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Industrial Analysis

Personal selling/ Direct Selling

 It is the most important, the most effective and the most costly form of promotion. It is the best
means of oral or face to face direct communication.
 We are selling it directly to the customers because we are putting up a dessert stall, otherwise we can
talk to them directly and promote our product so that they will know other information about it.
Because of this we can get the customers suggestions and opinion that would help us to improve our

 Graham Truffles offers different flavor coatings and toppings which is according to the customers
preference. We are not just offering Graham balls which is very common to people. We add
something new that can attract customers to buy it.
 The graham truffles are made up of crushed grahams, mixed with condense milk and roll it until it
turns like a ball. To choose a flavor, there are different coatings which are chocolate, vanilla,
strawberry, dark chocolate and green tea. Customers may also choose their preferred toppings like
sprinkles, mini marshmallows, mini kisses chocolate and crushed oreo.

 The price of the product is very affordable. The proponents will adopt a competitive pricing for the
product. Every piece of graham truffles cost Php 8.00, to add the flavor it will cost Php 10.00 and
together with toppings it will be Php 12.00 each. We also offer per box which is 12 pcs inside of it
with complete assorted flavors and toppings which cost Php 140.00

 The Graham Truffles Dip stall will be reaching the target customer in Aquinas University of Legazpi
and it will be located at the AUL lobby. We are targeting the students who are just sitting and
spending their vacant time at the lobby and other customers walking beside the stall.
 Word of mouth from the satisfied consumers is one effective technique in promoting the product.
Thus, the business will be assured of good promotion.
 To further inform the people about the product, flyers will be distributed to the target market. The
proponents will also provide print ads for the product promotion.

Word of Mouth
 One of the most effective in promoting a business is the “word of mouth”. Because it is the passing
of information from person to person by oral communication which could be simple as telling
someone the time of day. Through this we can promote our business by directly communicating or
talking to the customers. So that without spending money in promoting the business we can introduce
the product to customers and help us spread information to them.

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