What Did Trump Say On Monday?

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Nombre: Jorge Eduardo Useche

Curso 11 a

Baghdadi's remains were transported to a secure facility to confirm his identity with
forensic DNA testing and the disposal of his remains has been done and is complete
and was handled appropriately," Gen Milley told reporters at the Pentagon.

Gen Milley - who is the highest ranking member of the US military - said photos and
video were going through "a declassification process".

There were no further details about the detained men.

Baghdadi died from detonating a suicide vest after fleeing into a tunnel, chased by
US military dogs, President Donald Trump announced during a news conference on

Mr Trump had earlier suggested he might release some footage of the raid.

In response to a question about Mr Trump's contention that Baghdadi had

whimpered and cried before his death, Gen Milley said he was not aware where the
information came from but added: "I assume it was [from] talking directly to unit

Gen Milley also said that US troops would continue to protect oilfields from IS
militants, though "at the end of the day, we will be sending troops home".

"But in the meantime, we're going to make some other moves to ensure that we
can accomplish that mission of securing the oilfields in order to deny them access
to Isis [IS]."

Mr Trump has said the US should be able to take some of the oil, but critics say
doing so would violate the Geneva Convention's laws against pillaging natural

What did Trump say on Monday?

Speaking to reporters before boarding Air Force One on Monday, Mr Trump

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