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Doctor’s Nutritional Journal Fall/Winter 2007 • Special Edition

Complimentary Issue

“This remarkable natural

breakthrough has changed the
way I practice medicine. It
has made a huge difference in

my life and the lives of my
patients…and it can do the
same for you.”

CHLORELLA “I was shocked to
learn my trusted
vitamins and minerals
were shortchanging
Dr. Nelson reveals my body and my
the radically different
discovery for… health for years! Dr. David Nelson, one of America’s
leading natural health doctors, specialist
Cholesterol levels… pow-
erful natural breakthrough, page 4
Then I discovered at the Center for Advanced Medicine in
Encinitas, California and co-host of the

Blood pressure levels… what I really needed…” radio show “Health Talk, A Second Opinion”
keep your internal organs
healthy, naturally, page 4

f you’re taking nutritional medicine
Joints… increase joint health vitamins and for over 20 years, I
with up to an 88 percent success
rate—new study, page 4 supplements… used to think I could
Brain fog… your mind stays eating healthy get all the extra nutri-
sharp as a tack, page 18 foods… and trying ents my body needed
Tiredness… the real reason to exercise, congratula- from vitamins and
people get tired—and an easy tions! You’re on the supplements. WAS I
solution, page 14 right track towards EVER WRONG!
Unwanted fat… good health. That’s why I was
“50 pounds just vanished”—
one woman’s story, page 7 But, what if you’re excited when I discov-
taking handfuls of ered the astonishing
Aging skin… beautiful, supplements and still not whole food break-
smooth, creamy looking skin:
Amazing! Page 12 feeling much better? through NAMED INSIDE. It gives
Immunity… power up Something may be wrong. You your body what it really needs, only
against germs, microorganisms may be missing what your body des- it gives it to you in a way that’s better
and foreign invaders: “I haven’t
had a cold in two years,” page 11 perately needs to jump-start its own than anything I’ve ever seen.
natural defense system. Why? Because surprisingly…
And much, much more! As a doctor who has practiced (continued on page 3…)
IN THIS Which of these conditions
SPECIAL are you worried about?
ISSUE † Fatigue and low energy 14
The astonishing † Blood pressure 4
natural breakthrough † Your Heart 11
that gives you a new
lease on 3 † Memory 18
The little- † Cholesterol 4
known secret that
keeps cholesterol † Digestive problems 5
and blood pres-
† Weight 7 † Joint discomfort
sure levels healthy. and 4
Medical study † Headaches 4
reveals break- † Sleep disorders 14
through that works † Colds and flu 11
for both at the same time 4 † Unexplained illness 14
Enhance your youthful
† Aging, wrinkled skin 12
…then read on for the nutritional
appearance. Eat these foods and † Loss of sex 15 breakthrough that gives you new,
you’ll look and feel younger ........
page 11 † 4 unique, targeted natural solutions for
each of these worries.
WARNING: New toxic terrors
in your bathroom, kitchen, water
† Poor circulation 6
and more. What invisible toxins
and chemicals can do to your
health. Plus, nature’s most power-
What leading medical doctors, scientists and
ful purifier 4 health experts say about this amazing discovery…
What an 80-
year-old Olympic “This is the most men. As a “Truly Amazing!
gold medal win- significant nutritional senior citizen
“Using sup-
ner taught me breakthrough I’ve seen of 70, Sun
plements can
about “growing
young.” You’ll be
in over 25 years— Chlorella
be a part of
enables me
surprised at his “I’ve seen my to exercise an the solution
secret 8 patients go average of 12 for preventing
Memory loss is not inevitable! from couch hours per week. Along with nutritional
Medical study reveals how you can potatoes to my daily exercise program deficiencies.
keep your memory active dyna- and healthy diet, my regu- Supplements, such as Sun 18 mos. It has lar intake of Sun Chlorella Chlorella…help put oxygen
The secret to had a remark- helps to provide me with into the cells, provide nucle-
staying slim and able effect on thousands…” the ability to maintain a ic acid, and makes healthy
trim! Forget impos- —Michael E. Rosenbaum, M.D., high level of physical and cells…which combats the
sible-to-stay-on- noted physician, widely recognized pio- appearance of the aging
diets or torturous neer in the field of nutritional medicine mental energy, body purifi- process. Sun Chlorella also
exercise 7 and alternative healthcare cation, and natural-defense
increases energy and elimi-
Compliments, compliments:
enhancement.” nates harmful elements…
—Frank Eckles, D.C., CFP,
“Beautiful, smooth, creamy look- “An excellent nutrition- Founder, Advanced Preventative it's truly an amazing prod-
ing skin!” You won’t believe the
al support for your total Health Institute uct!”
safe and natural, health program— —Dr. Joyce Johnson, Ph.D.,
too 12 Nutritionist specializing in
“Sun Chlorella is the per- Hematology, President of the
Plus, a Free fect foundation for anyone’s Wellness Center of America
Book! And up to integrated and efficient
four more Free nutritional support regi-
gifts just for you ..
page 19 The statements in this issue have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

2 To order online:

The remarkable breakthrough
that gives your body what it really
needs for health and Dr. David Nelson

youthful vitality.
One of America’s leading
natural health doctors
Health and nutrition expert
for more than 15 years
Practicing doctor at the
“No matter what your age or health condition, Center For Advanced

here’s an exciting breakthrough for your Specialist in youth-

enhancing medicine

cholesterol, blood pressure, energy, Co-host of the radio show,

“Health Talk: A Second
memory, appearance, and more! ”
(…continued from page 1) “Let food be
This discovery gives you your medi-
the next generation of super
nutrients for triggering your
Hippocrates, the Father of
body’s own natural defenses. Medicine, said it best some 2,300
How does it do this? Let me years ago when he said, “Let food be
answer by first asking you this your medicine…”
important question: The right kind of food speaks a million people around the world.
What do you reach for when language (the only language) your In a moment, I’m going to tell you
you’re struggling with memory, body understands in order to properly about the purest, most potent, and
weight, tiredness or other health heal itself. most absorbable form of chlorella I’ve
concerns? This is a discovery I made about ever seen, called Sun Chlorella. Plus,
Do you take vitamins, minerals, seven years ago—an eye-opener that I’ll tell you how you can get a Free
and herbs, hoping to feel changed the way I practice medicine book about this remarkable break-
better the natural way, forever. through.
as more than 70 mil- In this special issue, I’m going to But first, let me tell you four rea-
lion Americans tell you about this discovery. It’s sons why I call Sun Chlorella a super-
now do? something I’ve found to be more food.
If you do, that’s powerful than ordinary food: a It’s the leader in a whole new class
a good start. But whole food breakthrough that’s of foods that will change the way you
you may still be unlike anything I’ve ever seen. look at your health forever.
missing out on This discovery, called chlo-
what may be the rella, is rapidly becoming the NUMBER ONE:
most powerful
and efficient way
most popular and scientifically- Super purification helps
researched “health boosting food”
to banish your in the world. keep your cholesterol lev-
biggest health
worries: nutraceu- What is chlorella? It’s an amaz- els, blood pressure levels,
ticals—exciting ing single-celled, fresh water-grown
plant and whole food that’s a vital
and joints healthy
new foods that help Although chlorella has been on earth
key your body needs to unlock its
your body heal itself. own healing power and to jump-start for millions of years, it has only recent-
your health, just as it has done for my ly caught the attention of medical
Hippocrates’s age-old wisdom
patients, myself, and more than 10
holds true today: (Continued on next page…)

