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Score: out of 24 = _______ Bill Nye Biodiversity Video Notes Name ___________________________

Date ____________________________

1. For a __________ to be healthy, it has to have lots of different kinds of plants and
2. All of the different types of plants and animals in an ecosystem.
3. Name four types of ecosystems from those listed in the video.
a) _______ b) _______ c) _______ d) __________
4. Most living things live here.
5. All living things depend on ____________
6. How an ecosystem like a game of sticks?
7. Why should we build new buildings on existing land?
8. Name four extinct species from those listed in the video.
a) _______ b) _______ c) _______ d) ______
9. The best way to wipe out a species is to ________________________________
10. The largest ecosystem in the world is ______________________
11. This percent of the world is covered by water.
12. How many of all species in the world live in the ocean?
13. List five things you can do to increase biodiversity.
a) _____ b) _____ c) _____ d) _____ e) _____
14. How many species are we losing per hour?

Answer Choices:
A. Pearly mussel
B. The ocean (use this answer two times)
C. Remove them from their natural environments
D. You can’t take one stick out without disturbing the others
E. Because the more we spread out building the more biodiversity we destroy.
F. Tidal zones
G. two thirds (2/3)
H. Continental shelf
I. Recycle glass and paper
J. Cities
K. Passenger pigeon
L. Don’t dump oil in the street or storm drains
M. Bighorn sheep
N. biodiversity
O. Rainforest
P. Other living things
Q. Plant a tree
R. 71%
S. Stay on the trail
T. Dodo bird
U. Ecosystem
V. Leave nature in nature (don’t bring it home)
W. Three per hour

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