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Risk analysis template

Risk analysis template - fill out for a specific risk

Project Name OASIS Training for Graduate Admissions
Risk ID # RISK ID - 1 -09242019
Responsible person Heather Rougeot
Risk identification date 9/24/2019

Condition Ad hoc, on the job training continues and pulls staff from regular tasks to
train peers. Knowledge gaps for trainers result in errors in admissions
processing of graduate applicants
Trigger event Failure for management to implement during new hire training or failure of
current staff to refer to resources.
Consequence/Impact Investment of labor hours for testing and training costs.
value (quantify impact) 5000.00
Probability (choose from
20, 40, 60, 80) 40.00%
Expected Value 2000

Response Strategy Design modules to be short for just in time use. Printable resource guide
for on-the-job performance support. Make training easily accessible and
Known Cost of Response
Contingency for Continue to encourage management support for implementation for new
Response hires and promotion of resources to current staff
WBS Relationship (tasks Design with end user in mind
associated with condition
or response strategy)

Fast Foundation for Project Management - Risk Analysis Reference The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management, Chapter 5 1

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