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people represent only 25% of mankind. He also told sacrifices are made in the world of darkness. There
us that the remaining 75% belong to him and that are people whose blood had already been drunk,
there is only 25% which belong to the King of the and who only live the remaining time left, even the
Christians. The devil never mentions the name of circumstances of their deaths are already planned. REVELATION
Jesus. When he wants to talk about Jesus, he said only: When I was still serving the devil, one day my master,
“The King of Christians.” Because the name of Jesus when we were back from Kisangani, told me that I
is a bomb in the world of lucifer and this is one of had to do everything to get married. So he sent me
the reasons that made me separate myself from him. I
to Likasi in the commune of Panda, there is a river
thought that the power of lucifer was the absolute best called Panda. I went there, I uttered incantations, and
and it was only when I discovered the power of Jesus’ on the river there was a strong light, and from this
name, that I started to doubt everything lucifer told me. light, a white woman came out. She joined me at the NEWS OF THE END TIMES
He also told us that we had to work seriously in bank and asked me why I came to wake her up. So I
churches, and that we should do everything to let
Christians sink into a spiritual sleep. And for that he
told her: “Before giving you an answer, first give me
your name.” She told me her name was Helen. And TESTIMONY OF AN EX-SATANIST N°2
made a seven points plan of action: then I told her that I came to look for her so that she This testimony is the 2nd part in a series of thirteen volumes. To fully benefit from it, you need to read the twelve other parts,
would be my wife. in numerical order.
- Fight or deny the manifestation of the Holy Spirit,
- Do everything within our power to strengthen the She refused categorically and I started begging her, I I was a representative of the devil. The representatives There are people who don’t have a Bible, but
power of evil, told her that I would do everything possible to make are proxies of lucifer. They are the ones who take when you visit their home you find loads of books:
- Make every effort to introduce homosexuality in her happy. Beloved, must we beg the demons or chase the instructions directly from lucifer. Among “awake”, “watch tower”. Do you know where these
the world on the horizontal and vertical plan, them away in Jesus’ name? To be bewitched, is really these representatives of lucifer, there are also false books come from? If you have books such as “watch
not good! That day, I started to beg a demon so that she servants of God. They hide under sheep’s clothing tower”, “awake” of Jehovah Witness, bring them to
- Do everything possible to turn the Bible in the
comes into my life. I had begged her and she finally but inwardly they are ravening wolves. You shall the church so that we pray for you and burn them. It is
wrong way,
agreed and told me: “If you really need me to be your recognize them only by their actions. May the Holy satanic! This sect of Jehovah Witness is not a church
- Influence the business world, wife, you must come at our place” She added: “When of Jesus Christ. The first sign to recognize a church
Spirit help us discover all those agents of satan
- Do everything to stop offering and the daily you come, you will present a token.” She gave me a disguised as servants of God. I am the only one to be of satan is this: any church that denies the divinity of
sacrifice, yellow token, and after that we parted. The next day I held responsible for everything I am saying! I am not Jesus is from satan. Even the devil himself knows that
- Make every effort to introduce competition as well went to see my master. He told me: “Before going to afraid because I know that the testimony that I give, Jesus is God! Whether the Jehovah witnesses like it or
as fashion in the church. that world, you should know that women there have I am not giving it for my glory, I am giving it for the not, Jesus is God and will remain God! Amen!
Lucifer told us: “Christians became powerful a very high degree of seduction. If you go there and glory of the One who delivered me and that Person The second assignment is to create dullness during
because of their firm faith in this Man, so we must do succeed in sleeping with one of them, you’ll remain is Jesus. He Himself will protect me. My Bible tells offerings and tithes. This is also related to the third
everything to weaken them, because once their faith there forever. And to prevent you from doing a one me: If God be for me, who can be against me? They and fourth commandments of satan. The third
is weak, they can not please their God any more”; way trip, you have to make a nine-day dry fast”. I shall fight against me; but they shall never prevail commandment of lucifer says: “Tell Christians that
according to what is written in Hebrews 11:6 that started to fast, without drinking nor eating, during against me; for the Lord shall always be with me to God, their Father, doesn’t need tithes and offerings,
without faith no one can please the Lord. He gave us nine days. And all this time, I was only uttering deliver me. Amen. but that it is their pastors who steal from them.” The
his ten commandments. incantations. I ate nothing and drank nothing. To resist
Being a servant of satan, I even worked in churches. fourth commandment: “keep Christians in poverty by
When we are children of God and are in a good the demons, see what a satanist is capable of doing.
