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A Mindful Workplace

Business is a social entity which is incorporated with the purpose of Creating and Delivering a unique
value proposition to the market environment. Since this process of value creation requires different
competencies therefore a business environment will invariably consist of executives demonstrating
different workplace behaviours. These different workplace behaviours create dysfunctional conflicts
among executives leading to stress and unhappy workplaces. Due to increasing competition and
organizational survival crisis, there is added pressure on business executives. This stress and pressure
leads to suboptimal utilization of executive potential and sufferings. Further due to changes in family
structure, society and technology there is additional pressure on working executives leading to loss of
trust, love and compassion leading to unhealthy lifestyle and unhappy life.

This program will bring about transformation in executive mindset to create a mindful workplace and
happier employees. This one-day experiential program will focus on creating mindfulness,
compassionate and productive workplace. The program will be delivered through 4 modules of 1.5 Hrs
each. The intended participants should be aligned in such a fashion that program learning cascade down
from the top management and leadership. The modules outline will be as follows:

1. The Purpose of Profession

2. Consciousness at workplace: Survival versus Sustainability
3. Compassionate Conversations
4. The Lama Leadership

The Purpose of Profession

The Profession evolved as collaborative work space for collective Value creation however Volatile,
Uncertain, Competitive and Ambiguous world economic order has transformed the focus of profession
on Profits. This transformation of purpose from Value Maximization to Wealth Maximization is creating
undue focus on Professional Performance and Exponential Business Growth. Executives are expected to
perform much beyond their capacity and competency. However in order to project superior
performance, executives are adopting unethical and mindless work place practices. This shift is creating
hostile work place cultures and unhappy working relationships resulting into workplace sufferings. This
module aims to restore the focus of organization on Value maximization and optimization of human
potential. Participants will be able to identify and own the Value Proposition of the Profession.

Consciousness at workplace: Survival versus Sustainability

In the second module we will shift our focus on workplace behavioural attributes. Having restored the
appropriate Purpose of Profession, it is equally important to bring a shift in attitude of professionals as
well. This attitude change is necessary because unless professional attitudes will not shift the focus from
Survival to Sustainability, the workplace culture will not change. Large organizational climate studies
have established that collaborative workplaces are more productive. Collaboration is an outcome of
sustainability mindset however increasing competitiveness at workplace is creating survival mindset
among executives. This survival mindset is outcome of job insecurity, hostile working relationships and
heightened emotional responsiveness among executives. This module will focus on bringing shift in
attitude of business executives from Self to Social.

Compassionate Conversations

In organizations, people work closely together every day. But despite working together, many feel lonely
and stressed. Even though we are social animals, there is a lack of responsibility toward each other. Look
at bees. They have no constitution, police, or moral training, but they work together in order to survive.
Though they may occasionally squabble, the colony survives on the basis of cooperation. Human beings,
on the other hand, have remarkable intelligence and a great capacity for love and affection. Yet, despite
our many extraordinary qualities, we seem less able to cooperate. Workplace communication and
conversations are precursor to cooperation and co-creation. This module will focus on developing
compassion in workplace conversations.

The Lama Leadership

Leadership plays a vital role in organizational transformations. Leaders are expected to bring about
transformational change in organizations through shared vision and motivation of manpower. Leaders
design and influence the workplace culture to optimize the human potential into business performance.
Leadership however has multiple perspectives and approaches. Modern organizational behaviourists
have tried to map the leadership theories through trait, behaviour and situation however none of the
theory has been able to comprehensively prescribe the right leadership behaviour which lead into
happy workplaces and healthy executives. In this module we take learning from the lives of Lamas, the
spiritual teachers from Tibet who preach Buddhism to commoners for leading a Happy Life. This will be a
highly engaging module that will use the story telling pedagogy to create leadership development.

Program Facilitator

Rakesh is an alumnus of FMS Delhi and IIM Ahmedabad and an expert in the field of Organization
Behaviour and Human Resource Management. Rakesh has led Human Resource Department of large
business organizations and has taught the subjects as Associate Professor at Internationally Accredited
Management School (RICS School of Built Environment, Amity University Noida). He specializes in
knowledge dissemination and competency development in the domain of Organizational Effectiveness
and Leadership Development based on ancient Indian principles of Healthy and Happiness Living. He has
facilitated over 500 training sessions for business and academic institutions.

Contact Details


Mobile: +91-9212234090

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