For Faster Service: Call Toll Free 1-800-892-0818, Ext. 333 3

doctors, scientists, and health keeping their blood pres- What’s more, Sun Chlorella can
experts around the world. sure levels healthy took help…
Why? Because recent clini- placebos for one month…
cal studies by Dr. Randall E. then Sun Chlorella every Improve joint conditions
Merchant and his colleagues day for two months. or morning stiffness
at the School of Medicine The results were stun- Another complaint I often hear from
of Virginia Commonwealth ning! Nearly 50 percent my patients is that their joints are getting
University reveal Sun of the patients showed stiff and sore. But they don’t want to get
Chlorella can help give… as good or better control stuck on treatments that don’t work, and
of their blood pressure levels with the they certainly don’t want to live with the
Stunning results for blood natural solution, Sun Chlorella. condition. So, based on another study(2)
pressure and cholesterol Better yet, all of the patients were by Dr. Merchant, I tell them about Sun
levels able to keep their cholesterol levels Chlorella.
At the Center for Advanced healthy and balanced at the same time. He and his team studied patients who
Medicine, many of my patients struggle Sure enough, my patients who take were experiencing soreness and chronic
with their blood pressure and choles- Sun Chlorella every day as part of stiffness, tendon and ligament problems,
terol levels, so I really took notice. their nutritional program are finding it morning stiffness, and recurring headaches.
In one of Dr. Merchant’s clinical works great for both blood pressure and
Again, patients took Sun Chlorella
studies , patients concerned about cholesterol levels!
every day for two months.


found in your bathroom, kitchen, air, water and more!

ne of the most startling discoveries than 2,800 “intentional” food additives that are Make-up and
I’ve ever made as a doctor is this: unnatural for your body.
personal care
Dozens of our health worries and Dental products…
concerns are directly linked to fillings… Toxins in your bathroom?
invisible toxins, chemicals and other harmful Common dental fillings may
elements that invade our bodies. release mercury, a dangerous You bet! For example, tolu-
And if these toxins are left unchecked, they heavy metal, into your body. ene is found in most colognes. But it has been
can remain in your body for decades and break Too much mercury can lead to problems with linked to such problems as headaches, fatigue,
down your health. memory, joint pain, fatigue, feeling the blues, asthma, seizures, and birth defects.
Where are these dangerous toxins found? headache, backache, and stomach complaints.
Everywhere, including places you’d least expect. Drinking
Drugs and water…How safe is
For example…
medications... the water we drink? In
Popular Drugs can often override a one-year period, more than
foods… and interfere with your 250,000 violations of the Safe
New research reveals that body’s own natural healing Drinking Water Act were
millions of people get process, not to mention found, affecting more than
sick each year after eating leach nutrients your body 120 million Americans. Lead
contaminated food. One new threat is liste- needs. How dangerous are in drinking water is linked to 680,000 cases of
ria, a food-borne pathogen found in some hot toxic drugs? The John Hopkins Medical Letter high blood pressure, and trihalomethanes found
dogs and luncheon meats. How dangerous is notes that prescription drugs are so toxic that in tainted water are tied to more than 10,000
listeria? A staggering 20 percent of infections they kill 130,000 Americans every year! cases of bladder and rectal cancer each year.
result in death! In addition, the FDA lists more

4 To order online:

The results were eye-opening! 88 Chlorella helped improve the conditions the most powerful natural
percent of patients who took Sun Chlorella of more than 90 percent of the patients, purifier I’ve ever seen!
saw an improvement in the index that and they had a 61 percent decrease in
Nothing I’ve ever found is better for
measures their symptoms, and 45 percent other health worries as well.
purifying your body of toxins and chem-
enjoyed less soreness. When my patients first come to me,
icals than Sun Chlorella. Nothing! And
As great as this is, it gets even better. many of them complain about their
when you naturally purify your body,
Dr. Merchant’s study also showed that stomach and bowel. And, once again,
you can regain your health.
Sun Chlorella can help… Sun Chlorella has helped them
tremendously. For example, Sun Chlorella helps…
Calm irritable stomach Purify your liver for healthy
and bowel troubles Why such success? cholesterol levels…Sun Chlorella
In a third study(3), Dr. Merchant For one, Sun Chlorella is helps break down fatty foods and choles-
and his team looked at the problem of terol build-up by purifying your liver.
colon and bowel problems. Patients suf- (1) Merchant, et. al, Nutritional Supplementation with Your liver is the crucial organ that
Chlorella pyrenoidosa for patients with mild to moderate
fered from abdominal pain, loss of appe- purifies your system, yet it can get
hypertension, 1998
tite, tiredness, and loss of body fluids (2) Merchant, et. al., Fibromyalgia pilot study of dietary
clogged up by toxins in your water,
and nutrients. chlorella supplementation, 1998
food and air, as well as by a high-fat
Once again, patients took Sun (3) Merchant, et al., Nutritional Supplementation with diet and too much sugar and artificial
Chlorella every day for two months. Chlorella pyrenoidosa for patients with ulcerative colitis. compounds in food.
The results were remarkable! A pilot study, 1998 (continued on next page…)

Pollutants Chlorella blocks listeria…In this

in the air… study(4), up to 55 percent of the subjects Great cleansing benefits—
The air we breathe is laden that were given chlorella extract were able
to fight off the effects of listeria.
not getting sick!
with dangerous pesticides,
“As a paramedic, I
sulfur oxides, carbon mon- Chlorella eliminates E. coli… face challenges to my
oxide and ozone. Effects In another study(5), subjects with suppressed
of these pollutants include natural defense systems were given chlorella defense system daily.
lung disease, headaches, extract. With the chlorella, they were able to Each time I come
asthma and fatigue. One in eliminate lethal doses of dangerous E. coli. into contact with sick
every 20 deaths in our cities is linked to air pol- Chlorella sweeps out mercury… patients…I am faced
lution, and more than 75 million Americans are with an attack on my
threatened by indoor and outdoor air pollution. This study(6) found that chlorella effectively
removed mercury from the bowel and cells. natural defense system…I have found
What can you do about these dangerous Sun Chlorella to be of great benefit…I’m
toxins? Chlorella eliminates mercury not getting sick as often…and noticed
from the blood…And in another the benefit of a healthy and cleaner
Medical studies confirm my belief study(7), chlorella was shown to act as an
ion exchange resin in the gut, removing a colon…You have a great product…”
that chlorella is nature’s most pow- mercury overload from the bloodstream. —B. Jiminez, CA
erful natural purifier! Protect your health and purify your
One of the best ways I’ve ever found to body with the Sun Chlorella break- FREE!
sweep toxins out of the body and to protect through!
yourself from these toxic terrors is by using
Sun Chlorella. Nothing purifies better!
Medical studies verified my own findings “In all my years, I have had noth-
and clinical experience about the value of ing that purifies my system like Sun
Sun Chlorella as a powerful purifying agent. Chlorella…”
For instance… —F. Sorensen, FL FREE!

