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Chapter 4 Flexible Rotor

Dynamic Balancing

By Dr. Danmei Xie

 A flexible rotor is defined as one which exhibits
significant lateral deformation at, or below, its maximum
design speed
 or A rotor which operates close enough to, or beyond its
first bending critical speed for dynamic effects to influence
rotor deformations
A flexible rotor must, in general, be balanced in the
vicinity of all critical speeds below the maximum design
speed of the rotor. It is also often necessary to balance a
flexible rotor at its operating speed.
Occasionally balancing at an overspeed condition is also
The added balance data sensitivity afforded by balancing
at over-speed provides for a more precisely balanced rotor.

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

.1l U


2 R

Figure 4.6 Uniform Flexible Rotor on Rigid Bearings

 a uniform rotor
 length /
a single discrete unbalance mass U
located on the surface of the shaft at an  radius r,
axial distance 0.1 l from the left end of  supported by rigid brgs
the rotor

The two correction mass planes, for dynamic balancing

located at axial distances 0.4 / and 0.6 / from the left end of the rotor

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

 This rotor is balanced as a rigid rotor at rotational speed ω
using dynamic balancing, by measuring the bearing
reaction forces,
 which are 0.96ω2rU and 0.2ω2 rU for Rl and Rr,
 Then the required correction masses U1 and U2 which are
also located on the surface of the shaft, are calculated from
Equations (4.5) and (4.6) as -2.5U and 1.5U, respectively.
 The amplitude of vibration at, or near, a critical speed, by
any means of measurement, is proportional to

U r x
i 1
i i i
where the Ui are the n discrete unbalance masses,
including the correction masses
ri, and xi are the corresponding radii and normalized
amplitudes of vibration, respectively
2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie
 Thus, without rigid rotor balancing, the vibration amplitudes
at the first two critical speeds are proportional to 0.32rU
and 0.59rU, respectively, where rU is the original
unbalance mass moment
 After rigid rotor balancing, the corresponding vibration
amplitudes will become proportional to 0.64rU and 1.76rU.
 Thus, for this example, the rigid rotor balancing procedure
actually has a detrimental effect on the rotor vibration
levels of the flexible rotor
 Some flexible rotor balancing procedures require prior rigid
rotor balancing. However in general, rigid rotor balancing
alone is not adequate for a flexible rotor.

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

Mass center on the centerline of brgs
Unbalance mass mu, with radius ru
balance at low speed-rigid balance
moments of U+mb along the axis
The moments can be ignored at ωlow
The moments are great at ωhigh
(d) Shows the deformation atω0

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

 The ultimate aim of any flexible rotor balancing
procedure is
 to produce acceptable vibration levels, be they
bearing reaction forces or displacement amplitudes,
at all balancing speeds, not merely at the running
 This is because, even for supercritical rotors which
operate at a constant speed, it must be possible to
safely accelerate to running speed and decelerate
to shutdown, going through critical speeds.
 Most flexible rotor dynamic balancing practices can
be classified into three groups:
 Modal Balancing
 Influence Coefficient Balancing
 The Unified Balancing Approach
2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie
4. 1 Modal Balancing
 Modal balancing procedures are characterized by their
use of the modal nature of rotor response
 In general, modal balancing procedures are highly
developed, but are largely intuitive in nature
 They seek to balance the rotor, one mode at a time, with
a set of masses specifically selected not to disturb
previously balanced, lower modes
 Elastic line: the axial center line of a rotor under
vibration at any speed.
 The principal mode line (curve): the axial center line
of a rotor under vibration at a critical speed, if there is no
other exciting force except unbalance

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

 The orthogonality(正交性), if the rotor is
symmetric, then the first principal mode can be
expressed as

A2 A1(1) A2(1)
•While the second principal mode can be expressed as:

A1( 2 )
 1
A1( 2)
( 2)

( 2)
A 2

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

 Neglecting the effect of system damping and lateral
anisotropy(各向异性), which are inherent assumptions of
modal balancing, the principal modes of an axially uniform
rotor system are found to satisfy the orthogonality
 Take each principal mode (Resonant mode) as a vector,
then the associate amplitude will be the coordinate of this
vector, then
 The first principal mode can be express as
 (1) (1) (1)
A ( A1 , A2 )
The second principal mode can be express as
 ( 2) ( 2) ( 2)
A ( A1 , A2 )

