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1,2,3 Jump!

October 2019 Teacher Liz

Adam, today you took an interest in to learning jump off the

box. You were capable & confident in climbing up, then you
waited for your turn while observing other children as they
went before you. When it was your turn you had no hesitation,
you took a flying leap!
Adam, I don’t think I have seen you jump of the box before,
so your skills and confidence were a surprise to me! I stood
beside you just in case you needed me, but you didn't want
me to touch you, all you needed was a count “1,2,3 Jump!”!
You certainly knew what you needed to do! You even knew
how to bend your knees to get the highest, fastest jump you
could, that takes a great deal of co-ordination and balance. I
cant believe that you are still learning and have not had a lot
of practice at jumping from the box, you were independent,
brave and determined.
You took an interest
You learned to observe others to learn
You gave it a go, independently
Set your own goal & succeeded
I know that next time you are jumping you can do it inde-
pendently and safely
You are exploring gross motor control, balance and strength
We could practice jumping on flat ground & balancing on one
foot, jumping through hoops. Lets see where else we can
add jumping and physical skills to your experiences at An-
Nur. Your learning goal is to develop and maintain control of
your body. What better way to explore your body in space

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