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Adaptive Influence Coefficient

Control of Single-Plane Active

Balancing Systems for Rotating
Stephen W. Dyer
BalaDyne Corporation, Machinery
Ann Arbor, MI 48108-2254
Rotating unbalance is a costly source of harmful vibration affecting a wide variety of
Jun Ni applications such as high-speed machine tools and turbomachinery. Active balancing
Department of Mechanical Engineering, technology allows adjustment of a machine’s balance state while conditions change as the
The University of Michigan, machine continues to operate. An adaptive control law for single-plane active balancing
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2136 is presented here for control of steady-state rotation-synchronous vibration. The adaptive
control method, based on the well known ‘‘influence coefficient’’approach, requires no a
priori modeling or estimation of plant dynamics. A control ‘‘gain’’ parameter is intro-
duced and shown to enhance stability robustness of the nonadaptive portion of the control
law. A recursive on-line system identification method is presented that uses exponential
weighted averaging to mitigate the effects of measurement noise and system nonlineari-
ties. Experimental results establish the efficacy of the adaptive control system even in the
face of certain nonlinear and time-varying rotordynamic systems.
关DOI: 10.1115/1.1349554兴

Introduction ing transmitted forces or rotor deflections. Typically, however,

forces and deflections due to rotating unbalance cannot both be
Problem Motivation. High-speed rotating machines are inte- controlled simultaneously using stationary actuators. Active bal-
gral components of processes in a wide variety of industries. Such ancing, on the other hand, incorporates balance mass actuators to
applications include machine tools for grinding, turning, and mill- generate forces in the rotating frame. Such actuators, if placed
ing of automotive and aerospace components. Another major ap- appropriately, can allow the simultaneous reduction of both trans-
plication is turbomachinery in petro-chemical manufacturing and mitted bearing forces and rotating deflections. Although active
land, air, and sea-based power generation systems. Rotating un- balancing vibration control is strictly limited to the rotation-
balance is a major source of harmful vibration affecting precision synchronous frequency, balance mass actuators can be engineered
and reliability in these industries. to remain in a fixed state without external power. These benefits
Off-line balancing techniques cannot address field installation can often justify the use of active balancing.
unbalance problems occurring due to changing conditions such as The first ‘‘in-process’’ balancing systems were actually passive
component erosion or deposition, flexible rotor effects, mass or devices that took advantage of the inherent 180 degree phase shift
stiffness changes, etc. High-speed machining processes, for ex- between unbalance and rotor displacement above first critical
ample, utilize frequent automatic tool changes. Tools and tool- speed 关3兴. Van de Vegte 关4兴 proposed active balancing systems
holders for high-speed machining are often balanced prior to in- utilizing DC servomotors and lead screws to change shaft balance
sertion into a spindle. However, toolholder clamping tolerances state. Trial-and-error control methods have been proposed 关5,6兴
and drawbar assembly clearances may still result in unbalanced that respond relatively slowly and do not necessarily guarantee
spindle assemblies. In these cases of time-varying unbalance dis- convergence to minimum vibration levels, especially at speeds
turbances, active balance control can provide an effective vibra- close to critical speeds. Other strategies incorporate nonadaptive
tion control solution. influence coefficient based control with no balance correction
state feedback 关7兴.
State of the Art. Active balancing technology aims to pro- Lee and Kim 关8兴 showed the efficacy of the single-plane active
vide real-time control of unbalance-induced vibration 共UIV兲 in the balancing approach experimentally with the implementation of a
presence of unknown and time-varying unbalance disturbances. manually controlled battery-powered active balancing device.
State-of-the-art active balancing systems, however, cannot always Further work 关9兴 utilized finite element modeling to generate in-
respond quickly and accurately enough to be viable in many pro- fluence coefficient estimates and compute initial 共trial兲 balance
cesses. Extensive a priori modeling or identification of plant dy- corrections. A ‘‘squeezing’’ control then incorporated on-line es-
namics required for most laboratory systems limits their practical timation using the latest, and initial vibration and correction
commercial value. Nonadaptive control systems, furthermore, are states.
not necessarily robust in the face of time-varying and nonlinear
dynamics. Scope of Research. Bishop 关10兴 addressed the concept of ac-
Active structural control systems utilizing ‘‘stationary reference tive balancing of a flexible rotor and proposed that one balance
frame’’ actuators such as piezoelectric, hydraulic or magnetic plane would normally suffice. His conclusion was based on the
bearing devices offer one approach to controlling unbalance- assumption that, at any given rotational speed at which synchro-
induced vibration 关1,2兴. Systems using these stationary-fixed ac- nous vibration is high, only one mode dominates rotor response.
tuators usually attempt to regulate one of two things, either bear- An active balancer could then be used to control the dominant
mode with negligible effect on other modes. Although this condi-
Contributed by the Manufacturing Engineering Division for publicaiton in the
tion is not necessarily met in high-speed spindle dynamics, if the
JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. Manuscript received active balance plane is located close to the major source of re-
June 1999; revised February 2000. Associate Editor: R. Furness. sidual unbalance, then one balance plane would typically be ef-

Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering MAY 2001, Vol. 123 Õ 291
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Fig. 2 Vibration error signal demodulated to obtain the shaft
Fig. 1 Schematic of active balancing system for high-speed rotation-synchronous frequency phasor
machining spindles

fixed phase reference on the rotating shaft. This filtered output of

the vibration transducer is the ‘‘error’’ signal that is to be can-
fective. The further desire for simplicity and cost-effectiveness in celled by the active control system.
implementing active balancing systems in industry means that The balance correction vector can also be represented as a com-
single-plane active balancing is often sensible. Therefore, the plex number where the phase represents the lag of the balance
scope of this research was limited to single-plane active balancing correction from a fixed reference on the rotating shaft.
systems. Extending the methods to the more complex multiple-
plane balancing problem is left for future work.
To date, active balancing control strategies described in the Influence Coefficient-Based Control
literature are all based on control at a fixed or slowly varying shaft The lateral rotordynamics of a flexible rotating system in re-
rotational speed. Active balance state adjustments are performed sponse to unbalance can, in general, be effectively represented by
much faster than rotational speed changes, and much slower than a discrete set of linear differential equations. Including gyroscopic
rotordynamic transient response. For this research also, only the effects, the equations for the unbalance response of a discrete
steady-state forced vibration response was used as feedback to the viscously damped anisotropic stator system at a constant rota-
active control system. tional speed ␻ can be written in matrix form 关11兴 as
This paper presents an adaptive control strategy that provides
关 M 兴 兵 ẍ 其 ⫹ 共关 C 兴 ⫹ ␻ 关 G 兴 兲 兵 ẋ 其 ⫹ 共关 K 兴 ⫹ ␻ 关 C r 兴 兲 兵 x 其
steady-state active balancing convergence without requiring a pri-
ori modeling or estimation of plant dynamics. An introduction to
the components of an active balancing system is given and the
concept of ‘‘influence coefficients’’ reviewed. The stability crite-
⫽␻2 再 Re共 兵 Ue i 共 ␻ t⫹ ␣ 兲 其 兲
Im共 兵 Ue i 共 ␻ t⫹ ␣ 兲 其 兲 冎 (1)