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

 Multiply the two vectors, then
 A1( 2) 
1 , A2(1) 
 ( 2)   A(1) ( 2 )
1 A1  A(1) ( 2 )
2 A2 0
 A2 

 The meaning of orthogonality is that the inertia

force caused by any principal mode (Resonant
mode) deformation will have no effect on other
principal mode

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

 Neglecting the effect of system damping and lateral
anisotropy, the principal uniform rotor system are found to
satisfy the orthogonality condition
Rotor axial direction
Mode amplitude

( j   k )  x j ( z ) xk ( z ) dz  0
2 2

where ωj and ωk are undamped system resonances, in

this case synonymous with critical speeds

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

  x j ( z ) xk ( z ) dz  0 for jk (5.2)

For a more general rotor system with axial nonuniformity,

Equations (5.1) and (5.2) may be generalized in the form

0 for jk
 A ( z) j ( z) k ( z)dz  Q for jk

The normalizing factor

The mass per unit length
Resonant modes

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

 Using the property of orthogonality, any fairly well-
behaved function f(z), such as mass eccentricity or
rotor deflection, can be expressed as an infinite series of
the characteristic functions by

f ( z )   f j j ( z ) (5.4)
j 1

where the coefficients fj are given by

f j   A ( z ) f ( z ) j ( z )dz (5.5)

The actual rotor deflection x (z) may be represented by an

equation analogous to Equation (5.4), where the
coefficients xj are functions of rotational speed.

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

 In general, as the rotational speed approaches the j th
resonance, xj becomes substantially larger than the
other coefficients.
 Thus, x(z) becomes nearly equal to xjφj (z).
 This is referred to as modal response.

 As an example, consider a uniform rotor of length l

supported at its ends by radially rigid, but angularly free,
 In the absence of damping and gyroscopic effects, the
response of this rotor is identical to the lateral vibration
of a non-rotating beam with the same dimensions.
 Neglecting shear deformation, which is negligible for a
long slender beam, the moment, M, applied to a
differential section of the beam, as in Figure 5.1, is
related to the curvature of the beam by
M  EI 2 (5.6)
2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

Neutral Axis M+ dz

V+ dz

Figure 5.1 Differential Element of a Beam in Bending

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

 the critical speeds are given by
n 2 2 EI
n  2 for n  1,2,3,...
l A (5.25)

 Conclusions
 Natural frequency of a uniform rotor is related
with the parameters of the system ,i.e., proportion
to EJ , while inverse proportion to l 2, but not
with the original state
 There are infinity natural frequencies of a uniform

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

a) First Critical Speed b) Second Critical Speed

c) Third Critical Speed d) Fourth Critical Speed

Figure 5.2 First Four Mode Shapes for a Uniform Flexible Rotor on Rigid Bearings

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie


For a uniform rotor with different boundary conditions, the solution is

similarly straightforward
For nonuniform rotors, the solutions are much more involved and
numerical methods are generally employed.
For nonuniform unbalanced rotor, the deformation curves are not planar

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

The complex function a (z ) can be expanded in a modal,
characteristic function, series as
 
 
a ( z )   j ( z )a j   j ( z )(auj  iavj ) (5.27)
j 1 j 1

a (z )

Figure 5.3 Stationary and Rotating Coordinate Systems for

Measurement of Synchronous Rotor Vibration
2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie
4.1.1 N Plane Modal Balancing
 The number of balance planes is equal to the number of
principal modes

 m rˆ 
i 1
i i j ( zi )  0 for j=1,2,…n-1. (5.34)

In order not to affect the corresponding residual â j for the lower,

previously balanced, modes. To eliminate â N(i.e., to compensate for
the effect of theN th mode), these correction masses must also satisfy
n Determined from trial mass runs

 m rˆ 
i 1
i i N ( z i )  Qaˆ N (5.35)

Are complex and represent the location of mi

relative to the center of rotation, in rotating coordinates
2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie
U11 U21 U31




U13 U33


2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

4.1.2 (N+2) Plane Method
 The number of balance planes is equal to the number of
principal modes plus two
 The (N+2) plane method is very similar except that the
rotor is assumed to have been previously balanced as a
rigid rotor and two additional constraint equations are
added to preserve the rigid rotor balancing

 m rˆ  0
i 1
i i (5.36)

 m rˆ z
i 1
i i i 0 (5.37)

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

 Clearly, when balancing a rotor that has not
been previously balanced as a rigid rotor, it is
pointless to satisfy equations (5.36) and (5.37).


