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Topical Aminocaproic Acid in the Treatment

of Traumatic Hyphema
Earl R. Crouch, Jr, MD; Patricia B. Williams, PhD; M. Kevin Gray, MD;
Eric R. Crouch; Michael Chames, MD

Objectives: To determine whether topically applied the patients who received topical or systemic aminoca-
aminocaproic acid, like systemic aminocaproic acid, proic acid had secondary hemorrhage compared with 22%
effectively reduces secondary hemorrhage after hyphe- (12/54) of the control group (P=.002). Final visual acu-
mas and to compare the safety and effectiveness of ity was 20/40 or better in 30 patients (86%) in the topi-
topical application with those of systemic use and a cal group compared with 23 patients (43%) in the con-
control group. trol group (P<.001). Final visual acuity was 20/40 or
better in 20 patients (69%) in the systemic aminoca-
Design: A prospective, randomized, double-masked, proic acid group compared with 23 patients (43%) in the
study. control group (P=.04). The topical aminocaproic acid
group had a final visual acuity of 20/40 or better in 86%
Patients: Sixty-four patients with traumatic hyphema of patients, compared with 69% of patients in the sys-
treated with topical or systemic aminocaproic acid and temic group.
compared with 54 control patients with hyphema. Daily
slitlamp examinations for hyphema grading and cor- Conclusions: Topical aminocaproic acid appears to be
neal clarity, initial and final visual acuity, applanation to- a safe, effective treatment to prevent secondary hemor-

nometry, and fundus indirect ophthalmoscopy were stud- rhage in traumatic hyphema. It is as effective as sys-
ied. Follow-up was 6 months to 5\m=1/2\years (mean, 2.96 temic aminocaproic acid in reducing secondary hemor-
years). rhage. No systemic side effects were observed with topical
use. Topical aminocaproic acid provides an effective out\x=req-\
Results: Compared with the control group, topical and patient treatment for traumatic hyphemas.
systemic aminocaproic acid was statistically significant
in preventing secondary hemorrhage. Only 3% (2/64) of Arch Ophthalmol. 1997;115:1106-1112

hemorrhage oc¬ double-masked, prospective study, the
curs after traumatic hy¬ incidence of secondary hemorrhage was
phema in 9% to 38% of un¬ reduced to 3% compared with an inci¬
treated patients 2 to 5 days dence of 33% in placebo-treated eyes.10
after the initial injury.1"9 Sec¬ Other studies have demonstrated that
ondary hemorrhage significantly in¬ the incidence of secondary hemorrhage
creases the risk of visual impairment in the was reduced to 3% to 5% in patients
traumatized eye. Generally, secondary treated with aminocaproic acid com¬
hemorrhage is more severe than the ini¬ pared with 28% to 33% of the placebo
tial hemorrhage and confers a worse vi¬ group (P<.01).1415
sual prognosis. The incidences of corneal
blood staining, elevated intraocular pres¬ For editorial comment
sure with resultant optic atrophy, poste¬
rior synechiae, and anterior synechiae are seepage 1189
From theDepartment of all increased with secondary hemor¬ Secondary hemorrhage results from
Ophthalmology, Eastern rhage.1·913 lysis and retraction of the fibrin plug
Virginia Medical School, an antifibrino- that produced an occlusion of the trau¬
Norfolk (Drs Crouch, Williams, Aminocaproic acid,
and Chames and Mr Crouch); lytic agent, was shown by Crouch and matized blood vessel.710 Treatment with
and Department of Frenkel10 to significantly reduce the systemic aminocaproic acid for 5 days
Ophthalmology, University incidence of rebleeding when 100 injured blood vessel to more
allows the
of Tennessee, Memphis mg/kg was given orally every 4 hours permanently repair its integrity before
(Dr Gray). for 5days (P<.01). In a randomized, the mobilization of the primary fibrin