rion is shown for a simple nonadaptive influence coefficient based where x is the generalized displacement of each degree of freedom
control law that includes a robustness-enhancing control ‘‘gain’’ and 关M兴, 关C兴, 关G兴, 关K兴 and 关 C r 兴 are respectively the mass, damp-
parameter. A recursive on-line system identification method is ing, gyroscopic, stiffness and rotating frame damping matrices.
introduced that uses exponential weighted averaging to mitigate The forcing term in the differential equation is made up of the real
the effects of measurement noise and system nonlinearities. Ex- and imaginary 共or ‘‘direct’’ and ‘‘quadrature’’兲 components of U,
perimental results are shown for systems with nonlinear and time- the discretized unbalance distribution 共consisting of ‘‘static’’ and
varying dynamics. ‘‘moment’’ unbalances兲 at the appropriate phase angles ␣. As the
rotational speed ␻ tends to zero, the left portion of this matrix
equation should be recognizable as the typical nonrotating discrete
linear dynamic system.
Components of Active Balancing System Once the elements of Eq. 共1兲 are determined 共through experi-
The goal of the active balancing system is to minimize steady mental or analytical means兲, the dynamic response of a given
state synchronous vibration while a machine continues operating degree of freedom to unbalance at a given location can be solved
regardless of unknown and varying residual unbalance distribu- to obtain the steady-state unbalance response over the operating
tions. An active balancing system is made up of: 共1兲 an active speed range. The steady state solution can be found numerically
balancing mass actuation device that mounts permanently to the 关12兴 or analytically by assuming a sinusoid response, substituting
rotating shaft; 共2兲 sensors which measure vibration and balance the assumed solution into the differential equations, and solving
correction state; and 共3兲 the controller as shown in Fig. 1. the resulting algebraic equation 关13兴. The steady-state response of
For many rotating machines it is possible to roughly predict the a certain degree of freedom to unbalance at given locations can be
axial location of the unbalance disturbance. Unbalance in high- represented by ‘‘Influence Coefficients.’’ These are simply the
speed machining spindles, for example, is often concentrated at complex-valued transfer functions, evaluated at the appropriate
the tool/toolholder location at the nose of the spindle. By placing rotational speeds, between unbalance and dynamic response.
an active balancing device close to that location of the major At a steady operating speed, the synchronous vibration ‘‘error’’
source of system forcing, single-plane active balancing is likely to output at a given discrete time step k is assumed to be a linear
be successful at controlling UIV. function of the effect of the active balance input and the cumu-
Since active balancing can only affect the shaft synchronous lated effect of all rotor-synchronous disturbances as indicated in
frequency vibration, the raw vibration signal must be filtered to Eq. 共2兲.
obtain the synchronous frequency component. To obtain this
e k ⫽c 共 ␻ 兲 w k ⫹d (2)
complex-valued Fourier coefficient, vibration data is sampled and
then convolved with the shaft synchronous rotation phasor as il- where w k is the complex balance correction 共units of unbalance兲
lustrated in Fig. 2. at time step k, c( ␻ ) is the complex-valued influence coefficient
The synchronous reference phasor must be generated using a 共units of vibration per unit unbalance兲 of balance correction on

292 Õ Vol. 123, MAY 2001 Transactions of the ASME

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error sensor output at speed ␻, and d is the disturbance 共vibration
units兲 contributing to error measured at the sensor. This relation-
ship forms the basis for the well-known influence coefficient off-
line balancing method 关14兴.
The active balancing controller should command the balance
weight correction w k⫹1 to achieve the goal of the error signal at
control iteration k⫹1 being exactly zero. Assuming that the dis-
turbance does not change as fast as the control update, the neces-
sary control law can be derived. The single-plane control formu-
lation, similar to that used by magnetic bearing researchers 关15兴 is
given by:
w k⫹1 ⫽w k ⫺ (3)
c共 ␻ 兲
Note that although the balance correction vector w k and vibration
error phasor e k can be measured, the influence coefficient c( ␻ )
must be estimated. This could be accomplished through precise
modeling or experimental tests of the system. The estimated in-
fluence coefficient, designated as ĉ, is then used in place of the
actual influence coefficient c( ␻ ) in the control law of Eq. 共3兲. Fig. 3 Single-plane active balancing control stable for all val-
ues of „ ␣ c Õ ĉ … falling within the unit circle in the right half com-
plex plane „ R Ë1…
Use of ‘‘Gain’’ Parameter to Improve Nonadaptive
Control Stability
The stability of this nonadaptive control law depends on the
accuracy of the influence coefficient estimate. Researchers have

