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Republic -f the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION Makati City MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 2008-_00?° PRESCRIBING POLICIES, PROCEDURES ANO GUIDELINES GOVERNING THE ATTRITION SYSTEM FOR UNIFORMED PERSONNEL OF THE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Pursuant to Sections 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 of Republic Act No. 8551, otherwise known as the “Philippine National Police Reform and Reorganization Act of 1998,” the following policies, procedures, and guidelines governing the attrition of uniformed personnel of the PNP are hereby issued for the guidance of all concerned. Section 1. Purpose and Scope. — This Memorandum Circular prescribes the policies, procedures, and guidelines that shall govern the implementation of the Attrition System of Uniformed Personnel of the PNP thus, contributing to the transformation of the PNP into a more capable, effective and credible police force. This Circular shall be applicable to all PNP uniformed personnel who may be retired or separated from the service under the different means of attrition provided under Sections 24 0 29 of R.A, No. 8851 Section 2, Definition of Terms. - To ensure clarity and consistency, the following terms, as used in this Circular, shall be construed as. @. Attrition - refers to the retirement or separation from the police service of PNP Uniformed Personnel pursuant to any of the means mentioned in Sections 24 to 29 of R.A. No. 8551 and other means as provided in this Circular. b, Attrition Action ~ refers to the action containing the findings and evidence on a specific means of attrition filed by a particular Screening Committee before the concerned Attrition Board, cs Demotion in Position -reters to the designation of a personnel to a Position lower than what is established for his/her rank or not commensurate to his/her rank in the PNP Table of Organization @. Field Training Program ~ reters to the training required to make the temporary appointment of a new PNP member permanent ae Immediate Supervisor - refers ta a person authorized to make the performance evaluation rating of a PNP member. ‘ Just Cause — refers to the legal grounds that would warrant the relief or removal of a PNP member from his present position and designation in the PNP Organization g. Mandatory Career Courses ~ refers to the required training for a PNP member to be eligible for promotion to the next higher rank. Pago 2 of 19 of Napokom MCNo _2006=005. Maximum Tenure in Position — refers to the maximum cumulative period for a PNP member to hold a particular position level Mentai Incapacity — reters to a condition where a PNP member is unable to exercise his/her reasoning faculties or incapable of understanding and acting with discernment his/her duties and responsibilities as a result of illness or injury as may be determined by the PNP Medical Screening Committee. Non-Promotion ~ refers to the non-advancement fo the next higher rank or position beyond the maximum prescribed period Organic Personne? fo a Unit - refers to a PNP member assigned to a particular unit covered with appropriate PNP Assignment Orders. Original Appointment ~ refers to the appointment for the initial entry of PNP member to the PNP service who meets all the requirements of the Position, Party — refers to the Chairman of the Screening Committee or the respondent. Pendency of an Attrition Action- refers to the stage when the endorsement of the PRO Regional Director or the NSU Director of a PCO Attrition Action has been officially received by the concerned NHQ PCO Attrition Board through the NHQ Screening Commitee or when the NHQ/PROINSU Screening Committee Report of a PNCO Attrition Action has been officially received by the NHQ/PRO/NSU Attrition Board Personnel Action on Attrition - refers to an action filed before the Screening Committee based on a verified statement of an alleged means of attrition by an initiating person. Physical Fitness Test — rafers to the method of evaluating the physical condition of PNP members in terms of stamina, strength, speed, and agility Physical Incapacity — refers to the inability of a PNP member to perform hisiher duties and responsibilities due to physical defect/s as a result of disease or injury as may be determined by the PNP Medical Screening Committee. Poor Performance — refers to the poor rating in the promulgated PNP Performance Evaluation Rating Systern. Respondent ~ refers to the PNP member subjected to attrition proceedings. Retirement - refers to the termination of employment and official relations of a PNP member who rendered at least twenty (20) years of active service in the government with payment of corresponding benefits. Second Level PCO Ranks - refer to Police Commissioned Officers (PCO) below the third level ranks in the PNP. Second Level PNCO Ranks — refer to ali ranks for Police Non Commissioned Officers (PNCO). Pago 20f 19 of Napokeum MG Wo, _ 2008-005 Ww. Separation - refers to the termination of employment and official tations of a PNP member who rendered tess than twenty :20; yoars of active service in the government with payment of cavresponding benelits. x. Third Level PCO Ranks - refer to Police Commissioned Officers (PCO) with the rank of Police Sanior Superintendent and higher. y. Total Permanent Physical Disability — refers to any impairment of the body which renders PNP member indefinitely incapable of substantially performing the mandated duties and functions of his position. 