and mu amalah (culture). Anything comes from the Prophet Muhammad ,#3t@ maybe it is part of Aqidah, ibadah, or culture. Beleive in one God and all anything unseen also the method of Ibadah like performing prayer, giving the charity especially zakah (obligatory charity), performing the pilgrimage, and so on, all these are part of agidah and ibadah. But something comes from the prophet Muhammad x42 like eating a bread, wearing a torban, wearing a thob (Arabian clothes), these all are not part of agidah and ibadah. This is a part of culture of the people in the prophet 242 era. Actually,anything related to the culture is following the situation and time of the people, there is difference between the culture of the Arabian people in the era of the Prophet Muhammad 442 and the Arabian people today, and also there is difference between the Arabian people today with another the Arabian people. Wearing the clothes is also following the situation and environment of the people. The clothes of Arabian people is different from the clothes of the European people and American people. Actually, the Islam religion does not give a certain criteria of the kind and modle of clothes. Everyon muslim is free for wearing their clothes, but Islam only gives some requirements of wearing clothes. These requirements are: 1. Closing the auroh, the auroh of man between navel and knee, and the auroh of woman is all of her body unless her face and two palms of hands, according to some ulama’ opinion, but according to another opinion of ulama, the auroh of woman is all of her body. 2. Not transparent. 3, Not narrow 4, Not same with another sex clothes. So, everyone muslim is free for wearing his clothes, in any kind and model by these requirements. We find some muslims today, the muslim of Arabic country wearing Arabian clothes, the Muslim in Europe country wearing European clothes, the muslim in America, wearing American clothes, also the muslim in Indonesia wearing Indonesian clothes, the muslim in India and Pakistan wearing India and Pakistani clothes, all muslim in any part of the word they are free of wearing their local clothes. This is the teacing of Islam in culture of clothes. This is the teaching of Islam,because Islam is not only for Arabian but Islam is for all mankind in the world and this one is a part of Islam as a mercy for al-‘alamin (all that excist in the world), As mentioned in the holy Quran: (1O7:eb8¥! yaaa Ga8.5 ) ata ko y “And we did not send you O Muhammad unless as mercy for all that exist in the world.” (al-Anbiya’:107) So Islam does not give a certain kind and model of clothes but Islam only gives the criteria or requirement of Islamic clothes. Then everyone muslim must be able to differentiate between religion and culture. If we do it, then he must take anything related to religion and he is free for taking anything related to the culture. The general difference between religion and culture is the religion unly done by muslim people and the culture is done by all people, muslim and non-Muslim, for example wearing clothes is culture because everyone of mankind wearing clothes, but wearing clothes according to four requirements as mentioned above is religion of Islam. Because not everyone wearing clothes like this. Eating food is culture, but eating halal food by right hand is religion of Islam. Performing prayer is culture, because everyone of mankind in this world performing prayer, but performing prayer only for Allah SWT with special requirements and condition is religion of Islam. Sometimes, the religion and culture are united in one activity, wearing the local clothes according to the requirement of Islamic clothes is religion and culture, performing prayer by wearing the local clothes also religion and culture. So, everyone muslim must know to differentiate between religion and culture. Performing prayer will be regarded because this is religion of Islam, wearing the Muslim clothes also will be regarded, because this is part of Ibadah (worship) but wearing the local clothes has no reward because wearing the local clothes is a culture, not ibadah (worship). Some muslims people has opinion that everyone of Muslim is obligated to follow anything comes from the prophet Muhammad 2% using the dalil of al-Quran on surah al-Hasyr verse:7. (7: A) ve 5 thd es Ss “Anything comes from the prophet ti you must take it, and anything ‘forbidden by the prophet Muhammad you must leave it. ”(al-Hasyt :7) ‘According to this dalil some muslim people said that no difference between religion and culture, because Allah swt said anything that shows general. Actually this opinion is not correct, because the general world in this verse (ts) has meaning as anything not style in it’s general meaning because there is Hadith as mentioned above making this general in specialist (tahsis). If this opinion is correct, then all muslim people in Indonesia and ‘Asian countries must eat the bread because the Prophet “Hse eat bread. If any muslim doesn’t eat the bread he will get sin, because this is ma ‘siyah to the prophet Muhammad 2%. Then, eating bread is wajib (obligatory) for any muslim in the world. And factually in sure there is no ulama in this world has opinion like this. Some people who converts his belief into Islamic belief, he changed his clothes according to person who guide him. If the guide from Arabian 4 countries, the muslim convert use the thob and torban (Arabian clothes). If the guide from Pakistan or India, the muslim convert use the national dress of Pakistan or India, and if the guide from Indonesia, the muslim convert use batik dress. Actually, to change the clothes is not obligatory in Islam, because clothes is related to the culture, it is not related to the religion. The muslim convert is free for using their local clothes and dress. The muslim in ‘America is free for using American clothes and it is not obligatory for wearing Arabian clothes, so everyone muslim in any part of the world they are free for wearing their local clothes and not obligatory for wearing ‘Arabian clothes. The muslim in Europe is free for wearing the European clothes. The local culture is allowed in Islam as long as not contradictory with the Islamic Jaw. Then, Islam religion came to any part in the world it is not for destroying the local culture but Islam can life together with local culture. Any [ocal culture in tradition, building, clothes, and so on. Some years ago when I was in Den Haag the Netherland on August 1982, His Excellency the Former Foreign Minister of Indonesia Muhammad Roem addressed the lecture for the member of young Muslim Association in Europe (YMAE). He said that the president of Islamic Congress in Japan Prof Dr. Shauqi Futaki asked Buya Hamka (Prof. Dr. Hamka, the muslim leader and scholar of Indonesia), “ What is the reason that the people of Indonesia especially people of Java island received the religion of Islam without any conflict, and why it is easy the people of Java island became muslim?” Buya Hamka said, “I am still learning about this matter”. This news was from His Excellency Muhammad Roem, but I am sure that Buya Hamka in last days, he knew that the preaching of Islam in Indonesia especially in Java island is using the local culture. Some da’i (Islam preachers) came from Arabian country but when they arrived at Java island they Jeave their Arabian culture, They changed their names into Indonesian names, they also leave Arabian clothes. Their names were changed into local names like Sunan Gresik, his original name was Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Sunan Bonang his original name was Maulana Maqdum Ibrahim. When. they built the mosques in Indonesia, the architecture of these mosques were not Arabian architecture but Javanese architecture, like the mosque of Sunan Ampel in Surabaya, the Mosque of Menara Kudus in Kudus, Central Java, the Mosque of Keraton Solo (The Kingdom of Surakarta Hadiningrat), the Big Mosque in Demak, Central Java, all of these architecture are javanese architecture, and not Arabian architecture. Then, some people of Java, when they enter in to these mosques they feel that these mosques are their homes. Then no difficult to them for convert their belief into Islamic belief.

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