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STARTER @19) Woman Where'sshe from? Man She's fom England, ‘Woman Ishe from England, too? Man No, he isn't. He's from Canada Woman Isthe concert tomorrow? Man Yes its. I'sarseven. Woman Let's go! 339) 1 ATM 2 BMW 3TV 4 PC 5D] 6 www 34) Receptionist Good morning Woman Hello.'m Eva Flores. Ihavea Receptionist How do yousspellyour last name? Woman F-L-O-RE-S, Receptionist Excuse me? Woman F-L-O-RE-S, Receptionist Thankyou. James My name's James. Interviewer How do you spell it? James AMES. @27) Interviewer Where are you fe James I'm from England 20) Interviewer What's your name? Speaker 1 My name's Natasha Interviewer How do you spell i? Speaker 1 NATLA-S-H-A Interviewer Where ate you from? ‘Speaker 1 I'm from New York, in the United States. Interviewer What's your name? Speaker 2 My name is Franco. Interviewer How do you spell ie? Speaker 2 F-R-A-N-C-0, Interviewer Where are you from? Speaker 2 I'm from Argentina Interviewer What's your name? Speaker 3 My nameis Barbara Interviewer How do you spel it? Speaker 3 B-A-R-B-A-RA. Intervi ewer Where are you from? Speaker 3 Lam from New York a) 1 Teacher Open your books, please Goto page 7 Student Excuse me, Can you repeat that, please? Teacher Goto page. 2 Student What's ior in English? Teacher Book 3 Student Excuse me, How do you spell hotel”? Teacher H-O-T-E-L. @s2) 1 Tom Hi, Bob. Where are you? Bob Hello, Tor. I'm in my ca. Ub, what's your address? ‘Tom [c's 503 State Street Bob Excuse me? ‘Tom 503 State Street. Bob Oh. Irisn't 503 Lake Street ‘Tom No,itisn' Are youlost? Bob Ye Girl | Lookatthis picture. Girl2 Whoishe? Girl He'smy friend. Girl2 Wow! He's very good-looking. ‘What'shis name? Girl1 Adam, Girl 2 Ishe married? Girl 1 No, he isn'. Girl2. How old ishe? Girl | He'stwenty-si. Girl2 Whav’shis number? @se)) B 40 50 16 70 18 19 @s0)) 1 Woman How oldare you? Man 1m 18. 2 Woman Your friendis very good- looking, How old she? Man He's 29, 3. Woman I Liz, what's yourlast name? Woman 2 [e's Thomas, 4 Man I Look. I's Sarah Man 2 Who's Sarah? Man I. She's my teacher. 5 Woman Hi, Sam. How are you? Man I'm good, thanks. @n) 1 Man Excuse me,miss!Isthis your bag? Woman Ob! Yes iis! Thank you. 2 Receptionist Good afternoon, Man 1. Hello. We're Paul Jones ‘and Marcin Smith, We have Receptionist Ler'ssee... Yes. Rooms 625 and 626. Hereare your keys, Man I Thank you. Man 2. Thanks! 3. Woman What's thar music? Man Sorry, it’s my cell phone. Oh, hi, ‘Andy. 4 Man Excuse me, what's this word? Woman Lookin the dictionary 5 Man How much isi? Woman Twenty dollars. Man Isacreditcard OK? Woman Yes, of course. 87 2) 1 Amy Excuse me. Whatare those? Joe They're gloves. ‘Amy Oh, they'recute! Andisthata hat? Joe Yes,itis. Amy Are these sunglasses? Joe Yes, they are. They're fificen dolar Amy Oh! Thatsalot. im sorry Bye. 2 ott ni cin jouag? fam’ Oh, ens Thank is at lan Sw ccndiltarthe sgl Amy Res? OK! 28) T Asp yg a ps 2 Amy Are these sunglasses? Joe Yes, they are 3. Amy Istharatoy? Joe No, itisn't. Isa at. 4 Amy Whatare those? Joe They're gloves. @u) 1 Woman The New York Times, please Man Here youare. Woman How much isi? Man Iv’sa dollar wentyfve Man A phone card, please. Woman Forhow much? Man Fifteen euros, please Woman Here you ae. Man Thanks. 