2 Waiver Program — refers to the waiver of the minimum age, height, weight, and educational requirements for the initial appointment to the Philippine National Police pursuant to existing laws and policies on this matter. Section 3, Means of Attrition. ~The folfowing are the means of attrition as provided under Sections 24 to 29 of R.A. No. 8551, including other grounds for attrition as deemed necessary by the Commission: a Attrition by attainment of maximum tenure in position. 1. The maximum cumulative tenure of PNP members holding key positions is hereby prescribed as foliows: MAXIMUM TENURE, ir (4) year: ir (4) years, ~ Four (4) years Four (4) years Six (6) years Nine (8) years nm Other positions higher than Provincial Director shall have the maximum tenure of six (6) years. Unless earlier separated, retired or promoted to a higher position in accordance with the PNP Staffing Pattern, police officers holding the above-mentioned Positions shall be compulsorily retired at the maximum tenure in position herein prescribed ar at age fifty-six (56), whichever is ‘earlier. The term ‘positions higher than provincial director” refers to other star rank positions with a maximum cumulative tenure of six (6) years. 3. A Police Commissioned Cfficer shall be subjected to attrition Proceedings if the following elements concur: a) The PCO designated to the position specified above has reached the maximum cumulative period prescribed therein; and b) He/she refuses to accept a position, under a different mo tOry. Commensurate to his/her rank desnite existance nt Page 40f 19 of Napolcom MC No __ 2008-005 4 The reckoning point of the tenure is as provided for under Section 25, R.A. No. 8551 b. Attrition by relief. A PNP member, who has been relieved for cause and has not been given an assignment within two (2) years from the effective date of such relief, shall be relired or separated. To warrant attrition, the following elements must concur 1. The relief is for a just cause; 2. The PNP member has not been given any assignment within two (2) years from his/her relief ad there are available positions commensurate (o his/ner rank, and 3. The non-assignment for a continuous period of two (2) years is due to valid reasons and/or reasons attributable to himiher, or his/her refusal to accept any position commensurate to his/her rank, The 2-year period provided under Section 26, R.A. No. 8551 shall be counted from the effective date of relief for cause. However, if the PNP member concemed has been assigned to a position commensurate to histher rank prior to the issuance of this Circular, he or she, as the case may be, could no longer be subjected to atrition proceedings regardiess of the length of the intervening period before he! she was given a new assignment. c. Attrition by demotion in position. A PNP member who is relieved and assigned to a position lower than what is established for hisMer rank in the PNP Staffing Pattern and who shall not be assigned to a position commensurate to such rank despite the existence of a vacancy within eighteen (18) months after his/her demotion in position shall be retired or separated To warrant attrition, the following elements must concur: 4 A PNP member is relieved and assigned to a position lower than what is established for his/her rank. 2. His/her designation to such lower position is attributable to him/her. 3. There exists a positional vacancy for the rank during the eighteen (18) months reckoned after his/her demotion in position A PNP member who is promoted in rank but occupying a position lower than what is called for by his/her present rank within three (3) months, despite availability of commensurate positions, shall be attrited. To warrant altrition, the following elements must concur: 41 APNP member is promoted in rank; Wane Page $01 19 ofNepokon Mc No _ 2008-005 Said PNP member is occupying a position not commensurate to his/her present rank; and He/she refuses to relinquish said position within three (3) months from his/her promotion in rank despite availability of commensurate positions, 4. Attrition by non-promotion. A PNP membe. who has not been promoted for a continuous period of ten (10) ycars shall be retired or separated. To warrant attrition by non-promotion in rank, the following elements must concur. 