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PATIENTS AND METHODS cell status, mechanism of injury, initial and final visual
acuity, associated ocular and orbital injuries, history of sa-
licylate and corticosteroid usage, treatment, and compli¬
Patients with nonpenetrating traumatic hyphema were ad¬ cations (ocular and systemic).
mitted to the prospective, randomized, double-masked mul- All patients underwent a complete ophthalmologic
ticenter study to evaluate topical and systemic aminoca¬ examination. Blood pressure was recorded on admission
proic acid compared with an untreated control group. to study and before each dosing; blood pressure mea¬
Patients were computer randomized to receive either surements were taken with the patient sitting upright and
systemic aminocaproic acid and a placebo topical gel, or lying flat, and hypertension and hypotension were docu¬
the topical aminocaproic acid in 2% carboxypolymethyl- mented. Patients were asked about dizziness, headaches,
ene gel and an oral placebo for 5 full days of treatment. A and nausea and vomiting at the time of vital signs mea¬
third group of patients with traumatic hyphema com¬ surements. Laboratory assessments included partial throm-
posed the control group in the multicenter study, ie, these boplastin time, prothrombin time, complete blood cell count,
patients did not receive either topical or systemic amino¬ differential count, serum urea nitrogen, creatinine (before
caproic acid. Patients enrolled in the control group had re¬ and after study), and serum pregnancy test (females aged
fused entry into the randomized study group for treat¬ 12 years and older). Admitting orders included bed rest with
ment with aminocaproic acid. the head of the bed elevated 30°, protection of the in¬
Patients randomized to the group receiving systemic volved eye with a metal shield, and moderate ambulation.
therapy received aminocaproic acid orally, 50 mg/kg ev¬ Patients were not allowed to receive aspirin, nonsteroid anti-
ery 4 hours with a maximum dose of 30 g/d. Patients in inflammatory drugs, antiplatelet products, or systemic or
the topical therapy group received doses of 30% aminoca¬ topical corticosteroids during the 5 days of hospital treat¬
proic acid in 2% carboxypolymethylene gel, 0.2 mL ap¬ ment. Patients received topical timolol maléate, apracloni-
plied in the inferior fomix of the involved eye every 6 hours. dine hydrochloride, dipivefrin hydrochloride, and oral
The control group was studied contemporaneously by in¬ methazolamide for intraocular pressure greater than 22
dependent observers. Data were compiled by observers who mm Hg.
did not know what patients were in the treated and un¬ Patients in the study underwent daily examinations
treated control groups. The procedures and timing for treat¬ by the ophthalmologists that included visual acuity; slit-
ment were the same for both treated and untreated groups. lamp examination for grading of hyphema (with sketch),
Patients received either a placebo topical gel or a placebo cell and flare, evidence of secondary hemorrhage, and/or
oral syrup with their active treatment. Treatment for pa¬ corneal blood staining; slitlamp examination with fluores¬
tients in both the medicated and the control groups con¬ cein to examine for evidence of corneal toxicity; applana-
sisted of 30° of head elevation, protection of the involved tion tonometry; recording objective and subjective re¬
eye with a metal shield, and moderate ambulation. In¬ ports of adverse ocular and systemic effects; and fundus
formed consent was obtained from patients or the paren¬ indirect ophthalmoscopy. (B-scan ultrasonography was per¬
tal guardian before they entered the study. The study pro¬ formed initially when details of the fundus were ob¬
tocol and consent form were approved by the institutional scured.)
review board in this multicenter study. Patients in the treatment groups had blood drawn (2.5
Patients excluded from this study included those who mL) 1 hour after the fifth dose (25 hours after the first dose),
had 1 or more of the following conditions: penetrating ocu¬ and 1 hour after the 13th dose (73 hours after the first dose)
lar trauma, previous intraocular surgery, history of coagu- of the initial medication with date and time of collection
lopathy, history of renal or hepatic insufficiency, preg¬ noted. Serum aminocaproic acid levels were analyzed by
nancy (a pregnancy test was performed on all females aged the Eastern Virginia Medical School Pharmacology Depart¬
12 years and older), history of anticoagulant or antiplate- ment, Norfolk, by means of a high-performance liquid Chro¬
let agents within 7 days of ocular trauma, history of sen¬ matographie assay.1618·19
sitivity to any component of the topical aminocaproic acid The sample size required for this study was calcu¬
gel, history of oral or topical corticosteroid use within 48 lated to be between 25 and 30 patients in each of the 3 groups
hours of the study, and participation in any investiga- (topical aminocaproic acid, systemic aminocaproic acid, and
tional drug trial within 4 weeks. control). The sample size justification was calculated on
Patients with sickle cell trait and disease represent a the basis of an c< level (type 1 error rate) of 0.05 and a power
special subgroup of patients who have unique complica¬ of 80%.
tions of traumatic hyphema and were included in the study. Statistical evaluation was performed with the un¬
A sickle cell test was conducted before the study on all black paired 2 and Fisher exact tests for independent samples.
patients; if positive, hemoglobin electrophoresis was con¬ A value of .05 or less was considered statistically signifi¬
ducted. cant.
The 6-year study was initiated March 1,1990, and con¬ By computer evaluation, each variable was compared
cluded May 1, 1996. Patients remained hospitalized for 5 with every other variable between treated and control
full days of treatment. Clinical and demographic informa¬ groups, including initial and final visual acuities, inci¬
tion obtained for analysis included age, sex, race, sickle dence of complications, and secondary hemorrhage.

