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Dungeon of the Damned

An Adventure For 6 Level 3 Characters

1 - There is a cedar armor rack by the southern wall. There is a bunch of scratches and claw marks on the south wall.

2 - There is a rosewood chest of drawers by the southern wall. There are metal manacles on the east wall.

3 - This room is totally bare.

4 - There is an empty keg by the northern wall. There is a crumbling stone chair by the western wall. There is alot of cobwebs on the east

THOUL [AC: 6 | HD: 3** | MV: 120` (40`) | THAC0: 17 | ATK: 2 claws or weapon | DMG: 1d3/1d3 or weapon | #APP: 1-6 (1-10) |
SV: Fighter 3 | ML: 10 | TT: C | AL: C | LV: 3 | XP: 65 | PAGE: B43 | NOTES: Will paralyze anyone they hit if a save versus paralysis
fails, lasting 2d4 turns. It will regenerate 1hp per round when alive. ]
-- There are 2 in this area [HIT POINTS: 12, 14]

5 - This room has nothing within.

6 - There is a medium-sized metal cage with a rotted mat on the bottom by the western wall. There is a high cedar stool by the southern

SKELETON [AC: 7 | HD: 1 | MV: 60` (20`) | THAC0: 19 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 1d6 or weapon | #APP: 3-12 (3-30) | SV: Fighter 1 | ML: 12 |
TT: Nil | AL: C | LV: 1 | XP: 10 | PAGE: B42 | WEAPON: claymore (2d4 damage) | NOTES: Unaffected by sleep, charm, or mind-reading
magic. ]
-- There are 7 in this area [HIT POINTS: 2, 2, 1, 7, 2, 7, 8]

7 - There is a ruined iron chandelier on the center of the ceiling. There is a walnut armor rack hanging on the east wall. There is a padded
ruined wood chair by the eastern wall.

ZOMBIE [AC: 8 | HD: 2 | MV: 120` (40`) | THAC0: 18 | ATK: 1 weapon | DMG: 1d8 or weapon | #APP: 2-8 (4-24) | SV: Fighter 1 |
ML: 12 | TT: Nil | AL: C | LV: 2 | XP: 20 | PAGE: B44 | NOTES: Immune to sleep, charm, and mind reading magic. They always attack
last each round. ]
-- There are 6 in this area [HIT POINTS: 13, 4, 9, 8, 12, 9]


A PURPLE CLOTH POUCH CONTAINING: 2pp / 13gp / 6ep / 20sp ( Located under the padded ruined wood chair )

THESE SPECIAL ITEMS ARE LOCATED: in a iron casket that is hidden behind a concealed wall panel.
TRAPPED: A wall closes the exits to the area. The ceiling then begins to descend. [It can be deactivated at the trap's source and by a
thief, or one with a disarm trap skill]

8 - This room has nothing in it.

THESE SPECIAL ITEMS ARE LOCATED: in a iron strongbox that is hidden above a concealed ceiling panel.
scroll with information on a spell called *Roort`s Spell of Soul Curse* worth 75gp to a wizard ...and...
an extraordinary seal fur cape worth 750gp ...and...
a splendid bundle of robes elegantly fashioned of hemp worth 45gp

9 - There is a marble wall basin, filled with dirty water on the east wall. There is 2 feet of corroded iron chain hanging on the west wall.
There is a metal standing mirror at the southwest end of the room. 2/7
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WRAITH [AC: 3 | HD: 4** | MV: 120` (40`) | THAC0: 16 | ATK: 1 touch + special | DMG: 1d6 + energy drain | #APP: 1-4 (1-6) |
SV: Fighter 4 | ML: 12 | TT: E | AL: C | LV: 4 | XP: 175 | PAGE: X42 | NOTES: They are immune to sleep, charm, and hold spells and can
only be hit with magic weapons. They will drain 1 experience level if they hit someone along with the damage. Anyone killed by them
will become a wraith after 1 day. ]
-- There are 2 in this area [HIT POINTS: 12, 23]

10 - There are carved drawings of triangles on the east wall.