1 1 1
 U  U  U
2 2 2

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

 The modal balancing theory, as described above,
is based on two important assumptions:
 the rotor system damping is negligible.
 the mode shapes are planar.

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

 Advantages and Limitations of Modal Balancing
The principal advantages of modal balancing are:
 The number of sensitivity runs required at the highest
balancing speed is minimized
 Good sensitivity at the highest balancing speed can
always be achieved
 Balancing of a specific mode is provided for, while not
affecting previously balanced (usually lower) modes
 It can be an entirely empirical procedure which requires
only an understanding of the modal character of the
response of a rotor system to unbalance. Although, in
present practice, it is most often used in

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

 The principal disadvantages of modal balancing are:
The assumption of planar modes of vibration inherent in
modal balancing may not be valid for systems with
substantial damping or bearing cross-coupling effects
 For most (but not all) applications of modal balancing,
accurate prior knowledge of the dynamics of the rotor
system is required
 Effective use requires a high degree of operator insight (i.e.,
requires a highly skilled operator)
 Balancing results are generally based on the vibration
measured by only one or two sensors for a particular mode,
which may not result in a uniformly well-balanced rotor
 Modal balancing is usually not automated and does not
easily lend itself to production applications
 Often, trimming of lower modes while balancing higher
modes is liable to adversely affect the higher modes.
However, in theory, this can be avoided with the addition of
extra balancing planes
2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie
4. 2 Influence Coefficient Balancing
 Influence Coefficient - A complex value representing the
effect of the addition of a unit trial mass in a specific
balancing plane on the rotor response at a particular
measurement plane
 In the simplest case, a single trial mass is used for each
plane, one plane at a time, and
xij  xi 0
 ij  (6.9 )
where xi0 is the ith vibration reading with no trial masses
xij is the ith vibration reading with a trial mass installed in
the jth balancing plane,
Tj is a complex value representing the amplitude and
angular location, in rotating coordinates, of this trial mass
2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie
 Influence Coefficient represents the relationship between
trial mass and deflection (sag)
 The deflection caused by unbalance uj in the place yj is as:

xi   ij u j yj
x yi
 If there are m balance planes and n measuring points
along the axial direction of the rotor, then
 x1  11 0 0 0   u1 
x   0  0 0  u 
 2   22  2
  0 0    
    
 Chapter
x n 0 0  
 4 Flexible rotor dynamicnmbalancing----By
 um  Dr. Danmei Xie
 The calculation of the Influence Coefficient
 Run up the rotor to the balance speed,
measuring the original vibration (amp+phs)
 x10  11 12  1m   u1 
 x      2 m   u 2 
 20    21 (a)
       
    
 xn 0   n1    nm  u m 

Put the trial mass in the first balance plane at 0°, run
up the rotor to the same balance speed, measuring the
 x11  11 12  1m  u1  T 
 x       u 
 21    21 2m   2  (b)
         
    

 n1   n1
x    nm   u m 
2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie
 x11  x10  11 12  1m  u1  T  u1 
 x  x     2 m   u2  u2 
 21 20    21 
         
    
 n1
x  x n0   n1    nm   um  um 

x11  x10
11 
x21  x20 xij  xi 0
 21   ij 
xi1  xi 0 Tj
 i1 
xn1  xn 0
 n1 
2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie
 Once the influence coefficients have been determined, the
appropriate correction masses, wmor Qm , can be calculated. The
vibration which remains after the correction masses are installed,
referred to as residual vibration, is given by
x  x0  xm (6.10)

 where x0 is the vector of complex vibration amplitudes

measured prior to the installation of the correction masses,
and xm is that due to the correction mass set which, is
related to the correction masses by
A is a n by m matrix
xm  Awm (6.11)

 Substituting Equation (6.11) into Equation (6.10) results in

x  x0  Awm (6.12)
 The object of balance is to minimize x

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

 For the case in which the number of measurements is
equal to the number of balancing planes (n= m),
Equation (6.12) may be solved directly for all elements of
x equal to zero to give
wm   A x0 (6.13)

 Where A-1 represents the matrix inverse of the square

matrix A, assuming A is not singular

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

 However, for the case in which the number of
measurements exceeds the number of balancing planes
(n > m), x cannot generally be reduced to zero. Instead,
following the procedure of Lund and Tonneson, the object
is to minimize the sum of squares, s, of the elements of x
sk    ik xi k  minimum for k  0,1,2,...
i 1

