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Chiron in 11th House

This shows your deepest wound residing in friendship and hopes. You may often feel rejected by others
and this can lead you to be quite lonely. You are unique and you know that you don’t fit in with the
normal crowd, so instead you seek out those that have similar points of view in order to not be rejected
anymore. You can easily help others fit in somewhere you are, but you find it difficult to fit yourself in
with others.
It’s important to recognize that we are all divine beings, interconnected, and that we belong everywhere
- not just with those who are of like mind. You may feel lonely and a little bitter because of this and
reject anyone that doesn’t fit into your description of ‘friend’ because you fear the connection not
working out.
Learn to make connections without preconceived notions of how it’s going to go, and remember that
‘everyone you meet is your guru’. You have something to gain from everyone just as everyone has
something to gain by coming into contact with you.

Chiron in the 11th House

Individuals with Chiron in the 11th house know what it’s like to feel like you are on the outside looking
in. They have felt excluded as if they somehow didn’t belong. These individuals know what it is like to
feel different. They are also usually gifted when it comes to relating to others who are struggling with
identity issues, behavioural problems and disabilities which makes them feel excluded from the
mainstream of society.
Uranus and Chiron have been in aspect for most of 20th century, in that time issues of social exclusion,
disability rights, Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual rights etc. have come to the fore. Chiron in the 11th often
indicates a trauma that has made you shut down emotionally, this makes it harder sometimes for the
person to recognise the primary trauma incident because their is no emotional response, they may think
that it has been dealt with especially if it occurred in childhood or you have little memory of the trauma
but a feeling of numbness and inability to connect emotionally with others.
Another way this often manifests is inability to maintain close, satisfying relationships. if you have
experienced a trauma, it is often true that you will unintentionally emit certain signals and behaviours
that chum the water for the psychopathic sharks in the dating pool. You may emit signals that you are
not aware of that attract those who prey on the vulnerable. Even if your goal is to have a healthy love
relationship, if you have experienced certain types of past traumas, you may have a difficult time
recognizing sharks when they present themselves as suitors because somehow they “feel like home”.
If we are sometimes drawn like moths to a flame to potentially abusive partners, could there be any
logical reason for this pattern? Some have argued that we select certain partners in order to re-stage
trauma scenarios that mirror what we have experienced in the past, presumably with the hope of getting
a different outcome. For example, the son of a verbally abusive mother will often end up with a
verbally abusive wife.
So, maybe this is an attempt to re-pave over an old trauma in order to emotionally correct a deep
psychic wound? Whether or not this is the underlying psychological drive, the end result of picking
someone you hope to change almost never leads to greater wholeness and emotional well-being. This is
true of all relationships we tend to play out past traumas within them, but we cannot resolve the trauma
ding so only relive it.
It is important with this aspect to set boundaries within relationships, and to change our patterns of
behaviour so that we are not vulnerable. This starts by taking time in relationships to get to know the
person before investing emotionally. Another behaviour that could affect relationships is testing the
partner to ensure they are not violent etc, in which the partner is constantly pushed away to test their

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