11 - There are orange painted drawings of alchemic symbols at the west end of the room. There is a ruined wood shelf by the southern
wall. There is a square iron mirror hanging on the north wall.


A LEATHER BAG CONTAINING: 81pp / 9gp / 628ep / 11sp / 1,980cp ( Located on top of the ruined wood shelf )

12 - There is a mahogany weapon rack by the eastern wall. There are faint areas of moisture on the west wall. There are some blood
smears on the east wall.
On the mahogany weapon rack is...heavy flail [the end is made of silver and has a gold handle with a leather grip...the name of Osuigar is
engraved on the end] --- battle staff [the length is made of iron and has a gold handle] --- rusty dagger --- battle axe [the blade is made of
steel and has a metal handle with a leather grip] --- ruined light mace.

SKELETON [AC: 7 | HD: 1 | MV: 60` (20`) | THAC0: 19 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 1d6 or weapon | #APP: 3-12 (3-30) | SV: Fighter 1 | ML: 12 |
TT: Nil | AL: C | LV: 1 | XP: 10 | PAGE: B42 | WEAPON: dagger (1d4 damage) | NOTES: Unaffected by sleep, charm, or mind-reading
magic. ]
-- There are 12 in this area [HIT POINTS: 6, 6, 2, 5, 2, 6, 1, 1, 7, 5, 2, 4]

13 - There are chiseled drawings of runic symbols on the south wall. There is a birch desk by the eastern wall. There are bent brass
manacles with a rotted remains of a human fastened at the center of the room. There is a fireplace on the east wall. There are iron manacles
on the north wall.

ZOMBIE [AC: 8 | HD: 2 | MV: 120` (40`) | THAC0: 18 | ATK: 1 weapon | DMG: 1d8 or weapon | #APP: 2-8 (4-24) | SV: Fighter 1 |
ML: 12 | TT: Nil | AL: C | LV: 2 | XP: 20 | PAGE: B44 | NOTES: Immune to sleep, charm, and mind reading magic. They always attack
last each round. ]
-- There are 4 in this area [HIT POINTS: 8, 10, 4, 7]

14 - There is a maple barrel by the southern wall.

A LEATHER POUCH CONTAINING: 990ep / 121sp / 23,080cp ( Located inside the maple barrel )

THESE SPECIAL ITEMS ARE LOCATED: lying about...and is hidden behind a concealed wall panel.

15 - There is alot of areas of water at the northwest end of the room. There is 8 bronze nails, pint of lamp oil...scattered around the room.
ROOM TRAP: White acidic gases fill the area causing 1d8+2 damage to anyone inside. [It can be deactivated by tapping the floor in a
particular spot...and from a safe distance]

16 - There is a rosewood armoire by the southern wall. There is a marble chair by the western wall.
Inside the rosewood armoire is...torn green mantle --- red cape --- ripped black hose --- moldy brown trousers --- red scarf --- moldy purple
stockings --- brown leggings.
On the marble chair is...vial of insect repellent.

17 - There is a birch cupboard hanging on the north wall. There are some boot prints in various spots at the northwest end of the room.
Inside the birch cupboard is...spoiled foods of fowl --- greens --- peaches --- apricots --- raisins --- jar of pickles --- grapes --- cookies.


A PURPLE CLOTH POUCH CONTAINING: 4pp / 9gp / 23ep / 13sp / 190cp ( Located inside the birch cupboard ) 3/7
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18 - There is a rotting wood shelf by the northern wall.

On top of the rotting wood shelf is...small diary of Krevia the adventurer...that explored this area long ago...but this book will give one a
30% chance to know the secrets of each room in this place --- volume titled `The Pegasus in the Water` and is bound in brown animal skin
with silver colored symbols of a sword on the front and a dog on the back --- book {Excellent Night of the Adventurer} --- scroll with
smudged writing --- small diary of Urndern the adventurer...that explored this area long ago...but this book will give one a 5% chance to
know the secrets of each room in this place.

