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Cross-validation of the 20- versus 30-s

Wingate anaerobic test


Impact Factor: 2.19 · DOI: 10.1007/s00421-007-0454-3 · Source: PubMed


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Matt Laurent Clay Robinson

Bowling Green State University Affiliation of Crop, Soil, and Environmental …


James M Green
University of North Alabama


All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, Available from: Matt Laurent
letting you access and read them immediately. Retrieved on: 11 January 2016
Eur J Appl Physiol (2007) 100:645–651
DOI 10.1007/s00421-007-0454-3


Cross-validation of the 20- versus 30-s Wingate anaerobic test

C. Matthew Laurent Jr. · Michael C. Meyers ·
Clay A. Robinson · J. Matt Green

Accepted: 19 March 2007 / Published online: 12 April 2007

© Springer-Verlag 2007

Abstract The 30-s Wingate anaerobic test (30-WAT) is and the 30-WAT. When derived data were subjected to
the most widely accepted protocol for measuring anaerobic Bland–Altman analyses, the majority of plots (93%) fell
response, despite documented physical side eVects. Abbre- within the limits of agreement (§2SD). Therefore, when
viation of the 30-WAT without loss of data could enhance compared to the 30-WAT, the 20-WAT may be considered
subject compliance while maintaining test applicability. a valid alternative when used with the predictive non-linear
The intent of this study was to quantify the validity of the regression equation to derive the Wnal power output values.
20-s Wingate anaerobic test (20-WAT) versus the tradi-
tional 30-WAT. Fifty males (mean § SEM; age = 20.5 § Keywords Leg power · Work capacity · Cycle ergometry ·
0.3 years; Ht = 1.6 § 0.01 m; Wt = 75.5 § 2.6 kg) were Sprint test
randomly selected to either a validation (N = 35) or cross-
validation group (N = 15) and completed a 20-WAT and
30-WAT in double blind, random order on separate days to Introduction
determine peak power (PP; W kg¡1), mean power (MP;
W kg¡1), and fatigue index (FI; %). Utilizing power The most commonly employed protocol for the measure-
outputs (relative to body mass) recorded during each sec- ment of anaerobic response is the 30-s Wingate anaerobic
ond of both protocols, a non-linear regression equation test (30-WAT). Developed almost 30 years ago, the 30-
(Y20WAT+10 = 31.4697 e¡0.5[ln(Xsecond/1174.3961)/2.63692]; WAT involves a maximal exertion bout on a cycle ergome-
r2 = 0.97; SEE = 0.56 W kg¡1) successfully predicted ter to evaluate peak power (PP), mean power (MP), and
(error »10%) the Wnal 10 s of power outputs in the cross- fatigue index (FI; Bar-Or 1987; Bar-Or et al. 1977). When
validation population. There were no signiWcant diVer- performing a 30-WAT, a subject typically exhibits a sharp
ences between MP and FI between the 20-WAT that rise in power output, reaching peak power within the Wrst
included the predicted 10 s of power outputs (20-WAT+10) few seconds. Typically, subjects are unable to maintain this
output, leading to an exponential decline in power through-
out the remaining duration of the test (Bar-Or et al. 1977;
Marquardt et al. 1993). During this prolonged period of
C. Matthew Laurent Jr. (&) · J. Matt Green
Department of Kinesiology, The University of Alabama, maximal eVort, the accumulation of [H+] and lactate as
Box 83012, Moore Hall, Tuscaloosa, AL, 35487-0312, USA byproducts of anaerobic glycolysis results in a drop in
e-mail: blood pH (lactic acidosis). The increased acidity impairs
enzyme activity involved in energy metabolism and
M. C. Meyers
Human Performance Research Laboratory, reduces maximal muscle Wbre recruitment (Allen et al.
Department of Sports and Exercise Sciences, 1992; Davis 1985). In addition, the acute increase of blood
West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX 79016, USA glucose as a substrate for glycolysis during maximal exer-
cise can result in hypoglycemia (Vincent et al. 2004).
C. A. Robinson
Department of Agriculture, West Texas A&M University, Together these responses may result in unwelcome physical
Canyon, TX 79016, USA side eVects, including fatigue, headache, dizziness, and