R⫽ 1⫺ ␣

冏⬍1 (12)
derived the stability criterion for a similar nonadaptive control for This criterion can be represented graphically in the complex
magnetic bearing systems. To further enhance stability margin, plane as shown in Fig. 3.
however, a gain parameter ␣ (0⬍ ␣ ⭐1) is proposed here to be From Fig. 3, one can see how the control gain parameter ␣ can
added to the control law of Eq. 共3兲 such that enhance robustness. For the case in which the actual influence
ek coefficient does not change during control convergence, it can be
w k⫹1 ⫽w k ⫺ ␣ (4) shown, based on Eq. 共12兲, that the nonadaptive control law of Eq.
ĉ 共4兲 is stable if and only if
This gain parameter ␣ can improve control robustness to errors
兩 ĉ 兩
in the influence coefficient estimate ĉ. We can, without loss of ␣ ⬍2 cos共 ␪ c ⫺ ␪ ĉ 兲 (13)
generality, consider the disturbance d to be represented by the 兩c兩
influence of a hypothetical unbalance u 共which may include any where 兩c兩 and 兩 ĉ 兩 are the magnitudes of the actual and the esti-
synchronous forcing, not just unbalance兲 acting through some cu- mated influence coefficients and ␪ c and ␪ ĉ are their respective
mulative influence coefficient c u such that phase angles. Since ␣ is defined to be greater than zero, if the
d⫽cc u u (5) phase angle of the influence coefficient estimate lies between ⫾90
deg 共noninclusive兲 of the actual influence coefficient phase angle
Equation 共2兲 can then be written 共i.e., the real part of the quotient c/ĉ is greater than zero兲, then
e k ⫽c 共 w k ⫹c u u 兲 (6) there exists a gain ␣ for which the control is stable.
The convergence of the controlled error from the initial state e 0
We can define a cumulative forcing term v k where to zero is governed by Eq. 共11兲. It is clear that although small
v k ⫽w k ⫹c u u (7) values for ␣ enhance stability robustness, they also slow down
control convergence rate. It is also clear that an accurate estimate
Substituting Eq. 共7兲 into Eq. 共6兲 gives of the influence coefficient reduces the necessity to be conserva-
tive in choosing the gain ␣ for stability robustness reasons. There-
e k ⫽c v k (8)
fore, an on-line estimation strategy can be employed to ensure
Again assuming the disturbance u and influence coefficients c and accurate influence coefficient estimates regardless of changing or
c u do not change over one control iteration, we can use Eq. 共8兲 nonlinear dynamics.
and rearrange Eq. 共7兲 for both control iterations k and k⫹1 in Eq.
共4兲 giving the relationship: On-Line Estimation of Influence Coefficient
c If the balance correction state is measurable, plant input and
v k⫹1 ⫽ v k ⫺ ␣ v (9) output information is available with which to estimate the influ-
ĉ k
ence coefficient during each control iteration. The proposed ap-

v k⫹1 ⫽ 1⫺ ␣
ĉ k冊 (10)
proach for accomplishing the estimation is a recursive exponen-
tially weighted averaging method. This method is based on using
the current and most recent previous measurements to calculate
The recursive forcing of Eq. 共10兲, combined with Eq. 共8兲 yields the instantaneous value of the influence coefficient using the fol-
the controlled vibration error history lowing formula:

e k⫹1 ⫽ 1⫺ ␣
ĉ 冊 k⫹1
e0 (11) c new ⫽
e k ⫺e k⫺1
w k ⫺w k⫺1

It then follows that the single-plane active balancing control is Previous researchers have utilized nonrecursive and recursive
asymptotically stable, for a constant influence coefficient c, if and least squares estimation 关16兴 using data from every control itera-
only if: tion in past history. This has the effect of estimating the average

Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering MAY 2001, Vol. 123 Õ 293