clot.7 Theantifibrinolytic activity of aminocaproic acid Systemic side effects of systemic aminocaproic acid
administered systemically has also been demonstrated therapy include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and hypo¬
in renal and neurological surgery to decrease the inci¬ tension.7·1415 Topical aminocaproic acid in 2% carboxy-
dence of secondary hemorrhage.7 polymethylene gel (Carbopol) has been shown to be ef-

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Table 1. Incidence of Secondary Hemorrhage* Table 3. Initial Size of Hyphema*

No. (%) of Group, No. (%)

Treatment Group Hemorrhage Fraction of Anterior Topical and
1 (3)
Chamber Filled Systemic ACA Control
Topical ACA (n=35) .01
Grade_With Blood_(n=64)_(n=54)
Oral ACA (n=29) 1 (3) .03
2 (3) I <Vs 44(69) 35(65)
Total (n=64) .002
II Vs to 1/2 6(9) 6(11)
III V2 to near total 8(13) 8(15)
*P values were calculated for the treatment groups vs the control group
(n=54) in which 12 patients had secondary hemorrhage. ACA indicates
IV Total 6(9) 5(9)
aminocaproic acid.
*ACA indicates aminocaproic acid.

caproic acid, only 1 (3%) of the 35 patients in the

Table 2. Patient Demographics*
topical group and 1 (3%) of the 29 patients in the sys¬
temic group developed secondary hemorrhage
Group, No. (%) (Table I ; P=.01 and P=.03, respectively, vs controls).
Topical ACA Systemic ACA Control The overall incidence of secondary hemorrhage in the
Variable_(n=35)_(n=29) (n=54) 2 treated groups was 2 (3%) of 64 (P=.002). Reduc¬
Sex tion in the incidence of secondary hemorrhage com¬
M 24(69) 19(65) 39(72) pared with the control group was statistically signifi¬
F 11(31) 10(35) 15(28) cant in both the topical (P .01) and the systemic

Race (P=.03) aminocaproic acid groups.