SKELETON [AC: 7 | HD: 1 | MV: 60` (20`) | THAC0: 19 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 1d6 or weapon | #APP: 3-12 (3-30) | SV: Fighter 1 | ML: 12 |
TT: Nil | AL: C | LV: 1 | XP: 10 | PAGE: B42 | WEAPON: bow (1d6 damage) with about 15 arrows each | NOTES: Unaffected by sleep,
charm, or mind-reading magic. ]
-- There are 3 in this area [HIT POINTS: 7, 6, 8]

19 - There is a loom by the eastern wall. There is a few cracks on the west wall.
GHOUL [AC: 6 | HD: 2* | MV: 90` (30`) | THAC0: 18 | ATK: 2 claws/1 bite | DMG: 1d3/1d3/1d3 + special | #APP: 1-6 (2-16) |
SV: Fighter 2 | ML: 9 | TT: B | AL: C | LV: 2 | XP: 25 | PAGE: B35 | NOTES: Will paralyze anyone they hit if a save versus paralysis fails,
lasting 2d4 turns. ]
-- There are 4 in this area [HIT POINTS: 12, 10, 12, 7]

20 - There is a few fungi growing at the center of the room. There is a moldy blue couch by the southern wall.

21 - There is a full keg of wine by the northern wall.

22 - There is alot of cracks on the west wall. There is bent iron hammer head, wooden case containing paints, yellow feather,
eyeglasses...scattered around the room.

23 - There is a few cobwebs on the south wall. There is a rosewood cupboard hanging on the north wall. There is a medium-short locked
iron cage with an empty wooden bowl on the bottom by the eastern wall.
Inside the rosewood cupboard is...spoiled foods of butter --- mushrooms --- bread --- fish --- beans --- muffins --- jar of jam --- apples ---
grapes --- fowl.

24 - There is a broken stone wall basin, filled with clean water on the south wall. There is a mahogany weapon rack hanging on the east
On the mahogany weapon rack is...rusty knife --- broken light pick --- broken heavy pick --- rusty broad sword --- broken bolt --- ruined
light flail.

ROOM TRAP: A nearby wall opens to reveal a MUMMY [AC: 3 | HD: 5 + 1* | MV: 60` (20`) | THAC0: 14 | ATK: 1 touch + disease |
DMG: 1d12 + disease | #APP: 1-4 (1-12) | SV: Fighter 5 | ML: 12 | TT: D | AL: C | LV: 7 | XP: 400 | PAGE: X36 ]. [It can be deactivated
by deciphering the carved writings of mystical runic symbols {that can be read by a wizard-type with an intelligence check} on the wall
that shows how the trap can be triggered safely]


A BROWN CANVAS POUCH CONTAINING: 68pp / 125gp / 31ep / 175sp / 23,450cp ( Located inside the broken stone wall basin )

THESE SPECIAL ITEMS ARE LOCATED: in a iron coffer that is hidden under a concealed floor panel.

25 - There is 14 feet of rope hanging on the south wall. There is a bent bronze shield hanging on the east wall. There is an iron maiden
made mostly of rusty bronze with areas of dried blood and has a decayed remains of a human by the southern wall. There is a marble
throne by the eastern wall. There is rabbit`s foot, beeswax, small leather pouch of black powder, iron candlestick, thief tools, bar of black
soap, oak cane, blackjack, small leather pouch of silver powder, set of wooden teeth...scattered around the room.
On the decayed remains of a human is...thief tools --- bronze hacksaw --- iron kettle --- small metal bird cage --- cloth bag of crushed
herbs. 4/7
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26 - There are many blood smears on the west end of the ceiling. There is a maple weapon rack hanging on the north wall.
On the maple weapon rack is...rusty short sword.

THESE SPECIAL ITEMS ARE LOCATED: in a iron trunk that is hidden under a concealed floor panel.
TRAPPED: A scything blade comes from a nearby wall attacking as a warrior (level 3). It will slice at whoever opens the container. If
they get hit, they will suffer 1d4x3 damage. [It can be deactivated by finding a piece of parchment somewhere within the previous area,
that shows the word that must be spoken out loud {xirtnyy} to disable the trap]
A PILE OF COINS CONTAINING: 113gp / 295sp / 5,300cp

27 - This room is void of anything.