(4)The effects of Chlorella in (5) Enhanced resistance against (6) Wilkinson S., (7) Wilkinson, S.
the protection of those infected Escherichia-coli infection by sub- Goulding K.H., Robinson Golding KH, Robinson
with Listeria Monocytogenes, Role cutaneous administration of the P.K., et. al. Mercury PK, et al. Mercury Editor’s Note: Turn to page 19 to
of Natural Killer cells. Dantas, hot-water extract of chlorella in removal by immobilized removed by immobilized receive your “Sun Chlorella Starter
et. al. Immunopharmacology cyclophosphamide-treated subjects., algae in batch culture algae in batch culture Pack,” including your Free Gifts and
and Immunotoxicology, Aug 99, Konishi, Cancer Immunology systems. J Appl Phycol. systems, J Appl Phycol, special savings.
21(3). 609-619. Immunotherapy, 1990, 32:1-7. 1990;2:223-230. 1990:2:223-230.

For Faster Service: Call Toll Free 1-800-892-0818, Ext. 333 5

Sweep heavy metals from 1) High chlorophyll content: Growth Factor (CGF). Found only in
your body for healthy blood Chlorophyll has been hailed as the most chlorella, CGF can help mobilize mac-
pressure levels…Heavy metals and powerful purifying agent in the world. rophages—cells that destroy microor-
the accumulation of other chemicals And Sun Chlorella contains the high- ganisms and germs, and remove harmful
and toxins can clog up your blood and est known percentage of chlorophyll in the debris from your body.
circulation—which doesn’t help your entire plant world. In fact, it has five But, Sun Chlorella is far more than
blood pressure one bit. But Sun times as much chlorophyll as spirulina nature’s most powerful purifier. It’s also
Chlorella can help sweep out those heavy and 10 times as much as alfalfa. an amazing super food because it gives
metals to keep your blood clean, healthy 2) Unique cell wall: The cell you…
and flowing as it should. wall of chlorella also makes it a potent NUMBER TWO:
natural eliminator. Amazingly, the cell
Super protection to
Sun Chlorella purifies not only your
liver, but your gallbladder, colon, blood wall binds to toxic material in your body,
and lymph nodes as well. I believe it’s refuses to let it go, then removes it once help fight off hundreds
the foundation for natural purification— and for all. of health worries
and when it’s used as part of your daily 3) Chlorella Growth Factor: Another reason I’m so excited about
health regimen, you can trigger your What’s more, Sun Chlorella is processed the Sun Chlorella discovery is it can help
body’s own recovery! utilizing a process utilizing the DYNO® your body…
What makes Sun Chlorella such a -Mill machine, which releases a remark-
power purifier? Three key factors: able substance called the Chlorella

“One product that works,

and works well.” A dream come true!
“Your product is everything you
say. Sun Chlorella has helped me get
“I have been using
Sun Chlorella for 2 years Surprising facts about chlorella... out of a slump. More energy. Better
digestion. Increased endurance.
now, and can attest that Stronger natural defense system. It’s a
More than 10 million
this is truly one health people worldwide take dream come true. Thanks a lot.”
product that works, and chlorella every day. —R. Mattin, MN
works well. I have tried
It’s Japan’s number one
other products over the best-selling natural health
years and this is one that food.
truly produces noticeable
Chlorella is a whole food, FREE! FREE!
effects…My friends and with nutrients in the form, FREE!
family are quite impressed. balance and structure as nature intended.
I have more energy and
Chlorella has been more thoroughly researched
stamina now and have lost than perhaps any other food in history, with hun-
23 pounds of excess fat. I dreds of scientific research papers and clinical
love this product…and my studies documenting its performance.
90-year old great aunt got It’s called a “functional food,” which means it
so much of a ‘lift’ from Sun has a “proven scientific benefit to the diet.” It FREE!
Chlorella that she had to is not just a health food.
cut back…or she’d be out Chlorella has the highest known content of chlo-
washing her car and paint- rophyll, (nature’s purifying agent), of any known
ing her house. Our thanks plant.
Editor’s Note: Turn to page 19 to
for such a wonderful prod- Chlorella has the highest known content of receive your “Sun Chlorella Starter
uct.” youth-enhancing nucleic acids of any known food. Pack,” including your Free Gifts and
special savings.
—D. Upham, TX

6 To order online:

rev up your natural defense system TAKE THIS SELFTEST…
more efficiently fight off germs
Forget impossible diets or torturous exercise!
The secret to staying
and microorganisms
raise a bumper crop of white
blood cells to keep you healthy
and stimulate your body’s
health-protecting T-cells. slim and trim...
How can this whole food break- Please check these answers below: Yes No
through do all this?
1. Do you ever worry about controlling your weight?
Because, Sun Chlorella is a rich source
2. Have you been frustrated when you’ve lost weight,
of “micro-nutrients.” These complex
only to gain some or all of it back?
compounds promise to be part of the
next generation of super nutrients that 3. Do you ever get discouraged with diets that don’t work?
may far surpass vitamins and minerals in 4. Do you have food cravings?
5. Would you like to be slim and trim?
For example, Sun Chlorella can help

your body… f you answered “yes” to three or more super energy for work, play and
of these questions, then let me tell you enjoying life
Fight off foreign invaders, about one of nature’s little-known secrets
for staying slim and trim: The Sun Chlorella
super metabolism for natural weight
because it’s one of the richest breakthrough.
super vitality for healthy living
sources of nucleotides. Sun Chlorella’s unique nutrients—includ- and little or no food cravings!
ing some not found in any other food, vita-
These natural compounds help min, or supplement—tune up your body so it My patients who take Sun Chlorella as
strengthen your body’s defenses against can run smoothly and efficiently. part of their daily health plan tell me they eat
better, feel better, and look better—they’re
life-threatening problems. To you, that means… trimmer, slimmer and healthier. And here’s
In one study(8), patients who ate a what people from across America are saying…

Take a look at the BEFORE

diet containing nucleotides had stronger
and AFTER shots — 50 Increased energy, clear
natural defenses than those eating a high
protein, nucleotide-free diet.
pounds vanished! skin, and 46 pounds lost!
Destroy harmful micro- “With an extra serving of Sun
Chlorella daily, Yoga and a healthy diet,
“Before taking Sun
Chlorella, I had a problem
organisms and germs with I’ve lost over 50 pounds in the past with eating healthy, sleeping,
high-powered polysaccharides. three years. No strict diet or exercise
routine…Sun Chlorella has remarkably
and discomfort due to stom-
ach aches and nerves from
Sun Chlorella contains beta-glucans, enhanced my well being…I can’t imag- stress (I’m a 911 operator
polysaccharide compounds found in ine my life without your product.” and police, fire, ambulance
—G. Bell, CA dispatcher)…After being on Sun Chlorella for
medicinal foods such as healing mush- three to four weeks, I noticed a drastic change
rooms. Beta-glucans are potent stimula- Before in my eating habits; I was losing weight and
tors of your body’s natural defenses. also had an increase in energy…My skin is
clear and much softer, I feel very good and
This is most likely due to their abil- will never stop taking Sun Chlorella…I
ity to stimulate the release of powerful achieved a 46 pound weight loss and every-
chemical activators in your body’s germ- one asks how I did it. I tell them all about
After! Sun Chlorella…what a great feeling to find
stopping macrophages. something that actually works.”
In one study(9), the polysaccharides —B. Laney, AZ
in chlorella caused an increase in the
Editor’s Note: To receive your Free book
(continued on next page…) on how the Sun Chlorella breakthrough can
help keep you slim and trim, see page 19. FREE
(8) The Role of Nucleotides in Adult Nutrition, J. of Nutr., 1994
(9) Kojima, M.,, “A New Polysaccharide and Its Accelerating
You’ll find out how you can get your “Sun
Chlorella Starter Pack,” Free gifts and
Effect on the Phagocytic Activity of the Reticuloendothelial special savings.
System.” Recent Adv. R.R.S., Res. 13:11, 1973