3 Man 1 A memory card, please Man 2 Two gigsor four? Man 1 Two, please. How much isi? Man 2 Nine ninety-nine Man 1 Isacreditcard OK? Man 2 Sure. 4 Woman Aone way ticker to Bristol, please. Man Thirty pounds twenty p please. Woman Here you are. Man Havea good trip, Woman Thank you, @14)) Waiter Welcome to City Coffee Woman Hi, coffee and a chocolate brownie, please. Listening Waiter What kind of coffee? Espresso, ‘Americano, cappuccino, or latte? Woman A cappuccino, please, Waiter Regular orlarge? Woman Regular. How much isit? Waiter Six dollarsand twenty cents, please. Woman Here youre. Waiter Thanks, Here's your change. (@16)) Interviewer Whatkind of coffee is that? James Thisisa large latte. @17) Interviewer How much isi? James 13 $4.25 @18)) Interviewer Whatkind ofcoffeeis that? Ryder Thisisa regular late Interviewer How much isi? Ryder I's$2.75. Interviewer Whatkind of coffee is that? Cristina [esa regular coffee Interviewer How much isit? Cristina 1’s $2.25. Interviewer What kind f coffecis that? Kure Iesalarge cappuccino Interviewer How much isi? Kure 1es$4.50, 25) 1 Woman Hi, Eric. Is thisa picture of yous Family? Erie Yes, its. Woman ts that your mother? Eric Yes. That's my mother. 2 Woman Whois that? Isshe your wife? Erie No, she isn't. She Woman Oh, see. She's very pretty: 3 Woman Whoarethey? Eric They're my sister’ children. Woman Oh, they're cute. How old are they? Eric Herdaughteris fourand her son 4 Woman Whois that? Ishe your sister's husband? Erie No, he isn'. Woman Oh, Whoishe? Erie don't know. He isn’tin our amily 30) Hairstylist Hello. Is this your frst Woman Yes,itis Hairstyle Do you live near here? Woman No, dont. Ive downtown, Hairstylist Oh, nice, So, do you want Tong hair? Short hae? Woman I don'tknow. Something different Hair stylist Do you wanta coffee? Woman No, thanks. I don't drink coffee. Hair stylist Do you wanta magazine? ‘Woman Yes, please. Oh, look. Angelina Jolie's children. Hair stylist Do you have children? Woman Yes, Ido. Ihave two boys. Hair stylist How old are they? Woman Eightand ten, Woman It's very short. Hair stylist Don't worry: Wait. Hair stylist OK. Do you like it? 401) Hair stylist OK. Do youlike it? Woman No, dont. l’sterrible, 44) ‘Taxi driver Good morning! Woman Hello. Geary Street, please ‘Taxi driver OK. The tafficis bad this morning. ‘Woman Yes. le'sterrible. Taxi driver Do youlivein San Francisco? Woman Yes, Ido. ‘Taxi driver Are you OK? What'sthe problem? Woman [don't like my new haircut, ‘Taxi driver Why not? like it. Woman Really? Do you like it? ‘Taxi driver Yes, do. les great! ‘Woman Thanks. ‘Taxi driver OK, We're on Geary Street now. ‘Woman Great. Please stop over there, at Macy's. want a new bag. ‘Taxi driver OK. That's $14.50. Woman Here's $17. Keep the change, ‘Taxi driver Thanks lot! Haves nice day. @s1)) Interviewer So, Jessie, your parentsare from China, Do you eat Chinese food. athome? Jessie Uh, yesand no. Forbreakfast, we usually have cereal Interviewer Cereal? Jessie Yes, cereal or toast. And coffee, not tea, Not very Chinese, know! Incervi Tunch? Thave fast food near school ~ Pizza or hamburger and soda. Interviewer Oh, When do you eat Chinese food? rer What do you have for Jes Jessie For dinner! My mother makesa big Chinese meal Interviewer Isitspicy? Jessie Sometimes, We have rice with vegetables and meat. Or fish, My father loves fish. Fish heads are his favorite! Interviewer Wow. So, what's your favorite meal? Jessi 60) Wsnine o'clock, Dinner, of course! es twenty after three. It’s nine thirty Ws Ws quarterafter nine Is quarter tosis 61) Interviewer What timedo you getup during the week? Andrew Duringthe week, getup 3¢7.00a.m, Interviewer What time do you goto bed during the week? Andrew 1 goto bed at 11:00 pam. 62) Interviewer Whattimedo you getup onthe weekend? Andrew On the weekend I get up at 10:30. Interviewer What time do you goto bed on the weekend? Andrew On the weekend I goto bed at 2:00am, 639) Interviewer What timedo you getup during the week? Joe I’susually about seven, seven o'clock inthe morning. Interviewer Whattime do you goto bed during the week? Joe About 12:30 in the morning. Interviewer What time do you getup con the weekend? Joe Nine