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Hannah King-Guffey


Annotated Bibliography Assignment

Sichone, V. “Figure 2f from: Irimia R, Gottschling M (2016) Taxonomic Revision of

Rochefortia Sw. (Ehretiaceae, Boraginales). Biodiversity Data Journal 4: e7720.
Https://” Prevalence of Hepatitis B Virus, HIV and
HBVCoinfection and Associated Factors in Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Care at the
University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka, Zambia, 2019, doi:10.3897/bdj.4.e7720.figure2f.

This journal is a descriptive and well written paper that helps describe the severity that diseases
such as HIV have on communities. This journal explains the prevalence of diseases in Zambia
and the methods used on studies they did to analyze the significance HIV has on the country.
This journal would be helpful in a paper because HIV is extremely prevalent in Africa. Including
a section on the importance of testing and progress being made in Zambia regarding diseases
would be especially helpful for explaining the country’s different obstacles.

Onishi, Norimitsu. “Climate Change Hits Hard in Zambia, an African Success Story.” New York
Times, 12 Apr. 2016,

Another obstacle that Zambia faces is Climate Change. Drought, electricity shortages (from dry
dams), dying crops and animals, and thirty people is creating damaging effects. This article
explains how badly Zambia is being affected by climate change and focuses on the lack of water.
This article includes details on the ripple effect that the high head and little water has. It goes
into detail about how drying dams cause little fish for the people to eat and shut downs in
electricity (blackouts).
This article would be extremely helpful in a research paper because it includes great examples of
how Zambia is being impacted by the weather. I believe it would add good in-depth problems
along with specific plausible solutions.

Naipaul, Shaiva. North of the South: An African Journey . Penguin Group, 1978.

This book is a good example of the struggles of work and jobs in Zambia and a few other
countries in Africa. Although it was written a while ago, it describes the challenges of living
sustainably in an undeveloped continent. It describes the power of the white man and the
difficulties gaining permits or having a lot term job.
This book would be a great example of the obstacles of living in Zambia. It explains that along
with other difficulties they are faces with these people also have the challenges of earning money
that helps keeps them fed, clothed, and housed.
Chongo, Clarence (2016) "A Good Measure of Sacrifice: Aspects of Zambia’s Contribution to
the Liberation Wars in Southern Africa, 1964-1975," Zambia Social Science Journal: Vol. 6 :
No. 1 , Article 3.

This journal examines the important aspects of Zambia’s contribution to the liberation wars in
southern Africa. It discusses the challenges of race and the affect it has had on wars. Along with
race it explains the economic challenges that many Zambians face, as well as the countries
pollical issues.
While covering a variety of issues it discusses solutions. Including the struggles and solutions in
a research paper adds a lot of information that is intriguing to the reader. I would like to
especially focus on the wars Zambia has faced and the outcomes of these wars.

Guldbrandsen, Christopher, director. Stealing Africa: How Much Profit Is Fair?--Why

Poverty?Stealing Africa, 28 Nov. 2012.

This documentary is about the filmmaker investigating the mining corporation Glencore
and its control of copper in Zambia. It discusses the abundance of copper in Zambia
and how corporations are taking all of it’s income leaving Zambia’s country still poor.
While Zambia is in the top 20 poorest countries in the world, copper in Zambia has
produced over 29 billion dollars.
This film would be a good source for this documentary because it shows yet another
obstacle this country faces; poverty. I believe being able to incorporate the challenges
regarding corporations and their unfair use of the countries resources is a good
example of how Zambia is continuing to be stuck in poverty.

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