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Purpose -a reason or plan guiding an action; motive or intention

Deemed-to consider, suppose, or judge

Seized-to take hold of forcibly and quickly.

 Cheeks-the side of the face between the jaw and the eye.
 Overflowed-to flow over the top edge of a containing channel or receptacle.
Kidnapped-to capture and hold (someone) hostage until specified demands, as for money, are met

Counsel-guidance or advice, especially as given by an authority or wise person

 Avoided-to keep away from or keep from happening, especially by active effort.
 Bricklayer-the technique or trade of constructing something, such as a building, with bricks.
 Issued-the act or process of sending or coming from a particular source.
Slightest-small in amount or degree

Amiss-out of the proper course or order; wrongly; mistakenly

Rowdy-a noisy, rough, disorderly person

 Affidavits-a written statement that is sworn in the presence of an authorized official to be true, used as
legal evidence.

 Disengaged-to release from engagement, connection, or responsibility.

 Arrangements-the act of putting things in order.

 Fretfulness-inclined to worry anxiously, or to be irritable.

 Uttered-to give forth (a sound or words) vocally.
Swamp-a wet lowland area that is usually covered with water; marsh; bog

 Beckoned-to signal to come, especially with a gesture.

 Faithful-giving allegiance to a person, cause, or ideal.
 Trouble-a state or condition of distress, need, or misfortune.
 Acquaintance-a person one has met but does not know well.
 Tears-a drop of salty liquid secreted through ducts which serves to cleanse and lubricate the surface of
the eye.

 Errand-a quick journey or side trip taken to fulfill a particular purpose.

 Rods-a straight, thin, usually round and inflexible stick, shaft, or bar.

 Restoring-to bring back into use or existence.

 Further-at or to a great distance in space or time.

 Pursuance-the execution of a plan, procedure, or the like
 Prior-being, existing, or occurring earlier in time or sequence; former; previous.
 Accomplish-to succeed in doing or finishing, especially something that requires effort.
 Undersigned-to sign one's name at the bottom of (a letter or document)
 Hereby-by this sign or indication; at this moment.

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