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Please answer all questions in ENGLISH:

1. a.NAME: Christian Mendoza

b.NAME: Nico Miller

2. AGE: (Real Life) 18

3. Time when you are Online:

Answer: 12nn-10pm (weekdays) 12nn – 12-2am (weekends)

4. Any experience of Role playing as a Police?

Answer: Yes (Sergeant)

5. Characters back story.

Answer: Nico is jolly and good person. He want to change his lifestyle because his parents died, He
continue his study and he make it. Now he want to be a police to serve and protect some citizen in Los

6. In your own words, What is a Law enforcer?

Answer: Law enforcer is part of government employees trained in methods of law enforcement and
crime prevention and detection and authorized to maintain the peace, safety, and order of the

7. What is your role as a POLICE OFFICER?

Answer: As a police officer, I'll do my very best to make sure that the city will have a peace and order by
catching some notorious criminals.Arrest them if they disobeyed or violated some traffic rules. I assure
to everyone that they are safe because, I and my fellow policeman will protect them no matter what it
cost for the safety of the people living in Los Santos.

8. Give me one scenario of a traffic violation and explain how can you handle the situation?

Answer: One of the recent traffic violations is Beating the red light. As a police officer. I will notify the
violator using my sirens ( i will open it or try to horn) and tell the violator to pull over. And i will
confront him on his/her violation. I'll tell that s/he was violated a traffic rule. And I will ask for
the licence and registration of the vehicle so that i will confirm that he is able and registered to
operate the vehicle. And i will tell the violator that i will issue him/her a ticket to pay to, and tell
the violator that he or she should follow the traffic rules and don't do it again.

9. How can you handle a bank robbery with 4 robbers and 1 hostage on scene?

Answer: Upon arriving in the scene, firstly I will secure the perimeter for the safety protocols and try to
ask some police officers that is on duty that time and I'll try to let them calm down so nobody gets hurt
and I will negotiate and ask the robbers for their demands next is I want to ask the hostage is still okay
and not hurt so that I can assure that the hostage will be safe and no harm on him/her. I want to give
them time to think and surrender to us so that there’s nothing bad will happen to them and make sure
that there will be no casualties. Once they are satisfied and If ever that they will surrender, I’ll try to ask
them to let go the hostage . After that scene we will bring them to the Police headquartes for further
investigation and I will try my best to make their sentence in prison will not be too long if they will
cooperate with us nicely.

10. How do you value ones Life?

Answer: Everyone's life is important. Life is the most valueable even in real life, most of us dont want
our life ended, especially in our family. even criminals value their life to.I will make sure I will not pull
this trigger easily even on duty or off duty.Will take care of myself so that I will have the strength to
serve and to protect everyone in the city. Because we have only one life that God gave to us. And we
should value it and took care of it as long as we can, no matter what happens. Because life is Important
to for me because GOD let us this life to enjoy all his creation so we must enjoy life and value each
other’s life.


Steam Name: Sergeant Nico

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Country: Philippines

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