28 - There are metal manacles with a rotted corpse of a lizard man fastened at the north end of the room. There is a broken orange cloth
satchel hanging on the west wall.
Inside the broken orange cloth satchel on the wall is...flint and steel.

WIGHT [AC: 5 | HD: 3* | MV: 90` (30`) | THAC0: 17 | ATK: 1 | DMG: Energy Drain | #APP: 1-6 (1-8) | SV: Fighter 3 | ML: 12 | TT: B |
AL: C | LV: 3 | XP: 50 | PAGE: B44 | NOTES: Can only be hit with silver or magic weapons. When they hit a level of experience is lost. ]
-- There are 4 in this area [HIT POINTS: 17, 16, 20, 6]

ROOM TRAP: Vines fill the area and tangle around anyone inside and can only be removed after 40 points of damage have been done to
the thick vines. [It can be deactivated at the trap's source and by a thief, or one with a disarm trap skill]

29 - There is 18 feet of rope hanging on the west end of the ceiling. There is prayer beads, white pottery shards...scattered around the

30 - There is 4 feet of iron chain hanging on the north wall.

31 - There are dried blood drawings of the map for this area on the north wall.
THESE SPECIAL ITEMS ARE LOCATED: in a mahogany box with a locked keyhole that is behind an illusionary wall.
Rod of absorbing magic [this has 20 charges and is made of wood]

32 - There is a iron bench at the northeast end of the room.

On the iron bench is...brass horseshoe.

WIGHT [AC: 5 | HD: 3* | MV: 90` (30`) | THAC0: 17 | ATK: 1 | DMG: Energy Drain | #APP: 1-6 (1-8) | SV: Fighter 3 | ML: 12 | TT: B |
AL: C | LV: 3 | XP: 50 | PAGE: B44 | NOTES: Can only be hit with silver or magic weapons. When they hit a level of experience is lost. ]
-- There are 3 in this area [HIT POINTS: 6, 9, 14]

ROOM TRAP: Gray poisonous gases fill the area where anyone inside must save for poison or die. [It can be deactivated by a switch in
plain site on the floor of the previous area]

33 - There is alot of scratches and claw marks on the south wall. There is a loom at the southwest end of the room.

34 - There is a walnut armor rack hanging on the west wall.

THESE SPECIAL ITEMS ARE LOCATED: in a cedar coffer with a locked keyhole that is hidden under a concealed floor panel.
A BROWN LEATHER POUCH CONTAINING: 786gp / 298ep / 2,110sp / 14,300cp

35 - There is a ruined wood wall basin, filled with poisoned water on the east wall. There is a oak casket by the eastern wall. There a small
brown rug with a dark brown design on it at the north end of the room. There are 5 iron hooks on the north wall.
Inside the casket is...small leather pouch of silver powder --- iron arrowhead --- small brown leather book of prayers, --- tan-colored,
decanter of water --- iron scissors. 5/7
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36 - There is a broken stone bench by the northern wall.

On the broken stone bench is...clay jug.

GHOUL [AC: 6 | HD: 2* | MV: 90` (30`) | THAC0: 18 | ATK: 2 claws/1 bite | DMG: 1d3/1d3/1d3 + special | #APP: 1-6 (2-16) |
SV: Fighter 2 | ML: 9 | TT: B | AL: C | LV: 2 | XP: 25 | PAGE: B35 | NOTES: Will paralyze anyone they hit if a save versus paralysis fails,
lasting 2d4 turns. ]
-- There is 1 in this area [HIT POINTS: 10]

37 - There is 3 feet of iron chain hanging on the west wall. There is a high cedar stool at the center of the room. There is rusty short
sword, wooden dish, jar (filled with dead ants), jar of glue, paint brush, shredded and torn clothing...scattered around the room.

38 - There is a oak armor rack hanging on the west wall. There is a rosewood bunk bed by the southern wall.


