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ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERIOG, Water Supply System The Complete Jayest From the Source of Supely & the Sstrbory Sources ef Wwoter Aquifer — Pervious. Sereta/tayen Aquichde - Impavious strate 1. Surface Sources The Sources 7 Wht wore Phot Oven The eorttts Surfag €g: Rivers, Laky, Streams, Natarek Ponds, Tm pounced en Storase : Recervoirs. ? Surface woot have Sirpendeg Impusi bey Cmagor) , Mence not Considnea Safe Por wrote, Supply usithour ne ceesso oe Erotment, Qe Sub- Surface Sources | 6 Grouncl Water Source) tawon Supbly weter fom below barcates Larferce , €g: Spriggs, inflation Jallerey, Welle ond Porat pipe gauieriy ‘ 2 Wh ts Pare, bet may hove Some hordners ©) Springs Natur out-Plow ( endergrunl pastage) of winte These ae most useful in dy Seasen P The Quontity # Useter availa te Frm Teac dependy open Yield & Somce (Rote +t wouter percolate) Nature of Spit ide vf gover Quonk'ky st. water (- Per Copita Demond Quonbly = 5603 IP €) Burton? «= 00 SP Jags law fase lage a fPopyloten Fivecosting methods | Bevo Ooo Tere AA ~ Wwe, n fms Fx Mees mu00, s, id oe Is Prithmatich incase meted Cold cby) Gesatin ) Py = Pe tn% | | Baw > Mtoe + uxwere ty ai i [= S180 Lahune a PR, = popetien often m7 decaty -from the precenk Ps = Population sk. Present Che font brows Con suc) ae none, fon PRS Gna By G decease 10 yee) = Average popilotion incense /decade = Frese = Perse Nerf. deco day (Pom Se) A: Greometriteh Increase mettod (New fast growtr Cetrey) Ps = PR (+ BY \ a aoe aT iz) whee \ ¥ = Pverage growtr sate(y) Bi Tn Crementel increese metrod CAry tyre f ty) ( Ps Rae 4 nays iis ~ Ge they ok decay =|) Cee ae a) G = Prevage PNCrementel inCrease wW- e TImpenty in Wotn \. impurtby 2 These ave almast Visible > May Cette down afta loy Eme SASeence” Coonse Wwrbidity.) 7 These can he Femoved by Hikeraton + Sedimentesion > EJ! SHE, Chg, OFGaric, inorgonic , bacterial Plenty (algae, Rigi, Protozoa eg Rs Colloidal impurity, > There oe not Visible F Nokes eye Che cise eater Chenges) > Cannet easily Bemoves by ordinary Piibey > These Con be Yemovea by Coagulation 2 The Racterey are growing beat thy corny by oo Colloidal impure, WW moky Epicemre (fost Spresd d'seoce) S- Dissolved impustety spheagorly These eve Come fram > These on Chemnitaly Beactt with worn ¢ fre Z Picanol) o) Satts Causes Hardness = Moyer of. there Some of Emese tay ‘Bemove Hardnecs Ce Softening) ~ Causes b) Metals Tren (Red Colour) Mangenese CRrown Colour) leat £ arsenic C Per soneng) ©) Goses > Oxygen Coo) Coorrdy metat) — Chlowne (Cl) # Ammonra (He) = C Rod taste) Coe & Hydragen SuIPKe CHa tou) — ( Acidity ) 3 Living. Organisms i woter Livong organtnsons in octeria : wot are Ractent, Algae, Protozea = Pathagen'c Racterias = Harmful 9 diseose Consing batteries Neon Patragente "= Useful bbecterar | =>Aerobic Racterias = Racterroy regu'res Oxygen for Nving | An-aerobs " > Racteriey Can hi you Facslative | Tactertes = Machertast! con tot “exten cotnney oe Name ~- Shape f Racterse ncaa Cocci ~ Sphere baci’ ~ Roa Spirita - Protz0a = All Algae = Relotee te Ponictons (amas 2ery . mesper:ble fon (Taste & odour) uni ceflute Twrtkea aod, OArimale One Called Probe 20a Phy cicat__Exemmoron of, woke, 1: Témperciture Test: (Ther