 Least-squares procedure

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

Runs ( = ,μm) Indication
(⊥ ,μm)

1 61∠8 32 ∠260 n < 3000, original

 1, trial mass
2 43∠330 9 ∠255 P1  0.45 kg270

 Plane 1and 2, trial

 masses
3 26∠290 23 ∠70 P1  0.45 kg270 P2  0.54 kg10

84∠322 Plane 1, Num 1 point

inflcoef 51 ∠172 Plane 1, Num 2 point
53 ∠176 Plane 2, Num 1 point
59 ∠61 Plane 2, Num 2 point
Correct 0.68kg ∠150 Plane 1 0.000019 ∠55 SGMQ
mass 0.67 ∠69 Plane 2 0.0000 44∠210 =1.3509
2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie
Procedure for Influence Coefficient Balancing
 The balancing procedure is begun by taking uncorrected rotor data
 Then, either one or two trial masses are installed in each balancing
plane, one at a time, and trial mass data is taken.
 In general, the trial masses are removed.
 However, if the software is designed to accommodate it, the trial
masses may be left in.
 The influence coefficient matrix, one or more sets of correction masses
and the corresponding expected residual vibration are then calculated
 Except for fairly simple cases, a computer is required to perform these
calculations, although this need not be a large computer
 A set of correction masses is chosen and installed and check balance
data are taken
 In many cases, this is the end of the balancing procedure
 However, if the check balance data is not satisfactory, or if vibration
must be controlled at a higher speed, it is necessary to perform another
balancing run and the procedure described above is repeated.

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

Advantages and Limitations of
Influence Coefficient Balancing
 The principal advantages of influence coefficient balancing
1) It is an entirely empirical procedure which requires minimal
prior knowledge of the dynamics of the rotor system
2) Full sensitivity information, if available, allows convenient
balancing of any combination of critical speeds (modes),
provided the rotor can be safely operated at the speeds for
the measurement of the unbalanced whirl
3) It is readily computerized and automated
4) It provides for least-squares minimization of data from any
number of vibration sensors
5) Data manipulation techniques have been developed which
compensate for measurement errors
6) It docs not require a high degree of operator insight
2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie
 The principle disadvantages of influence coefficient
1) A significant number of runs is required to obtain rotor
sensitivity data at the highest balancing speed
2) When the lowest modes are the most lightly damped, it is
often difficult to get accurate sensitivity data near the
higher modes
3) Data must be taken at previously balanced modes in
order not to adversely affect the condition of these modes
when balancing other modes
4) The least-squares procedure often results in the
deterioration of previously balanced modes, unless these
modes arc heavily weighted, in which case the other
modes may receive insufficient emphasis
5) The inadvertent use of non-independent balancing planes
often results in the calculation of impractical, and generally
inappropriate, results, such as large mutually counteracting
correction masses

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

Table 6.1 Data and Results for First Test Case (No Plane Elimination Influence Coefficients
Plane 1 Plane 2 Plane 3 Uncorrected Rotor Data
Sensor 1 1.41 at 45° 2.24 at 27° 3.61 at 34° 3.16 at 72°
Sensor 2 3.16 at 72° 4.47 at 27° 2.24 at 27° 3.16 at 18°
Sensor 3 2.83 at 45° 2.24 at 27° 5.0 at 27° 4.12 at 14°
Sensor 4 3.16 at 18° 3.61 at 34° 4.47 at 27° 5.39 at 68°
Correction Masses Significance Factors
Plane 1 Plane 2 Plane 3 Plane 1 Plane 2 Plane 3
1.39 at -4° 1.25 at -144° 0.98 at 168° 0.331 0.502 1.0

0 9
0 9

0 
0 

ne1 P
e2 P
4@ 3
.6 1
9@ 1
44 0
0@ 

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

Table 6.2 Data and Results for Second Test Case Before Plane Optimization Influence Coefficients
Plane 1 Plane 2 Plane 3 Uncorrected Rotor Data
Sensor 1 1.41 at 45° 3.61 at 34° 3.61 at 34° 3.16 at 72°
Sensor 2 3.16 at 72° 2.24 at 27° 2.24 at 27° 3.16 at 18°
Sensor 3 2.83 at 45° 5.0 at 37° 5.0 at 37° 4.12 at 14°
Sensor 4 3.16 at 18° 3.61 at 34° 4.47 at 27° 5.39 at 68°
Correction Masses Significance Factors
Plane 1 Plane 2 Plane 3 Plane 1 Plane 2 Plane 3
0.87 at101° 4.74 at 100° 5.08 at -87° 0.466 0.110 1.0