GHOUL [AC: 6 | HD: 2* | MV: 90` (30`) | THAC0: 18 | ATK: 2 claws/1 bite | DMG: 1d3/1d3/1d3 + special | #APP: 1-6 (2-16) |
1 SV: Fighter 2 | ML: 9 | TT: B | AL: C | LV: 2 | XP: 25 | PAGE: B35 | NOTES: Will paralyze anyone they hit if a save versus
paralysis fails, lasting 2d4 turns. ]
WIGHT [AC: 5 | HD: 3* | MV: 90` (30`) | THAC0: 17 | ATK: 1 | DMG: Energy Drain | #APP: 1-6 (1-8) | SV: Fighter 3 | ML: 12 |
2 TT: B | AL: C | LV: 3 | XP: 50 | PAGE: B44 | NOTES: Can only be hit with silver or magic weapons. When they hit a level of
experience is lost. ]
WRAITH [AC: 3 | HD: 4** | MV: 120` (40`) | THAC0: 16 | ATK: 1 touch + special | DMG: 1d6 + energy drain | #APP: 1-4 (1-
6) | SV: Fighter 4 | ML: 12 | TT: E | AL: C | LV: 4 | XP: 175 | PAGE: X42 | NOTES: They are immune to sleep, charm, and hold
spells and can only be hit with magic weapons. They will drain 1 experience level if they hit someone along with the damage.
Anyone killed by them will become a wraith after 1 day. ]
ZOMBIE [AC: 8 | HD: 2 | MV: 120` (40`) | THAC0: 18 | ATK: 1 weapon | DMG: 1d8 or weapon | #APP: 2-8 (4-24) |
4 SV: Fighter 1 | ML: 12 | TT: Nil | AL: C | LV: 2 | XP: 20 | PAGE: B44 | NOTES: Immune to sleep, charm, and mind reading
magic. They always attack last each round. ]
GHOUL [AC: 6 | HD: 2* | MV: 90` (30`) | THAC0: 18 | ATK: 2 claws/1 bite | DMG: 1d3/1d3/1d3 + special | #APP: 1-6 (2-16) |
5 SV: Fighter 2 | ML: 9 | TT: B | AL: C | LV: 2 | XP: 25 | PAGE: B35 | NOTES: Will paralyze anyone they hit if a save versus
paralysis fails, lasting 2d4 turns. ]
WIGHT [AC: 5 | HD: 3* | MV: 90` (30`) | THAC0: 17 | ATK: 1 | DMG: Energy Drain | #APP: 1-6 (1-8) | SV: Fighter 3 | ML: 12 |
6 TT: B | AL: C | LV: 3 | XP: 50 | PAGE: B44 | NOTES: Can only be hit with silver or magic weapons. When they hit a level of
experience is lost. ]
WRAITH [AC: 3 | HD: 4** | MV: 120` (40`) | THAC0: 16 | ATK: 1 touch + special | DMG: 1d6 + energy drain | #APP: 1-4 (1-
6) | SV: Fighter 4 | ML: 12 | TT: E | AL: C | LV: 4 | XP: 175 | PAGE: X42 | NOTES: They are immune to sleep, charm, and hold
spells and can only be hit with magic weapons. They will drain 1 experience level if they hit someone along with the damage.
Anyone killed by them will become a wraith after 1 day. ]
ZOMBIE [AC: 8 | HD: 2 | MV: 120` (40`) | THAC0: 18 | ATK: 1 weapon | DMG: 1d8 or weapon | #APP: 2-8 (4-24) |
8 SV: Fighter 1 | ML: 12 | TT: Nil | AL: C | LV: 2 | XP: 20 | PAGE: B44 | NOTES: Immune to sleep, charm, and mind reading
magic. They always attack last each round. ]
GHOUL [AC: 6 | HD: 2* | MV: 90` (30`) | THAC0: 18 | ATK: 2 claws/1 bite | DMG: 1d3/1d3/1d3 + special | #APP: 1-6 (2-16) |
9 SV: Fighter 2 | ML: 9 | TT: B | AL: C | LV: 2 | XP: 25 | PAGE: B35 | NOTES: Will paralyze anyone they hit if a save versus
paralysis fails, lasting 2d4 turns. ]
WIGHT [AC: 5 | HD: 3* | MV: 90` (30`) | THAC0: 17 | ATK: 1 | DMG: Energy Drain | #APP: 1-6 (1-8) | SV: Fighter 3 | ML: 12 |
10 TT: B | AL: C | LV: 3 | XP: 50 | PAGE: B44 | NOTES: Can only be hit with silver or magic weapons. When they hit a level of
experience is lost. ]
WRAITH [AC: 3 | HD: 4** | MV: 120` (40`) | THAC0: 16 | ATK: 1 touch + special | DMG: 1d6 + energy drain | #APP: 1-4 (1-
6) | SV: Fighter 4 | ML: 12 | TT: E | AL: C | LV: 4 | XP: 175 | PAGE: X42 | NOTES: They are immune to sleep, charm, and hold
spells and can only be hit with magic weapons. They will drain 1 experience level if they hit someone along with the damage.
Anyone killed by them will become a wraith after 1 day. ]
ZOMBIE [AC: 8 | HD: 2 | MV: 120` (40`) | THAC0: 18 | ATK: 1 weapon | DMG: 1d8 or weapon | #APP: 2-8 (4-24) |
12 SV: Fighter 1 | ML: 12 | TT: Nil | AL: C | LV: 2 | XP: 20 | PAGE: B44 | NOTES: Immune to sleep, charm, and mind reading
magic. They always attack last each round. ]