Black 17(49) 15(52) 31(57)
The topical and systemic aminocaproic acid group
17(49) 14(48) 23(43) included 43 males (67%) and 21 females (33%); the con¬
Asian 1 (2) 0 (0) 0 (0)
Positive SA hemoglobin 2/17(12) 2/15(13) 5/31(16) trol group consisted of 39 males (72%) and 15 females
or SS hemoglobin (28%). There was no statistically significant difference
in blacks between topical aminocaproic acid, systemic aminoca¬
*ACA indicates aminocaproic acid.
proic acid, and the control group in patient sex, race, and
SS or SA hemoglobin (sickle cell trait or disease)
(Table 2). In the treated groups, black patients (N=32)
fective in reducing secondary
the incidence of represented 50% of the study and white patients (N=31),
hemorrhage prospective, double-masked, controlled
in 49%. One patient (1%) was Asian. Three (9%) of 32 black
laboratory studies using New Zealand white rabbits patients were positive for SA hemoglobin, and 1 black
with traumatic hyphema.16"19 Aqueous humor concen¬ patient in the treated group (3%) had SS hemoglobin. In
trations of aminocaproic acid after topical administra¬ the control group, black patients (N=31) represented 57%
tion are comparable with those achieved with systemic of the study and white patients (N=23), 43%. Five (16%)
therapy.161819 The adverse effects after systemic admin¬ of 31 black patients were positive for SA hemoglobin. In
istration of aminocaproic acid are thought to be related the topical and systemic aminocaproic acid group, 46 pa¬
to serum levels of the drug. The substantial reduction in tients (72%) were younger than 21 years. Factors were
serum aminocaproic acid levels achieved with topical equally distributed between the treated groups and the
application should decrease the incidence or eliminate control group as determined by statistical analysis. There
these adverse effects.16"19 was no statistically significant difference between the topi¬
The purposes of this study were to ( 1 ) establish the cal and systemic aminocaproic acid-treated groups and
efficacy of topical aminocaproic acid in 2% carboxypoly- the untreated control groups in the size of the initial hy¬
methylene gel in prevention of secondary hemorrhage phema (Table 3).
after traumatic hyphema, (2) compare the effectiveness The topical aminocaproic acid group had initial vi¬
of topical aminocaproic acid with that of systemic ami¬ sual acuity of 20/40 or better in 10 (29%) compared with
nocaproic acid in prevention of secondary hemorrhage 11 (38%)in the systemic aminocaproic acid group and
in the treatment of traumatic hyphema, and (3) deter¬ 16 (32%)in the control group (Table 4). Final visual
mine whether known adverse effects of systemic amino¬ acuity was 20/40 or better in 30 patients (86%) of the
caproic acid, such as nausea and vomiting, dizziness, and topical group compared with 23 patients (43%) in the
hypotension, can be reduced by topical application of ami¬ control group (P<.001) (Table 4). Final visual acuity was
nocaproic acid. 20/40 or better in 20 patients (69%) in the systemic ami¬
nocaproic acid group compared with 23 patients (43%)
RESULTS in the control group (P=.04). The topical aminocaproic
acid group had a final visual acuity of 20/40 or better in
A total of 64 patients were treated with either topical 30 patients (86%), compared with 20 patients (69%) in
(N 35)
systemic (N 29) aminocaproic acid, and
or = the systemic aminocaproic acid group.
there were 54 patients in the control group. In the 54 Table 5 lists the complications secondary to the
control patients, the secondary hemorrhage rate was trauma and secondary hemorrhage in the total study.
12 (22%) of 54. Of the 64 patients treated with amino- There was no statistically significant difference in the in-

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Table 4. Initial and Final Visual Acuity in the Topical ACA, Systemic ACA, and Control Hyphema Groups*
Group, No. (%)
Topical ACA Systemic ACA Control
(n=35) (n=29) (n=54)
-1 -1
Visual Acuity Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final
20/20-20/40 10(29) 30 (86)t 11(38) 20 (69)+. 16(30) 23(43)
20/50-20/100 10(29) 2(6) 7(24) 4(14) 6(11) 7(13)
20/200-20/400 2(6) 2(6) 3(10) 2(7) 5(9) 4(7)
Finger counting 1(3) 1(2) 2(7) 1(3) 6(11) 6(11)
Hand motions 8(23) 0 (0)§ 4(14) 2(7) 12(22) 6(11)
Light perception with projection 4(10) 0 (0)§ 2(7) 0(0)+· 9(17) 8(15)
*ACA indicates aminocaproic acid.
t Topical vs control, P<.001.
XSystemic vs control, P<.05.
^Topical vs control, ?<.05.