For Faster Service: Call Toll Free 1-800-892-0818, Ext. 333 7

number and activity of macrophage cells. areas of greatest need. In a moment, I’m going
And in another study(10), the polysac- Bottom line: Taking to share with you two more
charides in chlorella stimulated the pro- Sun Chlorella every day very important reasons
duction of interferon. This is the fuel can supercharge your natu- why Sun Chlorella is such
your body needs for a high-performance ral defense system. It can a remarkable super food—
natural defense system! make a BIG difference in and how it can help you
look and feel younger and
Stimulate health-protecting
your body’s ability to fortify
your natural defense and healthier.
T-cells with potent yet safe better fight off persistent But before I do, let me tell
glycoproteins health problems. you about…
These unique protein-carbohydrate
complexes not only stimulate your T-
With my patients, I’ve seen Sun
The little-known secret of
pure whole foods such as
Chlorella strengthen and rev up their
cells—but help mobilize them to the health and well being more powerfully
than any other natural supplement or Sun Chlorella
(10) Nathan, DF., “Identification of Interferon-gamma as the
lymphokine that activates human macrophage oxidative metabo- food. And that’s why I recommend it so I’m sure you know the “natural health
lism and antimicrobial activity.” J. Exp. Med, 1983, 159:670-89
highly and take it every day myself. craze” is taking America by storm. More

What an amazing 80-year-old Olympic gold medal

winner taught me about “growing young!”
72-year-old loves
If you think people aren’t
living longer and health-
ier than ever before, you
haven’t met Frank Lackey.
predict what diseases people are most likely to
get. They’ve also discovered why cells cease to
multiply—and what’s likely to happen when
that multiplication gets out of hand.
square dancing and
strength training!
“I’ve been taking Sun
This 80-year-old won three Based on their findings, experts in the field
gold medals in the Senior of youth-enhancing are now talking about Chlorella for approximately
Olympic Games in Track and extending life in a spectacular way. 3 years and feel that it has
Field last October. Because I’m a competitive run- By the Olympics in 2016, we may see helped my digestive system
ner, I really admire Frank. an athlete aged 55 set world records— and energy level quite a
He says, “I feel just as good as when and he or she will look 35. bit. I am 72 years old and
I was in my forties and have…great square dance twice a week,
By the year 2030, many of the major along with strength training, clean my
energy…I run five miles a day, four days health killers that engulf us today will be
a week. I have one main goal—to live to own house, (which is quite large), cook
a memory. a lot, do artwork for shows, work on my
be 100.” By the year 2060, the average life span computer and help in my church.”
What’s Frank’s secret? Sun Chlorella. may well be 120 years.
He says, “I think Sun Chlorella is a good sup- —B. Gerd, NV
How does this help you today?
plement for enhancing youth. It just revital-
izes your whole life. What a remarkable dis- All of this research, all of these
extraordinary advances, are aimed FREE!
covery…the super food of the century. This FREE! FREE!
is my 100% commitment to Sun Chlorella. at tapping into the “Fountain of
From an amazed customer.” Youth” that already exists within
But Frank isn’t alone.
The fact is, your body comes equipped
New medical research shows with the extraordinary ability to repair and

we can live much longer

revitalize itself almost infinitely. And when
your body revitalizes itself, you’ll look and feel
Life expectancy is about 80 years in the younger than your years…you’ll live longer
United States. But, new research and the latest and healthier than most people…you won’t
scientific advances now reveal it is possible for worry about major health problems…and
us to live longer—much longer—and healthier, you’ll get a whole new lease on life.
too. What can help you unleash that “Fountain
For example, the human genome project—a of Youth” within you? The Sun Chlorella Editor’s Note: Turn to page 19
giant research project on aging, health and lon- breakthrough! It’s packed with more youth- FR EE ! to receive your “Sun Chlorella
Starter Pack,” including your
gevity—has decoded the alphabet of life. With revitalizing nutrients than any whole food I’ve Free Gifts and special savings.
this information, scientists and doctors can ever seen.

8 To order online:

than 70 million Americans take vita-
mins, minerals and herbs, and millions Popular prescription drugs
more are joining their ranks every year.
that steal nutrients.

Are you at risk?

Just look around, and you’ll see new
vitamins, new supplements, and new
health foods. Everybody claims to have
something new or better, and there are

t’s a known fact that some Anti-rheumatic drugs Nutrient depleted
many good products now available.
medications can affect the Colchicine ..........................................Vitamin B-12
But, my research and experience tell levels of certain nutrients in Penicillamine .....................................Vitamin B-6, copper,
me there’s nothing better for you than your body. magnesium, zinc
pure whole foods such as Sun Chlorella. For example, take a look at Cholesterol-reducing drugs Nutrient depleted
Why? Because the nutrients found in this list of popular prescription Cholestyramine..................................Beta-Carotene,
Folic acid,
pure whole foods are in the form, balance drugs and the nutrients they Vitamins A, D, E, K
and structure that nature intended—and leach from your body. Colestipol ...........................................Beta-Carotene
can give you the best results! If you’re worried about these Folic acid
Vitamins A, D, E
or other prescription drugs
You see, the truth is… leaching nutrients from your
Diuretic drugs Nutrient depleted
Loop Diuretics ...................................Calcium, magnesium,
Nutrients are often isolated and body, here’s good news. potassium, zinc
chemically altered down to a single Sun Chlorella builds a solid Potassium Sparing ............................Folic acid
“active ingredient.” Then, they’re pack- foundation and nourishes your GI anti-inflammatory drugs Nutrient depleted
aged as one supplement. But, chances body with what it needs and p-Aminosalicylic Acid.........................Folic acid
are the manufacturing process depletes can help offset the nutrient vitamin B-12
some of the nutritional value nature leaching of prescription drugs. Sulfasalazine .....................................Folic acid
intended. So, you may fail to get all of Hormone drugs Nutrient depleted
Editor’s Note: To receive
the nutrients you think you’re getting Corticosteroids...................................Calcium
your Free book on the Sun
from these supplements. Estrogen ............................................Vitamin B-6
Chlorella breakthrough,
And many foods that look and sound see page 19. You’ll find out
Anticonvulsants Nutrient depleted
how you can get your “Sun
healthy—such as fruits and vegetables Chlorella Starter Pack,” Free Carbamazepine .................................Folic acid, vitamin D
you buy at your local supermarket— gifts and special savings. Phenytonin ............................................Folic acid, vitamin D
have been grown in nutrient-depleted
soils or sprayed with pesticides—
further reducing their nutritional feel terrible? percent protein (more per serving than
content. The truth is, pure whole foods are soy or steak). The highest known
Is it any wonder that some people the best thing for your body—they concentration of chlorophyll. And more
take fistfuls of vitamins and supple- give your body what it needs to heal nucleic acids than any other
ments and eat healthy foods—yet still itself! As I stated, these foods speak the food source.
only language your body understands. I used to think I could get the nutri-
And the most effective concentrated ents I needed by taking extra supple-
whole foods are the green foods like ments and vitamins. But I was wrong.
Sun Chlorella. Getting the nutrients I need from
And, what a whole food breakthrough foods such as Sun Chlorella is better.
Sun Chlorella is! That’s why no matter what other natural
It’s nutrient rich, bursting with over supplements I may take, I always take
20 different vitamins and minerals. It Sun Chlorella. It gives me everything
gives you many of the essential amino my body needs for health and wellness
acids. More powerful fiber than many and helps my other supplements work
Many foods have been grown in nutrient- fruits and vegetables. An abundance of even better!
depleted fields or sprayed with pesticides, naturally-occurring beta-carotene (six Now, as I promised, here are two
further reducing their nutritional content. times more than spinach). Nearly 60 (continued on page 11…)