o'lock. Interviewer Whartime do you goto bed on the weekend? Joe Probably closer to 2:00 a.m. Interviewer What time do you getup luring the week? Samantha During the week I getup at eight or nine o'clock in the morning. Interviewer Whattime do you goto bed during the week? Samantha During the week | goro bed at 11:00 0F 12:00 at night. Interviewer Whattime do you getup con the weekend? Samantha On the weekends I getup at leven o'clock in the morning. Interviewer Whartime do you go to bed on the weekend? ‘Samantha I go t bed on the weekends atone o'clock in the morning or ‘wo o'clock in the morning. Interviewer What time do you getup luring the week? Ryder During the week I getup at quarter to seven, Interviewer Whattime do you goto bed during the week? Ryder During the week I goo bed at quarter to eleven. Interviewer Whattime do you getup con the weekend? Ryder On the weekend I getup at ‘around noon. Interviewer Whartime do you goto bed on the weekend? Ryder On the weekend I normally goto bed around 300 a.m. Interviewer What time do you getup during the week? Amber During the week [usually getup around 8:00a.m, Interviewer Whattime do you goto bed during the week? Amber And [usually go to bed during the week at around 11:00 p.m, Interviewer What time do you get up onthe weekend? Amber Onthe weekends...ituswally depends, but! try to get up around 10:00 a.m, Interviewer What time do you goto, bed on the weekend? Amber Depending on the night, probably around 1:00 or 2:002.m. 2) Interviewer What time do you get up? Andrew usually getup around nine 0F 9:30. Interviewer What do you donext? Andrew I check my email Interviewer Do you takea shower? Andrew Yes, every morning. Interviewer Whatdo you have for breakfast? Andrew Abanana, Interviewer Do you have breakfast sitting down or standing up? Andrew Sitting down, Interviewer What time do you goto, school? Andrew Itdepends. Ihave classat eleven ‘on Wednesdays. The other days Ihave classin the afternoon, Interviewer Are you in ahurry inthe morning? Andrew No, [usually havea lor of time. Interviewer Do you like mornings? Andrew No. No, [don't Listening 261) 1 Man What’ the date today? Woman Its May fourth Man Really? chink ts May fifth Woman When's your birthday? Man July twentieth, 28) Interviewer When's your birthday? Ria My birthday is February 8th. 29) Interviewer Whatdo you usually do.on ‘yourbirthday? Ria Tusually have dinner with my friends and eat cake 301) Interviewer When's your birthday? Max leis November 13th. Interviewer What do you usually doon your bietday? Max Normally [havea small party, Thave some cake, open some presents. Interviewer When's your birthday? Cristina August 9h. Interviewer What do you usually do.on your biethday? Cristina Tusually spend time with my friends, orhave dinner, see my family. Interviewer When's your birthday? Ivan My birthday ison 2Istof March, 1990. Interviewer What do you usually do.on ‘your biethday? Ivan usually celebrate my birthday with my friends and family Interviewer When's your biethday? James My birthday is September the 29th. Interviewer Whatdo you usually do.on yourbirthday? James [usually go fora meal with my family —with my children and my wife 32) Amy OK. giveup. Where ae you? Mia min your city! ‘Amy What, you'e here in New York? Mia That's ight. min New York! sitting ina French cafe, 'm drinking Tualian coffee, and Pm listening to Brazilian music Amy: Wow that's cool, Only in New ‘York! Mia Tknow. Anyway, T'min your neighborhood! Comehave a coffee with me! @8)) Kim $0,do you Mate Uh... [don't know. There isn’t clectricity at night, and there isn'ta TV. Kim Yes, but there's pool, there's restaurant, and it’sin che park, Matt Well, how much isit? Kim Oh, it’s ‘Actually, Matt Really? Then