646 Eur J Appl Physiol (2007) 100:645–651

nausea (Jacobs et al. 1982). Subject awareness of these side randomly selected students who volunteered from univer-
eVects during anaerobic testing may result in submaximal sity level physical education classes. Subjects were encour-
eVort, high attrition rates, or unsuccessful subject comple- aged not to participate in any strenuous exercise during the
tion of subsequent sport performance testing (Jacobs et al. 24 h prior to testing, and initially reported to the laboratory
1982; Marquardt et al. 1993). 4 h postabsorptive. Subjects were fully informed of the
In 1987, Vandewalle et al. reported high correlation nature of the study and provided written, informed consent
coeYcients between data collected at the 20th and 30th sec- in accordance with the accepted guidelines of the Institu-
onds of a WAT. Consequently, they proposed to curtail the tional Review Board of the university and the American
duration of the WAT in order to diminish the stress of the College of Sports Medicine (1997).
test and the involvement of the aerobic metabolism. How-
ever, this previous study did not compare the 20-WAT and Procedures
30-WAT but the data collected at the 20th and 30th second
of the same test. Hence this previous study failed to prove All subjects initially reported to the laboratory whereupon
that results of a 20-WAT would have been the same as each individual had their height (m) and body mass (kg)
results collected during the Wrst 20 s of a 30-WAT because determined using calibrated physician scales. Anaerobic
of a possible submaximal eVort strategy during a stressful response was quantiWed utilizing both a 20-WAT and a 30-
30-WAT. More recently, Marquardt et al. (1993) reported WAT, performed in a double blind, randomly determined
high intraclass correlations (r > 0.95) between results of a order to measure peak power (W kg¡1), mean power
20 and 30 Wingate tests in 14 subjects and concluded “that (W kg¡1), and fatigue index (%). The maximum power
a 20-s Wingate test may be a valid and less strenuous alter- achieved during the Wrst 5 s of the test is deWned as PP,
native to the 30-s Wingate test.” while MP is deWned as the average power achieved
Since its Wrst publication, the 30-WAT has been used in throughout the trial, and the FI reXects the percent power
hundreds of studies published in the international literature decline during the trial (Bar-Or 1987; Bar-Or et al. 1977).
and it would be interesting to be able to compare the results Both WAT protocols were conducted while pedaling a
of a future 20-s anaerobic test with all these experimental calibrated Monark model 824E cycle ergometer (Monark
data. Moreover, it is likely that many athletes have per- AB, Varberg, Sweden) with integrated laser-based sensor
formed several traditional 30-WATs and, subsequently, and computer software (Sports Medicine Industries, Inc.,
could be reluctant to perform new tests whose results can- St. Cloud, MN). Prior to both tests, each subject began a
not be compared with previous scores. The prediction of warm-up phase consisting of alternating three 30-s intervals
30-WAT indices from 20-WAT performances is not indi- of active rest (pedaling against no resistance at 60 rpm)
vidual but statistical in the study by Vandewalle et al. with three 30-s intervals pedaling against increasing resis-
(1987a). In that study, the statistical prediction of the tance of 25, 50, and 75% of test resistance (Vanderford
amount of work performed at the 30th seconds (an equiva- et al. 2004). Prior research has indicated that this form of
lent of MP) from 20-s data was probably accurate pre-test loading elicits optimal power production during
(r = 0.989), however, the regression coeYcient between supramaximal exercise (Burnley et al. 2005). Test resis-
pedal rate at 20th and 30th was lower (r = 0.882). In the tance was calculated by multiplying the subject’s body
present study we validate a 20-WAT by comparing the data mass (kg) by 0.075. Following completion of the warm-up,
collected during 20 and 30 s all-out exercises in 50 sub- the subject continued to pedal at 60 rpm with no resistance
jects. Moreover, we propose a method which enables an for another 2 min until initiation of the WAT. Following a
individual and accurate prediction of 30-WAT indices from 10-s countdown, the resistance was immediately added and
the data of a 20-WAT (20-WAT+10). the subject was verbally encouraged to pedal as fast as pos-
sible for 20 or 30 s. Relative power outputs (W kg¡1) were
measured during each second of the two trials, and PP, MP,
Methods and FI were calculated according to accepted procedures
(Bar-Or 1987; Bar-Or et al. 1977).
Subjects Within each subject, the 20-WAT and 30-WAT were
completed at the same time of day, no less than 48 h and no
The participants for this study included 50 male, college- more than 7 days apart in order to ensure optimal recovery
aged students (mean § SEM; age = 20.5 § 0.3 years; and minimize any confounding anthropometric changes,
Ht = 175.8 § 1.2 cm; Wt = 75.5 § 2.6 kg) with no known respectively. In accordance with previously published
cardiovascular/pulmonary disease, metabolic disorders, or research regarding test–retest reliability of the WAT (Bar-Or
medical contraindications to exercise as determined by self- 1987; Granier et al. 1995; Kaczkowski et al. 1982;
response medical history form and interview. Subjects were Vandewalle et al. 1987a), a PP increase ¸8% was considered

