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Footwork: Throughout use a flat-footed waltz step (glide rather than bob). Everyone starts on the Right foot (not outside feet!)

Bars 1-10: Entrance: Using 10 waltz steps circle around the room until you form a circle or two parallel lines.

Bar 11: Take one waltz step backing up in place (singing starts 1/2 way through this bar)

Bar 12: Woman makes one complete CW turn under joined hands (turning away from partner)

Bar 13: M grab's woman's other hand, keeping it low (retaining nearer hands, which are high) keeping it low, with them above her head. She
does a further 1/2 turn CW, while man makes a 1/4 turn CW to end in "sweet heart position" with W on the left. (M's R hand, W's L are in front
of couple on top, with W's R hand across her body and M's L behind her back"

Bars 14-15: As a couple pivot in place CW, with M backing up and W dancing forward.

Bars 16-17: Retaining both hands, woman makes one complete CCW turn to end in a sweetheart position on the R side of the M. To get there,
the M alternately raises R then L hands, dropping his L (joined with her R) in front of W's body.

Bars 18-19: As a couple pivot in place CCW, with M backing up and W dancing forward.

Bars 20-21: M raises L hand and keeps R hand low, he turns a 1/4 turn CCW. W turns a full CW turn. Couple ends with both facing CW. M's L
arm bent at elbow across his chest, R arm under behind W's back. W's R arm stretched out to hold M's L, and L arm behind her back.

Bars 22-23: Couple pivots in place CW, both dancing forward.

Bars 24-25: Man raises L, then raises R, and makes a 1/2 turn CW, while W makes a complete CCW turn to end in the reverse of the position in
bars 20-23

Bars 26-28: Couple pivots in place CCW, both dancing forward (three bars instead of 2)

Bars 29-32: Drop both hands and switch to holding L in L. W starts to dance around M CCW. M puts joined hands on the small of his back, and
bends over, essentially backing out under W's L arm. Woman continues the circle all the way until she is behind the M again, and to his R.
Retain L hand on M's back, and take R and R, with W behind man.

Bar 33: Drop L hands and M pulls R hand down and up, turning W CCW all the way around to end in a Varsouvienne hold W woman in front.

Bar 34-35: W hands high, in Varsouvienne waltz Woman to the L diagonal, the R diagonal and the "Waving the cape in front of you"

Bar 36-38: Keeping both hand held above M's head. Woman dances around M CCW all the way around (3 bars)

Bar 39: Retaining hands, W makes a complete CCW turn in front of man.

Bars 40-43: Holding L in L, W dances in a circle around M CCW all the way around. M's hand is above his head.

Bars 44-47, Using the same hands as Bars 29-33 (M puts L hand on back and Bends over while W circle him once and a half. But end with hands
crossed behind the back in a back basket (M's right slips up to end on W's waist, under L arm. W's R hand takes M's R in the small of her back)

Bars 48-51: Pivot CCW as a couple, W dancing forward M dancing backwards, turn once and a 1/2 around

Bars 52-53: Still in back basket, Balance backwards, then forwards.

Bars 54-55: M balance backwards and forwards, dropping L hands with partner. Woman turns out CW, then makes a complete CW turn under
joined hands. Woman switches hands at the last minute at the end of the turn so that you're holding M's R and W's L.

Bars 56-67: Holding nearer hands circle around room in LOD (or exit from stage), M on the inside.

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