For Faster Service: Call Toll Free 1-800-892-0818, Ext. 333 9

Living Proof that Sun Chlorella
works like nothing else!
TOTAL BODY Great gift, amazing! Look and feel like I’m in
WELL BEING! “I have been taking Sun
Chlorella…faithfully each day
my mid-30’s
A miracle worker! for the past 12-13 years. I am
“I’ve used Sun Chlorella for some time now
and always recommend it to all my friends and
“Before taking Sun Chlorella, my back hurt convinced that at my age of 67, coworkers. I look and feel as if I’m in my mid-
all the time and my feet and legs were swol- and with my daily stresses and 30’s, but I actually feel better and healthier than
len. After taking Sun Chlorella for a month, pressures, I can attest to the great when I was in my 20’s. I always feel great, and
the pain and swelling went away. I have lots of gift of this amazing product being the credit for I work out everyday…I can work the kids and
energy and feel better than I have for years. I the unusual energy I have and youthful lifestyle the 18–30 year olds into the ground. Thank
wouldn’t give up Sun Chlorella for anything I’ve I continue to live. I am thankful I became com- you for your fantastic product!”
ever used. It’s a miracle worker.” mitted years ago to using this miracle product.”
—K. Knapic, TX
—A. Hubbard, OK —L. Karp, CA

Never felt better! LOOK AND A NEW LEASE

“Sun Chlorella is the best FEEL YOUNGER ON LIFE
thing that ever happened to me.
Restored the damage!
I have been using it for over Thank God for such a “I am a recovering alcoholic.
20 years. I never leave home
without it. I take Sun Chlorella heaven-sent thing! I was bankrupt when my health,
for my blood pressure, for my “Since I’ve been taking Sun Chlorella, I’ve mind and body broke down.
light headedness, and for my noticed changes such as easy breathing, better I looked for something for a long
stiff joints. I have never felt better. One summer, skin texture, looking much younger. I noticed time to restore the damage. I
I went on a cruise and forgot my Sun Chlorella. my…left leg healing tremendously and I’ve tried found Sun Chlorella three years
That was the worst two weeks of my life.” everything…nothing worked till Sun Chlorella!! ago, and it has restored the dam-
— Z. Quartman, CA And…a lot less tiredness, better eye sight…I can’t age that alcohol did to my body. I have so much
say enough about Sun Chlorella. It is tremen- more energy, a strong natural defense system, and

dously changing my life for the better. I thank I feel good all the time. I will take Sun Chlorella
God and you for such a heaven-sent thing.” as long as I am alive.”
—E. Hanson, Canada —J. Buchanan, NM
Shipyard worker can out-
perform two people! Keeps me looking young The secret’s out—
“Since taking Sun Chlorella, I have more —great for vegetarians it’s Sun Chlorella!
energy…At work I can outper-
form two people when it comes like me! “My neighbors ask me where I get all my
to bullwork. At the end of the “I’ve used Sun Chlorella energy. I tell them the only thing different I
day, they are tired, and I’m not. for 10 years and will con- am doing is ‘Sun Chlorella.’ When I look in
I work at a shipyard in Thunder tinue to use it the rest of my the mirror, I wonder who that is looking back
Bay Ontario Canada.” life…it tones your entire sys- at me. I play golf four days a week and in the
—T. Chauvin, Canada tem. My hair and skin are winter, I add a morning of bowling, too. I’m so
better, and it can start your glad I heard about…Sun Chlorella.”
She keeps “going, day with solid nutrition that —M.H. Schaff, SC
lasts til lunch. I don’t need many additional sup-
going, going”!
plements because it provides all the amino acids
“I’ve been using Sun as well as many minerals and vitamins (especially
Chlorella for the past two years. B-12, which is important for vegetarians like
My energy level, strength and me). Best of all, it’s rich in the nucleic acids the More energy,
endurance under very stressful body needs to keep me looking young. Plus, it less cravings!
conditions has been remark- purifies with plenty of chlorophyll. Thank you.”
able. I feel like the Energizer “I’ve been taking Sun
—S. Kaiser, CA Chlorella for three and a half
Bunny, I just keep going, and going, and
going.” months. I have noticed a posi-
tive difference in the energy that
—A. Brigante, FL
(continued on next page…)
10 To order online:
(…continued from page 9)
of aging. and many more people who take Sun
more reasons why Sun Chlorella is the
Imagine for a moment, no matter Chlorella everyday.
most powerful super food I’ve ever
How does Sun Chlorella
found. what your age, if you could…