1 MANTICORE [AC: 4 | HD: 6 + 1 | MV: 120` (40`), Fly 180` (60`) | THAC0: 13 | ATK: 2 claws/1 bite or spikes | 6/7
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DMG: 1d4/1d4/2d4 or special | #APP: 1-2 (1-4) | SV: Fighter 6 | ML: 9 | TT: D | AL: C | LV: 7 | XP: 350 | PAGE: X35 |
NOTES: They have 24 spikes and can fire 6 per round with 180` range doing 1d6 damage each. They will regrow 2 spikes per
day. ]
HORSE, RIDING [AC: 7 | HD: 2 | MV: 240` (80`) | THAC0: 18 | ATK: 2 hooves | DMG: 1d4/1d4 | #APP: 0 (10-100) |
SV: Fighter 1 | ML: 7 | TT: Nil | AL: N | LV: 2 | XP: 20 | PAGE: X34 ]
LYCANTHROPE, WEREBOAR [AC: 4 (9 as human) | HD: 4 + 1* | MV: 150` (50`) | THAC0: 15 | ATK: 1 tusk-bite |
DMG: 2d6 | #APP: 1-4 (2-8) | SV: Fighter 4 | ML: 9 | TT: C | AL: N | LV: 5 | XP: 200 | PAGE: B38 | NOTES: Can only be hit with
magic/silver weapons or spells. They can summon 1-2 animals like them in 1d4 rounds. If within wolfsbane, they must save
versus poison or flee in fear. They fight to the death and have +2 to hit. ]
TOAD, GIANT [AC: 7 | HD: 2 + 2 | MV: 90` (30`) | THAC0: 17 | ATK: 1 bite | DMG: 1d4+1 | #APP: 1-4 (1-4) | SV: Fighter 1 |
ML: 6 | TT: Nil | AL: N | LV: 3 | XP: 25 | PAGE: X40 | NOTES: They can change their color and surprise others on a 1 to 3. They
can shoot their tongues 15` and drag dwarf sized creatures to the mouth and be bitten. On a hit roll of 20, they would be
swallowed whole and take 1d6 damage per round while inside. ]
MEDUSA [AC: 8 | HD: 4** | MV: 90` (30`) | THAC0: 16 | ATK: 1 snakebite + special | DMG: 1d6 + poison | #APP: 1-3 (1-4) |
SV: Fighter 4 | ML: 8 | TT: F | AL: C | LV: 4 | XP: 175 | PAGE: B39 | NOTES: The sight will turn others to stone if they fail a
5 save versus petrification. Any bites require a save versus poison or death occurs in 1 turn. If they see their own reflection, they
will turn to stone if they fail the save. They have +2 to magical saves. Anyone attacking it without looking suffer -4 to hit and the
medusa gets a +2 to hit. ]
DWARF [AC: 4 | HD: 1 | MV: 60` (20`) | THAC0: 19 | ATK: 1 weapon | DMG: 1d8 or weapon | #APP: 1-6 (5-40) | SV: Dwarf 1 |
6 ML: 8 | TT: G | AL: L or N | LV: 1 | XP: 10 | PAGE: B35 | WEAPON: heavy mace (1d6+1 damage) | NOTES: For every 20
dwarves, there will be 1 leader in which they all have a morale of 10. The leader may have a magical item. ]