mometer) > Helps io determing Ene Density, WiSecasi ty , Surface Lension ef were BR Colour Teste 1 (Platinum Cobslk Scate) B TGrbiaity Test: C Silica Scale) 7? Te tre measure of raccase of light Chrovgh tne cater > wobn ts Soid be be turbid, When te Contains visible notte, In Sutpencion Turbidity may be determines fy Eurbiclity Content Cin Pm) D Rayis turbidemetey < 50 ppen ©) Jacksons ve > Sopem 4: Tastes £ alow Teck: ( Ofmoscope) The Usoker odour & Lestes of 20-25% > Odeur if base en Po vale Po vein ° \ 2. 3 ce 5 Meoning No. Ney fone Faint oireace Sk rmag Very Strong. Chemicot Exominetin sf Woes |: Totat Solids Suspended Solvay + Collei ded Goldy + DéEsolved Lely wo Weight 1 Eakin after evoporation of, Westen Q: PH_Volue of wot C Poten tio meter) pu = —lglatd = belt) te |phat Lita > PRY > Acar i HTL Pry > Altoline (u*][ouJ = 10" leg {CurgConTf = 1 — leg uty ~legCowry > 14 PH+peH = le phat (acwc) pi > 7 CaAtkalne) Big iical Permiccrble _Limity 2 ii Chemical \\ “Tem pera ture 10-15% 1 PF vetue | 65-8 2s Total Solids | Soom am Q. Colour 10 -2opem Ils: chiowses | Eee & Hardness OOM epi 3. Tarbedity Se ospipim ; a pea fPP Per 3 Pem 6 Florne aoe TV Fron £ Mongorece 03 ppm 8 Arsenrc - Lead| O05 PPm \] t- Chlomne | Ol- 0-2 fem Wa ter Treokment | Screening Procecs of removing lage Si2ea parkctey (€3: leaves, duchy, brechey dobrig. eve > Filter ‘of angle US*- 60° & tre horitontal (be intresee A Fitter by Screens of 929i ‘0 a eee) > Velocity of Rios O75- |e Q. Sedimentation Porticlep ‘Seltiee ctovon as a Pesuit of the action of gravity + forces. Settlement of Prarbcley XK Temperature + Decign of Sedimentation tanle Brees Nelecity - Dischecge «f wuoder entering the becin = ( 3ocm/min) Verb'cok Cross-Sectonal area of the bent RH 5B mn/Sec © over Plow Velocity 1 Surface Joavng aie - (© 600 lithr/m* ) _ Bischoge of wotes entering the bern _ 8 Plen ASurface Grea of the tenk Re ©) Detention Eme (Time reg bo fil Link at tre gin rete Plow) (= 5-8 hes) 2 Volume of the tenle Quy MSOherge of Water entengy the besin @ d) Drmengrons dimen S¥0 * When Coagulany a Ba toe ae ‘dF a ve USCA : Width > lo- 12m TELEVISA “are Almas “Cbuble | Lengtn YK Width, > Rate of Settling of porkcly tn wore depend Upon Viscosity of water , Density of wokn , Spigrovity of Particle and Shape £ Sie of Particle. Z. Sedementaton Aides Wrth Coggulaten Figtens Chemcel Compouny Called Coagulants are addes bo wotn, they absorbs Colloidol Impurrbey and form Flocculent (Irke gel) precipitate Colles Flec » These Flecs ow Sette dean aE te grovity > Coaguiaton is meecessegy , When turbidity > U5 PPm importante Cooguionty (Almost ari Cary Flees ore Pocomea by fo] “ (mr 2m i tw 9 Alum 6) Aluminiaim Selphote C Al, fou)» rs) D Coppers 69 Fesrous Salphete ( fecou thas) Copye sas + Lime ( TE Shoutd rat Joate Wweiybt mow then 5y, When Plces in Hydrochlor'c Aus Pov 24 hours Teen Slow Sond. Filters | Rapis Sand Alters ercnoane Coagulation mat Requirey | Coagulation if rmuck ee et | earner an pers lo 5 | sr | Complicated og Under drevrege a | Gastrecten | Simple Pepa “are 9Sleilied Super vievon - Not Required isncheet | Economy High intl cost + }fows Intbet 2 high mointerang = fovd reinteinonce Cast he & Cheaper -# €canomicah 4 | Suitowiity Smatt village £ ineivievel | Uns vnsally adopter, alma a - jndustries Cmoy be) ie Mejor Cibty £ Eons _ 5} Enclosure tanle ® Dep 25 -35m: | QS-BSm DPlen Area [00 — Qocom? 