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Alhamdulillah. All praise was due to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala who has

given me strength, health, ability, knowledge, and patience in writing this thesis.

May Allah’s peace and blessing the researcher address to our prophet Muhammad

Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam who has guided human being from darkness to the


The researcher deeply thanks was indebted to Misnar, MA as my first

supervisor who always supporting me in every conditions. She always teaching

the researcher to make this thesis completed. She always give the researcher some

advice to finished this thesis. My big thanks also goes to Misnawati M.Pd, as

second supervisors for their continuous and valuable guidance, advice, and

encouragement and their kindness to researcher in guiding and conducting this

thesis. She always correct the researchers’ thesis if the researcher did wrong.

My special thanks addressed to the head of English Department Dr. Silvi

Listia Dewi, M,Pd and to all lectures of English Study Program in Almuslim

University who have taught and given the knowledge to researcher. My

gratefullnes to Misnawati M.Pd as the secretary of English Department who

always support me.

Furthermore, the researcher would like to express the greatest thanks to

my lovely mother, Nurasma and my beloved father, Ismail, for their loves and

prayers for me and in providing all the things that the researcher need for my

study until the researcher can finish my thesis. The greatest thanks to my sister,
Novita Sari, and my older cousin, Asnidar S.Pd. Thank you for their kindness,

encouragement, and motivation, the researcher will not forget it forever.

Furthermore, the special thank the researcher addressed to my best friends, depril,

vivi, tya, yuni, jasmani, rahmi, who have given countless beneficial experience

and admirable memories.

The researcher addressed thank also go to the principal and the English

teacher of MAN 3 Bireuen for allowing me to conduct the research at their

institution and for giving their contribution while the researcher was carrying out

the research there.

Last but no least, the researcher thank all of people who cannot be

mentioned one by one, who helped me in writing this thesis. The researcher would

like to suggest the readers to contribute their comment, suggestion, and advice in

rectifying the errors in this thesis, so that it will lead the thesis to meet its


May Allah bless them all forever, Amin ya Rabbal A’lamin.

Matangglumpangdua, september, 2019


The title of this thesis is The Use of Lesson Study to Increase the
Students’ Reading Comprehension for the First Year Students’ of Man 3 Bireuen.
From the title above, the researcher found some problems in the classroom while
teaching and learning process, students did not know how to comprehend the text,
the students were lack in Reading comprehension, the students did not look active
in learning Reading, the teacher do not used new couching in teaching learning
process, the way of teaching are monotonous, the material given by teacher not up
to date. So, the researcher put a problem of this research with the question as
follows : How does the lesson study increase the reading comprehension for the
first year students of MAN 3 Bireuen ?. Based on the research problems, the
purposes of this research were: To find out the lesson study can increase reading
comprehension for the first year students of MAN 3 Bireuen. This research was a
lesson study that was done in one meeting. The research subject was the first year
students of MAN 3 Bireuen. The sample of this research was 26 students. The
data was collected through the observation sheet, reading test. The data was
analyzed through qualitative descriptive approach in conducting the research. The
procedures of lesson study: plan, do, see. After the researcher was done all the
steps of action the students’ means score was 86.5 and it meets the criteria. The
finding of the research also showed that lesson study can increase the students’
Reading comprehension, it was showed from the result of students’ mastery
reading test. lesson study build a culture of collaborative learning in classroom as
the learning community

Key Words : Reading, Lesson Study


I certify that this thesis entitled “The Use of Lesson Study to Increase the

Students’ Reading Comprehension for the First Year Students’ of Man 3

Bireuen” and submitted for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan is the result of my

own research except where otherwise acknowledged, and that this thesis has not

been submitted for a Sarjana to any other university.

Name : Megawati

Signature :

Date :

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