1 A PNP member has not been promoted in rank for a continuous period of ten (10) years and there are existing vacancies for regular promotions; Non-promotion in rank is due to the failure of the PNP member concerned to satisfy the minimum qualification standards and/or comply with other requirements for promotion to the next higher rank; The PNP member was not promoted in rank even if he/she is within the zone of consideration based on SLL and his/her non-inclusion in the promotion list is due to reasons altributable to himself/herself. The 10-year period as provided for under Section 28, R.A. No. 8551 shall be reckoned from the effectivity date of Rules and Regulations implementing R.A. No. 8551 ®. Attrition by other means. A PNP member with at least five (5) years of accumulated active service shall be separated based on any of the following factors: 7 Inefficiency based on poor performance during the last two (2) successive annual rating periods. To warrant attrition, a PNP member has been rated poor for four (4) successive rating periods, Inefficiency based on poor performance for three (3) cumulative annual ratings. To warrant attrition, a PNP member was rated poor for three (3) cumulative annuat ratings. The reckoning period for attrition falling under (1) inefficiency based on poor performance during the last two (2) successive annual rating periods, and (2) inefficiency based on poor performance for three (3) cumulative annual rating periods, shall be on January 1, 2008. Accordingly, the implementation of the page 60/1 ottapatom weno __ 2008-005 Performance Evaluation Rating System shall be given the widest dissemination to ail uniformed personnel nationwide, 3. Physical and/or mental incapacity to perform police functions and duties. To warrant attrition, the following elements must concur: a) There is physical and/or mental incapacily which has been evaiuated and certified by the Medical Screening Committee as defined in existing PNP and NAPOLCOM circulars on this matter, b) The physical and mental incapacity renders the PNP member incapable of performing polica functions and duties. Any PNP member who officially applies for optional retirement or Total Permanent Physical Disability (TPPD) separation shall not be a subject of trition proceeding under this means The reckoning date is the effectivity of RA No. 8551. If the physical and/or mental IF tang been medically established and hels in the police service upon the effectivity of this Circular, the Medical Screening Committee shall endorse such findings to the concemed A! 4. Failure to pass the required entrance examination twice and/or finish the required career courses except for justifiable reasons, To warrant attrition for failure to pass the entrance examination, ine following elements must concur: a) A PNP member failed to pass twice the entrance examination required for a mandatory career course; and b) Such mandatory course is required for his/ner promotion to higher rank. To warrant attrition for failure to finish the required mandatory career courses, the following elements must concur: a) A PNP member was issued appropriate order to take the required career course; and b) HeiShe failed to finish the said mandatory career course without justifiable reason and was not declared graduate by the training institution. Page Tot 19 of Napoleom MC No, _2008=005 The reckoning point shall be the effectivity of this Circular. Refusal to take a periodic PNP Physical Fitness Test Without justifiable reason. To warrant attrition, the following elements must concur: a) A schedule of tha periodic PNP Physical Fitness Test has been published: b) The PNP member failed to take the saiu test on scheduled date or on the special test subsequently scheduled, and c) The failure to take said test is without justifiable reason Failure to take PNP Physical Fitness Test for four (4) consecutive periodic tests due to health reasons. To warrant attrition, the following elements must coneur: a) A schedule of the periodic PNP Physical Fitness Test has been published; b) The PNP member failed to take the said test on scheduled date or on the special test subsequently scheduled; c) Failure to take said test is for health reasons as evaluated and certified by the PNP Health Service; and d) A PNP member failed to take four (4) consecutive periodic PNP Physical Fitness Test due to health reasons. Failure to pass PNP Physical Fitness Test for two (2) consecutive periodic tests or four (4) cumulative periodic tests. To warrant attrition, the following elements must concur: a) A schedule of the periodic PNP Physical Fitness Test has been published; b) The PNP member failed to pass the said test on scheduled date or on the special test subsequently scheduled; °) Failure to pass said test as evaluated and certified by DHRDD; and 2008-005 8 of 19 of Napolcom MC No d) A PNP member failed to pass two (2) consecutive periodic tests or four (4) cumulative periodic tests 8. Non-compliance with the minimum qualification standards for the permanency of original appointment To warrant attrition, the following elements must coneur: a) The original appointment of the PNP member concerned was issued in temporary stalus under the Waiver Program, Field Training Program, or due to lack of prescribed eligibility, and b) He/she failed to satisfy the requirement for the adjustment for his/her appointment from temporary to permanent status within ihe prescribed period, Section 4. Creation, Composition, Functions and Jurisdiction of Aitrition Screening Committees_and Attrition Boards. — For purposes of implementing the PNP Altrition System, there shall be created and activated Attrition Screening Committees and Attrition Boards at the different levels. a. Creation. 