Eur J Appl Physiol (2007) 100:645–651 647

to be a distorted response, presumably due to a learning ences among the PP, MP, and FI of the 20-WAT+10 and
eVect. In these instances, the initial protocol was repeated the 30-WAT relative power output. To further assess valid-
48 h later and used for comparison. In 13 instances, the ity and reliability, the Bland–Altman method of comparison
diVerence between the two protocols still exceeded the was employed to determine the limits of agreement
stated criteria and, consequently, these subjects were omit- (mean § 2SD) between the two protocols (Altman and
ted from the study. To assess the presence of negative side Bland 1983; Bland and Altman 1986) within the cross-vali-
eVects following testing, a basic approach was taken. Sub- dation group. Statistical signiWcance was determined
jects were asked to provide a yes/no answer with respect to a priori at the P = 0.05 level. All data are presented as
presence of nausea, light-headedness, leg fatigue, and/or mean § SEM unless otherwise noted.
any other physical side eVects. This approach was advanta-
geous in that it was not diYcult to administer and permitted
the evaluation of side eVects immediately proximal to the Results
test. This was important as side eVects may often be acute
and transient and in such case a written survey completed Peak power, mean power, and fatigue index
by subjects after recovering from testing would provide less
valid information. The mean relative power outputs recorded during the
20-WAT as well as the 30-WAT along with their respective
Statistical analyses P values and percent diVerences are presented in Table 1.
As expected, a signiWcant MANOVA was found for the
Data were subjected to multivariate analyses of variance Wilks’ Lambda rank variable (F3,80 = 0.723; P < 0.001;
(MANOVAs), where appropriate, utilizing the Statistical n ¡  = 0.998) between protocols. Subsequent ANOVAs
Package for Social Sciences (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL) to indicated no signiWcant diVerences between relative PP out-
determine a signiWcant main eVect between protocols. puts recorded during the 30-WAT and the 20-WAT; how-
When univariate post hoc procedures (AVOVA) indicated ever, signiWcant diVerences were found with regard to
signiWcant diVerences between relative MP outputs and FI, relative MP and FI. Mean relative power outputs were sim-
the sample of 50 subjects were randomly assigned to either ilar throughout the Wrst 20 s of both trials, however, a sub-
a validation group (N = 35) or cross-validation group stantial power decline was observed during the Wnal 10 s of
(N = 15). Both linear and non-linear regression analyses the 30-WAT (Fig. 1).
were employed to develop an equation in order to deter-
mine the best model to predict the Wnal 10 s of relative Linear versus non-linear regression prediction model
power outputs. These values were derived from power out-
puts obtained during seconds 11–20 of the 20-WAT rela- Results from linear and non-linear regression analyses
tive to those obtained during seconds 21–30 of the 30-WAT revealed that the non-linear model yield similar coeYcients
from the validation group. The non-linear formula of determination between models. There was an additional
employed to Wt the data was a three parameter, peak, log- two percent of variation observed was explained when
normal equation of the form Y = a e¡0.5[(ln (X/X0)/b)2], using a non-linear versus a linear prediction model
where a, b, and X0 are the parameters Wtted, e¡0.5 is an (r2 = 0.97 vs. r2 = 0.95, respectively). Additionally, a
exponential function, ln is the command to perform a nor- noticeable discrepancy was revealed in the standard error of
mal logarithmic procedure, and X is the second for which the estimate between models, with the non-linear model
the relative power output is being determined. Following reporting an error of »10% (SEE = 0.56 W kg¡1) when
regression analyses, the predicted Wnal 10 s were combined compared to an error of »15% (SEE = 0.75 W kg¡1) of the
with the observed 20-WAT data (20-WAT+10) recorded in linear model observed within the measured population.
the cross-validation group to demonstrate the validity and Consequently, the non-linear regression model was
applicability of the derived equation to a target population. employed to validate and cross-validate the 20-WAT ver-
ANOVAs were performed to identify signiWcant diVer- sus 30-WAT.