BLINK DOG [AC: 5 | HD: 4* | MV: 120` (40`) | THAC0: 16 | ATK: 1 bite | DMG: 1d6 | #APP: 1-6 (1-6) | SV: Fighter 4 | ML: 6 |
7 TT: C | AL: L | LV: 4 | XP: 125 | PAGE: X28 | NOTES: They attack and then teleport about 10-40 feet away and can only be hit if
they lost initiative that round. ]
HORSE, DRAFT [AC: 7 | HD: 3 | MV: 90` (30`) | THAC0: 17 | ATK: Nil | DMG: Nil | #APP: 0 (domestic only) | SV: Fighter 2 |
ML: 6 | TT: Nil | AL: N | LV: 3 | XP: 35 | PAGE: X34 ]
BAT, NORMAL [AC: 6 | HD: 1 hp | MV: 9` (3`), Fly 120` (40`) | THAC0: 19 | ATK: Confusion | DMG: Nil | #APP: 1-100 (1-
9 100) | SV: Normal Man | ML: 6 | TT: Nil | AL: N | LV: 1 | XP: 5 | PAGE: B31 | NOTES: Only cause confusion causing -2 to
attacks and spell cannot be cast. ]
LYCANTHROPE, WEREWOLF [AC: 5 (9 as human) | HD: 4* | MV: 180` (60`) | THAC0: 16 | ATK: 1 bite | DMG: 2d4 |
#APP: 1-6 (2-12) | SV: Fighter 4 | ML: 8 | TT: C | AL: C | LV: 4 | XP: 125 | PAGE: B38 | NOTES: Can only be hit with
magic/silver weapons or spells. They can summon 1-2 animals like them in 1d4 rounds. If within wolfsbane, they must save
versus poison or flee in fear. Groups of five or more will have a 30hp pack leader that attacks as 5HD with +2 damage. ]
GIANT, FIRE [AC: 4 | HD: 11 + 2 | MV: 120` (40`) | THAC0: 10 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 5d6 | #APP: 1-2 (1-3) | SV: Fighter 11 |
ML: 9 | TT: E + 5,000gp | AL: C | LV: 12 | XP: 1,100 | PAGE: X32 | WEAPON: heavy warhammer (1d6+1 damage) |
NOTES: Can hurl rocks 200` for 3d6 damage and always have 1d3 hydras (20%) or 3d6 hellhounds (80%) guarding lairs. They
are not affected by fire based attacks. ]
ORC [AC: 6 | HD: 1 | MV: 120` (40`) | THAC0: 19 | ATK: 1 weapon | DMG: 1d6 or weapon | #APP: 2-8 (10-60) | SV: Fighter 1 |
ML: 6 | TT: D | AL: C | LV: 1 | XP: 10 | PAGE: B40 | WEAPON: sling (1d4 damage) with about 11 stones each |
12 NOTES: Fighting in daylight they get -1 to hit. One in a group will be a 8hp leader with +1 damage giving morale to other orcs of
8. One in a tribe will be a 15hp chieftain that attacks as 4HD and has +2 damage. Every 20 orcs has a 1 in 6 chance of an ogre or a
1 in 10 chance of a troll with them. ]


1 31 Rod of absorbing magic [this has 20 charges and is made of wood]

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