1, The following Altrition Boards are hereby created a) NHQ3" Level PCO Attrition Board; b) — NHQ 2" Level PCO Attrition Board; c) NHQ PNCO Attrition Board; d) PRO PNCO Attrition Board; and e) NSU PNCO Attrition Board 2. The following Attrition Screening Committees are also hereby created: a) — NHQAltrition Screening Committee; b) PRO Attrition Screening Committee; c) NSU Attrition Screening Committee; and d) — NHQ Medical Screening Committee b. _ Composition of Attrition Boards. 1. NHQ3" Level PCO Attrition Board. ‘The Depuly Chief PNP for Administration The Deputy Chief PNP for Operation Chief Directorial Staff for Personnel and Records Managem Director for Intelligence Director for Operations Page 9 of 19 of Nepokom MC No, 2008-005 | The Director for investigation and Detective Management “The Director for Human Resource and Doctrine Development [The Deputy Director for ["The Deputy Director for Human Resource and Doctrine Development Page 10-0f 19 of Napokcom MC No.__ 2008-005 Fick Regional Legal sf, Regional Health Composition of Attrition Screening Committees: 1 'NHQ Screening Committee Page 11 of 19 of Napoleom MC No, _ d. Functions. 1. Screening Committees. a) Upon receipt of a case, gather, receive and process pertinent documents/data that would establish the probable existence of a means of attrition; and b) Conduct initial investigation and assessment on the case at bar and submit, through the Secretariat, and present its findings to the concerned Attrition Board. re Attrition Boards. a) Deliberate on all cases of attrition submitted by the concerned Attrition Screening Committee in accordance with this Circular, b) Mark all evidence thru the Board Secretariat; ©) Recommend to the proper authority the retirement, separation or retention of PNP member subjected to attrition proceedings; d) Act on the motion for reconsideration filed by the concerned party. e. Jurisdiction. 1, The NHQ 3" level PCO Altrition Board shall have jurisdiction over attrition cases of Police Commissioned Officers holding the rank of Police Senior Superintendent and above, 2. The NHQ 2™ level PCO Attrition Board shall have jurisdiction over attrition cases of Police Commissioned Officers holding the rank of Police Inspector to Police Superintendent. 3. The NHQ PNCO Attrition oard shall have jurisdiction over altrition cases of Police Non-Commissioned Officers organic to offices of National Headquarters and all cases referred by the Madical Screening Committee. Page 1201 19oF Napoleon Mc no__ 2008-905 4 The PRO and NSU PNCO Attrition Boards shall have jurisdiction over attrition cases of Police Non-Commissioned Officers organic. to their units 5. The NHQ Screening Committee shall have the authority to determine whether a PNP member organic to offices at the National Headquarters shall be recommended for attrition proceedings. 6 The PRO Screening Committee shall have the authority to determine whether a PNP member to a particular Police Regional Office shall be recommended for attrition proceedings. 7. The NSU Screening Committee shall have the authority to determine whether a PNP member organic to a particular National Support Unit shall be recommended for attrition proceedings. 8. The NHQ Medical Screening Committee shall have the authority to determine whether a PNP member should be recommended for attrition proceedings due to physical and/or mental incapacity. Section 5. Attrition Proceedings. a Commencement of Action 1 How Initiated. - A personnel action on attrition may be initiated by filing of a formal and verified statement with evidence in support thereof before the DPRM or DHRDD or its PRO/NSU counterparts; 2. Who may Initiate. ~ The following may initiate a personnel action on attrition: a) The head of office or unit or immediate supervisor; and b) Any PNP member or Napoicom Personnel who has personal knowledge that a member cf the PNP is subject for possible attrition. Any civilian who has personal knowledge that a PNP member is a subject for possible attrition due to mental andior physical incapacity, may submit a verified report to the concerned PNP unit. 3. Where to File. ~ The personnel action on attriion against a PNP member shall be filed before the concerned Screening Committee thru the concerned Alirition Section as provided in this Circular. 