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influence coefficient over time without responding well to time-
varying dynamics. Other work used the initially measured input
and output along with the current measurements 关9兴, compared to
the most recent and current measurements used for this work. In
the former estimation technique, if the plant dynamics or unbal-
ance disturbance change, or are nonlinear, this method may lead
to control instability or, at the very least, slower control conver-
gence. Furthermore, no provision is made to mitigate the effects
of measurement noise.
Assuming sufficient excitation 共i.e., sufficient change in the
control input w k from iteration to iteration兲, the computed value
c new will be nonsingular. 共A supervisory method will be discussed
later that ‘‘turns off’’ estimation in certain situations where insuf-
ficient excitation persists.兲 However, this estimation formula is
also directly subject to the noise present in measuring e and w.
Therefore, it may not be desirable to throw out all previously
estimated information of the influence coefficient. To mitigate the
effect of measurement noise, an exponentially weighted recursive
average can be used to update the influence coefficient. The up-
dated influence coefficient used in computing the next control step
is then estimated as

ĉ k ⫽ 共 1⫺ ␤ 兲 ĉ k⫺1 ⫹ ␤ 冉 e k ⫺e k⫺1
w k ⫺w k⫺1 冊 (15) Fig. 4 Influence coefficient estimation performance for vari-
ous values of the ␤ ‘‘Forgetting Factor’’
where 0⭐ ␤ ⭐1. The ␤ parameter is a ‘‘forgetting factor’’ that
governs the extent of control system adaptivity. When ␤ ⫽0, no
weight is given to the newly calculated influence coefficient and
the control system is the same as the nonadaptive system dis-
cussed previously. When ␤ is close to one, the adaptive controller
w k⫹1 ⫽w k ⫺ ␣ 冉冊
ĉ k

places more weight on the most recently estimated influence co- where ĉ k is given in Eq. 共15兲. The block diagram form of the
efficient and tends to ignore previous estimates. controller is shown in Fig. 5.
The forgetting factor ␤ can be chosen to provide an optimum When the magnitude of the change in balance correction vector
trade-off between estimation sensitivity to measurement noise, 兩 w k ⫺w k⫺1 兩 approaches zero, the estimation of ĉ k becomes singu-
and speed of estimation convergence. For the stationary case after lar. This could lead to ‘‘bursts’’ of spurious estimates and the
the estimation has substantially converged, the statistical variance balance weights being commanded to non-ideal positions. Though
of the exponentially weighted influence coefficient estimate can the estimation and control would likely re-converge after a brief
be defined as a function of the variance of c new . Assuming that period, such an event is undesirable and could lead temporarily to
the new measurement is independent of the past estimate, the harmful vibration levels. Further complexity could be added to the
variance of the estimate is given by: control law of Eq. 共18兲 to vary the control and estimation param-

冉 冊
eters ␣ and ␤ in real-time so that the estimation Eq. 共15兲 did not
␤ become singular. For this work, however, a rule-based supervi-
Var 关 ĉ k 兴 ⫽ Var 关 c new 兴 . (16)
2⫺ ␤ sory strategy was chosen. On-line variation of adaptive param-
eters will be left for future study.
Thus, the estimation variance can be reduced by selecting a low
The supervisory strategy used for these experiments was to
value for ␤. For values of ␤ close to unity, the estimation variance
‘‘turn off’’ the estimation whenever the change in control vectors
approaches the variance of the calculated parameter c new . This
兩 w k ⫺w k⫺1 兩 fell below some predetermined level. This level was
relationship is shown in Fig. 4a.
chosen based on the balance correction resolution and measure-
The estimation will ‘‘track’’ the actual influence coefficient c as
ment noise of the balance correction vector. The control was de-
it varies over time. The disadvantage of choosing a low forgetting
factor ␤ is that estimation convergence rate is reduced. For the
case of a step change in the actual influence coefficient to a new
constant value, the influence estimation convergence is governed
by the equation
E 关 ĉ k 兴 ⫽c⫹ 共 ĉ 0 ⫺c 兲共 1⫺ ␤ 兲 k (17)
where c is the actual influence coefficient, ĉ 0 is the initial esti-
mate, and E 关 ĉ k 兴 is the expected value of the influence coefficient
estimate after k̂ iterations. The number of estimation iterations
required for 95 percent convergence of the estimate for various ␤
values is plotted in Fig. 4b. Higher ␤ results in faster estimation
convergence. For systems that have slowly varying dynamics and
high measurement noise, a low ␤ value is best. For highly non-
linear or rapidly varying dynamic systems, a larger ␤ value would
be necessary for fast control convergence.