The Church represents the visible part of the army of telling them not to give tithes and offerings.” So even
relationship or a perfect communion with God, He In the meantime, there are christians who refuse the devil knows the secret of blessing. The Bible tells
Jesus Christ, so we had to do everything within our
gives us His own weapons, the spiritual weapons. to fast. Beloved there are stubborn demons who us in Proverbs 3:9-10 “Honour the Lord with your
power to render the church harmless. Satan gave us
With these weapons, we are able to go down even in do not go out easily. And these demons go out only wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your
assignments in the Church:
the world of satan, to overthrow the prisons of lucifer by prayer and fasting. That is why Jesus said in barns will be filled to overflowing, ...”
and retrieve everything that lucifer has hidden in that Matthew 17:21 “However, this kind does not go out The first assignment was to make Christians
world. But to carry out a good spiritual warfare, except by prayer and fasting.” There are christians ignorant of the Word of God! Lucifer had told us: The third assignment is to block the projects of the
we must get rid of all carnal weapons. There are who hide themselves to eat when the church decrees “Once Christians are ignorant of the Word, their Church by infiltrating witches among the leaders. Be
people who like to fight witches through insults. It is a fast. Beloved, when your leaders ask you to fast, faith will be weak. The Bible tells us in Romans very careful when choosing leaders, it has to be done
not because of insults that witches will be afraid of you must obey them because to obey is better than 10:17: Consequently, faith comes from hearing the according to the will of God.
you, it is not for your social status that witches will sacrifice. When an order is given to you, you must message, and the message is heard through the word The fourth assignment was to disorientate praise
be afraid of you, witches will be afraid of you only if obey. When you hide yourself to disobey, even if the of Christ. Lucifer had told us: “If Children of God and worship and direct them towards lucifer. To
you get rid of all carnal weapons and take the spiritual pastor does not see you, God sees you! And if you abide in the Word, they will easily avoid my traps.” succeed in doing that we easily manipulated people
weapons, the weapons that the Holy Spirit gives us. disobey your leaders, your prayers will be fruitless. If you do not abide in the Word of God, it will be who play keyboard and instruments, and choristers.
There are many people who live in this world May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you! difficult for you to avoid the traps of lucifer; so the There are people who sing, but who don’t have any
whereas their blood had already been drunk. They Bible tells us in Psalm 119:105 The Word of God is life of prayer, it is very dangerous. There are people
are still alive, though there is already an allotted time Contact and FREE Subscription: a lamp unto our feet, and a light unto our path. And who sing to be admired, and who don’t have any life
and when the allotted time will expire the physical Christian Mission for Revival, the second commandment of lucifer says: do not of sanctification. I’ll tell you how we proceeded in
death will follow. I want you to take this testimony E-mail: allow Christians to read the Bible, but let them read churches. The devil is able to exploit any opportunity
very seriously, because at the end of each year, many newspapers, novels, as well as religious books. that arises to do evil. Listen to me carefully, you
Please feel free to make photocopies of this newspaper and give them out. May The Lord bless you. Amen! Christian Mission for Revival, E-mail:
will understand that it is really necessary and even And it was already past midnight, and I was alone in group. As we Arrived there, we entered the house, and the forearm there are two bones, the radius and the
essential that our God strike all our enemies with the cemetery, I was still too young, I was still in the she introduced me to the leaders as her fiancé. They ulna. The radius is what I used as a knife. And after
blindness when they come to attack us, so that they secondary school at the time. greeted me with joy, gave me a place, and then there having taken this form and my knife, I flown away.