Ilike it. Let's stay there! (8641) T Tourist Excuse me! Isthere a pharmacy near here? Man A pharmacy? Let me think. Yes, Tknow. Go straight ahead and ts right. Tourist Go straight, and make a ight? Man Yes. Then go straight ahead about 100 yards and make a left Tourist Turn lef? Man Yes, and then go straight and turn right, Tourist Turn right. OK. Man The pharmacy ison the right, ‘You can'e miss it. Tourist Thank you. Man No problem, 2 Tourise Excuse me, Where's the Man I'm sorry. I don't know. I don't live here ‘Tourist Excuse me. Where's the Woman The museum? ‘Tourist Yes. Isitnear here? ‘Woman Sure.Go straight down this street, and turn left. Then make a right, and go straight ahead. Then tun left, and the museum ison the left. I's on the corner, ‘Tourist Thank you very much. Woman Oh, excuse me! ‘Tourist Yeah? Woman You can't go to the museum today. I'sclosed on Mondays. ‘Tourist Oh. OK. 651) Interviewer Isthereabanknear here? James Yes, there'soneon 13th Street, next othe parking lot. (66) Interviewer Isthereahospital near here? Kurt There isa hospital on 23rd Street between 6th and 7th, Interviewer Istherea restaurant near here? Natasha Yes, straight ahead and ies next tothe bank Interviewer Istherea pharmacy near here? Andrew There's pharmacy across from the bank, Interviewer Istherea school near here? Ghricopher Yes i's NYU I’sigh Merona the park ere. ps Linda Helo? Ben tli honey Linda Oh, hi Da. How's Pai? Bas Ps. Astor wok DST ond day? Linda tewasOK Ben Whatdidyoudo? Hic. Tavenesdarnearw aod 90 Ben How wasit? Linda Good! We didn’t have classes. We Ben Oh, nice. Did you have lunch there? Linda Yes, we had lunch atthe eafe. And then [went shopping with Katy: Ben Did you do your homework? Linda Yes, Dad. [did my homework after dinner, like always Ben Who's that, Linda? @9) Ben Who'sthat,Linds? Linda What? Ben Ican hear people inthe house. Linda Oh, it’s jusethe TV. Ben Can Ispeskto your mother? Linda Mom? She's out She went the tnories with hr frend Ben Are you alone? ida Yes, Lam, Ben Linda, is somebody with you? Linda Uh... Yes, Dad. Annie, Sophie, and Tony are here. Ben Ob. Who are they? And who's Tony? Linda He’sa friend, Dad. He's very nice, and Sophie and Annie are too, 2) Brian Here. Lookat my phone. There'.a locof great music oni. Rachel Letmesce.Oh, youhave The Black Eyed Peas. ike them. Brian Yeah, they're fantastic. Rachel And who's Yo YoMa? I don't leno him Brian He plays classical music, He's great. Rachel Oh. like Placido Domingo. ‘What do you think of him? Brian Lally lke hin. Rachel Good. And youhave Shakira Brian Yeah. But think she's awful Rachel Really? ove her. Oh wow! You have Katy Perey! Brian Yeah. Whatdo you think other? Rachel Um, lean'tstand her. Brian Wel, realy lke ber. Rachel Ha! You ike her because she's cute 24) Man opened the door of my apartment and turned on the light. Oh, not My apartment looked very different. ‘There was no TV, no radio. There wweren'tany pictures on the walls ‘went into my bedroom, My laptop Listening ‘wasn’t there! But there was nice smell. Chanel Number 5. @s1)) 1 John Hey, Chris, Would you ike to watch the game with nieon Sunday? Chris Sorry, leant Sunday is my sister's party: Would you Tike tocome? John Yes, Tl love to. Thanks! Charis Great, lstartsat 2:30. ean email you the directions. John OK, Can [bring something? Charis Yes. Bring something to drink John No problem Chris Hi, John! I'm glad you came. John Metoo. Here, [brought some soda, Chris Great, thanks. Would you like a burger? John Uh Chris OK. Would you like a hot dog? John No, thanks. Chris Oh. Istherea problem? John Well, don't eat meat. no thanks, Chris Oh, no problem. There's salad t00. Would you like some salad? John Yes, please! |, are you busy next Saturday? Eriea No, not. Why? Woman Would you like to come toa dinner party at my place? Erica Sure,['dlove to. What can bring? Woman Oh, just bring something to drink, Come over around 7:30. Erica Great. See you Saturday! 