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A packed Vesterbro during the Distortion festival.

Photo: Ida Marie Odgaard / Ritzau


Asylum seeker numbers were stable in 2018

2018 saw 3,559 people apply for permission to stay in Denmark as refugees, a figure
very similar to the 3,500 registered in 2017. In 2015, the year in which Europe’s refugee
and migration crisis peaked, 21,315 people applied for asylum in Denmark – of which
11,539 came in the final three months of the year.

The most recent year in which asylum seekers were fewer in number than in 2017 was
2008, when 2,409 were registered.

READ ALSO: Denmark's asylum figures are at their lowest since 2008. So why the
election focus on refugees?

33 percent of first-time mothers are married

In 2017, 33 percent of first-time mothers were married, compared to 40 percent in 1997.
The figure rises to 53 percent for women giving birth to their second child.

Life expectancy is 79 years for men and 83 years for women

Life expectancy for both men and women in Denmark has increased almost every year
since the beginning of the 1990s. In 2017/2018, the life expectancy for men was 79
years, while for women it was 82.9 years.

46 percent of marriages end in divorce

A calculation of divorce figures in 2012 found that 46.5 percent of all marriages in
Denmark ended in divorce. A comparison of that figure with preceding years going back
to 1986 found that the worst year for failing marriages was 1989, when 47.3 percent of
matrimonies didn’t last.

Photo: Rune Evensen / Ritzau Scanpix

Danemarca 2019


84.5 percent of eligible citizens voted in the 2019 general election

The June 5th general election saw Denmark continue its tradition for high voter
turnouts, with 84.5 percent casting their Xs at ballot stations. It was a decrease from the
2015 election, however – 85.9 percent voted four years ago.

Prices are 39 percent higher than the EU average

Figures from 2017 show Denmark as having average price levels for consumer goods
at 39 percent above the average for EU countries. Only three countries in Europe have
higher average prices, none of which are EU members: Norway, Iceland and

READ ALSO: Denmark is most expensive EU country for consumer goods

Unemployment is extremely low

The current unemployment figure is 103,000, equivalent of 3.7 percent of the workforce.

For the sake of comparison, the Italian employment (not unemployment) rate was 62.3
percent among 20-64 year-olds in 2017.

As (relatively) is the number of people who receive unemployment benefits

In March, 125,900 people received basic social welfare payments for unemployment,
known broadly as kontanthjælp. The figure has been falling regularly since 2015 and
has not been lower since March 2009.

READ ALSO: What’s it like to work in Denmark as a foreigner? Here's what you
told us

One in three people live in apartments

A large proportion of Danes live in apartments, with a national average of one in three.
The figure varies wildly depending on location, with 94 and 86 percent of people calling
an apartment home in Copenhagen and Frederiksberg municipalities respectively.

0.3 percent were treated for drug addiction in 2017

2017 saw 0.3 percent of the population – or three people in every 1,000 – in 79
municipalities (out of 98) for which data was available receive treatment for drug abuse.

The proportion varied between municipalities, but was no higher than 0.5 percent in any

Of the total number of 14,861 who received treatment, 11,110 were men and 3,751
were women.

Traffic laws were broken 101,540 times in 2018

The total number of 189,915 crimes for which convictions were given in 2018 includes
101,540 traffic offences.

Convictions for serious crimes include 57 for murder, manslaughter or attempted

murder and 77 cases of rape.

There were 12,706 instances of theft and 358 robberies.

Most Danes are satisfied with life

Is the old line about Denmark being the world’s happiest country true or a cliché? A
Statistics Denmark study in late 2015 found that, on a scale of 1 to 10, Danes rated their
level of satisfaction with life “here and now” at a respectable 7.5. But they expected it to
increase to 8.2 over the coming five years.
Photo: Henning Bagger / Ritzau Scanpix

READ ALSO: Here are the Danish social taboos you should never break
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