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Date: September 27, 2019

Cohort:'Hamptou I l>i,~a1011 [0e Misil Vaudin=bilt Teacher: Ms. Fulgiam I Ms. Mills I Ms. Thomas
~ ,\\Ah ~ ~ 4.i'rvt 11 'f '''I . . \
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Objective: SWEAT explain the memory o:f Family an the impact o:f the memory on..J:ana.Ji..

>a.Now: List events that happened in pagel_ 154-157]

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CFU: \ti(hat bappeos io the memory Jonas recehies abo 11 t farn,ily.

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Heaw Lifting Loop: (p. 158-159).

When we need to know how a character is impacted by something, we must look for their \ ~
Q INNER DIALOGUE (what they~), and their
Q ACTIONS & REACTIONS (what thev..90}

Annotation Focus: How is Jonas imf:ECteo b y the memo ~

Best evidence to answer prompt Example of... Impact (what this reveals about Jonas)

~ J un ~et -}hi,\-t i.\- □ Inner

wtv,n•.f A vtA'y "(''4t-fiLA.I dialogue ~\-rhw~\1 1 -:ft ha-11 }hALJ?Jd
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lffl~ fhittk1 h I?
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lJ-- w i tift 'IV't t{; II □ Inner
t144 +h4f ·· · _r 4~ dialogue

uhA~t't'lf--4 n4 }114~ j-f □ Re/action

wi tJ lA n'f- l1lt>f'fl \l!f'f

Heavy Lifting Loop: (p. 159-162).

Annotation Focus: How is Jonas impacted by the memory of Family?

Best evidence to answer prompt Example of... Impact (what this reveals about Jonas)
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1 knbw 1·-r- hir
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Cl Inner
111. lx11 4 nf1 -lftt-
l-b. (M t.J Mi i fa hAve-
thefb- tn.!f/1p.f'/~ 4 . JI~
A J/ rl'it ~ .?/u~~-
~'--''1-&JUpton_l-Mizz"u \ Ole Miss )\¥1mtl-erbilt

.,. Teacher- M · F I ·
EXIT TICKET: Flash draft! . s. -u g,am I Ms. Mills I Ms. Thomas
Directions: Use our annotation t
s o create a response to th
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'Y' ~ "°", IJ-Jr~
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e prompt Mak
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ea qu,c plan in the space below bef ..
ore Writing.
De.tcr,"bf: ~·(11u-- cf.cii •ar. ~er

l. C~ate a short narrative written from the . iJ h . .

inner ciialag11e 9bout what ;s happeoiog. lll.e.W...o _ona..s..eb.Q.U.Lt'.- F.()rns ao bis emotions and

\pl -r )v1tlfilt
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liJJ1~t1LJki -b. ~ ;vt:- hitn ~ 1Me- f11 -C/1111t',·t-+

~Aw+~ ,.i- -h~ip-J him t.b f P. -1p£111 .1

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