help you slow down the

Besides giving you super purification keep your skin soft, smooth and
creamy looking
and a stronger natural defense system,
soften the appearance of wrinkles and appearance of the
premature aging process?
Sun Chlorella gives you…
facial lines
NUMBER THREE: enjoy hair that’s silkier and shinier Sun Chlorella’s youth-building magic
Super youth enhancing have nails that are stronger and healthier lies deep inside its cellular core. It’s here
you’ll find…
Something amazing happens when glow with a youthful, natural beauty
you purify your body, rev up your body's The richest source of
and fool new friends who’ll never guess
natural defense system and give your your real age. (continued on next page…)
body the nutrients it needs: your body is These are the kind of ben-
better able to fight off the harmful effects efits enjoyed by my patients
I have been taking
Sun Chlorella for over
(…continued from page 10) 2 years. I had energy
I have. In the mid afternoon when the You’ve found a good to burn after a year
blahs come around…it is now replaced and decided to stop
with a feeling that I’ll make it through customer! taking it, and began
“…Since I’ve taking a multivitamin.
the rest of the day…It also seems that I It wasn‛t very long
don’t have a craving for sugar like I did been taking Sun before I began to see and feel the
before…and I have a lighter feeling.” Chlorella the last difference without it. I tell every-
—J. Shoemaker, VA four months…my one about Sun Chlorella and all of my
digestion is so much friends are happy with the results as
well. I will never again go without my
SAY GOOD-BYE TO better. I’m having
less trouble breath- Sun Chlorella superfood.
COLDS, ALLERGIES ing, I’m not as nervous as I was, and my -L. Thompson, ON
AND MORE! energy is so much better. Now when
my husband and I go dancing I don’t get
My husband, who is
out of breath so easily. Sun Chlorella is a high school teacher,
I Feel Great! the super green food I need to keep me comes home from
going. You’ve found a good customer. work feeling very slug-
“I am 84 years old. I KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! gish and stressed
used to get colds one
THANK YOU!” out. After taking Sun
after another and the Chlorella, he feels so
flu three or four times a —P. Hayes, IL much better and has
year. I have been using more energy. When I don‛t take my
Sun Chlorella for about CONTROL Sun Chlorella, I feel like I am com-
pletely in the dumps. But when I take
two years and now I always feel great. I
bowl twice a week and golf and have YOUR WEIGHT my Sun Chlorella on a regular basis - I
feel alive!
more energy than before. I will contin-
ue to use Sun Chlorella as long as I So grateful! -N. Yeck, FL
live.” “I’m so grateful for Sun Chlorella…
—F. Rouse, CA you just can’t put a price on health I have been tak-
and feeling great. A year ago Sept. 29, ing Sun Chlorella for
some years now, and
Hope I had level 3 back surgery on nerves.
For the whole year before, I couldn’t as a result I enjoy
I’m never excellent health.
walk, clean house, or do anything…I Before beginning Sun
without it! gained 73 pounds…after taking Sun Chlorella, I was taking
“I was so sick with
Chlorella for three to four weeks, I 17 single vitamins, but
was feeling really great with no prob- when I switched over to Sun Chlorella,
heart [problems], asth- I immediately noticed a positive dif-
lems in my hips and legs. I’ve been on
ma and allergies. I feel great since I
Sun Chlorella for 6 months now and ference in energy. Without my Sun
started taking Sun Chlorella in 1998.
have energy to exercise daily. I’ve lost 4 Chlorella, I do not feel as well as I
I’m 68. I can go on trips, sleep less, should. At my annual physical my blood
and have more energy. I’m thankful sizes in clothes and about 45 to 50 lbs., work shows up as excellent and I
for your product. Hope I’m never and feel great.” attribute this to Sun Chlorella, which
without it.” —S. Perry, TX has allowed me to take less of so many
other vitamins.
—O. Gestring, MO
-D. Walker, CA

For Faster Service: Call Toll Free 1-800-892-0818, Ext. 333 11

(continued from page 11…)
building blocks of life. And when you that easy. Most foods today are deplet-
nucleic acids, more than any have an abundance of nucleic acids in ed of nucleic acids.
known food source. your body, they enable your cells to But, Sun Chlorella is the richest
More per serving than in sardines and reproduce, so you can stay young and source of nucleic acids of any known
steak! healthy. food! It’s like drinking deeply from the
In his book, “The No-Aging Diet,” But if you’re lacking nucleic acids, Fountain of Youth!
Dr. Benjamin Frank suggests that your cell construction suffers, your cells That’s not all. Sun Chlorella also
human nucleic acids production slows get weak, you become vulnerable to all includes…
as we age. But, a diet rich in nucleic sorts of problems, and you look and The astonishing Chlorella
acids may counter this aging process feel older than your years. Growth Factor (CGF) that builds
and revitalize your body. Ok, so you just need to eat food rich healthy new cells It’s not found in
Why? Because nucleic acids are the in nucleic acids, right? Wrong! It’s not any vitamin, mineral or herb.

Imagine looking in your mirror and seeing…

Beautiful, smooth, creamy

looking skin— Many compliments

the natural way!

about looking younger!
“As a registered
nurse for the past 36
years, I have found

n the KZLA is unique in the that Sun Chlorella has
Sunday Radio world because it has boosted my energy
Show, Dr. Joyce all of those nutri- level. I feel and look
Johnson, Ph.D., talked ents, while at the healthier than ever and
about why Sun Chlorella same time it puri- I receive compliments
can help you look and feel fies my body and frequently [about looking] less than my
younger than your years. it also is an oxygen 57 years of age.
Dr. Joyce Johnson, I have found I always feel great. My
joins Sylvia Amaretto She said: “I highly rec- transporter."
on KZLA 93.9 FM skin appears to be wrinkle-free, and
“The Sunday Show”
ommend Sun Chlorella…it “I did a little my attitude is great! I can still run
study on my own circles around my peers who are half
and found that it
Overjoyed with my skin!
my age! I start every morning with Sun
raised the hemoglo- Chlorella!!”
“…I’ve been tak- bin in the blood, so
—A. Kachulis, CA
ing Sun Chlorella that people had more oxygen, and oxygen
for about 3 months, slows down the appearance of prema-
and I’ve noticed a ture aging process and increases our FREE! FREE! FREE!
huge difference in my energy levels…”
skin—something all of
us baby boomers are
What happens when you flood your
acutely aware of. My cells and blood with oxygen? Your…
wrinkles seem to be dis- skin feels softer and looks creamier
appearing! After a few weeks, I noticed skin looks firmer, tighter, and
a vast improvement and got many com- younger
pliments on my ‘beautiful skin.’ I think face looks rosier and healthier
everyone should take Sun Chlorella. As
a 22 year vegetarian, I am overjoyed to hair looks and feels silkier
get a natural, easy way to absorb pro- nails look healthier
tein, too. There is not even room here My patients tell me all the time that
to start talking about the extra energy, after they start taking Sun Chlorella, Editor’s Note: Turn to page 19
people tell them they look so good, so FREE
to receive your “Sun Chlorella
weight loss and happy outlook on life.” Starter Pack,” including your
—M. Taylorson, HI young and so lively. Free Gifts and special savings.

12 To order online:

Earlier, I told you that the CGF
Sun Chlorella and chlorella

helps naturally purify your body. But,
it does much, much more.
CGF contains a variety of unique
natural substances such as nucleic
acids, amino acids, peptides, polysac- The perfect whole food supplement for athletes…
charides and beta-glucans that nourish “Sun Chlorella is the perfect whole food supplement for athletes who
and replenish your body. CGF gives are mentally, physically and emotionally conscious of their well-being.
your system what it desperately needs Its revitalizing and purifying abilities will help supercharge and comple-
ment any other proteins, vitamins, minerals and herbs one might already be taking.”
to build strong, new, healthy cells— —Exercise For Men Only
no matter your age or health.
I’ve known about CGF for years, Rich in vitamins, minerals, protein…
but it’s recently come to the forefront “[Sun Chlorella is] the green single-celled freshwater algae rich in
in nutritional science because there’s vitamins, minerals, protein, beta-carotene, iron, dietary fiber, nucleic acids,
with very high concentrations of chlorophyll, nature’s most
a great deal of proof that it stimulates powerful detoxifying agent, in easy-to-swallow tablets.”
growth, tissue repair, and revitalization —Energy Times
to an extent not found in any other
food before. Tops for youth Third most popular
To you, this can mean… enhancement “In” item!
“[This discovery] is “[Sun Chlorella] is the third most
stimulating and revitalizing cells [among the products] that popular ‘in’ item among Hollywood
in your body top the list of…youth- celebrities” (and the only food/
enhancing products.” nutritional supplement mentioned).
repairing tired, worn-out cells —Flare —In Style
and making them healthy again
producing more energy in Smoother skin Protects against
your cells in four weeks! pollutants!
“…women taking chlo- “These small plants
speeding up your body’s own rella daily reported smoother, contain more chlorophyll
revitalization firmer, more radiant skin and than any other edible plant
fewer appearances of wrinkles and protect humans against
and enjoying a more youthful and age spots in just four pollution.”—Total Health
appearance! weeks.”—Woman’s World
Aforementioned quotes may have been a result of paid advertisements, and may not necessarily constitute endorsement or
Again, you won’t find the amazing recommendation for Sun Chlorella products by the publications shown.

