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Barry Kuebler Assignment 1

Health Maintenance

 What is your idea of a balanced diet?

- My idea of a balanced diet is a diet that is well suited for your lifestyle and one that your
body responds well to.
 How many meals do you eat each day? Is the meal served in courses? If yes, what are they?
What is the order of service?
- I typically have 1 or 2 meals a day. It just depends how I’m feeling and if I’m hungry or
 What elements (bread, rice, meat, vegetables, or other) are needed to make a meal for you?
- I usually consume a lot of protein and vegetables and try and stay away from as many
sugars or carbohydrates as possible.
 What is a typical serving size of meat, starch, and vegetable for you?
- I usually go by the “fist rule” I know it’s a little barbaric, but it works for me. So
typically a “whole fist” is a serving of proteins and vegetables and a “half fist” is a
serving for sugars, fats, and carbohydrates (bread, pasta, sweets).
 List any foods you eat to stay healthy.
- Steak, chicken, pork, eggs, broccoli, carrots, nuts, wild game, spinach, lettuce, asparagus
 List any foods you eat to improve strength, endurance, or vitality.
- Steak, chicken, pork, eggs, rice
 Do you eat dessert? How often and at what meals?
- Only on special occasions and typically at the end of dinner.
 How often do you snack each day? What types of foods do you consider a snack?
- I really try and not to snack, but if I do it would be a small salad, granola bar, peanut
butter or small slices of deer meat or something of that sort.
 What are the major holidays you and your family celebrate each year?
- Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, New Years, Birthdays
 What special foods are served for these holidays?
- Usually some sort of protein like steak, turkey, or ham and a lot of desserts wither that’s
cake, pie, ice cream, casseroles
 Do you ever fast? If yes, when? What, if any, foods are avoided and/or consumed?
Barry Kuebler Assignment 1

- Yes, I practice intermittent fasting which means I fast pretty much every day. I try to stay
away from as many sugars or carbohydrates as I can.


 What, if any, utensils do you use when you eat?

- Fork, knife, spoon
 At a family meal, who should be present?
- My Dad, mom, sister and brother.
 Is someone at the family meal served first? If yes, who and why?
- If at a formal setting then the women will be served first from the oldest down then
followed by the men from the oldest down. At an informal meal everyone is typically
served at the same time.
 List three rules (i.e., don’t eat with your mouth open) that you follow when you eat a meal.
- Don’t eat with your mouth open, take small bites and chew slowly, and keep your elbows
of the table.
 Do these rules change if you eat informally? If yes, how?
- No, these are all pretty basic and standard rules that I try and follow at every meal.


 Were you aware of your own food habit norms before you completed this evaluation?
- Yes
 List two personal biases you discovered through this evaluation.
- I like to eat “properly” and healthy
 Are there any food habits that you find morally or ethically repugnant?
- Chewing with your mouth open and burping/ belching
 What is your opinion about people who do not share your food habit norms?
- I really try not to opinionate because everyone has their own “style of eating” that works
for them and my norms have defiantly changed many times throughout the years.
Barry Kuebler Assignment 1

Disease, Illness, and Sickness/Healing Practices

 List one food that your mother fed you when you were sick. Are there any foods you desire
when you are sick? List any foods you eat to cure illness or disease when you are sick.
- Chicken noodle soup. Just lighter foods that don’t feel heavy in my stomach. Such as,
soups, crackers, yogurt
 List several home, popular, or traditional therapies involving food, herbs, and/or vitamins and
minerals. Would you ever try any of them? Why?
- Chicken noodle soup, a variety of teas, ginger, lotus seeds. I wouldn’t mind trying them
because I am open to new experiences.
 Were you aware of your own therapeutic uses of food before you completed this evaluation?
- Yes
 Are your therapeutic uses of foods based on biomedical research? On information you
obtained from a newspaper, magazine, television, or computer? On information learned from
family or friends?
- Biomedical research
 What is your opinion about people who use home, popular, or traditional therapies to treat
illness and disease?
- I think home remedies are all psychosomatic and don’t really work. So, I guess I think
they are just looking for comfort rather than getting better.
 What do you consider to be a healthy body image (thin, plump, muscular, or other)?
- I think looking fit is the best way to describe it. Not too thin, fat, or muscular. Just an
overall athletic image.
 What is your opinion about overweight persons? About overly thin persons?
- I was overweight the majority of my life until recently so I can somewhat relate, but I
typically think people that are overweight are unmotivated, lazy, not determined. While I
look at overly thin people as unconfident, unhealthy, and weak.
 How do your food habits differ from your family norms? Those of friends? Those of people
you work with? Those of clients? In what significant ways to they differ?
- My family actually tries to ear pretty healthy. It’s more my friends or peers that my food
habits differ from. Well, most eat 3-4 meals a day and aren’t very concerned about their
diet because they are so young and their bodies can handle it.
Barry Kuebler Assignment 1

 What can you do to avoid assumptions and judgments regarding food habits that seem
illogical or unfounded?
- Just keep an open mind and worry about yourself.
 Are you willing to try new foods?
- Yes, I love new experiences.

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