10 - 5om> B Nook unty E | ON s)eosg at CLs Plant Gopocity, mitton "fg ) 1 6) Rese Meterot | F WO Lire of Gravel ( Bmm— 65mm Smm - 4omm © Deptnit bed arn 17 Bo i 5 ~ B | Cages ty tam) corey e ar ena gious T| Filter Conct Uniformly layed | Shale, great Lewva DSiFef Cand | O12 ~0+ 35mm | O35 — O55 mm B Depin -¢ bea | Geo - Foomm | 1100 ram leer coat a) Q-3 bo -pPeg B Pate of Filtrotan | : 100 - 200 Kt/n/m 3.000 Gooo WE fae /me DV Remoe Ter bias Upts 50 ppm Pe eg phe 10 Effrtency Bacteria zemons oph Gay) 0- oy, Jess efficert in xem Colour | Nery Pent 10 em Colour NV Perret of Cleon n |= 3 moome | VE Under dvcimges TSS == Ney drainage: Lata a i | ete Rs quel : 1 lorden “Co rece ayant FeCew Piterea umten ; Theree wroty Ard alto te poce wos fox saa ee Beck worhing ot vey high vate » Pressure Albers re 3 These ore Just Uke Smell Bopid Cond Prbecg , Phees in Clo: ia ee ey ia Sed Steet Vessele Laake i¢ Porcea sinte Altey fy Pressure (Rate +f. Pilteroton ~ Gooe-/seee [ee fs) 7% Hence lest €fivent thon Slow A rapid Ceond Filtery in renowy backiria-¢ turbisy| 7 They om bert Suited fon Susimmirg Poole; Faiuay Sbattons ... eee Gre other tron drinking 4 Murvcipal uote, Ls5e) © B- DysinPection : The preces of bith Pathegenie bacteries From sehen and mow ik Safe $0 tre public Ure. Cite No infecton) ; ? Mest Commonly Used bsinfectant for chrinkysy wot, bhraght ee vets ? The process of Opplizy Chlorine ©) Chlorine Compounds i Smolt quentity > wor Eo deinfeee 1s breen of Chlorinatron Notes: Skerilizaton - Removal of all bacteria (he Fothagenic + Non-Potngyenc) ) Some Minor metro of Disinfecton Cotte 1 foiling + of beater « > Mose of bacteria is desbrayea when temp eochy Pore, 7 Fe Case of forge Scote ik 1S imPrackcable then CHortnotien “) RQ Excecs me Erestment > Generally Lime sea Par Seftentos, * Rut excess [rme may leill backers aitgo > Buk i also increacey PH Value 3 Rroming > Te pecess fers Be irrCaben Yan Ze > Hence ik ts largely of water Crein SiGodventase) ‘dual Chlon'ne Used Y disinfectant 2, Sen Salven Poole. le Ozone. Gs Boy Loder bh electric 2e5) Be Are voltage Oz — +0 CNansene oxygen) * at > Nansent OASSEN, Produces & Powerful to Temove OK Qeantc Mobte, OF Weil oy Racteria From woter > Orone''s unstable Crething 2emeia in weatea) - by *me : ‘ + by the Eme tt paren be distrteation Lys bem “FTE also wemeve Calade, PTE Fastey trecome bit Mere oven it ap Case ly, 0 C hlorinaton Th fact direct Chlorine Co) bstl's booteria when (Pies) > Althovgh Other Compomney mere by Chlorine (Galled Chlorine Compounds) are more efiicrert then eck Chlorine Various forme if ushi0n Chlorine Can be apphes \ Zn the form of Chlorine dboxtde (clor) (re vs Powder) > ess Emes Strayer then Chloine, but is Very useful £ Costyy. Ta tre Foren of" Hypoch Forte 4 odow From Water Fer bo Eongue loxftes 6) Bleochigg. Poder [s becching.. ] caCoct), a abo Tht press & Enean op” Chlorine Canbemte { f Hy Pex hlorination ZB Tn tre fom ef Chlorine Unity ammonsar elaeenea Piss He] + Hoct Ctlspcctiorus acia) oe aueet Ping md , Hocl Ht cl” Ctypechtosite ions) So Chlorine only aveileble in tre form of Hypechlorous acre Hocl) » Hy pechlosrte fons Caci") and Molecular Chlorine (Exts