Table 5. Complications of Ocular Trauma* Table 6. Incidence of Optic Atrophy and Corneal Blood
Staining in the Treatment and Control Groups and Final
Group, No. (%) Visual Acuity in the Control Group*

Topical and No. (%)

Systemic ACA Control
Complication (n=64) (n=54) Corneal
Optic Blood
Eyelid laceration 5(8) 7(13)
Corneal abrasion 17 (27) 9(17) Group Atrophy Staining
Corneal blood staining 0 (0) 3 (6) Topical ACA (n=35) 0(0) 0(0)
Iritis 48 (75) 39 (72) Systemic ACA (n=29) 0(0) 0(0)
Angle recession glaucoma 6 (9) 0 (0) Control (n=54) 5(9) 3(6)
Iridodialysis 4 (6) 3 (6)
Final Visual Acuity of Control Group
Peripheral anterior synechiae 4 (6) 3 (6)
Light perception and projection 3 (5) 1(2)
Sphincter rupture 8(12) 1(2) Counting fingers 2 (4) 1(2)
Posterior synechiae 4 (6) 3 (6)
20/400 0 (0) 1(2)
Cataract 8(12) 5(9) Total 5 (9) 3(6)
Subluxated lens 3 (5) 2 (4)
Cyclodialysis 2 (3) 0 (0)
Vitreous hemorrhage *ACA indicates aminocaproic acid.
13(20) 14(26)
Macular edema (commotio retinae) 19 (30) 8 (15)
Retinal detachment/tear 2 (3) 3 (6)
Macular scar 4 (6) 0 (0) COMMENT
Subretinal hemorrhage 2 (3) 2 (4)
Choroidal rupture 3 (5) 4 (7) In the previous prospective study by Crouch and Fren-
Scierai ectasia 0 (0) 0 (0) kel10 well as 2 additional studies,1415 patient groups
Optic atrophy 0 (0) 5 (9) treated with systemic aminocaproic acid and placebo were
Orbit wall fracture 6(9) 9(16) randomized and the studies were double masked. Ami¬
*ACA indicates aminocaproic acid. nocaproic acid in a dosage of 50 mg/kg every 4 hours was
as effective as 100 mg/kg every 4 hours orally for 5 days,
with fewer systemic side effects.14 The maximum dos¬
cidence of complications between the topical and sys¬ age of aminocaproic acid was 5 g every 4 hours, not to
temic aminocaproic acid-treated groups and the con¬ exceed 30 g/d.7
trol group. However, the complications of optic atrophy Some ophthalmologists have been reluctant to
(5 patients [9%]) and corneal blood staining (3 patients prescribe aminocaproic acid systemically because of
[6%]) in the control group accounted for notable vision potential systemic side effects.10·14·15 Other ophthal¬
loss in 8 (15%) of 54 control patients (Table 6); these mologists observe patients with hyphema until sec¬
complications occurred in none of the aminocaproic ondary hemorrhage occurs before initiating systemic
acid-treated patients. Systemic side effects of systemic aminocaproic acid treatment to prevent additional
aminocaproic acid appear to' be related to the plasma hemorrhage.7 By concentrating the aminocaproic acid
level of aminocaproic acid. The mean (±SEM) serum in the aqueous humor, a topical aminocaproic acid
level of aminocaproic acid was 61.87±4.2 pg/mL in the preparation decreases the systemic concentration of
systemic aminocaproic acid-treated group. In the topi¬ aminocaproic acid associated with many of the adverse
cal aminocaproic acid-treated group, the mean effects. Aminocaproic acid should not be used by preg¬
(±SEM) serum aminocaproic acid level was 6.03 ±1.4 nant patients or those with renal or hepatic impair¬
pg/mL (P<.001). ment.7

