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Hilo aTft11317 311-1MTWIT

O 1:fftff 11111-1T
, 2011

I ckti ch 11 S : —01

Tirrei : 2 7374 37-filWUTI 37W : 50

1. (gm ch ch utc-441 atigiat Frif : 10

(a) "NR-TuTTI9' 1■31 1Incicil.

(b) *11 ce-11

(c) 1:11-0 31T-4-4-dT T24W.

(d) `Iktr41. alTIT

2. tsuzilolchi chluic-4 Tfr517 -491' 4-gTEIrd drib :

,(a) 4c1ii=441 ‘311 aila atl4 en

Tqma 4)() 3*?

(b) 31.1%ft Qui' zfr 41klatii-11

3T-41-*-wTrz-I9T aRTFIT4 Intl tiif~lctrl

(c) crot 3T-dzbWif qu (")(SletA

4)c.) a*?
(d) Kr4kiiiiic-o-n.R clic 4111:411
4r4 lIIdtU3T-qr9.w -4— -

1 :19TffW:A

FMT-01 1 P.T.O.
3. (gm cr) ch u dr4 i(1 : 6
(a) 41°1 4u 41111 fWf alzcl

(b) aTr*-WITM-4 .k(gir-cii 170 c)tgcbrogi 1-Nia '-)71Tfff

fq-qTT alTf?
(c) f714 3T4 T01 1-11 4101 ?

(d) 1-7§TE4' •4-61-F si 1

fq*7-4 3Wtul TITEZ ctAl.

1411qt 41 41
4. tgirikilchl Quit-4 ,g : 6
(a) cliqpitmtvz aTra-rwr91- tr-vrEer.
(b) (loci k-cRc\LI.
(c) Ard1:11 (S11141

(d) ,T1 TeTN.

5. (a) qk 'lull 4ct'R 11.rr cltul titan. 2

(b) lc T.-- f4 3T4 Tit7 Nimll q1c1-4111 .31:MITT -7T. 3

(i) d 'Ere" te. (ii) czi •Sqlt

(iii) quIchd

6. tsil41c.1 ch aTtf : 3
(a) 7WT takit.A.
(b) xti
r1 Or 7714.
(c) a 3C1 aRT14.
(d) 'ff13-4 414 4W:1).


FMT-01 2

em►► lch1 (4;1.1

NA 775-Turiqr 3Tel Tcra -wu :
(a) tgl NI( 11 tgcitg .

(b) aTTT aFT 411 1,1T .T-t

(c) st ft-1z fut Livia IT&

(d) ki ►uq►c►► ch( 7171117NT t1-91 d)9.4.
(e) *dm cblah

7. (giolol:b1 Qu ► c4 7M73179T4 di( : 4

(a) k-1 Fcmgcb qiiqineb 3TrgriW .SftOff.

cpm 1M-113T4-11ff 4-mcct.

(c) "4 WITTia zird17 4q.

(d)crm.tv41 *TIT Til:RzIT.

8. (gici dt1 ►-4► 1 117317 iTilita7 : 4

The bombing soon put an end to kite flying.
Air-raid alerts sounded at all hours of the day and
night and, although in the beginning most of the
bombs fell near the docks, a couple of miles from
where we lived, we had to stay indoors. If the
planes sounded very near, we dived under beds
or tables. I don't remembers if there were any
trenches. Probably there hadn't been time for
trench digging, and now there was time only for
digging graves. Events had moved all too swiftly,
and everyone (except of course the Javanese) was
anxious to get away from Java.

FMT-01 3 P.T.O.
9.'UM-la kiRlql : 4

RIT1111Riftrd ■7111•1 1-14.1 177-4 71(4) ITT

/T1-4-74Firn 37(T7-- 11-1‘71 t1 { 31-071T4 Lifl"1 "

. ITT 9T 4-11 0 1(-11 -Geil 04114■1 1-Ircila1 R-W
31T4FW mli 3ITk. 4-4Tf7W ait
tiititiit 1,4 'wof ZEt-9. aTruft Alogiol, fir
c4letc11 f9.49. *firtiicR *S:T§i 711:4 7z1PITF4W 31*.
74-9& ciao 411-110 Itrwa-
aTrt 3Tt1 clIdA 31-rt
fa-q-rT cbkoIRI Trrtti t 3T ciwiq cil c'e 11 1. cR aircrT cbli
- -

'Tara Trr-6- 4 awqr ct4

4 'q 14CR qi)Ch41 4 1 of
(s ol 31'217T -ETTP5EfT +I to
Aidri 44ci) 1RITP4M:IT .14m chtcN
ovic-11;7Tt cqqaceii 11.1-4974Ted-4' ,10 Rid.t.4cmi
rql C•11 1

FMT-01 4

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