are unable to see us, to see our homes, our projects, [...] Here the brother described what had happened were also others who arrived, and the prayer started. I went where these people who gave the revelation
our children, and all that belongs to us. at the cemetery. It is after all this ceremony that he I was also there, pretending to pray, because I did not of my spiritual state were. I thought I was going to
As I evolved with Indian magic, one day, my master, saw a man appear before him. He continues: A man know how to pray, I didn’t know where to start. All punish them. When I arrived in front of the house,
who was a native of Kisangani, and I, had to make a appeared before me. He wore a black toga, but his feet I knew was invoking demons. I was there with the there was an avocado tree. I landed there as an owl.
trip to Kalemie to meet a siren who is at the bottom of did not touch the ground. It was a white; he presented Children of God. After I projected myself on the avenue on the ground,
the Lake Tanganyika. This siren is called Marie Rose himself under the name of Hindu sankara. He gave You should know one thing: of all those who come staring down, and after that, I concentrated and I then
Remaya. She is the goddess of the rivers and seas. But me a small chain of 108 balls called mangalsutra. to church, not everyone comes to seek Jesus. There became a human again, still staring down.
before that, my master invited me somewhere, and at It corresponds to the rosary in India (in Hinduism), are some who come just to harm others. I was there, The house was in front of me and I had to stand up
8 pm he gave me a package and told me: “Tonight at the rosary among Catholics and tasbih among pretending to pray and when the prayer was over, I straight in order to attack. But what I saw that day,
11:30 pm, you will go to the cemetery, you will do Muslims, all this is satanic. And after that he told me took the sister and I drove her home. Two weeks later, is beyond my understanding. I do not know how to
a ceremony and during the ceremony, a creature will not to forget my first sacrifice, and he disappeared. she came at my place crying. She came, knocked at explain it to you. When I stood up to move forward
appear. No matter its nature, you will have to be calm. The next morning I went to see my master, I explained the door, I opened and she entered. I greeted her, and where there was the house, there was no longer a
You don’t have the right to flee. If you flee, you will to him all that occurred to me at night, and he shook she did not answer, but all she did was cry. Then I house. In this place, there was a large river instead,
either die or go insane.” my hand and said, “Truly you are a brave man.” He looked at her, and at the end, she started talking to me. and the house that I had to attack was in the middle
I came home and at 11 pm I went to the cemetery told me again, at the end one told you not to forget Sobbing, she said: “Why did you never tell me about of the river, and we could only reach it by swimming.
of sapins. [...] At this point the brother describes the your first sacrifice. Know that the sacrifice they are your state?” I said: “My state? Which state?” She told And as I could not swim, I took the animal form
contents of the package he received from his master. talking about is that this night, at midnight sharp, me, “Your spiritual state” I said, “My spiritual state? I again and went home. The next morning around 10
The package contained among other things two white you will eat a cock, but an uncooked cock. [...] You am a catholic christian and if you want to know more, am, I went back there to see the river. When I got
candles and a red candle. He placed them in such will not buy it at a market, but you will buy it in a I’m also a scout there.” She told me: “No, this is not there, to my great surprise, the house was really
a way that the three candles formed an equilateral family. And that was what I did, I crisscrossed the your true state!” “My true state? Who am I according there, but there was no river any more. Beloved, the
triangle. He continues: That is a triangle whose three neighborhood, but I did not find anything, around 3 to you?” She said: “You’re a great satanist!” I said, Lord is the protector par excellence! When I went
sides are equal. It represents «the diabolic Hindu pm I was almost discouraged, it was in Kolomoni. So «Who told you that?» there to attack them, I didn’t see the house, instead
trinity” and in the same package, there was a small bell I was passing by, and I saw two boys who left their of the house it was the river. The Lord Jesus had
She replied: «The leaders of our prayer group were in
like the one that the acolytes use in the catholic church house with cocks and were going to the market. confused me, He smote me with blindness, I didn’t
prayer when I gave them the request for my marriage,
during the transubstantiation, it is the moment they When I saw them, I stopped them and went with them see anything and what is even more complicated is
as I had already introduced you to them as my fiancé.
turn bread into the body of Christ and wine into the in the house. I asked for the price of the cock, they the fact that these people who were in the house did
While they were praying, they received a revelation
blood of Christ. This small bell that the acolytes use gave it to me, and I paid without arguing. As I was not even know that I was there.
