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Most healthy adults can get an adequate amount of micronutrients from a balanced diet, but there are
some common nutrient deficiencies that affect certain populations.

These include:

Vitamin D: Approximately 77% of Americans are deficient in vitamin D, mostly due to lack of sun
exposure (43Trusted Source).

Vitamin B12: Vegans and vegetarians may develop vitamin B12 deficiency from refraining from animal
products. Elderly individuals are also at risk due to decreased absorption with age (44Trusted Source,
45Trusted Source).

Vitamin A: The diets of women and children in developing countries often lack adequate vitamin A
(46Trusted Source).

Iron: Deficiency of this mineral is common among preschool children, menstruating women and vegans
(47Trusted Source, 48Trusted Source).

Calcium: Close to 22% and 10% of men and women over 50, respectively, don’t get enough calcium
(49Trusted Source).

The signs, symptoms and long-term effects of these deficiencies depend on each nutrient but can be
detrimental to the proper functioning of your body and optimal health.

Difficiences may lead to negative issues.

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