Chlorella Growth Factor in any other

vitamin, mineral or herb—only in Editor’s Note: To receive your
Sun Chlorella!
Free book on the Sun Chlorella FREE
breakthrough, see page 19. You’ll
find out how you can get your “Sun
How can such Chlorella Starter Pack,”
a substance give you so Free gifts and special savings.
many youth-enhancing
benefits? of time in clinical studies and medical 112 days, boys who took chlorella grew
trials, proving its growth-stimulating, 66 percent more, and gained 43 per-
Simply put, CGF is encoded with youth-enhancing properties. For exam- cent more weight than boys not taking
growth-stimulating properties that ple, CGF has proven itself to… chlorella.
allow the chlorella cells to quadruple
Stimulate growth…In one Revitalize tissues…What about
themselves every 20–24 hours. During (11)
study , young school children were CGF’s ability to revitalize tissue? In
that time, one cell divides into four
given two grams of chlorella per day, another study(12), doctors gave chlorella
more—then the process repeats itself
except Sundays and holidays. After to patients who were experiencing dis-
over and over. The result? It revital-
comfort from problems with stomach
izes your cells and helps you feel young (11) Yamada, Yoshio, et al. “School Children’s Growth and Value of tissue. Within 10 days of taking three
again. Chlorella,” Nihon iji shimpo, No. 2196 (1966)
(12) Yamagishi, Yoshio, “The Treatment of Peptic Ulcers by grams of chlorella each day, most of the
What’s more, CGF has stood the test Chlorella,” Nihon iji shimpo, No. 1997 (1962)
(continued on page 14…)

For Faster Service: Call Toll Free 1-800-892-0818, Ext. 333 13

(…continued from page 13) as Sun Chlorella. takes Sun Chlorella as part of their daily
patients felt better. But there’s even more. Sun Chlorella health regimen tells me they feel more
Based on what I’ve seen in the gives you super purification, promotes energetic, more alive than ever before.
research and with my own patients, the continual good health, and is youth Why?
rich nucleic acids in Chlorella Growth enhancing, and… Because Sun Chlorella is a catalyst—
Factor make a huge difference in pro-
moting good health and revitalizing cells NUMBER FOUR: it jump-starts your body and floods it
with energy.
to help you look and feel younger. No Super energy so you feel One of the hidden reasons people
other food, supplement or anything else 10 years younger! get tired and fatigued is their cells get
gives you so many much needed factors Almost every one of my patients who oxygen-starved.

Why friendly bacteria can

help you solve “unsolvable”
health worries… Good-bye to stomach woes!
“I’ve used Sun

o you know that all bacteria is not
bad? The truth is, more than 400 Chlorella for 2
species of friendly bacteria—or years. I know when
probiotics—live in your body. a product works for
me because when I
That’s right. These friendly bugs line
stop it, I do not do
your stomach, intestine and bowel, aid your
as well. In this case,
digestion, and help your body absorb
it was for my stom-
nutrients to keep a strong immune system.
ach…Sun Chlorella
But, if your friendly bacteria get crowded has made such a
out by toxins, chemicals and other harmful difference that I do not want to be
elements, your health can go in a downward without it. My elimination is so much
spiral. better…and my energy went up.
And that’s where Sun Chlorella comes to I love this product.”
the rescue. —C. Gordon, CA
Many patients I see for the first time are
often frustrated because nobody can help
them with their health problems. I’ve
No more cramping!
found that many of them need to first “I’ve been using Sun Chlorella now
purify their bodies before they do anything for about 6 months, FREE! FREE! FREE!
else. And that’s why I start them on Sun and I can truthfu lly say
Chlorella. that it is the best thing
Why? Because, there are four compo- that ever happened to
nents of Sun Chlorella that accelerate the me. I have more ener-
purification of your body to keep your gy. I sleep better and
friendly germs or microorganisms healthy. the elimination action is
These are… the best. I have no more
Chlorophyll cramping and it is very gentle on the
The Chlorella Growth Factor system. I love it. I feel younger and I’m
more active. I even look younger. Sun
Chlorella is very helpful, I don’t experi-
Fiber ence the discomfort I was having any- Editor’s Note: Turn to page 19
Most important, when my patients get more. It helps the body to repair itself.” FREE! to receive your “Sun Chlorella
on a purification program, many of their —N. Marchant, IL Starter Pack,” including your
Free Gifts and special savings.
“unsolvable” health problems disappear.

14 To order online:

Re-awaken the passions
Low oxygen levels and decreasing
ability of your body to absorb oxygen in
your cells’ tissues often result in fatigue.
Tiredness. The slumps. The blahs.
But this problem is easy to fix, and pleasures within you!
especially with the help of Sun Chlorella.
Sun Chlorella’s power-packed ingre-
dients increase the nutrients inside your
body’s cells—and help increase your
O ne of the most
distressing side
effects of poor
health is a stale, unfulfill-
ing love life.
healthy, fulfilling love
Bottom line: Sun
Chlorella can help you
body’s ability to absorb more oxygen! re-awaken your passions,
With more oxygen, your body’s cells Sadly, millions of increase your desires, and
Americans deal with the enjoy the pleasures that
come alive again and work harder.
frustration of… are meant for you!
With more oxygen, your body has what
Lack of intimacy
it needs to purify, revitalize and
Lack of satisfaction
energize itself.
No stamina A renewed love life!
Take the word of a Lack of desire and sex drive “I can’t get enough
of Sun Chlorella, that
die-hard runner Some people just give up and live with is…It’s renewed my
the problems. Others turn to prescrip- love life. I am an ath-
How much more energy can Sun Chlorella
tion drugs or special medical treatments. letic 53-year old man.
give you? A ton more!
But when most people try to solve I have found in the
I know: I’m a die-hard runner who’s been past that I routinely
their sexual problems, they often overlook
running since I was a teenager. Today, some hibernate during the
a root cause: nutritional deficiencies.
30 years later, I run every day and compete in winter and am more tired. Now that
races on a regular basis. These deficiencies can hinder your I’ve been taking Sun Chlorella, I am
arteries, circulatory system, hormones and re-awakened and my much younger
But since I’ve been taking Sun Chlorella fiancée is very pleased. Our love life
sex glands—which you need for a healthy
for the past seven years, I have more energy has reached its peak. Thanks, Sun
love life.
and more endurance than I’ve had in years. In Chlorella, for the stamina.”
fact, my times and workouts are better today But with natural discoveries such as
Sun Chlorella, as well as with a healthy —E. Macias, CA
than when I was in my 30s—and I owe much
of that to the amazing Sun Chlorella. diet and regular exercise, you can replen-
ish the nutrients your body needs for a
How much better will you feel with an
energizing boost of Sun Chlorella? Editor’s Note: To receive your Free book FREE
Imagine… on how the Sun Chlorella breakthrough can
keep your love life healthy, see page 19. You’ll GIFT!
waking up every day full of energy find out how you can get your “Sun Chlorella
and vitality Starter Pack,” Free gifts and special savings.