4. Contents of the Personnel Action. - The personnel action on attrition shall contain the following: a) Rank, full name, and office/unit of the respondent; b) Means of attrition; ©) A narration of pertinent facts and data that will help the Screening Committee in its deliberation, Page 13.019 of Nepotcom Mc no _ 2008-007 d) Rank, full name and designation of the person initiating personnel action; and e) Verification. b. Evaluation by the Screening Committee and Filing of Action before the Attrition Board 1 Recording of Personne! Actin. - Upon receipt, all personnel action on attrition for initial assessment and inquiry shall be stamped on its face the date and time of its receipt with an assigned reference number, and shall be recorded in the committee journal exclusively maintained for that purpose Intial Assessment and inquiry. ~ Upon endorsement of the personnel action on attrition to the concerned Screening Committee, it will conduct an initial assessment, inquiry and other processes as provided herein and submit to the concemed Attrition Board its findings and forward all relevant documents within ten working (10) days from the receipt thereof. Filing before the Attrition Board: a) The attrition action shall be deemed formally filed and pending upon receipt and entry of the same in the official journal of the board. The Board, tasked to maintain the official journat of attrition proceedings, shall inform the Directorate for Personnel and Records Management (DPRM) of the status of all proceedings, as well as the PNP unit where the respondent is assigned; and b) A journal shall be maintained by the said Beard and shall contain, among others, the following data of the proceedings: date and time of receipt from the Screening Committee, the case number, the name of the respondent, the means of attrition he is subjected to, the date decision was rendered; date the motion for reconsideration was filed; date the decision became final and certificate of finality was issued, and other relevant and tacterial dat= c. Attrition Proceedings Proper 1 Summons. ~ Within three (3) days upon rec ot of the aitrition action by the Board, the Head Secretariat shall :.sue te suremons to be served upon the respondent, directir,) him/her to submit his/her memorandum within five (5) days from receipt thereof, together with evidence to prove his/her non-al‘rtability from the police service The summons shail include the verified statement of personnel action on attrition and evidence supporting the latter action. The summons shall also include an advice that the respondent may avail of his/her right to counsel Convening of the Attrition Board — Within three (3) days upon receipt of the memorandum, the Head Secretariat shall immediately Page 14019 ornapotcom wc ne. _2008~00° convene the Attrition Board requiring the personal appearanc. the respondent Quorum - A simple majority among the regular members of tt Attrition Board shall constitute a quorum in a proceeding. Memorandum — The memorandum shall be in writing, under oath and must contain material facts, which may either be a specific denial or affirmation of the allegations in the complaint. It shal be accompanied by documentary or other evidence, if there be any, in support of the defense. It shall also contain a list of witnesses and their individual addresses, whenever appropriate The memorandum shall be filed with the concerned Board, through the Secretarial, in three (3) copies personally or by registered mail. Any subsequent memorandum submitted to the Board may be done through registered mail and it is deemed filed on the date and hour of receipt stamped by the post office on the envelope. Said envelope shall be kep! and made an integral part of the memorandum arid records of the case. Effects of Failure to file a Memorandum and to Appear ~ Failure of the respondent to file a memorandum within the reglementary period shall be considered a waiver of his/her to present evidence in his/her favor. Failure of the respondent to appear before the concerned attrition board despite due notice shal! be considered a waiver of his/her right to be present and to be heard. In the latter case, the attrition proceedings may then proceed ex-parte. Order of Attrition Proceedings. ~ The order of the attrition proceedings shall be as follows’ a) The Chairman of the concerned Screening Committee shall present its findings on the personnel action on attrition; b) The respondent shall then present evidence in support to his non-attritability; c) The proceeding is generally summary in nature, The presentation of witnesses may be allowed only upon the discretion of the Chairman of the Board. Docur-snts presented during the proceedings may be examined -y the other party. Sworn siatements/aifidavi's of witnesses, after proper identification and affirmation on the truth J the contents thereof, shall take the place of their ora testimony; and d) _Clarificatory questions may be allowed, if reques ed by either party, but shall be confined strictly to the .naterial and relevant matters in the interest of equity and justice. Postponement. ~ Postponement of the attrition proceedings should be discouraged and shall be allowed only in highly meritorious cases. 10. 44 12 13. 44 45. 