beg in Semple ef Woter) Here Hypechlorous acd + Hy pechiorine ions + Moleculor Chlorine = Free aveslable Chlorine i. 2 Gre Boy.) ly pechlorous acd CHocl) iS mort Predomnont thon other two Honee eo he Maintain | P4 yalee fecs ban FH | ewtile Cplor ration More over Hocl is tmmediately seaay with Cimmonta (Present in utes) ond Foem Chloramines (mor predemnant than Hoc!) Nig + Hoct M2755 lifes + nec! (Mnochloramene,) ' NHec) + Hoc! PXs5-65 5 Heo 4+NHCle Crt - chloramine) A MHIClaict foc] were S Ro CaN cis (Nitro-Tech foramine) Reperclig on tre Pl vole these Chisroming Kills bactena wore CfFroentiy Cite mrointoin Pez Henen NECh is aay ee Te get CfFicient wesults add enouph Odditonch Ammonia tr amtn, in Cace of lers ommonia > Trcstment with CHoroming i fecs trrvbation to Note # eyes, Hence. rathagen Killers ove [WHect > Nucl > Nclp > Hocl > oc!” > Che 5 -) Time of Contact of Chlovinotion = 20 ~ 30 minuty (0¢ Tere From Ody CHerine — stot leil'g) | Contecte period A —____ Tempercture ~T3 pes of Chlorination |: Plain Chlorineben Chlorine is Addes to Plain Rows wot (in Tenky + Reservotvs) 3 Te Indicoty only Chlorine Ereatment , No ofme, Ereotment hey been given > Bmount ef Chlorine Requires = 0-5 |p em Q. pre- Chlorination Chlorine ig adaes be Torr you before Sedimentation Te reduces tye hoticrial loed on Pilkers thereby increasing their CFF! ency > The normed deesyore 5-lomg/t , So thor ableort O12 -O15 Pim of Tesideal Chlorine Comy Fo B, pest - chlormnaten Fuk pian Chlorine is added Of EA, Pi[beraeon > Te if Alo Lnown of Dicinfecton > The amount ef Chlorine added Shovid be of abart OTPPM BpPPeers fn water @PtA Q Contact Perod Suc Tat @ Fesidyel Chlorine ot Qo minty . ble Chlorineten / * Ahead picadded Srike Gerenty Pre + Post Chorenaken) 2 TP pre chlevinot on dane , Sram! bane oesiy pouble Chlorinetion heppen 5 - frei -_ point Chlorination 9) Curve AR Ry addition of Chlorine Prom A-2 Chleromincs are formed: “t A\thogh Sore Ch Concumea fac batting backerwa, Hence AR cure Shghely less thon Tmaginory Carve 4‘) Curve Bc > From B, Chlioraming Story —> Residual Chlor're Crg/L) ksiling bactersa more raprsiy. ae Se fiom B-c, The apples A <> Applied Chloving (mg/c) Chrrtre alto Porbopetes in oxidation Ching bacterras) ©) At CT CRreck point) The owdetion & Finishes Cie There “ys ne boctere) y's Restduel Chlorine will Reappears . d) Straight Ine CD -> Afty Preck poinE Cc) » Fartver addition of od ot Cle Uw appar equoly ct Free Chior'ne > The Phenomenon From A-C is Colles TRreok point Chlor'natien &) C Past - Chlorination ) > The Phenomenon AbEn Co is Giles Super Chlorination There is nob bacteria , Mente 6: Super Chhevinaton. A high dose ef Chlorine Cie 2-B prim) is cdded be kita beyond Rrenk point « C50 Ero Res Yesidue will fepe) TP mt Sabsfres , may add Chlorine afin Treak point > This may be done in Some Specioh Cases, file Highly polluted, useton , Dungy epidemics of cooker been diteater, F> Dechion'na bon The wemovel of unwontts /Excess Chhevine im veoter »'e, Chemicol oF Physicah Cgimple Aeration) Ereotment brown as dechlorination. Most Common Dechlerineting agents @) Ackivoleé Corbon G) Ammonia CNHyoh) ®) Suipher diowde Gos (Sox) ) Sodivm Suiphote CNorS02) Sodium Rio Sul phote CNat Sez) Sodium Metalsisulphote Ca $295) Sodium Gh'esul phate (Nou S02) 2 Cheapest agent 9) Teseng of Chlorine Recidoals > Chlero-tex Eest . > DPD Est > Orthobolidine Lest > Starth todire Fest. Idardnecs of Lote Hard (féxseito) Watey Gre undecirabie , becouse Hey mey leas > Soap ConCumpton, Feeling rough while bathing , marking Food tustetecc, Causing Corrosion Chy weor 4 Exar), Friction lassey in Pipy..ckc- > Underground wotcrs are Jerersllt Harder thon the Surface woters. > Hardness =f Waker Can be meocures by [EDTA method. 