SHS Applied Economics Rubric For Papers

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SHS Applied Economics Rubric for Papers

Criteria Exceeds Standards (90-100) Meets Standards (80-89) Progressing to Does Not Meet GRADE
Standards(60-79) Standards (0-59)
Introduction, Intro provides context for Intro provides some Intro partially Intro provides no
thesis, and the context for the rest of the manifests little context
conclusion rest of the paper, thesis is paper, thesis is implicitly context for the for the paper,
(30%) explicit and clear, conclusion stated but clear, paper, thesis is thesis is
recasts thesis and provides conclusion reiterates implicit and hard not explicit or not
cohesion to whole paper; thesis with little to find, conclusion present, conclusion
Presents economic acknowledgement of rest makes does
reasoning in accurately of paper; Presents little reference to not refer to thesis
economic reasoning but thesis and
not in an organized does not add to
manner cohesion
of paper
Review of Review of related literature Review of related Review of related Difficult for reader
related is literature could be literature unclear to
literature clearly and succinctly moreclear and succinct; andhaphazard, know which text is
(20%) summarized,containing not all important points summaries being
important points about the about the paper were provide too much discussed, OR
paper. mentioned or too summaries are
little information insufficient
Synthesis Well-selected points of Points of comparison/ Little connection No connection is
(20%) comparison and/or departure could be more between made
departure selective and explicit texts, similarities/ between texts, no
among the texts, clearly although the reader can differences seem to similarities or
explained relationships see how the texts are be differences are
among the texts that related; Identifies relevant randomly selected, noted,
support government policies difficult for the the reader cannot
thesis; Analyzes and reader to see
evaluates government see how the texts how the texts are
policies related to the issue are related,
of the paper; Issues are related is more summary
insightful than
Organization Logical order of summaries Order of summaries and
Sequence of Paragraphs seem to
and and synthesis, transition synthesis could be better
summary and be
coherence sentences and cohesion organized, some synthesizing points out of order and
(20%) markers used effectively transition makes haphazard, no
throughout paper sentences and cohesion
sense in some of transition
markers are used butthe paper sentences or
could be more effective
but not all, cohesion
transition markers are used
sentences and
markers are rarely
Mechanics Impeccable spelling, Very few errors in Several errors in Many errors in
and citations grammar, word order, word spelling, grammar, word spelling, spelling,
(10%) usage, and punctuation; usage, and punctuation; grammar, word grammar, word
proper citation of texts few errors in citations order, order,
word usage, word usage,
punctuation, punctuation,
and citation and citations

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