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With the proliferation of network connectivity, information technology, and digital devices, accessibility

with the world has increased manifold. Globalization has transgressed boundaries and attenuated its
importance. Almost every functional operation in multiple sectors are completely dependent on digital
interface maximizing productivity and efficiency. It ranges to banking, telecommunications, industries,
aviation, transportation, government services, entertainment industry, education, etc. However,
connectivity and dependence to this scale has its own drawbacks. Increasing incidences of cyber
espionage, cyber threats and malicious attacks have become a prime reason for concern. Of late, the
hackers have even penetrated into some of the most sophisticated IT infrastructure of governments and
mega enterprises. Examples include meddling with US government data, Experian and HBO hacking, and
ransomware menace. The leads to the heightened necessity of cyber security to protect all digital devices
from malevolent cyber assaults.

Each organization be it military, corporate, financial or medical, retains and processes huge
amount of classified data crucial for their functioning. Such sensitive information is protected by
intellectual property and efforts of millions of employees’ perseverance. Any unauthorized
access or unsolicited exposure can cause damages to the tune of billions to the organization. In
recent days, the world has seen the precision and sophistication of attacks that have increased
both in volume and frequency endangering extremely confidential data being leaked out.
Common cyberattacks include Zero-day attacks, cloud-data leakage, mobile malware, targeted
attacks, SQL injection. This makes extensive specification of the areas of cyber protection. The
category includes network defences, endpoint and mobile data protection, data in motion
defences, data at rest defences, and analysis and correlation tools.

Cybersecurity is directly linked with privacy. Any online hacking threat is tantamount to loss of personal
and non-shareable data, that can include financial credentials. A survey reports that in 2016 at least,
35.1% of computers were subjected to attack once. Reportedly 1,976,345 computer users were attempted
with malware attacks. It has been predicted that in 2017 phishing and spear phishing methods of cyber
warfare will exceedingly target individuals, employees and organizations. As smartphone users connected
to Internet have increased, they’re likely to get infected with the vulnerabilities of mobile applications.
The incidences of Ransomware attacks that locks the computer before a certain ransom is released will

This security mechanism needs protection from problems that affect families and children too such as
cyber bullying, cyber stalking, and inappropriate media content. Cyberattacks have predominantly
become a pervasive human capital crisis. Most consumers are unaware of online threats that can emanate
from phishing emails, malware, cyber criminals, trojan horse, botnet, virus, worm, DDOS attacks, and
spyware. Cybercrime is on the peak and so is hacktivism.

The elements of cyber encompasses network security, application security, endpoint security,
data integrity, identity management, database and infrastructure security, cloud security, mobile
security, business continuity planning, and end-user education.

Cybertheft can result into expropriation of financial, proprietary or personal information.

Denial of service attacks can slow down the system.

Botnet allows hackers command over other systems.

Cyberattacks on industrial control system can disrupt controlling equipment such as generators,
pumps, or even nuclear centrifuges.

Hackers can target home network to access corporate networks.

 Cybersecurity overview- It augments the resilience of computer systems and cyberspace.
 Combating cybercrime- Emergency response teams in every organization or government
 Securing of federal networks- Each department and agency is prepared to thwart attempts of
 Protection of critical infrastructure- It emphasizes on protection of privacy, civil liberties,
accessible security processes, and partnerships.
 Cyber incident response and insurance- Quick investigation and protection against risks.
 Cybersecurity education research and development- Strengthening the cybersecurity
workforce through standardization of roles, promotion of awareness, and precautionary
measures. Perpetual research to find innovative solutions.

Challenges in Future:
 Effective security needs to be integrated into the design of Information and Communication
technology devices and operations.
 Incentivization of cybersecurity personnel who are scarce in numbers.
 Common agreement on the risks, challenges, and approaches to cybersecurity among
 Amidst the complication threat environment, special attention has to be given to social
media, mobile computing, big data, cloud computing, and internet of things.
Precautionary steps:
 Creation of secure passwords and constant replacements.
 Keeping emails safe by not opening unknown attachments and disabling automatic
 No sharing of important data.
 Usage of updated and adequate anti-virus mechanism software.
 Regular evaluation of responsibilities and access to sensitive data.
 Promotion of international cooperation.
 Development of national cyber defense capabilities.
 Synchronizing of military planning with civil emergencies.
 Ensuring high level of awareness.
 Development of legal framework for cyber-security.
 Training of cybersecurity professionals and institutional capacity building.

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