9 Temporary Horcassuaeances) Crp (C03? Chcds) Due to tre prescence of Calum -& Magnesium Carkonaty or! Bier borate, Te Calcium Corborinte (Cacoz) (L)| aterm bicarbonate (Caicos) ) Magnesium Carbonote (Mgcee) Magnesium bicarbonete CMY Cos),) ») Permonant Hardness Due be the prescenee of Catcaum and Mag recitin Sulphates 61) Chlor'dep ov) Nibrotey ie Sou Soy Ca { nes cote ie Nog a Ck Softening of _woder The Reduction 6) Removat of herders Prom water | 9) Remover ef Temporary herdnery Bp Sedimentation by forming incoluble Precip tatins, > Cacoz if inSoluble Precipiteren , Con be Sedmentes | @) Rotting: . | only CatiCer Can be Effected Co Malncd ] 1 Shute in wotes) | Coftcos), Bt Caco, (1) + Cos Hao Gn Sotantey GH) Addsvon of Lime Mg Coz 4+ CoCoH), —> Mg(oh), + + Cacey + Cingoleble) Mglicoz), + GH), > CoChtos) + Mgcokh + Coctiter) + CaCoW, —» BCacogs + 2Hz0 > Tempero herdres alto brown ey Carbonate Hordneas Corbonets herdness = Tekat hardness ie wbchens is lees Alka linety by Removal of Permont Hardresc G) Lime- Code process Lime - CaCoH), £ Soda - Na, Cogz a. > Although Mg rock usitn EE 2 Co reoey win Lime c Sou Sou Mofo + CaCoth cof on] + MRCon} } Se a Sou aC fr} + Na,Coz —¥ Cacorb + hen {ves 4 on dé @) Zechite 6) Race exchorge @) Cation FExchogge Process Th Ews Preece hord Water ig Pescea thresh Red of Zeolite Cand Calasz), twolile Poss. vg the Cottons i, “t en be veplecea by Sodium [wast] Cre Cobens on exchorges ) i cae “if + NZ —> { my fo Hef wee f (Regt wm bea) > Afta SoPeening of Wwoten, The Zeolite bed oove tne ZLeolity (Newz) + Hence Enese Con be Chorges by Pescing. Sodium Chlorde CNack) . Chorging of Zeolitey Ca [aye seme one + {See 4 1g G - > Te is observed thot bong | Gee ners a ets Hence easily Ceperated ( by manuol) > Rate of Plkeroeen *f about {2000 lit/hr /m? Zeolite Proce gy | Ik Process '¢ Copt iter | Lime Soda process » frocetr # CConom ical » Rutky € large Large qontity of Siadge ic Formas + Increases PY value, Compact £ Smatt No Shdge is Somy/t Water Askrbubon Gycdem }. Dead End System Cor Tree S3ctem) Be one Ciky ©) Bon mor horny Rectenpuley CEmprovement ove pated Sos one 3+ Rigg System (weit Plenrea Cittey 299) a aia} & ace eer Copprsite te Rigg System Sanitag Engineese Combined, Sensage = (Sucfeice + Startn) Stange As Tabibratan = Luater fealy fom Ground bo Sewers Bae Pyftratian = Usoter feaky from Sewers be Ground. ® Design of Severs Theerret chometes 4 (Sem Self. Cleantey velocty & O15 rfc lend dtspocal of Come %e9 loge arta of Serdy 0) Altuviol $2") #) Seunge Greatwent | Pumas Eretrent Screening > Grit Cromer > Sedimentation > Coogulatyn reatment Lreatment 6 Riologicet Lxeotment of Seusege (© clone by ley ont OcHoked Sludge (Precen Unie Ceseonder, Secendey Sewage fl Mostly urea filtey one Thrckling filbey..

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