Table 1 Mean anaerobic power

Variable 30-WAT 20-WAT P DiVerence
and capacity for 20-WAT and
Mean § SEM Mean § SEM (%)
30-WAT (N = 50)
Peak power (W kg¡1) 6.8 § 0.2 6.7 § 0.2 0.54 1.5
Mean power (W kg¡1) 4.5 § 0.1 5.0 § 0.2 0.01* 10.0
Fatigue index (%) 58.3 § 1.7 46.1 § 1.7 <0.01* 20.9
* SigniWcant at P < 0.05 level

648 Eur J Appl Physiol (2007) 100:645–651

Fig. 1 Average relative power (N =50)

outputs of all subjects (N = 50) 7.0
between 20-WAT and 30-WAT






20-WAT 30-WAT
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Predicted versus observed MP and FI and the slope and intercept in the equation were signiW-
cantly diVerent from zero (P < 0.001).
The relative power outputs of the 20-WAT+10 compared to The mean relative power outputs recorded during the 20-
the observed relative power outputs of the 30-WAT for all WAT+10 as well as the 30-WAT, their respective P values,
35 subjects in the validation group (Fig. 2) was modeled and percent diVerences are presented in Table 2. MANOVA
and curve Wtted for all individuals in a three parameter, indicated no signiWcant main eVect for the Wilks’ Lambda
peak, log-normal equation (Y20WAT+10 = 31.4697 e¡0.5 [ln rank variable (F3,80 = 0.182; P = 0.909; n ¡  = 0.082)
(Xsecond/1174.3961)/2.63692]). The model was signiWcant between a 20-WAT+10 and 30-WAT.

Fig. 2 Average relative power (N = 35)

outputs of the validation group 7.0
(N = 35) between 20-WAT+10
and 30-WAT 6.5








30-WAT 20-WAT+10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Table 2 Mean anaerobic power and capacity for the 20-WAT+10 and the 30-WAT in the validation group (N = 35)
Variable 30-WAT Mean § SEM 20-WAT+10 Mean § SEM P DiVerence (%)

Peak power (W kg¡1) 6.6 § 0.2 6.6 § 0.2 0.75 0.0

Mean power (W kg¡1) 4.3 § 0.1 4.4 § 0.1 0.71 2.3
Fatigue index (%) 59.4 § 1.7 57.5 § 1.2 0.20 3.3
No values were signiWcantly diVerent at the P < 0.05 level

Eur J Appl Physiol (2007) 100:645–651 649

Table 3 Mean anaerobic power and capacity for the 20-WAT+10 and the 30-WAT in the cross-validation group (N = 15)
Variable 30-WAT Mean § SEM 20-WAT+10 Mean § SEM P DiVerence (%)

Peak power (W kg¡1) 6.9 § 0.2 7.1 § 0.3 0.06 2.9

Mean power (W kg ) 4.6 § 0.2 4.6 § 0.2 0.58 0.0
Fatigue index (%) 55.4 § 2.4 58.2 § 1.7 0.08 4.9
No values were signiWcantly diVerent at the P < 0.05 level

The mean observed and predicted relative power outputs FI observed during the 30-WAT trials, with 93% of all
for the 20-WAT+10 as well as the 30-WAT in the cross- observations falling within the §2SD limits of agreement.
validation group, their respective P values, and percent
diVerences are presented in Table 3. Furthermore, ANO-
VAs indicated no signiWcant diVerences between relative Discussion
PP outputs, relative MP outputs, or FI between the two pro-
tocols in the cross-validation group (Fig. 3). The 30-WAT has been shown to be highly reliable and
Figures 4, 5 illustrate the limits of agreement (§2SD) as applicable in a wide variety of settings, having test–retest
determined by the Bland–Altman method of comparison. reliability of 0.90–0.97 (Bar-Or 1987; Bar-Or et al. 1977;
Predicted values of MP and FI demonstrated acceptable Kaczkowski et al. 1982; Vandewalle et al. 1987b). The
agreement when compared to the actual values of MP and 30-WAT has been used to evaluate anaerobic performance

Fig. 3 Average relative power (N = 15)

outputs of the cross-validation 7.0
group (N = 15) between
20-WAT+10 and 30-WAT 6.5