Recursive Supervisory Adaptive Control Law

With the addition of the control gain ␣ and the on-line influence
coefficient estimation, the adaptive single-plane recursive control
law is given by Fig. 5 Adaptive influence coefficient control block diagram

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Fig. 7 Experimental setup of single plane active balancing
Fig. 6 Flow chart of experimental single-plane active balanc- system on test spindle 2 mounted in a high-speed machining
ing control system center

of the first three shaft flexural modes. Therefore, it was concluded

activated whenever the vibration error level fell below a preset
that the addition of the balancing device would not significantly
limit. When deactivated, the controller could continue to monitor
change the dynamic sensitivity of the spindle.
the vibration error and reactivate the control and estimation when
A Hall Effect sensor detected a fixed magnetic target on the
the error exceeded a certain limit. The limit level included some
rotating shaft to compute spindle rotational speed and to act as a
‘‘hysteresis’’ to prevent annoying on-off cycles of the controller.
phase reference. The synchronous vibration error phasor was
Thus, the vibration error limit at which the controller turned back
computed each control iteration as discussed previously. 32
on was somewhat higher than the limit at which the controller
samples of spindle housing vibration 共measured with a piezoelec-
turned off. A flow chart of this supervisory strategy is shown in
tric accelerometer兲 were obtained every spindle revolution with
Fig. 6.
sampling synchronized to spindle rotation. Data from multiple
Such a supervisory control strategy is important for machine
spindle revolutions 共typically six兲 were then time-synchronous av-
tool applications as active balance corrections should only be per-
eraged to provide additional filtering of noise and nonsynchronous
formed prior to, not during, metal cutting. The balancing system
was configured so that it could receive an ‘‘activate’’ command
Balance correction was measured by detecting the passing of a
and, after successful control of vibration error below the limit
magnet target on each balance rotor by stationary Hall Effect sen-
level, would deactivate itself. Vibration error, however, would be
sors. The phase lag of these events compared to the shaft phase
monitored continuously for history logging purposes.
reference target was calculated to determine the angular location
of each balance rotor.
Experimental Results of Single-Plane Adaptive Control
Results of Control of Nonlinear ‘‘Hardening’’ System. Re-
Experimental System Configuration. The adaptive control sults of the single-plane active balancing tests showed the efficacy
law derived above in Eq. 共18兲 was implemented for a high-speed of the adaptive control approach. Test spindle 1 was used to test
machining spindle active balancing system. The components of the adaptive control system robustness in the presence of nonlin-
the active balancing system tested are shown in Fig. 1. The bal- ear dynamics. The spindle exhibited a ‘‘hardening’’ stiffness ef-
ance mass actuator used for the experiments detailed in this paper fect when vibrating at large amplitudes. At the test rotational
was an electromagnetically actuated active balancing device 关17兴. speed, the spindle dynamic stiffness was about two times greater
This device was fixed to the rotating shaft and contained two at high unbalance levels than at low unbalance levels. A nonadap-
unbalanced rotors that could be quickly positioned in 60 discrete tive linear influence coefficient based control algorithm would
angular increments relative to the rotating shaft to achieve the generally have difficulty achieving low vibration in the presence
desired balance correction magnitude and phase angle. Each bal- of such a harsh nonlinearity. Control stability may also be in
ance rotor had approximately 100 g-mm of unbalance so that the question depending on the initial conditions. For the test described
total balance correction capacity of the device was about 200 here, an initial estimate of the influence coefficient magnitude and
g-mm. Power to the rotating ‘‘stepper’’ device was passed mag- phase in the range of previously measured values was supplied to
netically across an air gap from stationary coil assemblies the controller. Figure 8 shows how the measured spindle housing
mounted on the spindle housing. Permanent magnets locked the vibration at the operating speed of 10,000 rpm was reduced to an
balance rotors to the shaft whenever power was not applied, even acceptable level by the adaptive controller. Adaptive control pa-
during fast spindle accelerations. rameters ␣ ⫽0.9 and ␤ ⫽0.75 were used in each of the experi-
The system was tested on two different spindles with similar ments presented here.
results. Test spindle 1 was a 23,700 rpm, 1 kW air-cooled spindle. Figure 8 shows that vibration was controlled to below the low
Test spindle 2, shown in the photograph in Fig. 7, was a 15,000 limit in two balance correction iterations. The time required for
rpm, 75 kW liquid-cooled spindle. The placement of the active the vibration data sampling, estimation, and control computation
balancing device and sensors on test spindle 2 are also indicated is evident by noting the time between the end of the first balance
in Fig. 7. iteration and the start of the second 共observable when the vibra-
The balancing device was retro-fit into the labyrinth seal and tion begins to decrease again just before one second兲. A portion of
bearing clamping area of the existing spindle design. Therefore, this time between balance weight positioning was allotted as a
the balancer had no effect on the bearing locations, diameters or fixed delay to allow the transient vibration to settle.
the overhang of the spindle gage line. The addition of the balanc- An interesting and surprising side benefit of actively balancing
ing device increased the spindle rotating mass by 1.1 kg, about 2.5 the ‘‘hardening’’ nonlinear system was the broad frequency band
percent of the original 45.9 kg rotating mass. Rotordynamic effectiveness of the synchronous vibration control. Since the
analyses predicted the placement of this additional inertia would available forcing of the active balancing system can only occur
result in a change of less than 1 percent in the frequencies of any synchronous to the machine rotation, active balancing in general

Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering MAY 2001, Vol. 123 Õ 295

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Fig. 8 Measured spindle housing vibration during active bal-
ancing of nonlinear system Fig. 10 Measured spindle housing vibration during single-
plane adaptive active balancing with inaccurate initial influence
coefficient estimate
can only control synchronous vibration. However, for nonlinear
systems, large unbalances can excite nonlinear effects that appear
at higher harmonic frequencies. Therefore, by controlling syn- ing system was tested for the worst case scenario by providing the
chronous vibration, these broadband vibrations can also be signifi- control system with an erroneous initial estimate of the system
cantly diminished. This previously unanticipated result is shown influence coefficient. The results of the test with the spindle op-
in Fig. 9, a time-frequency graph of vibration during a single- erating at about 10,000 rpm are shown in Fig. 10.
plane active balancing test. It is evident that the erroneous initial influence coefficient esti-
Note that the rotor-synchronous component is the dominant fre- mate caused the controller to move the balance weights in the
quency component of vibration. Other integer and half-integer ‘‘wrong’’ direction, causing a temporary increase in vibration.
vibration harmonics also appear prior to active balancing. After each control iteration, however, new input-output data was
After active balancing was completed the synchronous vibra- utilized in a weighted average to re-estimate the system unbalance
tion component was dramatically reduced. Furthermore, the response vector. After four control iterations and less than three
higher harmonics were also eliminated due to the reduction of the seconds, the active balancing system controlled vibration to below
synchronous component and the subsequent nonlinear effects. the preset low limit. The controller then had acquired, or
Tests of Control with Time-Varying Dynamics. Another ‘‘learned,’’ the spindle dynamic response at that operating speed
important test of the adaptive control system is its robustness to during the exercising of control. Thus, the active balancing system
changes in plant dynamics. As described previously, rotating ma- could be used as a probe to measure and track the inherent dy-
chine dynamics can vary over time due to changing operating namic response of a system. Such data may contain useful diag-
environment, degradation or damage of components, or various nostic information about the dynamic bearing stiffness and effec-
other reasons. This tendency for rotordynamics to change appre- tive rotating inertia, etc.
ciably highlights the need for a robust adaptive control strategy. If balancing were again required for the same operating speed
In the case of high-speed machining spindles, different tool and machine configuration the control system would be able to
inertia and varying machine configuration can result in significant reject new disturbances much more quickly. Results of a test of
variation of the system dynamics. The most typical scenario for the active balancing system after such adaptive ‘‘learning’’ are
time-varying dynamics on a machine tool would be an abrupt step shown in Fig. 11.
change in both machine dynamics and unbalance disturbance after The test results shown in Fig. 11 indicate how quickly the
a tool change. Thus, the ‘‘time-varying’’ characteristic is that the single-plane control system can respond when an accurate esti-
dynamics are unknown and the influence coefficient estimate mate of the influence coefficient vector is available.
could be inaccurate at the beginning of the next active balancing Results of Control at Multiple Rotational Speeds. A test of
cycle. The performance of the single-plane adaptive active balanc- the active balancing system on test spindle 2 resulted in signifi-
cantly decreased vibration at all speeds. An unbalance of 70 g-mm