from God. And God confirmed that you are a great
when they are on their knees, is satanic. They use it to still there, I used a trick to let a feather fall down by satanist. “I said, “Me, a satanist! Look at me, if you see It was only after my deliverance, several years later
open the door to demons. There is a white stone which uttering incantations inwardly, and I left. [...] Brief
is at the right side of the sacristy, it is through that way something that has to do with satanism, tell me.” Then that I went to apologize to those people. And when I
description of what he did when he arrived in his room. I stood in front of her and said, look at me: “Do you see spoke, they were surprised because they did not even
that demons enter the catholic church during the mass. He ate the cock and did everything according to the anything that has to do with satan?” And she said «No» know that something had happened. Beloved, when
«Catholicism is not a religion of Jesus, it’s just instructions of his master. He continues: And at 9 am, you are in the Lord Jesus, know that your sleep will
satanism hiding behind a christian facade» I was I went to see my master. When I arrived at his place, I Beloved, satanism is not written all over the face! It
is spiritual and it is only through revelation that we be sweet and peaceful, your enemies will be confused.
initiated by a spanish priest. So when I arranged told him what I had done, and he said: “Indeed you’re
can uncover it. The Bible says that the heart of man The Lord will smite them with blindness, and they
all these things, I uttered incantations, and after the a brave boy! But I will ask you to do something: Now
is desperately wicked; no one can know it. There is will not see you. The most important thing is to be
three candles were lit automatically, and I started to go back there and check the results where you bought
only God who tries the hearts and the reins; He alone fully in the Lord Jesus Christ.
utter incantations, while following the instructions the cock. “And I went there. As soon as I arrived at
that my master gave me. After the incantations, I the entrance of the avenue, I saw a crowd from afar, knows the true spiritual state of a person. So I told her, I’ll tell you about my journey to the world of Polliun
took my small bell and rang three times. But to my and then I asked someone who was passing by: “Why do not worry, those people who told you that, are just and my trip to India where I met the prime minister of
great surprise, nothing happened. So I told myself is there a crowd here? He told me that someone died jealous, they are trying to prevent you from getting lucifer. Before that let us read the Bible in 2Corinthians
that I had made a mistake while I was reciting the there. And I went there like anyone who is going to a married, they are spirits that seek to block you in 10:3-5: For though we live in the world, we do not
incantations. You know with the devil when you house of mourning. While I was there, the parents of celibacy. They said that to you so that you do not marry wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight
utter incantations, if you make any spelling error, the victim moaned and said: “The child was not even me. I succeeded in convincing her, and she agreed. with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary,
for example instead of “e” you put “a” the whole sick, but at 11:30 pm, he had a high fever that lasted Then I even gave her money and I drove her home. they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We
incantation is automatically cancelled. only a short period of time, after 30 minutes, that is, When I got home, I was angry, and I said to myself: demolish arguments and every pretension that sets
But this is not the same with God. With God, when you at midnight sharp, the child died! “At 11:30 pm I cut These people who gave her this revelation will see itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take
pray, even if you mispronounce a word, God answers. the head of the cock, the child catches a fever and tonight what I’m made of. So beloved, I went in my captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
For our God knows our intentions. And while I was at midnight sharp, I eat the cock, the child dies. secret room, I concentrated and I took the form of an Again speaking of Indian magic, I would like to say
doing that, I resumed the incantations, and this time, I I would also like to mention a point of confusion that I owl, I took my knife. The knife in question, if you one thing beloved. You should know that the whole
repeated them correctly and at the end, I took the bell, had had. As I was still a satanist, I was going out with look at it with carnal eyes, you will see that it is really world is under the domination of lucifer. Lucifer told
and I rang. When I rang, there was a violent wind that a girl who was a member of a prayer group. It was the a knife, but it was not a knife, it was a human bone. us when we were still his agents, that there are only
began to blow in the cemetery, it was like a hurricane. ministry bethel. She invited me one day in her prayer When you take the human skeleton at the level of christians who escape from his control and those
Please feel free to make photocopies of this newspaper and give them out. May The Lord bless you. Amen! Christian Mission for Revival, E-mail:

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