2008-00" Page 15 of 19 of Napotcom MC No _ Termination of Attrition Proceedings. ~ The attrition proceedings shall be terminated within twenty (20) working days from the date the Board first convened Submission of Position Papers. - The Attrition Board may require the respondent to submit his position paper within five (5) working days from the dale the order to submit position paper is received Respondent Found Attritable for a Means of Attrition Different from which he was initially subjected to. ~ A respondent may be atinted under a means different from which he was initially subjected to: Provided, that the elements of the said different means for which he/she may be altrited are proven after the respondent has been given the opportunity to contest the same. Final Deliberation. — Within two (2) days from the termination of the attrition proceedings or from receipt of the position paper, if required, the Attrition Board shall meet for final deliberation. The Chairman shall designate a board member to prepare the board resolution. The designated board member shall have ten (10) working days to prepare the board resolution, A majority vote of members present constituting a quorum can render a valid resolution. ‘Submission of the Resolution, ~ The Attrition Board shall submit its resolution to the appropriate approving authority. A copy shall likewise be furnished to the respondent. The filing of a Motion for Reconsideration by any party may be allowed on the following grounds: a) Newly discovered evidence which, if presented, would materially affect the resolution rendered; or b) Errors of law or irregularities have been committed prejudicial to the substanti ts and interest of the movant Contents of Resolution. - The Resolution shall contain the full name, rank and assignment of the respondent; the means of attrition and its elements; a brief statement of the material and relevant facts; the findings as established during the attrition proceedings based on applicable laws, rules and regula’ ns, jurisprudence; conclusion; and recommendation. Finality of Decision. - The decision of the appropriate app ing authority imposed upon a PNP member shall be final and executory when no Motion for reconsideration or appeal within the period provided under this Memorandum Circular. However, the filing of a motion for recunsideration shall stay the implementation of the Decision Motion for Reconsideration. - The respondent may file a motion for reconsideration from the decision rendered by the appropriate approving authority within ten (10) days from receipt of a copy of the decision 16. 47. 18, 19, 20. ne Section 6. for the attrition: 008 Page 150119 of Napokom WC No, 2008 00> The filing of a motion for reconsideration shall not stay the execution of the decision sought to be reconsidered. Only one (1) mation for reconsideration shall be allowed and the same shall be considered and decided by the disciplinary authority within five (5) days from receipt thereof. Allowable Motion - No motion or pleading shall be allowed except Motion to Dismiss and Motion for Reconsideration. Appeal - Except for third fevel PCOs', the decisions of the ‘Approving Authority may be appealed to the Commission En Banc and shall be taken by the respondent by filing a nctice of appeal with the Approving Authority within ten (10) days from receipt of a copy of the decision, copy furnished the concerned Attrition Board Notice of Appeal and Memorandum On Appeal- (a) A Notice of Appeal shail be filed in three (3) legible copies which shall contain the following: 1) the material dates showing that it was filed on time; 2) the assignment of the specific errors of fact or law, or both, allegedly committed by the Approving Authority ‘The respondent-appellant shall submit a Memorandum on Appeal in three (3) legible copies not later thar fifteen (15) days from the filing of the notice of appeal, However, the memorandum. ‘on appeal maybe submitted upon filing the notice of appeal, Proof that copy of the memorandum on appeal was served to the Attrition Board must be submitted by the respondent-appeliant Alternative Remedies — Plea for optional retirement or other mode of separation from the police service by the respondent before the Attrition Board at any stage of the attrition proceedings before the final board deliberation automatically terminate the attrition action, Effect of Death. ~ Death of the respondent during the pendency of the attrition action shal! terminate the proceedings, Barring legal impediments, the personnel concerned shall be posthumously separated or retired. Records of Proceedings, ~ The entire attrition proceedings shall be recorded and transcribed. Approving Authority. - The following are the approving authority a The President of the Philippines shall be the approving authority for the attrition of third level PCOs. b. The Chief, PNP shall be the approving authority for the altrition of alf second level PCOs and PNCOs organic to offices at the National Headquarters. ©. The Regional Director shall be the approving authority for the attrition of all PNCOs organic to their respective PRO. qd pocom ate ne 2008-005 The NSU Director shall be the approving authority for the attrition of all PNCOs organic to their respective NSU. Section 7. Statement of Policies. ~ In the processing and evaluation of PNP members for attrition, the following policies shall be observed: a The PNP shall maintain a capable, effective, credible and productive workforce. Toward this end, it shall ensure that all its personnel are qualified and fit, physically, mentally and emotionally, to render police service. The altrition system pursuant to Sections 24 to 29 of R.A. No. 8551 shall be implemented as an organizational too! to promote professionalism, competency and efficiency in