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For systemically administered aminocaproic acid to méthylène vehicle without aminocaproic acid), topical
be effective, it must penetrate into the anterior segment application of aminocaproic acid significantly
in sufficient concentration to retard fibrinolysis. To di¬ decreased the incidence of secondary hemorrhage
rectly determine the concentration of aminocaproic acid from 33% to 10% (P<.05).18 There were no serious
in aqueous humor after systemic administration, we com¬ ocular side effects after the topical application. Aque¬
pared plasma and aqueous humor concentrations of ami¬ ous humor concentrations of aminocaproic acid after

nocaproic acid after intravenous administration of 50 topical administration were comparable with those
mg/kg and 100 mg/kg as well as after constant infusion achieved with systemic therapy.
of 25 mg/kg per hour.16 Plasma levels after intravenous In the present study, 64 patients were treated with
administration were 10-fold higher than in the aqueous systemic or topical aminocaproic acid. Only 2 (3%) of
humor. Antifibrinolytic activity correlated directly with 64 patients developed secondary hemorrhage (P=.002).
aminocaproic acid concentration in plasma or aqueous One patient of 29 treated with systemic aminocaproic acid
humor.16 developed a secondary hemorrhage on day 3. There was
an increase in bright anterior chamber blood from 15%
to 30%. Final visual acuity was 20/20. One patient in the

ACID retards clot lysis by topical aminocaproic acid-treated group (N=35) devel¬
preventing plasmin from binding to ly¬ oped secondary hemorrhage on day 5 with an increase
sine molecules in the fibrin clot. Amino¬ in anterior chamber blood from 25% to 40%. Final vi¬
caproic acid, a lysine analogue, competi¬ sual acuity was 20/20.
tively inactivates plasmin by occupying There were no significant ocular complications from
the lysine binding site on plasmin that would normally topical aminocaproic acid except that 4 patients re¬
bind to fibrin. In addition, aminocaproic acid binds to ported a conjunctival or corneal foreign body sensation.
plasminogen, so that, when activated to plasmin, it can¬ Transient punctate corneal staining was observed in 3 of
not attach to fibrin. These effects stabilize the clot- these patients. One adult patient (3%) of 35 patients tak¬
vessel wall interface, decreasing the potential for second¬ ing topical aminocaproic acid had dizziness, nausea, and
ary hemorrhage.7·9"11 vomiting on 2 occasions. However, no antiemetic medi¬
Based on the work of Ablondi and associates20 and cation was required. No patients taking topical amino¬
Alkjaersig and coworkers,21 a concentration of amino¬ caproic acid developed postural hypotension.
caproic acid of 10 to 32.5 pg/mL is required to produce Five (17%) of 29 patients taking systemic amino¬
antifibrinolytic effects. These concentrations are caproic acid had dizziness, nausea, and vomiting that
achieved in aqueous humor after systemic administra¬ was relieved by promethazine hydrochloride (Phener-
tion.16 In a previous study, the optimum concentration gan). All 5 patients were older than 21 years. One pa¬
for topical drug delivery was determined to be 30% ami¬ tient taking systemic aminocaproic acid had to be re¬
nocaproic acid to 2% carboxypolymethylene.19 Using moved from the study on day 3 because of repeated
different assumptions and a different approach, Camp¬ nausea and vomiting despite antiemetic therapy. Only 1
bell and associates22 also determined that a similar con¬ (3%) of 35 patients taking topical aminocaproic acid
centration of aminocaproic acid would be required but had nausea and vomiting or dizziness. The 10.3-fold in¬
would have a limited duration of action. Through ma¬ crease of serum levels in the systemic aminocaproic

