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Shriranjan Awate
• Socially learned behaviour and expectations that
distinguish between masculinity and femininity.

• IR

• Dominance of MEN
Feminist View of the Power
• Men are naturally associated with leadership and women
are accepted as leaders if they accept masculine notions
of power.
• Men who oppose military action are asked to wear
• Male-Power: Political Theory/ State system
Feminist view of the State
• States are patriarchal.
• Sexuality/reproduction – regulated by state
• Gender basis of state
• Distinction between public and private life
• Personal is Political !
• Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against
Women (CEDAW)
Feminist Analysis of Nationalism
• Gender and ethnic/national identity
• Role as reproducer
• Cultural symbolism – Bindi /Mangal sutra
• women are keepers of national culture, family tradition
and indigenous religion.
• Gendered language of nationalism-’nation’s mother’
Feminism and Human Rights
• Vulnerable
• Torture
• UN’s role / conventions
Feminist Critique of Realism
• State: Protector
• Masculine concept
• Patriarchy is necessary for maintaining social order and
• Citizen is identified with male
• Females: ‘Other’
• ‘Sovereign Man’/ ‘Hero Warrior’
Feminism War and Peace
• War as gendering activity
• Sexual Violence
• Victims of War
• ‘Give your sons/men for a nation’

• Security Debate:
• Conception
• Male dominance

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