feeling strong and revitalized

all day long
having an unlimited source of travel or do anything you want when you can.
boundless energy to work, play, saying good-bye to tiredness and But you can do “all the right things”
fatigue forever! and still fall short of feeling younger,
Now you can see why I believe… healthier and energized.
Here I am on
one of my That’s because your body is con-
If you could take only one stantly under attack from toxins, chem-
I love to run, natural discovery each day, icals and other dangerous elements in
and taking Sun Chlorella is it! your food, water and environment.
Sun Chlorella Chances are good you’re already tak- Your natural defense system is con-
every day ing some vitamins and nutrients. stantly the target of free radicals, infec-
helps me You’re probably trying to eat the tions, germs, microorganisms and other
enjoy it even right things, at least most of the time. harmful agents.
more. Your youth and vitality are constant-
And, you may be trying to exercise
(continued on page 16…)

For Faster Service: Call Toll Free 1-800-892-0818, Ext. 333 15

Get twice as much chlorella
power with Sun Chlorella
Laboratory tests show
hlorella is an amazing water-
grown plant. But, in order to
get all of its rich nutrients, its
Sun Chlorella gives you
hard outer cell wall must be pulverized. twice the chlorella power
The problem is that most chlorella As the chart below shows, ordi-
you’ll find uses heat or chemicals to nary heat-treated chlorella gives you
break down the cell wall. But, as you only about 42 percent digestibility.
can see in Photo No. 1, these processes But, the DYNO®-Mill treated Sun
do not unlock the powerful nutrients. Chlorella gives you 85 percent—or
So, your body never absorbs much of over TWICE the chlorella power.
typical chlorella.
Major scientific
breakthrough doubles
But, Sun Chlorella USA has over-
come this problem with its patented
process utilizing the DYNO®-Mill. This
process pulverizes chlorella’s outer cell
wall without damaging the nutrients.
In Photo No. 2, you can see how
much more nutrients are available when FREE! FREE! FREE!
chlorella is pulverized.
Digestibility Chart:
Sun Chlorella "A" (Patented DYNO® -Mill)
Photo 1 Photo 2 Commonly available heat-treated chlorella
Untreated whole-cell chlorella

Why settle for only 35 or 42%

digestibility, when Sun Chlorella
gives you 85 percent?
Common heat or True pulverized No other chlorella uses the
chemically treated cell chlorella like Sun DYNO®-Mill process and no
chlorella cell walls aren’t Chlorella means twice Editor’s Note: Turn to page 19
broken down, so much the absorption, which other chlorella gives you twice FREE! to receive your “Sun Chlorella
Starter Pack,” including your
of its nutritional value means quick, effective the chlorella power! If you want Free Gifts and special savings.
never gets into your body. relief. the best, take Sun Chlorella!
(…continued from page 15) your body’s natural health and revitalizing super energy
ly assaulted by faulty, weakening, aging power better than the whole food break- If I could only take one natural discov-
cells and a lack of nucleic acids. through, Sun Chlorella. ery every day, Sun Chlorella would be it!
Your energy and strength are constantly No doubt about it. Sun Chlorella is I’ve seen what Sun Chlorella can do
battered by oxygen-starved cells that drain the most powerful, most important, most with my own eyes—patients about ready
your body. effective whole food I’ve ever seen. to give up who’ve made remarkable recov-
Plus, your health is constantly worn It’s the only natural food discovery I’ve eries. Friends discouraged about their
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But, Sun Chlorella helps you fight back!
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Nothing I’ve ever found—no vitamin, super good health
mineral, herb, or supplement—triggers super youth-enhancement (continued on page 18…)
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The amazing super food that takes you
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O ne of the most remarkable facts about
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This exclusive combination includes…

The highest chlorophyll content for super purification: Chlorella has the highest concentration of
chlorophyll, compared with only 0.2 percent chlorophyll in alfalfa and 0.78 percent in spirulina. Chlorella
has up to 100 times more chlorophyll than leafy green plants. Most green plants have less than half of one
percent of chlorophyll by weight. Chlorella has from two to five percent chlorophyll by weight.
usive t
l !
Exc lorella
The Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF), the key to chlorella’s revitalization, to keep your cells young
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The richest nucleic acid food content for slowing down the appearance of premature aging:
Contains nucleic acids in amounts that, ounce for ounce, contain more nucleic acids than sardines, (which
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ulators to your body’s natural defense…and glycoproteins, protein-carbohydrate complexes that stimulate
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For Faster Service: Call Toll Free 1-800-892-0818, Ext. 333 17

Medical study reveals an easy way to fight “brain
fog” and keep your memory sharp as a tack
and chlorophyll is nature’s top purify- FREE
M y patients who
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ing agent. So, it helps sweep heavy
metals from your body, which could
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In addition, Sun Chlorella helps
How can this amazing your body and your brain absorb
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ry sharp? Medical research backs up Sun Chlorella’s
Well, my research shows that heavy ability to help fight off memory loss.
metals can cause “brain boggling” and In one study(13), 49 patients suffering
foggy thinking. from severe memory loss took six grams Editor’s Note: Turn to page 19
But, Sun Chlorella can help increase your of chlorella each day for six months. The FR EE ! to receive your “Sun Chlorella
Starter Pack,” including your
brain’s ability to think more clearly because result? 68 percent of them noticed improve- Free Gifts and special savings.
of its high chlorophyll content and its ability ment or stabilization in cognitive function.
to help your body’s oxygenation process. Yes, you can keep your mind and mem-
Remember, chlorella has the highest chlo- ory sharp with the Sun Chlorella break- (13) “Effects of long-term administrations of chlorella preparations
on the advancement of aging,” Kanazawa Medical College
rophyll level of any known plant or food, through! Department of Serology, 1989

(…continued from page 16)

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Thank you for your order!
A doctor’s startling announcement…

What an amazing 80-year-

old Olympic gold medal
winner taught me about
“growing younger”!
INSIDE: Discover the surprising secret to Forget impossible diets or
Frank Lackey’s vitality and energy, as told by torturous exercise. Here’s
natural health expert, Dr. David Nelson 8 the easy secret that can keep you
slim and trim 7
Plus, new medical findings on…

Six new toxic terrors
in your bathroom, kitchen,
air, water, and more 4
Popular prescription drugs that steal
“They may far surpass vitamins and minerals in nutrients from your body 9
strength. Only you won’t find them in any supple-
ment. You’ll only find them in super foods!” 3 Beautiful, smooth, creamy skin
Radical natural breakthrough and compliments galore ................... page 12
for keeping your blood pressure, PLUS a FREE book reserved
cholesterol, digestion, heart, and in your name ....................................... page 19
brain health. Amazing............. page 4

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