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Good morning teacher and classmates


My name is Daniel Sebastian Benitez agudelo

I am going to PRESENT you the macaws

Prisent you de mecas

The description of the macaws:

De descripchon

His scientific name is Ara Macao


• He is 85 centimeters long

• He weights 1060 to 1123 grams

We can found Macaw’s Geographical location from Mexico to Argentina


Yigrafricol, loquichon


Habitat: They prefer to live in rainy forests

Dey prefer to lef in reiny forests

They feed with nuts, fruits and different types of flowers.

Fid wer nass, taips of flowers

There are Only 1000 birds left of this species.

Onle, berds of de espichis

Macaw Reproduction:


It is an oviparous specie

It is en o vipers espichi

It reaches his sexual maturity around 3 or 4 years of age. They Build your nest in hollow areas
of trees, avoiding the predators

It riches his sekchuool mechueredy araunt 3or 4 yiurs aveich. Dey biold yiur nester halau eries
of triss, avoiden de padithers.

Macaw in danger of extinction:

Meca en dinyer a extinchon


• The destruction of their habitat: For logging and deforestation of forests

De distrauchon of der habitad: for lagin and diforesteichon of forestss
• Natural predators: For example, the black hawk.
Nachrol padiders: for exampol, de black hajk

• The main cause of his endanger is the illegal hunting due to an interest in its
commercialization, such as domestic birds.
De mein caus of his indinller is di eligol hanting tireben intresd in its comercialiseichon,
seches domestic berds.

• Weather changes: Because of the pollution caused by the human being.

Wether chinYes, becous of de polouchon cods bai de giumen bin

How can we help the macaws?

jau quen wi HELP de mecas

• Look for legal mechanisms to protect their habitat

Luk for ligol mecanizomss tu pretad dir habits

• Do Ecotourism projects so that people know their habitat and understand that we
must take care of these birds.
Du icotorezemm proyed sou tad pipol noder habitad end understin dat wi must teik ker of dis

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