Fig. 9 Measured time-frequency spectrum of spindle housing

vibration showing broadband effect of active balancing of non- Fig. 11 Measured spindle housing vibration during single-
linear system plane active balancing after adaptive system ‘‘learning’’

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ence coefficient method, includes a control gain that tunes the
‘‘aggressiveness’’ of control to enhance stability. A stability cri-
terion was shown for this gain parameter as a function of the
actual and estimated influence coefficients. The control system
utilizes the input and output information available after each
change in active balance correction to compute an estimate of the
influence coefficient. A recursive exponential weighting method is
used to reduce estimation sensitivity to measurement noise while
still responding to time-varying and nonlinear dynamics. Such an
adaptive control system allows quick and robust control response
without requiring any a priori modeling of plant dynamics. The
on-line system identification integral with the control provides the
useful side benefit of allowing the monitoring of machine dy-
namic response characteristics.
Tests of a supervisory implementation of the adaptive control
scheme on high-speed spindle systems showed the system was
Fig. 12 Measured spindle housing vibration before and after successful at controlling synchronous vibration over a wide range
adaptive active balancing at various spindle speeds „70 g-mm of rotational speeds. The control method performed well even in
unbalance at tool tip… the presence of nonlinear and time-varying dynamics. Applica-
tions with well-known unbalance locations such as high-speed
machining spindles are good targets for such a single-plane active
was inserted at the tip of a 210 mm long, 50.8 mm diameter tool. balancing system. For machines with more complex unbalance
The spindle was then run at constant speeds from 5,000 rpm up to distributions, a multiple-plane optimal extension of the control
its maximum operating speed of 15,000 rpm and active balancing law is in order. Further investigations are also warranted into the
performed. The synchronous vibration was recorded before and control system’s capability of responding to rapidly changing ro-
after active balancing at each speed and is shown in Fig. 12. tational speeds and dynamics.
The spindle manufacture considered 2 mm/sec to be acceptable
but less than 1 mm/sec of spindle housing vibration desirable to Acknowledgments
protect spindle bearing life. The housing vibration due to a given
unbalance will vary significantly depending on spindle speed and The authors would like to acknowledge the work of Zhenhu
mounting configuration. Therefore the vibration specifications are Zhuang to implement the real-time control and estimation soft-
not necessarily valid as absolute spindle damage indicators. They ware and hardware used in the tests. The comments and direction
are simply intended to provide end-users with a general and easily of Professor Jianjun Shi were helpful. Dr. Daniel Apley contrib-
measurable rule-of-thumb. During this experiment, the adaptive uted to the stability analysis outlined in the paper. The authors
active balancing system reduced synchronous vibration by 79–99 also appreciate the effort and useful comments of the reviewers.
percent. The control system was able to maintain synchronous Special thanks are due to Mr. Hans Luedi of E. Fischer A. G., Mr.
vibration at or below 0.5 mm/sec even when initial vibration well Dan Beamon of Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, and Mr.
exceeded ‘‘acceptable’’ levels. Background vibration ‘‘noise’’ Gary Haas of Cincinnati Milacron for the use of their equipment
and the positioning resolution of the balance mass actuators de- or facilities. The support of the management and staff at Bala-
termined the minimum achievable controlled vibration level. Dyne Corp. was key to the success of this research.
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