30-WAT 20-WAT+10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Fig. 4 Bland–Altman plots of (N = 15)

relative mean power outputs 2.0
Observed Difference Between Protocols

illustrating the upper and lower 1.8

levels of agreement (dashed 1.4
lines) between 30-WAT and 1.2
20-WAT+10 1.0
3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0
Mean Power (W·kg-1)

650 Eur J Appl Physiol (2007) 100:645–651

Fig. 5 Bland–Altman plots of (N = 15)

fatigue index illustrating the 24.0
upper and lower levels of 22.0

Observed Difference Between Protocols

agreement (dashed lines) 20.0
between 30-WAT and 18.0
20-WAT+10 16.0
45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 70.0
Fatigue Index (%)

among children, adolescents, and adults with activity levels of relative power outputs and attain similar relative MP out-
ranging from sedentary to athletic (Bar-Or 1987; Groussard puts and FI values observed during a traditional 30-WAT
et al. 2003; Mastrangelo et al. 2004; Van Someren and with the use of the derived non-linear regression equation.
Palmer 2003; Vincent et al. 2004). However, the limitations
and applicability of the WAT to a variety of populations, Comparison of the 20-WAT versus the 30-WAT
including high-level athletes, has been well documented in
other studies (Beneke et al. 2002; Medbø and Tabata, As seen in Figs. 1, 2, 3, each subject achieved maximal
1993). Additionally, detrimental physical side eVects have power output within the initial 5 s of the anaerobic bouts.
been documented, and may constitute a threat to optimal This was followed by a gradual decline in relative power, as
subject compliance (Maud and Schultz 1989; Ulmer 1996). expected, throughout the remainder of the test, resulting in a
Abbreviation of the 30-WAT without loss of data could minimal power output during the Wnal 5 s, as observed in
potentially ensure subject compliance while maintaining earlier studies (Ansley et al. 2004; Bar-Or 1987; Calbet et al.
test applicability (Marquardt et al. 1993; Smith and Hill 2003; Gastin 2001; Granier et al. 1995; Murphy et al. 1986;
1991). Therefore, the purpose of this study was to quantify Smith and Hill 1991; Vandewalle et al. 1987a). The lack of
the validity of and, subsequently, cross-validate the 20- signiWcant diVerence in PP reported in this study indicates
WAT versus 30-WAT. that similar eVort was demonstrated over both trials.
As expected, results from this study indicate an abbrevi- Despite similar relative power outputs observed during
ated version of the 30-WAT produced signiWcantly diVer- the Wrst 20 s of both trials, signiWcant diVerences were
ent relative MP outputs and FI values. In the study by observed between the overall relative MP outputs and FI
Marquardt et al. (1993), average power output (PO) from values between the two protocols, as would be expected.
seconds 15–20 during 20-WAT was apparently correlated While lactate and acidity were not directly assessed in the
with PO from seconds 15–20 during 30 WAT instead of PO current study, it is plausible that these by-products poten-
from seconds 25–30, which did not enable the computation tially associated with fatigue may have diVered between tri-
of FI during 30-WAT. In a study by Vandewalle et al. als and consequently aVected performance. However, it is
(1987a), the correlation coeYcient between velocity at 20 strongly emphasized that without measures, any conclu-
and 30 s was lower than the correlation coeYcient between sions as such would be speculative at best.
MP (0.882 vs. 0.989) although these velocities were mea-
sured during the same exercise. In the present study, the Validity of the 20-WAT+10 versus the 30-WAT
fatigue indices (FI) corresponding to 20-WAT+10 and 30-
WAT were calculated for exercises performed on separate Following the derivation of the non-linear regression equa-
days. Nevertheless, the diVerences between FI were only tion, predicted power output and FI values resulted in simi-
3.3 and 4.9% (Tables 2, 3 for the validation and cross vali- lar relative MP outputs and FI values between the 20-
dation studies, respectively) although the test–retest corre- WAT+10 and the 30-WAT in the validation and cross vali-
lation coeYcients in the literature are low for the fatigue dation groups (Figs. 1, 2). Both PP and MP values from the
index. Consequently, it is possible to predict the Wnal 10 s 20-WAT+10 and 30-WAT met or exceeded the test–retest

Eur J Appl Physiol (2007) 100:645–651 651

reliability values previously reported with respect to power Bar-Or O (1987) The Wingate anaerobic test: an update on methodol-
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