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Issues based on Interest

Interest 1) Quality of Life

Issue 1.1) Location pref Sub options within the issue
Sub-options that I am considering for my next job assignment
Issue 1.2) Rent Allowance Sub options within the issue
Sub-options that I am considering for my next job assignment
Issue 1.3) Paid Leaves Sub options within the issue
Issue 1.4) Travelling on Job Sub options within the issue
>150 days
Interest 2) Job and Workplace Sub options within the issue
Issue 2.1) Job Role Governance Consultant
Education Consultant
Ed-Tech - PM Role/Vertical Head
Large Scale Implemenatation - Project Management
Head of Strategy - International NGO's
Issue 2.2) Client Time Engagement Sub options within the issue
Issue 2.4) Work Hours Sub options within the issue
45 hours per week
40 hours per week
Issue 2.5) Office Space Design Sub options within the issue
Gym and Recreational Activities
Coffee and Food Vending Machines
No Cubicles
Open Door Policy
Issue 2.6) Cross Functional and Geography engagements Sub options within the issue
6-8 annually
3-5 annually
Issue 2.8) HR Policy - Paternal leave Sub options within the issue
2 months
1 month
Issue 2.9) HR Policy - Work from home Sub options within the issue
thrice in a fortnight
twice a fortnight
once a fortnight
Issue 2.10) Work Culture- Hours of Office Party Sub options within the issue
6 hours per month
5 hours per month
4 hours per month
Issue 2.11) Work Culture- Professional development hours Sub options within the issue
30 hours annually
20 hours annually
10 hours annually
Issue 2.12) International Client Onsite Engagement Sub options within the issue
>5 assignments per year
4-5 assignments per year
2-3 assignments per year
Issue 2.13) No of conferences in a year Sub options within the issue
4-5 per year
2-3 per year
Interest 3) Financial Stability Sub options within the issue
Interest 3.1) Salary 40-50 lakhs per annum
30-40 lakhs per annum
25-30 lakhs per annum
20-25 lakhs per annum
Interest 3.2) Variable Pay Sub options within the issue
15 percent of Basic Salary
10 percent of Basic Salary
Interest 3.3) Medical Insurance Sub options within the issue
Floating Cover - 7-9 lakhs per annum
Floating Cover - 5-7 lakhs per annum
Rank Order Weights at issue level
3 10
Sub options within the issue
3a 4
Sub options within the issue
3d 3
Sub options within the issue
3b 2
Sub options within the issue
>150 days
3c 0
Sub options within the issue 1 70
Governance Consultant
Education Consultant
Ed-Tech - PM Role/Vertical Head 1a 15
Large Scale Implemenatation - Project Management
Head of Strategy - International NGO's
Sub options within the issue
50-60% 1b 10
Sub options within the issue
45 hours per week
1c 5
40 hours per week
Sub options within the issue
Gym and Recreational Activities
Coffee and Food Vending Machines
1k 5
No Cubicles
Open Door Policy
Sub options within the issue
6-8 annually
1j 5
3-5 annually
Sub options within the issue
2 months
1i 5
1 month
Sub options within the issue
thrice in a fortnight
twice a fortnight 1d 5
once a fortnight
Sub options within the issue
6 hours per month
5 hours per month 1h 5
4 hours per month
Sub options within the issue
30 hours annually
20 hours annually 1g 5
10 hours annually
Sub options within the issue
>5 assignments per year
4-5 assignments per year 1e 5
2-3 assignments per year
Sub options within the issue
4-5 per year
1f 5
2-3 per year
Sub options within the issue 2 20
40-50 lakhs per annum
30-40 lakhs per annum
2a 10
25-30 lakhs per annum
20-25 lakhs per annum
Sub options within the issue
15 percent of Basic Salary
2b 5
10 percent of Basic Salary
Sub options within the issue
Floating Cover - 7-9 lakhs per annum
2c 5
Floating Cover - 5-7 lakhs per annum
Candidate Employer
Points at sub option level Rank Order Weights at issue level Points at sub option level
3 20

20 3a 5 20
5 5
10 10
15 15

20 3d 5 10
15 15
10 20

10 3c 5 5
15 10
20 15
5 20

10 3b 5 5
15 10
20 15
5 20
1 50
20 1a 15

10 1b 8 10
20 15
15 20

15 1c 3 20
20 15

5 1k 3 3
5 3
5 3
5 3

25 1j 3 15
20 20

25 1i 3 10
20 5
25 1d 3 10
20 5
15 0

25 1h 3 5
20 10
15 15

10 1g 3 10
5 5
3 3

30 1e 3 20
25 25
20 30

20 1f 3 15
15 20
2 30
20 2a 15 10
25 15
15 20
10 25

25 2c 10 20
20 25

15 2b 5 10
10 5

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