Plane 3
5.078@  87.3 

90 90 90

0 0 0

Plane 1 Plane 2
0.870@101 4.741@100

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

Table 6.3 Data and Results for Second Test Case After Plane Optimization Influence Coefficients

Plane 1 Plane 3 Uncorrected Rotor Data

Sensor 1 1.41 at 45° 3.61 at 34° 3.16 at 72°
Sensor 2 3.16 at 72° 2.24 at 27° 3.16 at 18°
Sensor 3 2.83 at 45° 5.0 at 37° 4.12 at 14°
Sensor 4 3.16 at 18° 3.61 at 27° 5.39 at 68°
Correction Masses Significance Factors
Plane 1 Plane 3 Plane 1 Plane 3
0.51 at 46°° 1.13 at -155° 0.446 1.0

90 90

0 0

Plane1 Plane1
0.511@ 46.2 1.126@1 55

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

 The features of flexible rotor balancing
1) Flexible rotor balancing is related with the balance speed,
because the deformation or sag of the rotor is related with
its speed
2) Flexible rotor balancing should eliminate the dynamic
counterforce of each bearing and should make the
moment of balancing masses to be minimized

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

 Static balance means that the weight is evenly disposed
around the axis of the shaft and may be checked by rolling
the rotor on horizontal knife-edge supports.
 Dynamic balance means that the moments of the out-of-
balance weights along the axis, about either bearing, add
up to zero.
 This is checked by spinning the rotor on resilient bearings,
detecting the vibration, and adding weights until it is
 A modern-balancing machine, which eliminates to a large
extent the trial and error processes used in the past,
enables balancing to be carried out with a high degree of
 Nevertheless a very small out-of-balance force always
2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie
If there’s only ncr1 for a rotor,
when n surpasses ncr1,the
deformation will ↓greatly with n↑
Then the mode curve tends to the
centerline o-o with n↑
For the uniform rotor, if the
directions of unbalance masses
are the same, the mode curve will
be 1’ at higher speed
In practice, the bode curve will be
as curve 4, combined with 1, 2
and 3

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

气动/结构耦合动力学系统目标敏感性分析的快速准确计算方法及优化设计研究 杨旭东 西北工业大学
多支承、弹性转子系统弯扭耦合振动及控制模拟研究 张俊红 天津大学
多自由度柔性转子-柔性静子系统的非线性全周碰摩研究 张 文 复旦大学
柔性转子模糊动平衡原理 屈梁生 西安交通大学
基于模型确认的复杂机械结构动态仿真精确建模方法 郭勤涛 南京航空航天
转子结构动力学行为与疲劳裂纹扩展耦合分析 荆建平 上海交通大学
微型超高速旋转机械转子系统动力学建模与分析 祝长生 浙江大学
柔性多体系统刚柔耦合动力学若干问题研究 洪嘉振 上海交通大学
非线性挠性转子系统不平衡量在线识别方法的研究 郑水英 浙江大学
基于时间序列图像的MEMS结构试验模态分析与动力学特征参数识别 何小元 东南大学
多重故障非线性转子系统关键理论及远程诊断的研究 闻邦椿 东北大学
大规模电力系统多运行方式下低频振荡的协调控制 杜正春 西安交通大学
高速水轮机转子系统与减振问题 徐 华 西安交通大学
大型水轮机组水力振动机理探讨 曹树良 清华大学

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

 1. Can you distinguish the difference between the rigid rotor
dynamic balance and the flexible rotor dynamic balance?
 2. Please explain the influence coefficient. Can you
balance a flexible rotor by using influence coefficient
balancing? And how?
 3. Try to explain the term of phase angle? Please name one
or two of its application(s) in rotor balancing?
 4. Please list the procedures of three steps balancing of rigid
 5. Can you distinguish between the trial mass and the
correction mass in rotor balancing ?
 6. Please explain the meaning of modal balancing.

2010-6-8 Chapter 4 Flexible rotor dynamic balancing----By Dr. Danmei Xie

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