2 Man Tomorrow is my wife's birthday ‘Would you like to come toa party forher? Woman Yes, ilove to, When isit? Man [rsa 6:30 at ou house. Woman OK. Thanks! Oh, can | bring something? ‘Man No, no. She doesn’t want gifts Woman Really? Maybe I can bring a birthday car. ‘Man Well, yes. That's OK. 3 Woman Do you have plans for July fourth? Man No, not yet Woman Good. Would you like to ‘come toa barbecue at my house? Man Yeah, Tilloveto. Thanks! ‘Woman Great! Oh, and can you boring some soda? Man Ofcourse! No problem. @35)) Interviewer When did you last goto apary? Skylar Ilast wenttoa partyin August, Before Ileftfor school @36)) Interviewer What did you do there? Skylar Atthepary..,twas a going "vay party said good bye coal of nny Irlends 437) Interviewer Didyoubring anything? Skylar I brought food, and snacks, nd ames forthe party 430) Ineerviewer When did you last goto com Barbara Iventtoasize, which was relly apart fora fiends birthday injuly Incerviewer What did youdo there? Barbara Tat, {don't drink, and talked toa lof people Interviewer Didyoubring anything? Barbara Yes Ibroughta bestia plant Interviewer When did you last goto aparty? Max. About two weeks ago. Interviewer What did you do there? Max. Fjust listened and talked with people alittle bit. That's al Interviewer Did you bring anything? Max Ibrought some flowers. Interviewer When did you last go to aparty? Amber I wenttoa party last week. Interviewer What did you do there? Amber I made new friendsat the party Interviewer Did you bring anything? Amber Yes, broughta giftanda birthday card because it was someone's birthday. aa) Interviewer I'm hete with Dan Gree He just drove from the Arctic Ocean in Alaska tothe southern end of Argentina, Dan, how was your trip? Dan Itwasamazing and fantastic. Ihad agreattime, Interviewer How long did it take? Dan About two years. [drove over 165,000 kilometers and finaly arrived in Ushuaia, Argentina. I visited Canada, the US, Mexico, and alot ‘of countries in Central and South America, Interviewer Did you drive ll the way? Dan Almost. There ist a road from Panama to Colombia, so [took a boat. Interviewer Did you learn Spanish? Dan Yes, did. My Spanish isn’t fantastic, bu it’s pretty good now. practiced every day. Interviewer Did you camp? Dan Yes,Icamped on the side of the road to save money. I sometimes stayed in small hotels and took shower. Also, ocal people invited me to stay in theirhomes. That was amazing, Interviewer Did you haveany problems? Dan No, not really. The car didn'thaveany big problems. My maps were terrible, sometimes got lost, Butt was OK. Interviewer Did you meet new friends? Dan Yes, meta lot of interesting people! Imet two brothers, Seth and Parker. They rode their bicyeles from [Alaska to Argentina. Lalso met very friendly people in the mountainsin Ecuador. [stayed in Ecuador for five months and worked ina hotel, Interviewer What was your favorite place? Dan Ihave so many favorite places! ‘Alaska was beautiful. [saw icebergs there. [climbed voleanos in Guatemala and Ecuador. In Chile, Isaw llamas and penguins together. That was great Interviewer How was the foodon your trip? Dan Great. loved the spicy tacosin Mexicoand the steak in Argentina. tried llama in Bolivia and thought it was OK. Interviewer Do you have plans for your next trip? Dan Yes,'m going to travel across Africa, Pm planning that trip now. Interviewer Are you going to write about it on your blog? Dan Yes, of course Listening a1

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