nipulation of the vehicle and incorporation of a perme¬ acid group (mean±SEM, 61.87±4.2 pg/mL) compared
ation enhancer to facilitate penetration of the corneal with the topical aminocaproic acid-treated group
epithelium, we determined that the duration could be (mean±SEM, 6.03±1.4 pg/mL) accounts for the sys¬
extended to permit clinically relevant dosages of greater temic side effects observed with systemic aminocaproic
than 10 pg/mL at intervals of 6 hours.19 Attempts to fur¬ acid (P<.001). Only 1 of the 46 patients younger than
ther increase the duration of action by means of hyal- 21 years developed nausea and vomiting while taking
uronic acid (Healon) or collagen shields as a depot were systemic or topical therapy. None had systemic hypo¬
ineffective.23 tension or dizziness. This younger patient population
Seven topically applied preparations containing (72% of the aminocaproic acid-treated groups) ap¬
aminocaproic acid of different compositions were pre¬ peared to tolerate both topical and systemic aminoca¬
pared to assess the ability of aminocaproic acid to proic acid without major side effects.
penetrate into the aqueous humor.17 The greatest In the control group of 54 patients, there were 12
aqueous aminocaproic acid concentrations were patients with secondary hemorrhage. Ten (83%) of these
obtained with the use of carboxypolymethylene. The patients were black. Ten (32%) of 31 black patients in
topical preparation containing carboxypolymethylene the control group had secondary hemorrhage. Four (40%)
had a duration of action of greater than 6 hours. In of the 10 black patients with secondary hemorrhage had
addition, pretreatment with proparacaine significantly positive SA hemoglobin. Other reports have observed a
increased aminocaproic acid concentration in the higher incidence of complications and secondary hem¬
aqueous humor.19 orrhage in the black population.7·9·11·24·25 In our previous
In an experimental model for hyphema, aminoca¬ series, 3 (37%) of 8 blacks with positive SA hemoglobin
proic acid in carboxypolymethylene was applied topi¬ had secondary hemorrhage.9 Four patients in the ami¬
cally every 6 hours for 5 days or until a secondary nocaproic acid-treated groups who required surgical in¬
hemorrhage occurred.18 Compared with no treatment tervention were black (4 of 32 patients [12%]), and 2 had
or the administration of a placebo (eg, carboxypoly- positive SA hemoglobin.

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In the present series, 2 patients with positive SA he¬ No patients developed optic atrophy or corneal
moglobin required surgical intervention. One patient had blood staining in our present study in the groups
a hyphema that occupied 20% of the anterior chamber treated with topical or systemic aminocaproic acid. In
and intraocular pressure became elevated at greater than our previous series of 196 patients, we observed corneal
40 mm Hg for 48 hours despite antiglaucomatous therapy blood staining in 11 patients (5.6%).711 All 11 patients
with timolol maléate, dipivefrin hydrochloride, and had hyphemas that occupied greater than 50% of the
methazolamide. Visual acuity was reduced to 20/100. An¬ anterior chamber for 3 days or more. Optic atrophy
terior chamber paracentesis and irrigation were per¬ with visual acuity reduction to less than 20/400 oc¬
formed. Final visual acuity was 20/25. The second pa¬ curred in 10 (5.1%) of 196 patients. Two of the 10 pa¬
tient positive for SA hemoglobin had a hyphema that tients who developed optic atrophy were positive for SA
occupied 25% of the anterior chamber. Initial visual acu¬ hemoglobin. One patient with sickle cell trait had intra¬
ity was 20/200, and intraocular pressure was elevated at ocular pressure that ranged between 35 and 39 mm Hg
54 mm Hg. The intraocular pressure remained elevated for only 2 days, and the other patient's intraocular pres¬
at 46 mm Hg despite treatment with timolol, apracloni- sure ranged between 35 and 40 mm Hg for 4 days. The
dine hydrochloride, and methazolamide antiglaucoma prognosis for visual recovery in traumatic hyphema ap¬
medications for 48 hours. After surgical irrigation and pears to be directly related to 3 factors: (1) the amount
aspiration, the intraocular pressure was 10 mm Hg. Fi¬ of associated damage to other ocular structures, ie, cho¬
nal visual acuity was 20/20. roidal rupture or macular scarring, (2) whether second¬
In the topical and systemic aminocaproic acid ary hemorrhage occurs, and (3) whether complications
groups, 2 patients of 6 with total hyphemas required of glaucoma, corneal blood staining, or optic atrophy
surgical intervention on day 4 because of elevated intra¬ occur.7 Treatment modalities should be directed at re¬
ocular pressure with maximum antiglaucoma medica¬ ducing the incidence of secondary hemorrhage and re¬
tions. Final visual acuity was 20/30 in both patients. ducing the risk of corneal blood staining and optic atro¬
The other 3 patients with total hyphemas had intraocu¬ phy. A low incidence of side effects is important in
lar pressure controlled and did not require surgical treatment.
intervention. Because of its efficacy and favorable side effects pro¬
In the control group, 5 patients had a hy¬
total file, the use of topical aminocaproic acid has potential
phema initially. All required surgical intervention on day use in the outpatient treatment of hyphema. Several stud¬
4 or 5 because of elevated intraocular pressure not con¬ ies showed no significant differences in final visual acu¬
trolled by timolol, apraclonidine, dipivefrin, and metha¬ ities in patients treated at home and those treated in the
zolamide. hospital.7 26"29 With the increased emphasis on reducing
No patients developed corneal blood staining or op¬ hospital admissions and cost containment, outpatient
tic atrophy in the aminocaproic acid groups. Five pa¬ treatment of hyphemas occupying less than half the an¬
tients in the control hyphema group had optic atrophy terior chamber is a viable option. Potentially, hyphemas
related to secondary hemorrhage and elevated intraocu¬ that occupy less than 50% of the anterior chamber could
lar pressure and 3 patients had corneal blood staining af¬ be managed safely on an outpatient basis with topical ami¬
ter secondary hemorrhage and total hyphemas. nocaproic acid therapy. This represents 78% of all hy¬
In patients with traumatic hyphema, the severity of phemas.7·11
the trauma is frequently related to the final visual out¬
come. Lens opacities, choroidal rupture, vitreous hem¬ Accepted for publication March 6, 1997.
orrhage, angle recession glaucoma, and retinal detach¬ This research project was supported in part by the Li¬
ment are commonly associated with traumatic hyphema, ons Medical Eye Bank and Research Center of Eastern Vir¬

