Shift in The Poetry and Views of DR Alama Muhammad Iqbal From Support of United Sub

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Name : Syed Aasim Tariq

Reg No : SP19-BSE-017
Class : BSE 2A

Shift in the Poetry and views of Dr Alama Muhammad Iqbal

from support of United Sub-Continent towards a Separate
Land for Muslims

Background: The history of relations between Arabs where Islam originates and
inhabitants of Sub-Continent dates back to in BC’s. With the emergence of Islam
the relations grow from trade to introduction of Islam as a new religion which was
accepted by rank and file of the region because of the social turmoil they were in
and how they were suppressed as well as exploited by social and political elite. The
claim and surety of by religion Islam was welcomed as a high number of people
accepted and became part of the Islam Circle. The Muslim rule at larger chunk of
the subcontinent remained for almost a millennium and was thrashed by
dominated, well equipped and technologically strong European forces more
particularly British. This completely change status of Muslims from rulers to ruled
one. This challenged Muslims with their identity and weren’t allowed to be in a
commanding position as a nation. The problems and worries of Muslims were
realized by various leaders among whom short out solution to in accordance to
their own ideology and understanding.
Allama Muhammad Iqbal was one of such prominent leader who was not only
fully aware of the Muslim problems and proposed such remedies which will
promised full-fledged and dominant position to them. Iqbal was himself a poet and
lawyer understand the Muslim turmoil from two fold angle. His proposals include
both legal and inspirational approaches as he time and again pointed out about
glorious past of Muslims at this region and how they by sheer means of hard work
and devotion can be at commanding position again.
At first Iqbal was proponent and advocate of undivided Sub-continent praised and
considered himself as greater part of heterogeneous society of the united India. He
time and again not only defended it but also stamp his point of opinion with his
poetry but there came a change when advocate of United India chanted for a
separated land for Muslims of Sub-continent. This change was evolutionary and
observation based from other communities. Hindus treated Muslims as second
class citizen and didn’t take them in confidence against their strategies of
confrontation to free India from British rulers. Some of the points which altered
Iqbal’s approach towards Nationalism and his advocacy for a separate land were as
1: Indian National Congress was formed in 1885 which claimed to be a party of
Indians but with policies and organizational structure it reflects Hindus
2: Implementation of Western form of Democracy which only relies of numerical
strength and minority is always suppressed. The implementation of such watertight
and bookish western system will bring Muslim at perpetual mercy of Hindus.
3: inclusion of movements like Sanghaton and Shudi which were particularly
determined to convert other communities to Hinduism, this make Iqbal realize how
difficult it would be for Muslims to survive.
4: Hindus real face was exposed when Britishers divided large province of Bengal
in two parts and Muslims get a majority province. The division was purely based
on administration but Hindus opposition compel Muslims and leaders like Iqbal to
direct their energies toward a higher cause i.e achievement of separate land for
Above mentioned were the core reason when Iqbal addressed Muslim League
annual session at Allah Abad in 1930 and demand in clear terms a self-autonomous
area for Muslims with in India. The shape and alteration was logical and in
accordance to the scenario.

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