the police service. It shall be implemented with utmost objectivity and impartiality, aiways giving due regard to and consideration of the constitutional rights to due process. The DPRM shall institutionalize mechanisms in the implementation of the attrition sysiem such as; dui noi iimiied to, monitoring the tenure in office of police officers occupying the key positions and granting of retiremenUseparation benefits, prejudice the interest of police service. As a matter of procedure, the head of office/unit, after cognizance of a case, shal! be respons! ig Said case to tha concerned Attrition Screening Committee, through proper channels The individual performance of all PNP members shall be evaluated in accordance with axisting Circular en the matter. All heads of offices/units shail ensure that every PNP member gets a performance rating he/she deserves, The proceedings of the Screening Committees shall be fact-finding in nature. On the other hand, the deliberations of the Attrition Boards shall be adjudicatory in character. As provided for in Section 30, R.A. No. 8551, a PNP member attrited under this Circuiar shall be retired if he/she has al least 20 years of service or shall be separated if he/she has less than 20 years of service and receive pertinent benefits, unless he/she is disqualified by law to receive such benefits. A PNP member who has been retired or separated from the police service through attrition shall not be reemployed in the PNP. The retirement or separation of a PNP member from the police service based on attrition shall be effective upon the date of approval of the decision. The PNP shall include in its annual budget proposal the fund requirement for attrition. In the meantime, the PNP shall request DBM for supplemental budget starting fiscal year 207 to support the funds required to cover the payment of separation/retirement benefits of personnel who will be attrited Page 180119 otNapolcom Mc wo _ 2008: from the police service. In case of budgetary constraints, the fiscal procedures being applied in optional retirement shall be followed Priority for attrition shall be those with medical cases which have eaten muct of the Reimbursement Hospitalization Expense (RHE) budget of the PNP In implementing the various means of attrition, the PNP shall start from the highest ranked PCOs to the lowest ranked PNCOs The pendency of an attrition action shall be a bar to promotion in rank, placement to any sensitive and/or key position and personnel movement within and outside the PNP. Any PNP member due for compulsory retirement within one (1) year shall no} be subjected for attrition, An attrition action shail proceed notwithstanding the existence of an administrative case punishable by dismissal from the service. The grant of altrition benefits shall be held in abeyarice and subject fo the decision of the administrative case. PNP members who lack training and/or eligibility shall be given 18 months to obtain the lacking qualification for promotion after the effectivity of this Circular. Section 8. Generai Guidelines. a 9 The PNP shall formulate the Rules and Regulations Implementing (RR!) this Circular within thirty (30) days from its effectivity Alt PROs/NSUs shall create their respective Attrition Section under RPHRRD/ADPRM immediately. Ail Screening Committees end Attrition Boards shall be organized, activated, and constituted within five (5) days from the effectivity of the RRI of this Circutar. The Chal ards and the Screening Committees shall ensure that their respective members are knowledgeable about the attrition system and the Rules and Regulations Implementing this Circular. All Attrition Boards and Screening Committees shail have free access to all records, data, information and necessary support from any PNP office/unit in the implementation of this Circular. All approved and final decisions in attrition actions shall be covered by appropriate NHQ orders. Orders issued by PRO/NSU shall be confirmed by NHQ through the issuance of confirmation orders by DPRM, Administrative officers of NHQ offices, Chiefs, RPHRDDs of PROs, and ADPRMs of NSUs shall process-out the allrited personnel from the service without delay including payment of benefits due. Page 19010 oPNepolcom Mc Ne __ 2008-005 Section 9. Amending Clause. — Ail issuances contrary fo or inconsistent with this Circular are neieby amended accordingly. Section 10. Penalty Clause. ~ Any violation of this Circular shall be a ground for administrative sanction in accordance with existing laws, rules and regulations. Section 11. Effectivity. - This Memorandum Circular shall take effect after fifteen (15) days from the filing of a copy hereof at the University of the Philippines Law Center in consonance with Sections 3 and 4 of Chapter 2, Book VII of Executive Order No. 292, otherwise known as “The Revised Administrative Cade of 1987”, as amended. ADOPTED this 28t8day of __ MARGE 2008 at Makati City. RONALDO V. PUNO Secretary, DILG and Chairman, NAPOLCOM a ¥ aeorerstadhiosesns Commissioner / MIGUEL G. CORONEL AVI Commissioner Comm Attested by: Al LYN A. MU} f, Secretariat

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