compromising the final visual result.7 Fourteen percent ginia, Norfolk.

of patients have poor visual results from associated trauma, Drs Crouch and Williams were awarded 2 patents in
ie, glaucoma, vitreous hemorrhage, retinal detachment, May 1996 related to topical aminocaproic acid.
and scierai rupture. Poor visual outcome in traumatic hy¬ We thank Paul Kolm, PhD, statistician, Eastern Vir¬
phema can be attributed directly to the hyphema in 11% ginia Medical School, who performed statistical analysis on
of patients.7·"·26 This frequently may be the result of sec¬ the study patient data; John H. Key, Jr, for technical assis¬
ondary hemorrhage associated with optic atrophy or cor¬ tance; Susan Drady, RPh, for preparation of the drugs and
neal blood staining.7·11·26 maintenance of the randomization scheme; and Cy Carlton
The major cause of loss of vision in the 64 patients for manuscript preparation.
in the topical and systemic aminocaproic acid groups Reprints: Earl R. Crouch, Jr, MD, Department of
was related to associated ocular trauma, especially com- Ophthalmology, Eastern Virginia Medical School, 880
motio retinae in 19 patients (30%), choroidal rupture Kempsville Rd, Suite 2500, Norfolk, VA 23502 (e-mail:
with resultant macular scarring in 4 patients (6%), sub¬ crouch@picard.
retinal hemorrhage in 2 patients (3%), choroidal rup¬
ture in 3 patients (5%), and vitreous hemorrhage in 13
patients (20%) (Table 5). The major causes of reduced
vision in the control group of 54 patients were corneal
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Error in Title. In the Letter to the Editor titled
lary Block, Angle-closure Glaucoma Produced by an An-
terior Chamber Air Bubble in a Nanophthalmic Eye," pub-
lished in the March Archives (1997;115:432), the term
"nanophthalmic" was misspelled in the title. We truly
regret the error.

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