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We, educators have many roles to play.

Aside from being teachers, we are also second parents,

caregivers, guidance counselors, motivators, disciplinarians and friends of our students. Most of the
time, our job requires us to be a "Jack of all trades" and we must master the art of empathizing and
firmness, we must be sensitive to the needs of others yet sets limitation and committed to the
profession but knows the value of self-worth. With all the masks ww could wear, I will talk more on
mentors as speakers and movers.

Mentors should live up with the idea that "Actions Speak Louder than Words". This is a cliche but to
proudly say that we are teachers, we must exhibit our true essence and intentions towards our
profession not only through what we say but with the things that we do. I am encouraging you with
these thoughts as I was inspired by the personality of our new Schools Division Superintendent, Mr. Roel
Borromeo. He is very eloquent and an influencer. He believes that we all must make our lives simple and
beautiful. Our being teachers may have challenged us or has made life complicated with all the demands
and robes that we had to wear but the hardships we have encountered should not stop us from what we
all have aimed to perform-to mould each child with the right knowledge and proper values which could
be their weapons in facing the world. No retreat, no surrender. We are bigger than our problems.

Another thing that we must also keep in mind would be our honesty and the integrity of our words and
deeds. We are what we speak. We create the impressions others will remember about us. As teachers,
whatever we say to a colleague or a student add to the kind of person we want them to understand.
Thus, we must also put our best foot forward whenever we speak our minds or express our opinions,
whether in a formal setting or not. We could never take back the words we say, it is always best to be
prudent and aware whenever we say things. As what Sir Nordy Siason has said before, we must try to be
scripture speakers. Whatever comes out of our mouths should be carefully thought of and could not hurt
others. Most importantly, we should also walk our talk-not only that we say positive or righteous things
but we must also show that we live by the thoughts we share.

Lastly, the emphasis on teachers as speakers and movers is just a way of reminding you all the kind of
effect we give to those people we deal with everyday. We touch the lives of others-students, parents,
colleagues and members of the community. Thus, no one could ever decide the image that you form in
the minds of the people around you, except your own self. I believe we all want to be regarded as the
best teacher they could ever meet because of the personalities we have made of ourselves.

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